Part 2: The Truth Naked and Unvarnished

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Then Roshni kissed Abhimanyu's cheek wishing him good luck leaving Abhimanyu really worried and Omkara more confused than ever before. Omkara took a step back in shock and started taking a stroll down the memory lane then it hit him: Gauri seemed visibly devastated and ran off on hearing Abhimanyu's name, Rudy was doing his best to prevent him from seeing her and that Abhimanyu turned out to be a jerk and a psycho female-molesting freak.

What if that psycho dared to touch his wife? And If so why didn't Gauri come to tell him right away? Didn't they agree they will never hide anything from each other under any circumustances? Was she afraid? Was she ashamed? Or was she threatened? All those troubling thoughts were eating Omkara's brain to the degree that he almost lost his sanity. He had no clue what his next step should be; Should he go and confront him? But what if he was wrong? What if nothing of what he thought of happened? Is he really willing to risk their reputation as well as Shivaay's new big project for mere allegations?

"Omkara Sir, Are you okay?" Khanna asked returning Om's mind to the real world. On seeing Khanna, Om knew exactly what he had to do to confirm his doubts, "Khanna...Bring me the security footage of today's party." Om replied.

"Why Sir? Something happened?" Khanna asked. "JUST....BRING...ME...THE...DAMN...FOOTAGE...TO MY....STUDY....ROOM....RIGHT...NOW!" Om shouted at Khanna stressing on every word, looking at Khanna with his eyes full of anger and bloodlust.

"Yes, Sir." Replied Khanna and with that Khanna went away.


Om entered his study room, sat on his chair by his disk. Then after closing his eyes, he was completely lost in his thoughts reminiscing every detail, every small event from the beginning of the party till now.


Everyone was gathered in the party shivaay held in the living room of the Oberoi Mansion for the launch of his new phone company.

Shivaay: "Wait!...There is a special person that I would like them to join us in this important moment....Gauri, my little sister....Gauri is Abhimanyu's biggest fan and I would love her to join him in launching my new company."

On hearing this, Gauri's facial expressions changed then she froze at her site like a statue as if she lost all connection to the real world.

Omkara: "Come, meri jaan."

Shivaay: "Come on, Gauri!"

Gauri broke all her silence saying only one sentence 2 times: "I can't do this...I can't do this." With that she attempted to run away but Anika stopped her, then they had a conversation that Omkara couldn't hear a word of and with it she ran away followed by Anika who claimed that her sister is just feeling a little unwell.

<Om remembered how bizzare Gauri's behavior was back then and how he almost ran after her if it wasn't for this Roshni Raheja who glued herself to him! Now he wished he could go back, shove that Raheja woman and run after his devastated wife. >


Anika: "By the way, Om, I haven't seen Gauri for a while. Where is she?"

Om: "I was busy showing Roshni my art collection. I thought she was with you!"

Anika: "We thought she was with you!"

Then Ruvya approached with Rudy asking: "Is there a problem? What is wrong, guys?"

Om: "Rudy..Bhavya..Have you seen Gauri?"

Bhavya: "Nahi, bhaia."

Om: "Where did she go?....I will go and check."

While he was attempting to leave, Mr. and Mrs Raheja approached and Mr. Abhimanyu said: "Hello, guys....Congratulations, man! Roshni was so impressed by your work that she decided to buy all your paintings!"

Om: "Really?!"

Roshni: "Yes, Om. Abhimanyu really insisted. How can I say no?"

<Omkara remembered how strange  he felt and how these feelings were just overshadowed by his over-excitement. Now, he regrets not giving this much thought. Now, he regrets letting the Rahejas distract him from looking for his missing Gauri.>


Om, Gauri, Abhimanyu, and Roshni were by the pool when Om was showing Mr. and Mrs Raheja his art collection.

Abhimanyu: "I heard that every artist has a different inspiration. What is yours?"

Om: "My inspiration is my beautiful wife, Gauri."

Abhimanyu: "No wonder your paintings are very beautiful! If your inspiration is very beautiful then...."

<Omkara remembered how jealous he felt back then that a stranger was flirting with his wife  right in front of him . But, he didn't give it much thought as the dude said that as a compliment out in the open in front of everyone including his own wife. Now.....>


 "Om Sir....Om Sir...Om Sir" Khanna kept calling Omkara's name after entering his study room but Omkara was so lost in his stroll down the memory lane that he neither heard his voice nor noticed his presence so Khanna put his hands on Omkara's shoulder calling his name once again. "Yes....Yes..." Omkara replied, "Do you have what I asked for?" He exclaimed.

"Yes, sir." Khanna replied. "Now leave and shut the door behind you." Om said with a nervous face, "And Khanna? Don't tell anything about this."

"Yes, sir" Khanna replied and with that he left the room shutting the door behind him. Once Omkara was alone in his study, he played the footage and kept his eye fixated on Gauri on the laptop screen. He saw what made him lose his wits; what he prayed to the Gods never to see. He saw everything: The way Abhimanyu touched her hands while claiming he was only taking the phone, the way that freak dared to hold her waist while posing for that photo then claiming to do so with all his fans, the way he held her hand by the poolside after she bent down to pick her earing from the floor, the way he tried to hug her with his eyes full of lust, the way he followed her and tried to molest her in her own bedroom, the way he closed her mouth when she was screaming for help, the way he dragged her away from the door towards the bed, the way she fell on the floor when he was trying to grab her leaving scratches on his face, the way he dared to touch her pants not caring about how many times she begged him to stop, the way she ran outside the room, the way he followed her to the pool side, the way he ripped the sleeve of her dress, the way she struggled leaving her handprint on his painting, the way he saw the strongest woman he ever met in his life broken and shattered to pieces sitting all alone in darkness looking at herself in the mirror, the way she cried like he never saw before, the way she put her hands on her face staining it with the red paint....

Throughout the whole video, Omkara was grabbing the edge of the glass table so hard that his knuckles turned white, his jaw was pulsing as he kept gritting his teeth, his eyes and face were red bloody and his facial expressions were a mixture of immense anger, hatred and disgust. After he saw the whole footage, Omkara couldn't contain his frustrations any longer, he smashed the laptop to million pieces, he threw all the files that were on his disk, he stood up and held the chair he was sitting on and then he threw it across the room and he broke all things glass or even looked like glass.

After the room became a complete mess beyond repair, Angry Kara, the monster that Gauri's love and compassion buried deep underneath to the degree that he almost ceased to exist, realized that taking out his frustration on mere furniture is of no use so he left the room with his head set on just one thought: "TO KILL THAT FREAK THAT DARED TO TOUCH THE ONE THING HE HOLDS MOST DEAR IN LIFE"  







That was a wrap for chapter 2. I hope you guys liked it. I hope I did the justice to Omkara's character that the original version of the show failed to display. 

PS. I know that the MeToo track is about WOMEN speaking up about what happened to them so don't worry even after Omkara realized the truth, the actual victims will rule the story and again I promise there is NO lecturebaaz for Shivaay and no Monalisa for Anika.


This is my first ever ff so your criticism is needed as well as appreciated. Please give it a vote and comment if you liked it. :)

Happy Reading,

Mona :)

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