Sweet justice

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In Metropolis we see a car driving as a woman was in it as we see a brunette there as he was looking through the window as she saw him.

Heather: Son, I know it's hard for a few changes.

Dimitri: I know, but I really miss beach city and I really miss steven. He was the only person like me.

He pulled down his shirt to reveal a red diamond that was slightly glowing on his chest.

Heather: I know but Steven made his choice of leaving. I'm sure you'll get to see him again. But when you get to school, please-

Dimitri: I know, I know, keep my powers hidden.

Heather looks out the window to see a young man in white with blue skin and bright red hair walking with a young woman with bright green hair

Dimitri: Uh mom, you saw the blue guy too right?

Heather: Yes I did.

We then see them pull up to a school as Dimitri stepped out of the car.

Heather: Have fun son.

Dimitri: I will.

Heather then drove away as Dimitri looked under his shirt and looked at his gem as he then fixed his shirt to hide it.

Dimitri: Ok, this won't be so hard.

As Dimitri looked around and saw the many students at the school he then saw a boy wearing a black shirt with a star on it along with a pink jacket and jeans with sandals.

Dimitri: Steven?

Steven: Dimitri!

Dimitri and Steven then ran to each other and hugged each other.

Dimitri: Man i thought i wouldn't see you again. What brings you here?

Steven: Well I decided to move here and enroll here in Metropolis high along with Connie.

Dimitri: Wow, at least I get to be here with you.

Dimitri then saw the same blue skinned man from before as he was walking to the school.

Dimitri: You? You come here?

Raze: Yeah, I enroll here. Name's Raze Darkholme

Dimitri: Dimitri Chernov, *points to steven* And that's Steven, Steven Universe.

Raze: Well now, looks like we have a couple of half aliens.

Dimitri: We're technically half gems. *shows Raze his gem* My Dad and Steven's mom had to give up their physical forms so we could be born.

Steven: So we both have their powers and skills.

Raze: Same for me and my parents.

Dimitri: Guess that explains the skin and fangs.

Raze: Yeah ya got me.

Dimitri: Hopefully we'll fit in here.

Raze: People are pretty accepting here. I mean look at me.

Kara: I don't understand why I'm being punished for something I didn't do.

They turned to see a blonde girl getting out of a car talking to her legal guardians.

Mrs. Danvers: And we hear you say you "Didn't do it." Let's reframe our thinking.

Kara then slammed the car door denting it

Raze: Did she just dent that door?

Steven: She must be strong like Jasper.

Dimitri: Yeah, no human can do that.

Then a bus started dropping off students as a girl then fell and dropped her things and started to quickly pick them up.

Dimitri: *comes to her And helps her* Hi I'm Dimitri.

Karen: *whispers* Karen.

Dimitri: *picks up tools* Oh working On a project? Well not brag but I am a pretty smart guy, and I'd be happy to help. *picks up a glove* Huh?

Karen: *takes the glove and heads to the school* Thank you.

Raze: Why do I have a feeling we'll be seeing her again?

Dimitri: No idea.

Then a limo came as a girl came out from it.

Zee: Bye daddy.

Then a magician was seen holding a backpack.

Mr. Zatara: Zee, you forgot your backpack.

And the backpack was suddenly in her hands

Zee: Thanks daddy!

Raze was seen with hearts in his eyes

Steven: Was that my imagination or did she magically have her backpack?

Raze: Who cares! I think I'm in love!

They were seen going through the halls as Dimitri turned to notice a girl talking with a boy wearing green

Jessica: I don't believe in the lantern corps, they're methods are too extreme.

Hal: I don't make the rules

he then noticed Dimitri as Dimitri looked away while blushing and his gem started glowing slightly

Raze: Uh oh. I think Dimitri is in love.

Steven: And his gem is reacting to his emotions.

Dimitri: Oh shut up. You're freaking blue!

Raze: Ouch dude. That hurt.

Dimitri then turned to see Jessica handing Hal a ring.

Jessica: Take it Hal, I don't want it.

Hal: No Jess, the ring chose you.I

Dimitri looked at Jessica as his gem began to glow brighter showing a red light under his shirt as Raze threw his jacket on him

Raze: Dude the gem? Cover it up!

Dimitri: Right, sorry. *puts the jacket on* Forgot to mention my gem reacts to my emotions.

