Part 1: Melodrama and Real Tragedy

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Omkara Singh Oberoi was walking down the hall after he miraculously escaped Roshni Raheja's grip thinking: "Meri Jaan never behaved like that before! Why did she fling when Shivaay asked her to join Mr. Abhimanyu Raheja to launch the new phone company? Why did she have to flee like that and risk our reputation in front of the whole world? Why did she seem so afraid of Mr. Abhimanyu Raheja?! Isn't she his biggest fan?....Nahi! Something doesn't add up and I won't rest until I know what is going on behind my back! I really tried to run after her but this Roshni Raheja glued herself to me! Man, I fuckin' hate that woman! Every time I try to escape, she assembles the media around us to keep me bound to her! Chaloo, at least she has Anika by her side......."

Omkara's walk was interrupted by Rudy and Bhavya. They called out his name but Omkara was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't  notice their presence nor heard their voices so Rudy hit Omkie's shoulder  shouting: "Why are you so lost, dude? Where are you running off to?

"To my room. Actually, I am looking for Gauri. Have you seen her?" Omkara exclaimed.

"Yes, Om Bhaia. She is with Anika. I am sure they are gossiping about you and Shivay bhaia as we speak!" Bhavya replied with a smile that was visibly fake.

"Nahi, Bhavya. I know Ri." Om said with a concerned face, "Meri Jaan won't run off like that!  I fear something wrong must have happened."

"Aryee Om! Why are you so sensitive about everything? " Rudy replied sarcastically. "I'm sure it's nothing. She must be doing that to  grab your attention to make you follow her around like the idiot that u are! Seriously O! you have totally became your wife's slave! Why do you have to do whatever she wants you to do?! Learn a thing or two from your little brother!"

Bhavya interrupted Rudy's good-for-nothing convo saying: "Aryee, Om Bhaia. Stop wasting your time with this Man-Child! We were actually looking for you."

"We were?" Rudy exclaimed. "Yes, we were!" Bhavya replied giving Rudy her police walla scary look that bechare Rudy feared most in life  so he kept quite allowing her to say whatever she wanted to say.

 "Om Bhaia, you left the exhibition and your guests are asking for you."Bhavya told Om.

"Aryee, ha! " Rudy cried loudly, "Come on, man! Who flees his own exhibition? Isn't that your life's work?

"Okay, guys. Just give me on minute. I will just go and see Ri real quick then see those guests and do whatever you want me to do." Om said that to Ruvya while attempting to run off.

But just before he could manage to, Bhavya winked to Rudy and Rudy began crying and shouting. "What is wrong, Rudy?" Om exclaimed.

"My stomach, Om. It hurts......It hurts very much. Would you mind taking me to my room?" Rudy shouted.

"Aryee, but....SURE.....Allow me..." Om replied then he took Rudy  down the hall to his room.


Finally reaching Rudy's room, Omkara helped Rudy  to sit on his bed. "What did you eat, man? Should I call the doctor?" Om exclaimed.

"Nahi, O. No need for a doctor" Rudy replied, "I was busy at the party so I didn't eat anything since morning."

"Tell you what? Why don't I ask Raheem to bring you some food and...." Om asked thinking he can send him the servant while he can go to see his devastated wife but before he could finish his sentence; Rudy began his over-dramtic avatar full on shouting and fake rona dona saying: 

"I can't believe  this! Please God, have mercy on me! How can I handle such huge betrayal?! My brother outta of all people!....."

"Aryee Rudy, Stop overreacting, yaar! What have I done?!"  Om interrupted his speech.

"Aghhhhhh! He is asking  me what he has done! " Rudy cried, "Please, come and save me mother from these inhuman souls! You know what? I'm so done with you! I'm so done with life! Please just do me a favor? Just cover me and cry!

"Rudy! Just cut the crap, okay? I don't have time for all of this. Either you tell me what is going on or I leave right now!" Om replied with a serious face.

