7 | mungo's

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They all flooded into the hospital room almost as soon as they had arrived. Arthur beamed, "Hello, everyone."

"How are you feeling?" Abigail asked.

"Could be a lot worse," he replied.

The Weasley's all took their turns greeting their father and telling them how worried they were.

"Tonks and Moody are outside and would like to speak to your father," Mrs. Weasley announced, "Why don't you all get tea?"

They all nodded and left the room quickly. Ginny, Fred and George chose to stay behind and the other four went off to find where tea would be.

"I think it's the fourth floor," Harry explained as they made their way to the elevator.

"Woah, Harry, is that...?" Ron trailed off.

"Professor Lockhart," Harry finished.

"Professor who?" Abigail asked as a blonde haired and blue eyed man approached her.

"You must want my autograph, don't you?" he spoke up. "Everyone seems to want it, although I'm not sure why. Probably the good looks."

"I haven't the slightest clue who you are," Abigail stated as the man tried to give her a picture of himself and she declined.

"Neither does he," Harry pointed out.

Abigail turned to him in confusion, "Sorry?"

"In our second year he tried to perform a memory spell on Ron and I using Ron's broken wand and it backfired. He erased the entirety of his memory."

"Visitors!" a nurse exclaimed as she approached them. "He doesn't get very many of those. And during the holiday too!"

"Oh, no, we're actually-" Abigail began but stopped. The group exchanged looks but followed the nurse nevertheless.

"A dozen autographs!" he suggested, "Enough for each of you and your friends."

"For someone who doesn't know who he is, he sure is fond of himself," Abigail commented as they entered a room with a few other permanent guests.

Most were blocked off by curtains but others were out in the open.

"Does that plant look familiar to you?" Abigail asked Ron who looked over at it and shook his head.

Abigail frowned as she looked at the plant in confusion. There was definitely something off about it, however she had no idea what that would be.

"Ms. Longbottom, leaving already?" the nurse inquired and both Abigail and Harry looked over at this.

They exchanged a look and made to distract the other two but Ron had already noticed.

"Neville!" he shouted. "What are you doing here?"

He seemed embarrassed as he stood by his grandmother and just smiled awkwardly.

"You should not be embarrassed of your parents for having survived the Cruciatus Curse as they did," his grandmother scolded, "You should be proud to be their son."

"I am proud," Neville protested.

"Neville!" his mother shouted from behind the curtain and she stepped out, her hand held outward for him.

"Oh, not again," his grandmother mumbled.

Neville put his hand out and his mother dropped a gum wrapper into it before waddling back into the closed off area. Neville smiled tightly at the group of them and walked off with his grandmother not saying anymore.

"I didn't know about his parents," Ron frowned.

"Neither did I," Hermione agreed before the two looked up at Abigail and Harry.

"I knew. Dumbledore told me," Harry explained.

Abigail simply pointed to her head with a frown, "No one really had to tell me."

"We really should be going," Hermione informed the nurse, "We have places to be." The nurse nodded and they all said a quick goodbye to the former professor before making their way to get tea.


"Merry Christmas," Arthur spoke as Molly helped him take a seat at the head of the table.

"Sit down, everybody, sit down," Molly suggested, "That's it. Now, presents."

"And a nice big box for Ron," she mumbled as she passed around her presents for them, "Big box for you. And...Fred and George. Come on, open up. I want to see your faces."

"Yes," she smiled as they all opened their presents to reveal the usual Christmas sweater, "Try it on."

"Thanks, Mum," Ron smiled, "It's perfect."

"Just what he wanted, actually," Fred commented.

Everyone else passed out their presents for each other and they each opened their gifts in front of each other. Hermione had got both Ron and Harry planners that reminded them out loud to do their work.

"What happened to skiing with your parents?" Abigail inquired as the two swapped presents.

"I told my parents that I needed to head back early so I could study," Hermione explained. "I wanted to be here with you guys. Besides, skiing has never been my thing."

"Come on, then, everybody," Molly suggested, "Let's clear this away."

"A Christmas toast," Arthur announced once everyone had their drink, "To Harry and Abby...without whom I would not be here."

"Harry and Abby," everyone cheered.

The remainder of Christmas went as suspected. People from the Order dropped in to see Mr. Weasley and to wish everyone a nice holiday. Mundungus had shown up, drunk of course, to ask Abigail if the potion he had given her worked.

"Oh, yes," Abigail nodded, "It worked wonders. I feel much better now."

"Good to know, if you need more, you know here to find me."

"Of course," she smiled and he waddled away, her father taking his place.

"I thought we were close enough that you would tell me everything," Lupin stated and Abigail grew confused at this.

"You knew Mundungus gave me the drink, you took it from me."

"No, not that," he shook his head. "You and Harry."

Abigail almost spat out her butterbeer at this. She wiped at her mouth as she swallowed, "Sorry?"

"Sirius was just telling me about Harry's predicament. He had assumed you had already mentioned something to me."

"As far as I know, there is no predicament. We were...something. And then I messed it up, it's fairly simple really," she shrugged. "He's with Cho now."

"Ah, yes, the girl who was crying while they kissed."

Abigail choked down a laugh, "She was crying?" She placed her drink down on the table, "I mean I knew she was still upset about Cedric, anyone could see that. But you would think she would be able to keep it together long enough to kiss a boy."

"You seem unopposed to the concept of Harry kissing another girl."

"I will admit, at first I was a little upset about it but that's what put me in this situation. If this is what he wants...well, he deserves to be happy."

Lupin laughed at this, "Sometimes I forget how mature you can be."

"It's kind of my thing," she replied, bowing jokingly.

"Well, if it's any consolation," Lupin spoke up, "I don't think he's wholeheartedly into Cho. I think she's just a distraction."

"And you're a relationship expert now?" she inquired. "Have you even asked Tonks out yet or is that still out of the question?"

"Nevermind that," he shrugged, "Have some fun, okay?" He started to walk away, "Just not too much fun."

Abigail rolled her eyes as she walked over to where her friends sat. "I can't understand why you don't want to wear it, Ronald," Hermione exclaimed.

"I look like a bloody idiot," he pointed out, "That's why."

"No more than usual," she replied.

"You okay?" Harry asked when he saw Abigail sitting with them.

"Just tired is all," she smiled reassuringly, "It's been quite the week."

He nodded in response before he rejoined the conversation that everyone was having. Lupin suggested that she keep what happened the night they left Hogwarts to herself so the only people who knew were those in the Order, herself and Hermione. Who she had already informed that it was not to be brought up anytime soon.

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