Steven: Until your gem stops glowing, you're gonna have to wear Race's jacket.

We then went to the cafeteria as the boys were seen sitting together.

Dimitri: Ok I think I'm good now.

Raze: So can I have my jacket back?

Dimitri: Sure. *gives Raze his jacket back*

Steven: Well so far we're doing good on our first day of school.

They then looked to see Jessica braiding a girl's hair, Karen reading a book, Kara was leaning on a chair, and Zee was with a group on their phones as Kara them laughed as spaghetti hit her in the face as she wiped the food off her face and saw Karen eating spaghetti And them threw a burger at her hitting her sending her to the floor as Kara threw another at Karen as Jessica them swatted the burger away with a food tray.

Jessica: Leave her alone you big bully!

Zee: My hair!

Dimitri: Uh-oh.

They looked to see the burger Jess swatted away had hit Raze on the face

Raze: Ok. Now I'm mad!

He then grabbed a milk carton and threw it as Kara ducked and Dimitri saw it was gonna hit Jessica as he then came to her.

Dimitri: Watch out! *pushes Jessica*

Then a girl with a purple bay hoodie got on a table.

Babs: Food fight!

Then everyone began to throw food around the room as Jessica was swatting food as Dimitri was trying to keep her safe as Karen was seen crawling away as the food fight was going on a man walked by and then saw the brawl.

Mr. Chapin: Enough. *gets hit with food* I said enough!

Then the students all saw him and then pointed at Dimitri, Raze, Steven, Babs, Karen, Zee, Jessica, and Kara as they were caught in a dog pile.

Mr. Chapin: You eight, let's go.

They then noticed Mr. Chapin as Kara then squished a cupcake on Zee's face

Raze: Methinks we are in trouble.

Dimitri: Gee, ya think?

We then see them going to a classroom as each of them took a seat

Raze: Great. Mom and Dad are going to be "very" happy with me.

Dimitri: Speak for yourself, Mom ain't gonna...

Raze: Dude! Do you have any idea who my parents freaking are?

Dimitri: Um... Wolverine and Mystique?

Raze: Yes. And you know what happens when my dad gets angry? And what my mom's former job used to be!?

Dimitri: Bad things can happen to anyone. Even to the son of two of the most famous mutants in the world.

Raze: Yes.

Zee: I hope you all have good attorneys.

Kara: What are you gonna do? Sue me cause I have better aim than you?

Zee: Oh I knew you threw those potatoes.

Kara: You three more nuggets than anyone!

Jessica: Let's not start fighting again.

Karen: If I offended anyone, I am truly sorry.

Then the door opened to reveal a truant officer and Mr Chapin.

Truant officer: We found her just walking around the street.

Mr. Chapin: Cutting class on the first day of school. tsk, tsk, tsk, get in here with the other delinquents while I find out which home room you're in.

Then a girl in a cloak came into the classroom as the others saw her as she took off her cloak and hung it up as they saw it was the wonder woman.

Raze: Oh my God.

Dimitri: That's... the wonder woman.

Kara: *scoffs* That's no wonder woman it's just some dumb cosplay girl.

Diana: I am no girl, I am Diana princess of the amazons. I alone survived the 21 tests of Athena and Aphrodite, so I am not a girl but a woman.

Kara: Trust me princess, you do not want to start with me.

Diana: Is this a challenge?

Kara: For you maybe.

Diana: Very well, I shall allow you first strike.

Kara: Alright but you asked for it.

Kara then got into a fighting stance and tried to punch Diana as she just moved out of the way.

Diana: Again.

Kara then looked at Diana as she tried to punch Diana as Diana blocked it and countered with a kick sending Kara a few feet as Kara then blew her hair and dusted her chest off as she then tried to punch Diana as she then began to dodge the punches.

Kara: Why won't you just stand still?!

she then send a punch to Diana sending her to the wall as she crashed through it as the others then gasped at what happened.

Kara: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry are you al-

then Diana came out from the hole and tackled Kara as she then punched kara in the face as the two began to fight as they began to throw things at each other as the others watched as they then charged at each other only for a green spring to be in between them and bounced them back.

Jessica: Both of you stop it!

they then see Jessica as the green spring became energy and went to her ring.

Jessica: Fighting is never the answer.

Karen: Yes!

We then see her putting on a makeshift armor.