Since Rudy knew his brother really well, he was sure that Om has reached his limit and if he didn't say something relevant real quick, Om will run away to see Gauri then Shivaay will scold him because for whatever reason Shivaay strictly ordered him to keep Omkara away from Gauri so he replied resuming his usual shouting and fake rona dona: "What kind of brothers are you? Your brother is dying from pain here and you just wanna send the servant to run after your wife?! Am I not your little brother? Don't you care just a little about my well being?"

"You know I do Rudy but..." Om replied, "Okay, tell me what do you want me to do?"

"Go and make me something to eat. What else?" Rudy replied smiling at Om.

"Make?!" Om exclaimed, "Rudy! U know I don't have time! Why can't I tell the servant to make you some food?"

"Again, the servant?! I'm in pain, yaar! How can I eat whatever the servant serves to me?! I don't trust the servants." Rudy cried, "Come on, Om! you know if I asked Bhavya, she will just bring me uncooked eggs and Shivaay ran off God knows where so that leaves you meri pyaari bhai. Please, don't refuse the last request I might have in life....."

"Aghhhhh....Okay....Going!" Om said with a smile, "Have I ever refused a request from my OTT little brother?

Rudy smiled back at Om thinking about how successful he was at distracting Om and said "Good boy! I will just wait here then. Don't be late, Omkara Ji!"


Omkara was in the kitchen preparing that meal for Rudy thinking to himself that there is something fishy going on. "Why do I have these ajeeb feelings? Why do I feel that something bad happened? Why do I feel that all of them are trying to hide something really important from me? What if something was seriously wrong with Ri?What if Rudy was just faking this illness just to prevent me from seeing her?" All these troubling thoughts that were hitting Omkara were interrupted by the sound of a broken vase as it hit the ground nearby followed by a woman shouting: "Let go of me, you filthy piece of shit!"

Omkara came closer to sneak a peak on what is going on but he was stunned at what he saw! He saw the so called "Respected actor Abhimanyu Raheja" trying to molest a woman he saw in the exhibition earlier. The poor woman was trying so hard to save herself when Abhimanyu told her with his eyes full of lust: "Why are you resisting me, love? I'm never letting you go before I get what I want! Hot chicks are my weakness and you my dear are very hot!"

Om was filled with rage thinking how dare this jerk do that under their clean roof, he was about to run to stop him when he saw Abhimanyu's wife, Mrs, Roshni Raheja approaching but the weird thing is she was neither surprised nor shocked by what she saw. In fact she didn't give any reaction as if she saw that situation a million times before.

 Om hid behind a wall to listen to their conversation. "Again, Abhimanyu! " Roshni said, "You couldn't have waited until we got outta of this mansion?! Did you really have to commit another crime under the same roof?"

As soon as Abhimanyu heard his wife's voice, he loosed his grip on that girl who fled for her life thanking her Gods that this freak didn't get to complete what he intended to do. "What are you doing here, Roshni?" Abhimanyu exclaimed with disappointment.

"I should be asking you that question, Abhimanyu!" Roshni replied.

"What did you want me to do, love? Ketna Ajeeb logs those Oberois! They invited us to a party they fled! I was bored." Abhimanyu said with a smirky face.

"I am sure they are now planning to expose what you did, darling" Roshni replied sarcastically, "You gotta start praying that these Oberois really wanna hide what you did because if they decide to expose you, nothing can save your precious reputation nor your respectful career!"

Then Roshni kissed Abhimanyu's cheek wishing him good luck leaving Abhimanyu really worried and Omkara more confused than ever before. Omkara took a step back in shock and started taking a stroll down the memory lane then it hit him: Gauri seemed visibly devastated and ran off on hearing Abhimanyu's name, Rudy was doing his best to prevent him from seeing her and that Abhimanyu turned out to be a jerk and a psycho female-molesting freak. What if that psycho.......? 


So this was the end of chapter 1. Did you guys like it? Please tell me what you think of it. Also if you do like it please vote my story as this is my first ever attempt to write anything so encouragement is very much needed. How do you think Omkara will react? Do tell in the comment section.

Happy reading,


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