Sweet justice part 2

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we see the group leaving the piers.

Steven: This reminds me of Funland.

Kara: Funland?

Dimitri: It's the boardwalk theme park back home.

Raze: I heard about that. Didn't the arcade's machine all break?

Steven: Well garnet broke some of them and I broke one.

Dimitri: Yeah. but i feel like we can enjoy this time somewhere fun.

Zee: We can.

Jessica, Kara, Zee and Karen: Sweet justice.

Pearl: Sweet Justice?

they then pointed at a sweet shop as they then went in the place.

Dimitri: Wow, this place is like the Big Donut, except they sell desserts.

Raze: Donuts are desserts as well dude.

Dimitri: True, but that's where Steven and I go to get donuts and my favorite flavor, glazed.

Raze: Just plain glazed? But that's soooo boring!

Dimitri: There ain't nothing wrong with the classics.

Raze: Fair point and well made.

We then see the others sitting at a table as the girls noticed the gems but Amethyst were not eating.

Babs: You guys don't like dessert?

Garnet: Amethyst does like to eat.

Pearl: See gems don't need to eat. But wearing food is sooo disgusting. You chew it into nasty mush, swallow that hoop and it comes out of you!

Raze: Blasphemy!

Amethyst: Eh speak for yourself ha, I love it when mush passes through my body.

Raze: I like this one.

Jessica: So how long have you gems known Dimitri and Steven?

Garnet: We've known them since the day they were born.

Babs: You guys knew Steven and Dimitri when they were babies?

Amethyst: Yup.

Steven: But peridot knew ya when we were thirteen.

Dimitri: And at that time Peridot lived in... our bathroom.

Raze: Peridot lived in a bathroom?! *Burst into laughing*

Amethyst: And she even tried to flush herself down the toilet. but it didn't work, trust me, I've tried

Raze keeps laughing very loudly as Dimitri looks at steven.

Dimitri: It still would be nice if we had Lion and Dragon here.

Steven: Yeah it would.

Jessica: Lion and Dragon?

Dimitri: They're our pets.

Jessica: And what kind of animals are they?

Dimitri: A lion and dragon.

Raze: Wait they let you both keep a lion and dragon?

Garnet: We've kept Amethyst.

Pearl: *laughs* Kept Amethyst! Oh garnet that's priceless!

Kara: But why would you two name them Lion and Dragon? you two could have come up with cooler names?

Dimitri: Hey we both were 13 when we both met them.

Then a roar was heard outside as they others turned to see the window is sweet justice and they saw there was a pink lion and a red dragon were outside.

Dimitri: Dragon!

Steven: Lion!

Jessica: Those are your pets?!

Dimitri: You sound shocked.

Jessica: I thought you were being figurative.

Raze: A pink lion. must... hug... lion...

We then see the others looking at Raze them robots then come in the shop as they start to cause mayhem around the shop as they see it.

Dimitri: Guys i think it would be a good time to roll to the rescue.

Raze: But pink lion!

Dimitri: You can hug the lion later, innocent people to save remember?

Raze: Fine.

We then see a Demolition-bot come to a boy but was then stabbed by a trident as Dimitri then sliced it in half as he was in his hero suit.

Dimitri: Remember the priorities, protect the people and save the shop.

We then see Zee as she then made a spell making one of the boys vanish as she then bowed but not noticing the others as karen tried to fight one but was too small as we see the others fighting the bots.

Steven: There's too many of them.

Then a bot came to Steven from behind but was blasted by a roar as Lion was there as Jess saw the robot heading to her and made a trampoline and it hit a support beam as it then made sweet justice to fall apart.

Dimitri: Guys, we have to get out now.

Raze: I'll agree with that.

then everyone left the shop as it then fell apart.

Kara: Great plan captain failure.

Dimitri: Come on Kara, cheer up. If every pork chop were perfect...

Kara: Who cares about your stupid pork chops!

Raze: Oh shut up you wannabe biker chick!

As Dimitri saw everyone arguing and fighting with each other he then started to grab his face as he then ran out of the area pushing everyone out of his way as they watched him run.

Raze: Where are you going?

But he then saw Dimitri was gone as he saw Kara in her normal clothes leaving as the others started to leave as He saw Diana was being taken away by her mother.

Steven: This isn't going well.

Raze: We have to find Dimitri.

Garnet: We need to get the others back together as well.

Raze: How?

Garnet: Leave that to us.

We then see Garnet at the front door of a house and knocked on it as we see Kara open it but then saw Garnet's fist and got knocked out and put in a sack, as we go to Raze we then see Garnet Amethyst and Pearl coming as Garnet was carrying a large sack as something was moving inside of it.

Raze: Garnet, what's in the sack.

Garnet then emptied the sack as the girls were seen coming out of it.

Raze: You kidnapped them?!

Amethyst: Yup.

Pearl: We thought it would be best if we handled it our way.

Amethyst: Nah, we straight up nabbed them.

Zee: Why did you bring us here?!

Steven: We need to find Dimitri.

Kara: That dude is probably in his room crying right now. *Raze then slapped Kara in the back of the head* Ow!