Karen: The answer is... *puts the helmet and squeaky voice* Running away.

she then pressed a few keys as she then shrunk and flew as the others began to fight as Dimitri then saw a computer heading to Jessica from behind and then ran to her and grabbed her as his gem then glowed and a red bubble was then made as the two were seen inside of it as the others stopped and saw the bubble.

Kara: What just happened?

Jessica had a surprised look on her face as she saw she was inside the bubble and then saw a red glow from Dimitri's shirt as she then moved his shirt and saw his gem.

Jessica: What the?

Dimitri: Oh boy.

Jessica: Is that a... gem?

Dimitri: Um, no?

Jessica then tapped his gem and felt that it was real

Jessica: Yes it is.

as she looked at it dimitri began to blush as his gem began to glow.

Jessica: It's glowing. Why is it glowing?

Steven: Because it's reacting to his emotions.

Kara: his emotions?

Steven: Yeah, he's not the only one. *shows his gem on his belly button*

Babs: You have a gem too.

Steven: Yeah, we're both half gems.

Kara: Half gems?

Dimitri: Yeah, my dad and Steven's mom gave up their physical forms so me and Steven can be born.

Raze: Hey I have cool powers too!

Zee: Hate to break up the conversation but the teacher's coming.

Then everyone began to clean up as fast as they could as the door was starting to open as zee then got out her wand and did a spell as the door was opened and chapin came in and saw everyone sitting down in their seats while smiling.

Mr. Chapin: Is everything alright in here ?

Zee: Yes.

Mr Chapin: Good, I forgot my... keys.

He then grabbed his keys and left the room as Babs then got on the table.

Babs: A-ha! I knew it! I knew you all had powers!

Dimitri: You did?

Babs: Yeah, I noticed how Kara dented that car and Karen spilled those metal thingies and Jessica talking to some cute boy about a ring and a corps thing and I noticed your shirt was glowing and talking about some gem thing and Raze about his parents being Wolverine and Mystique and my plan was to start a food fight so we all would get in detention and it worked and you *points at Diana* I wasn't expecting you to show up which is like a big bonus, so my plan was to get you all worked up and forced to expose your powers and show you super, ang guess what? So am I, the one and only batgirl.

Raze: Robin sucks.

Kara: Ok but for those two what are gems?

Raze: I heard about them from my Aunt Carol, they're said to be a race of all female aliens whose bodies are projected by the gems on their bodies.

Kara: But how can they be half gems? they're boys.

Steven: My mom was a gem and so was Dimitri's dad.

Raze: Aunt Carol said that gems could shapeshift and are technically immortal.

Dimitri: Yeah, but gems can still get hurt and die.

Steven: Or as they call it being shattered.

Jessica: But why is your gem on your body, can't you two just take them off?

Dimitri: Unfortunately no, not without feeling tremendous pain.

Jessica: Oh.

Babs: But can you and Steven shapeshift?

Dimitri: All gems can shapeshift.

Steven: But one of our friends can shapeshift with the best of them.

Raze: Bet I could beat her.

Dimitri: You can try. But you would not be successful.

Jessica then looked closely at Dimitri's gem and noticed it had a few cracks on it.

Jessica: Your gem, it's cracked.

Dimitri: Well... mom told me that when my dad was still around she told me the cracks on my hem were scars from battles my father was in.

Babs: *gasps* Your dad was a war hero?

Dimitri: First male gem to get his own colony as a reward for his service to my aunts, The Great Diamond Authority.

Steven: My mom was a part of the diamond authority.

Jessica: What were their names.

Steven: My mom was Rose Quartz but she was actually pink diamond.

Dimitri: And my dad was called Red Diamond.

Steven: The others are Blue, Yellow, and White.

Kara: Guess they're a big deal.

Dimitri: Well yes... and they are also big in size.

Raze: How big?

Dimitri: Ginormous, but my father and pink were the smallest diamonds with my dad only being about 6 feet.

Babs: Wow, maybe you can be a hero, just like your dad.

Dimitri: I can, my mom did say I was like him, strong, and very intelligent.

Steven: He's not joking, he's actually pretty smart.

Kara: Pft how smart are we talking about?

Dimitri: He made a weapon that can shapeshift into other weapons, can talk, and be a motorcycle.

Raze: Incredible. Does this thing have a name?

Dimitri: For some reason he named it Johnson. but i like to call it bone crusher.

Raze: Dare I ask what it uses for Ammo?

