5 | dumbledore's army

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It was always one step forward and two steps back. Although Abigail knew it was her fault that this was the case, she couldn't help it when her insecurities taunted her and the jealousy took over and made her say things she didn't really mean. She was just afraid of getting hurt and pushing people away was always a full-proof plan to avoid it. Well, most of the time.

The next few weeks were an eventful one. Neville had found the Room of Requirement and the room was perfect for them to practice in. Hermione set up Galleons with dates on them so they would know when each meeting was.

Umbridge had been cracking down on teacher and student performance and trying to make sure they were maintaining ministry standards. If you asked Abigail, there was absolutely no way they would pass their O.W.Ls at the rate they were going now.

"Just one question," Umbridge spoke up in Potions as Snape was observing the students make their potions, "You've been in this post how long, exactly?"

"Fourteen years," he answered simply.

"You applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, is that correct?"


"But you were unsuccessful?"


"That'll be all," Umbridge concluded before walking out of the room.

Ron laughed as soon as she was gone and Snape responded by whacking him upside the head with a book.

For the rest of the teachers, most observations had gone about as well as Snape's. That is excluding Professor Trelawney.

"Could you please predict something for me?" Umbridge requested.

"I'm sorry?" Trelawney replied.

"One teensy little prophecy?" she tried and Trelawney looked frantic. "Pity."

"No, wait," she shouted at the retreating women, "I think I do see something. Yes, I do. Something dark. You are in grave danger."

Umbridge smiled at this, "Lovely."

As for how lessons were going, Abigail was actually happy with progress that had been made. Despite the fact that things between Abigail and Harry had been awkward since the conversation after the last Hogsmaede trip, they managed to remain professional during sessions.

"Expelliarmus!" Neville shouted and his wand flew out of his hand. "I'm hopeless."

Abigail shook her head before summoning his wand back, "You're just flourishing your wand too much." She took a step back from him and held her own wand up, "Try it like this." He watched her as she aimed the wand at his, "Expelliarmus."

His wand flew from his hand and Abigail summoned it back again. She caught it and walked over to him, "Try it again."

Abigail walked a distance away and Neville focused as he spoke, "Expelliarmus."

His wand went flying through the air again and he groaned, "It's alright. We'll get it soon enough."

"Hey, everyone," Harry spoke up but no one seemed to hear, "Can I have your attention?"

Abigail looked around to see that nobody heard or they were choosing to ignore him. She placed her thumb and forefinger into her mouth and whistled loudly, grabbing everyone's attention as the sound echoed throughout the room.

"Harry would like your attention," Abigail explained as she gestured to the other side of the room where he stood.

"We'll come back to disarming another time but right now I would like to work on stunning," he explained. "Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. It's a wizard's bread and butter, really."

"Abigail and I will demonstrate for you what we'll be doing," he explained and Abigail walked to the opposite end of the room.

They both counted to three in their head and Abigail was quick to act, "Stupefy."

Harry unfroze after a moment and looked around at everyone, "Give it your best shot. We'll be going in pairs."

Abigail and Harry stepped off to the side and Harry whispered to her, "You couldn't have just let me have that one?"

She raised an eyebrow as she glanced at him, "Does that seem like something I would do?"

"Good point."

Ron and Hermione stepped forward for their turn. Ron turned to Hermione, "Don't worry. I'll go easy on you."

She smiled as he walked to the opposite end, "Thanks, Ronald."

The crowd was split between who should win and they shouted for who they wanted. The twins decided to bet on their brother.

"One Sickle."

"You're on."

"Stupefy!" Hermione shouted with ease and Ron was stunned before he even raised his wand.

"Thank you," George said as Fred placed the coin in his brother's hand.

"Shut up."

"I let her do that," Ron shrugged as he walked over to a group of boys, "It's good manners, isn't it?" He looked over at the girls who surrounded a grinning Hermione, "It was completely intentional."


"Cho," Harry spoke, "What's going on?"

"It's Professor Trelawney."

"Sixteen years I've lived and taught here," Professor Trelawney trembled, "Hogwarts is my home. You can't do this."

"Actually, I can," Umbridge countered and McGonagall took a step forward. "Something you'd like to say?"

"Oh, there are several things I would like to say," McGonagall scowled as she helped Trelawney with her things, "There..."

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?" Dumbeldore's voice boomed across the courtyard.

"Sybil, dear," McGonagall smiled, "This way."

"Thank you," she smiled and they made their way inside, Professor Flitwick following behind as he levitated her luggage.

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of the Educational Decree Number..."

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers," he pointed out, "You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster."

"For now."

"Now, focus on a fixed point and try again," Abigail suggested as she worked with Neville on his disarming.

"Expelliarmus," he shouted and he missed but this time he didn't lose his wand or hit another object.

"A little higher and I think you'll have it," she suggested.

"Expelliarmus," Neville shouted and Abigail grinned at the look of excitement on his face as her wand flew from her hand.

"Fantastic, Neville," Harry congratulated upon seeing his success, "Well done, man."

He made his way to the head of the room, "So that's it for this lesson." Everyone in the room turned to face him and put their wands away, "Now, we're not gonna be meeting again until after the holidays. So just keep practicing on your own as best you can. And well done, everyone. Great, great work."

"Well done, mate," Dean nodded as he left the room.


"See you after Christmas," someone else stated as they left as well.

"Merry Christmas."

There was a chorus of these to both Abigail and Harry as they awaited the last people to leave.

"We've been thinking," George stated, "We could always slip Umbridge some Puking Pastilles."

"Or Fever Fudge," Fred suggested, "They give you massive, pus-filled boils..."

"Sounds great, guys," Harry nodded and the twins left the room.

"I told you that you would make a great teacher," Abigail pointed out, "You didn't need me after all."

"Oh, please," he shook his head, "This would have fallen apart without your help."

Abigail smiled and looked back at Cho who was clearly waiting for Harry, "I'll leave you to it."


"I'll see you in the common room," she spoke quickly before she exited the room in a timely manner.

She entered through the portrait and joined Hermione and Ron by the fire.

"Where's Harry?" Hermione questioned.

"He's talking to Cho," she answered. "I'm going to head to bed. I'm tired and it's been a long day but I'll see you in the morning."

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