Dimitri: Bones, Skulls, and teeth from demons. That's the reason I call it bone crusher.

Raze: Sweet.

Dimitri: It is sweet, but I prefer weapons like these.

He then went to his gem and pulled out a sword.

Babs: *gasps* You have a sword!?

Dimitri: It's one of the three weapons I have, the other two are gauntlets and a trident.

Steven: Gems can normally summon one weapon but Dimitri can summon three different weapons.

Dimitri: Yeah. But we need to help Diana, she does need an outfit to fit in metropolis.

Steven: And just give being a hero a chance, me and Dimitri know a lot on how to save the day. and we'll let you give Diana a makeover.

Zee: *sighs* Who am I to say no to a makeover?

Karen: Um, I guess i can help too.

Jessica : I'll help too, but only to encourage and support Karen's brave decision.

Raze: Despite the way I look I think I can help out.

then the others looked at Kara.

Kara: Alright fine, whatever.

Babs: Then it's settled. Super awesome super hero-ness, here we come!

We then see the group in a mall.

Diana: By the white beard of zeus, what is this place?

Dimitri: The mall.

Steven: It's where we can find the clothes you need to fit in.

Babs: And never say things like "By the white beard of Zeus"

Dimitri: And it is important that you need to learn about our customs.

Steven: And we can help you learn about them.

Dimitri: And we'll start with getting you a new outfit.

Raze: Take It from the clearly most stylish one here, you want to want clothes that match your skin tone.

Kara: Leather. *hands Diana leather clothes* Lots and lots of leather.

Then Jessica grabbed diana.

Jessica: No leather. *makes her drop the clothes and hands her new clothes* These are made of cotton from turkey.

Karen: dress to not draw attention to yourself but not too much or you'll risk drawing attention to yourself.

Babs then pushed Diana into a changing room as she then came out in a mix of clothes.

Dimitri: She looks like a christmas tree that someone decorated badly. *sees the others looking at him* What? We were all thinking about it, I just said it.

Babs: Oh I know. Accessories!

She then grabbed accessories and then ran to Diana only to be tripped by Zee.

Zee: Have you all finished tormenting this girl?

She then grabbed her wand and then cast a spell as the others then saw Diana in a new outfit.

Dimitri: That's nice.

Steven: Much better.

Zee: Presenting, Diana Prince, foreign exchange student.

Diana: And these garments will give me the appearance of a normal female adolescent?

Dimitri: Yes.

Diana: Good then it is my turn.

We then see the group on top of a building as Diana was in her wonder woman outfit.

Diana: If we are to be a team I must know your strengths and abilities. *To Dimitri* We have seen your ability, what more do you have to show?

Dimitri: Well, so far I can make clones of myself and give them each different weapons, control and make fire, very skilled in hand to hand combat, my intelligence is where I can create technology way more advanced than earth's technology and I can heal things and people.

Jessica: Really?

Dimitri: Yeah me and Steven have healing powers, but there is a thing about how we heal people.

Kara: What's that?

Steven: We both can heal people by using our spit.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Raze: Gross.

Dimitri: True, but useful for healing

Kara: I smell smoke because someone's pants are on fire.

Dimitri: Don't believe me? I'll show you.

Dimitri then came to Jessica and used his sword to make a small cut on her arm and then put a bit of his saliva on it as Jessica saw the cut on her arm healed up.

Dimitri: Now do you believe me?

Kara: Yep.

Diana: What will you be known as.

Dimitri: Hmmm... Red Diamond?

Raze: Not the worst name ever.

Dimitri: It's my father's name.

Diana: Very well. *to Raze* You what can you do?

Raze: Well I basically have both my parents powers. *shows his metal claws* These can slice through anything. *shapeshifts into Diana's Mother* I can change the way I look. And I can heal extremely quickly.

Steven: And do you get the person's abilities if you become someone with powers?

Raze: *changes back* Dunno. I may have to try it. Zee may I borrow your powers for a second?

Zee: Go ahead.

Raze then changed into Zee as he then launched several spells out of his hands.

Raze: I guess I can copy people's powers.

Diana: And what will you be known as Raze.

Raze: Wolverine.

Diana: Very well. *to Jessica*You! Name, rank, skills

Jessica: Uh... Hi, I'm Jess. I'm a cadet in something called the Green Lantern Corp. And... *exhales* Oh, boy. Well, see, I was given this power ring by these weird aliens. They are sort of like space cops and they patrol these different sectors. You know what, the whole thing is really complicated. I can make stuff with this ring.

She used her ring as she made a potted plant.

Babs: That is so cool! Do a pogo stick.

Jessica made a pogo stick.

Babs: A burrito.

Jessica then made a burrito.

Babs: A mucho megarrito supremo with the works!

Diana: With this ring of the gods, you may produce any weapon imaginable to beat your enemies into submission?

Jessica: Well, in theory, yes. But I don't believe in violence.

Diana: Admirable. So how shall you be known?

Jessica then made her outfit as she was in a green lantern outfit.

Jessica: Green Lantern? Kinda comes with the ring.

Diana: Good. And you, Batgirl?

Babs then grabbed a bag and started to go through it.

Babs: I can do all sorts of cool stuff. Even though I don't have any alien rings or anything, but I'm really good at figuring things out. And I make the coolest bat gadgets, like this! Bat barometer and this glow-in-the-dark bat staff. And these bat grappling hooks that I was totally this close to using when Batman was fighting Professor Pyg on the roof of this building. But then Robin showed up, and Batman had to save him. And you know how that goes. And I never actually got to show him how they work. And I never even got to meet him, but that's a whole different story, so I...

Diana: You lack focus.

Babs: What?

babs was in her batgirl outfit

Diana then went to Zatanna.

Zatanna: You can call me the mysterious, the fabulous, the awe-inspring... Zatanna!

she used her magic and changed her outfit into a magician's outfit.

Diana: Impressive. Have your other skills?

Zatanna: I can turn a red hearty black. Ever seen a jumping jack? Go ahead, check behind your ear

Diana checks behind her ear and saw that there was a card there.

Diana: What sorcery is this? I have seen enough. Though you possess great quantities of style, you must learn to channel your magic into a cause. Our cause. And I am afraid this uniform will not suffice. Think of another.

Zatanna was shocked at what Diana said.

Babs: Try a cape.

Then Diana went to Karen as she was doing some work on her outfit. and she was started as she saw Diana as she tried to keep calm.

Diana: What can you do?

Karen: I can, um... I'm still sort of working out the kinks.

she pressed a few keys and then she shrank and then her wings started to buzz.

Karen: Oh, the wings aren't supposed to buzz like that. I'm working on rocket launchers, but they malfunction. The whole thing is all messed up. I wanted to be big and strong, so people would notice me, but... my growth tech backfired, and now I'm even smaller and more invisible than before. I should just go home.

Diana then picked her up with her hand and looked at her.

Diana: You possess far more strength than you know. You simply lack confidence, little Bumblebee.

Karen: I actually prefer the indestructible, gamma phase, 1000 k-

Diana: Bumblebee.

Babs: Trust me, it's way better.

Then Diana came to Kara

And you, we've seen your incredible strength. Is there anything more you have to offer?

Kara: [scoff] Not to you. I'm no hero, "Princess." That racket is for chumps.

Diana: You could be the greatest hero the world of Man has ever known. You simply lack proper motivation!

She grabbed Babs and threw her as they all gasped at what she just did and then Kara took notice and changed and flew after Babs as she was about to fall to her death.

Jessica: Have you lost your mind?

Steven: Look!

They then saw Kara flying as she had Babs in her arms.

Kara: Okay, fine. I am a superhero, all right. *scoff* So what?

Babs: *gasp* Again! Again, again, again!

They all smiled at Kara as we then saw the group in a junkyard as Zee was in a new outfit.

Zee: I conjured a new outfit to hang out in a junkyard?

Raze: If it helps I think you look really pretty

Zee then blushes and giggles

Zee: Why thanks.

Dimitri: Guys I'm sure Diana knows what she's doing.

Diana: Soldiers! Our mission is to save the world of Man.

Babs: That's right.

Diana: In order to do this...

Babs: Preach, sister!

Diana:...we must learn to save...

Babs: Whoo-hoo.

Diana: ...man himself.

She pointed at a bunch of mannequins that look like women.

Karen: Um, I think those are ladies.

Diana then threw her shield at a pile of cars making them fall as Diana ran to the mannequins and saved them before the cars could crush them.

Dimitri: Wow. She saved them in 8.2 seconds. That has to be a world record. Pearl will be impressed.

Raze: Remind me to ask you who that is.

Dimitri: A fellow crystal gem that uses a spear and is pink and red diamond's servant.

Babs: Wait, some of the gems can be... slaves?

Dimitri: Well... some yes, while others are more like soldiers that follow and serve their diamonds.

Steven: We'll explain the rest of homeworld later.

We then see Kara was with a group of mannequins as Diana then made cars fall down as Kara then flew at the cars and then punched them making them break into pieces as she flew with a confident look on her face as the others looked in shock as Kara then looked to see that the debris had crushed the mannequins as she saw them. we then see the group as they were now walking to a comic book store.

Babs: Normal teenager lesson number four. Pop culture.

Zatanna: *groan* Culture? Is she kidding?

Babs: *gasp* O-M... No way! It's the super-rare Batman giant super-special with limited edition pull-out Batman poster. I would kill for this

Diana : Have you learned nothing? We must protect the innocent, not engage in needless slaughter over material goods.

Jessica: Diana, it's just an expression.

Dimitri: Yeah, she didn't mean literally.

Jessica: Dimitri's right, it's a figure of speech, for instance if you were hungry you would say "I kill for a burrito." *points to a burrito stand* Go on you try.

Diana then took a deep breath and went to the vendor.


The vendor then screamed as he then ran away.

Diana: *holds up money * Accept my payment or DIE! *runs after the man*

The others but Kara gasped as Kara was smiling at this as they ran after Diana as we then go to the junkyard as a conveyor belt as mannequins we're going to a compactor as Zee then performed a show while doing a spell as she then sent a beam at the machine and turned it off as she then made hands clapping as she bows as the others looked at her as Dimitri tapped her shoulder.

Dimitri: Hate to rain on your parade but you were a bit late.

he pointed at the mannequins that were now crushed up into cubes as Zee was shocked at this.

Raze: Hang on I can fix it.

Raze then turned into a sorcerer with a golden medallion on his neck

Raze: let's turn back time.

He then made a green circle and started to turn it as the mannequins were now changing back to the way they were before.

Raze: Much better.

Zee blushes and giggles again.

Zee: Thanks.

We then see Dimitri and Steven together as Diana then begins to drop large things down at the two as they make a bubble to protect them as Dimitri got the mannequins to safety. He saw a truck about to fall on steven.

Dimitri: Look out!

He then ran to Steven and grabbed him as the truck fell on them as the others saw it.

Raze: Diana! You just killed them!

Then a light was seen coming from the truck as it was then launched into space as they saw a green man with red stripes on his arms leg and a stripe on his face as he had two gems one diamond shaped on his chest and a round one on his navel

he then saw more things coming down to him as he then summoned Dimitri's trident and Steven's shield along with Dimitri's gauntlets as he then combined them turning them into a hammer as he then came at the objects and then smashed them as he then came down and dusted his shoulder off as he saw the others shocked as Raze's mouth was open.

???: *to Raze* Close your mouth little boy blue, you'll catch flies.

Raze: *closes his mouth* Who are you?

Bloodstone: I was known as Dimitri and steven, but you can call me... Bloodstone.

Raze: Oh no.

Jessica: What does "Oh no" mean?

Raze: He doesn't smell right.

Babs: Wow! That was amazing bloodstone! you launched that car with your bare hands.

Bloodstone: Tell me something I don't know.

Babs: And we saw you were amazing even better than Kara.

Bloodstone: Then congratulations for her. She is terrible.

Kara: Hey!

Zee: That wasn't very nice.

Bloodstone: Gee ya think!?

Jessica: How did this happen?

Bloodstone: It's called a fusion dance, you idiot.

Zee: Hey, for your information Bloodstone, we're friends with Dimitri and Steven, the parts that made you.

Bloodstone: Does this face look like a face that cares?

Babs: Well it kinda looks like-

Bloodstone: That was a rhetorical question.

Raze: Hey! Leave her alone you punk!

Bloodstone: *sighs* I say my time is up with being around you amateurs.

Then bloodstone unfuses back into Dimitri and Steven

Raze: If he comes back I'm hurting him.

Dimitri: Oh uh, sorry about Bloodstone's behavior.

Raze: Dude he was a major jerk!

Steven: About our fusions, they can have their own personalities.

Jessica: But how is it that you two can fuse?

Dimitri: we can only fuse if we both feel the same kind of emotion or if we both agree.

Steven: But we're still working on trying to fix Bloodstone's attitude.

Raze: You two better get that under control, *unsheathes his claws* Or else.

Dimitri: We will.

We then see Karen as she was with a mannequin as Kara was holding a dog by a chain as Jessica was putting a steak on the mannequin's face but looked like she was gonna puke.

Dimitri: You ok Jess?

Raze: That's a waste of a good steak!

Jessica: I'm fine, it's just I don't eat meat.

Dimitri: You're a vegetarian?

Jessica: Vegan actually.

Raze: Great. Vegans weird me out.

Steven: Well I've been a vegetarian for almost 9 months.

Dimitri: It's true, but i support anyone no matter what diet of food they choose.

Jessica: Thanks. You and Steven seem to know each other a lot, are you both childhood friends.

Dimitri: Well we are more like cousins.

Kara: Cousins?

Steven: Well red and pink diamond along with the other diamonds saw each other as siblings and my mom and Dimitri's dad did make us and were brother and sister.

Dimitri: Yeah.

???: Hey there sports fans!

Everyone turned to see a group of women with gems on their bodies

Dimitri: Guys! When did you get here?!

Raze: Care to clue us in D?

Dimitri: Right, everyone these are the crystal gems. Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth.

Garnet: And who's the handsome blue guy?

Raze: *stutters* I I I I'm... Raze.

Dimitri: Ok... Anyway, what are you guys doing here?

Pearl: We came to see how you were doing in your new home and we can see that you have made new friends and are hanging out in this... junkyard.

Garnet: You two are grounded.

Dimitri: What?!

Pearl: We've heard about you and Steven both being in detention and we have no choice but to punish you two.

Garnet: No dinner for a thousand years.

Dimitri: A thousand years?

Pearl: We would never starve you two, but you will lose your shapeshifting privileges.

Amethyst: *holds up a shovel* and now we're gonna bury you two until you both learn your lesson.

Dimitri: That's not how grounding works.

Raze: Nice try.

Peridot: Why are you blue? Are you a gem?

Raze: No, I'm not.

Kara: Who's the shortie?

Dimitri: *sighs* Peridot.

Raze: *sees Peridot poking him* Why is she poking me?

Dimitri: She thinks you're a gem.

Amethyst: Watch this. Peridot what did you use to call this? *points at her nose*

Peridot: A sense sponge.

Raze: I'm sorry what?

Amethyst: What do you call this? *points at her eye.*

Peridot: Vision sphere.

Raze: *stifled giggle*

Amethyst: Keep watching. Peridot *shows her fingers* These?

Peridot: Touch stumps.

Amethyst: *points at her foot* This?

Peridot: Gravity connectors.

Amethyst: *points at her backside* This?

Peridot: THAT'S YOUR BUTT!!!

Then some of the others started laughing at Peridot.

Raze: Oh man she's killing me.

Dimitri: Classic Peridot. *sees some of the things in the junkyard* Hmmm.

he then went to the pile as he started picking out certain items out of it as he had was a skateboard with no wheels on it two small fans, and a battery and some circuitry with him as Dimitri started to take apart the items and started to put it together as he then made a flame on his finger appear and used it as a welding torch as he welded the things together as they all looked to see Dimitri made was a futuristic hoverboard.

Raze: Dibs!

Dimitri: Dude this is merely a prototype. once it's properly tested then I'll build you a real one

Raze: I'll test it for you.

Dimitri: Very well but you better wear this. *puts a helmet on Raze*

Raze: Ok so how do I make this thing go?

Dimitri: Press the button on the board with your foot.

Raze then pressed it as the board then floated as he smiled but then it went super fast and went up in the air as they watched as the board then sparked and shut down.

Raze: AW CRAAAP!!!!!

Dimitri: *sighs and holds a remote* Better test the parachute. *presses the button as the board flashes green* Well atleast that works.

Dimitri then threw the remote as the button pressed the ground making the board release the parachute.

Raze: Thank you God!

Peridot then picked the remote up and pressed the button as the parachute was detached from the board as Raze resumed falling


He then fell on Dimitri as they both were on the ground.

Raze: Hey Dimitri, the board needs work.

Dimitri: *groans* It's a prototype!

Raze: *unsheathes his claws* Come here tiny!

Dimitri: Alright I've been wanting to show you this.

He then pulled out a small robot.

Raze: Ha! you think that's gonna stop me *taps the robot*

Dimitri: I wouldn't do that.

Robot: Auto defense mechanism armed. *aims a laser at Raze* Laser locked on target.

Raze: Ha your little red light won't scare me.

then the robot fired a laser at Raze as he was burnt by it.

Raze: That laser is for real?! I thought it was just a laser pointer!

Then the robot grabbed Raze by the leg and then began to slam him around the ground like a rag doll and then spun him around and threw him in a pile.

Robot: Target neutralized.

Dimitri: Still think I'm a faulty inventor?

Raze: *in pain* Ok... I'll admit... that was impressive.

We then see Babs had her feet in a foot bath.

Babs: Normal teenager lesson number 26. Uh, what are we doing again?

Zatanna: Pampering ourselves. Isn't it relaxing? An important part of being a teenage girl is taking care of yourself.

The girls were getting their nails done as the boys and Kara were waiting for them to be done as spa employees were trying to get Diana's nails done..

Diana: And, in the world of Man, the toe-nail is the point of focus?Zatanna:

Zee: Precisely. Isn't this fun?

Spa employee: Such enormous calluses.

Diana: Ugh!

Spa employee: Time for the big gun.

She pulled out a foot sander.

Diana: WEAPON!

she pulled out her lasso and started to chase the spa employees as the others saw the rest of the group chasing after Diana as they went after her as we then see Babs and Diana at where many mannequins were surrounding a tree with a stuffed cat as Babs then saw a butterfly and Diana made her focus as Babs then ran through the crowd while beating some of them up and set off a few grenades as they explodes as babs then go the cat as the others looked at her in shock.

Babs: Uh... those weren't bad guys?

Raze: No.

We then see Jessica and Diana as Babs was operating an excavator as Diana wanted her to fight it and protect a group of mannequins as jessica refused as Diana facepalmed as jessica then made a safe and put them in it and sent them to the far side of the junkyard as Jessica had a smirk as Diana then pointed at Zee, Karen and Kara as the excavator got Kara as she then ran to help her but Kara broke free as the pieces hit mannequins as Jessica saw it.

Dimitri: Don't worry Jessica, if every pork chop were perfect...

Dimitri: We wouldn't have hot dogs.

Raze: That was so lame!

Dimitri: Hey Greg always says that. It's supposed to mean to always look on the bright side.

Raze: It still sounds a little lame

Dimitri: You'll know what it means in no time.

The group were now watching a movie except Kara as she was sleeping.

Babs: Normal teenager lesson number 86... Romance.

Aiden: I never wanted to love her, Alexandra. But she's the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me, ever. So, why hasn't Caitlyn texted me?

Kara: *snoring*

Alexandra: She just needs time, Aiden. It's only been two days. If she texts after three days,that's irrevocable love.

Diana: What is happening?

Karen: Aiden just realized he can't live without Caitlyn. But Alexandra is telling him that Caitlyn won't text until tomorrow, because that's exactly what Michael didn't do to her when they broke up. And, isn't it all just so sad and beautiful?

Diana: Teenage males are very confusing.

Jessica, Babs, Karen, Zatanna: Tell me about it!

Raze: Excuse us?

Steven: We are sitting right here.

Dimitri: What are we? Chopped liver?

Jessica: Oh, uh no hard feelings guys.

Raze: Thought so.

Diana then saw a part where Aiden came to Caitlyn.

Diana: Beware Caitlyn, *pulls out her sword* Aiden attacks!

Diana then charged at the screen and started to tear the screen up.

Karen: No Diana! He's just going to *gets covered in a piece of the screen* kiss her.

Dimitri then tried to get a piece off of him as he got it off he then saw he and jessica's faces were close to each other as Dimitri then started to blush as his gem began to glow brightly as we then go to Raze as he was struggling to get the piece of tarp off of him

Raze: Help!!!! Can't breath!!! Walls closing in!!!!

Dimitri: Calm down you big baby, it's just a piece of tarp. *pulls the tarp off of Raze*

Raze: Oh... I knew that.

We then see the others leaving the theater.

Kara: She is not getting it you guys.

Babs: I'm not giving up now, there has to be a place that can loosen a warrior princess.

Karen: I know.

We then see them going to a pier as they saw a carnival as they played games there, rode on the rides and had their pictures taken as they then left the carnival.

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