Raze: Kara this is serious. Steven was Dimitri in his house?

Steven: No his mom told me he hadn't come home.

Raze: Then where can he be?

Okay this video.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

With Dimitri we see him at a warehouse as he then pulled out his phone and then played a song as he then banged his hand on a wall making a hole in it as he then walked around as he then began to think about the others arguing and then he then punched a pole denying it as he then began to dance as he then started to go through the warehouse dancing as he then go to two walls as he then took off his shirt and then leaned on the wall and then went to the other and pulled on it as he then ran and jumped down as he then began to dance and opened a door and went down the star by sliding on the rails and went to a rope and swung with it as he then continued to dance as he then went through the warehouse a bit and then grabbed a pole and started to swing around it and then went up in the air and then landed to the ground and then got up as he then heard laughing as he turned to see the others as Raze was laughing as Pearl, Lapis and Jessica were blushing as they saw Dimitri was shirtless as the others looked at him.

Raze: *burst into a fit of laughter*

Dimitri: What are you all doing here?

Raze: Laughing at you!

Steven: What Raze is trying to say is we were looking for you. What were you doing here?

Jessica: And why were you shirtless?

Raze: Doff my ears deceive me? Is the pretty lady not liking her boyfriend being shirtless?

Jessica: It's only a question.

Raze: Sure it isn't.

Dimitri: Look I only came here when I'm stressed.

Jessica About what?

Dimitri: You guys quitting.

Raze: Who said anything about me quitting?

Jessica: Look Dimitri, we're not heroes we were never heroes.

Then everyone began to argue as Dimitri then saw this situation was happening again as he then closed his eyes as his cheeks became red and then his skin and hair turned red.

Dimitri: ENOUGH!!!!!!

Then everyone got shocked at Dimitri's outburst as they looked at him seeing him with red skin and hair and they saw his eyes were now red and his pupils were now diamond shaped.

Raze: Methinks we made him mad.

Jessica: What is happening? Why is he red?

Raze: Diamond state. Dimitri we need to save Diana.

Dimitri: Ok but everyone listen, you guys need to understand the thing we're missing is teamwork, we never actually work together. Did Diana give up when she was training us to be heroes?

Raze: No.

Dimitri: Exactly, so we need to go back and rescue her. Together. and I'm gonna need something first at my home. Come on.

We then see them go to Dimitri's house as they head to a backyard and to a shed that has two levers.

Dimitri: Pull the lever Raze.

Raze then pulled the lever as a trap door was open and Dimitri, Pearl, Lapis and Jessica fell in it.

Dimitri: WRONG LEVER!!!

Raze: Oops.

We then see Dimitri, Lapis, Jessica and Pearl come back all wet as an alligator was biting Pearl on the backside.

Pearl: Dimitri, why do you even have that lever? *smacks the alligator away.*

Dimitri: I've been asking myself that. *goes to the levers* Out of my way Raze.

he then pulled the right lever as they then went down a chute and they were now on a roller coaster ride.

Computer: Please remain seated and keep your hands and feet in the cart at all times.

The ride then started as they went down fast as they went through the ride as Babs had her hands in the air.

Babs: Yeah! whoo-hoo! Faster! Faster! Come on guys, put your hands in the air. Yahoo!

they then reached the end of the ride as they were now wearing scientist outfits as Dimitri and Raze both high-fived each other as Dimitri then went to a computer as they saw the lab

Dimitri: Ok since the amazons are on a slow moving ship we should be able to get to them before Diana gets taken away.

Babs: We can still save Diana.

Dimitri: And I have the perfect vehicle for the job

Dimitri then pushed a button as a futuristic aircraft was seen as they saw it.

Raze: Wow, I feel like you are from this timeline at all.

Dimitri: Hey I have my father's intellect and skills for inventing.

We then see Diana on the ship leaving metropolis with the amazons as she was looking down in shame as the others were seen on the aircraft in stealth mode as they were seen coming down to the boat as Babs then went to Diana as the others stayed hidden.

Babs: Psst. Psssst. PSSSSSSTTT.

Diana: Why are you here Barbara?

Babs: We're here to sneak you out see?

She then saw the others as the Amazons had them as they had the superhero girls and Dimitri and Raze by the ears and Karen by the leg as she was small.

All: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.

Babs: That wasn't supposed to happen. *gets her ear grabbed by Hippolyta* Ow ow ow ow!

Hippolyta: How dare you board my vessel without permission?! throw them to the ocean beast Cetus!

They then started taking them to the side to throw them overboard.

All: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Kara: Oh wait.

Kara then punched the amazons freeing the others as they then began to fight as Diana watched.

Jessica: Diana, we won't let you go without a fight!

Zatanna: We're sorry we gave up, Diana!

Karen was small as she was flying away from an Amazon that was trying to catch her with a butterfly net.

Karen: You gotta come back and be our leader again!

Babs: It's true. Look how bad we are at this!

Kara was now being held down by a bunch of amazons.

Kara: You once said I could be the greatest hero the world of Man ever knew. *muffled* But it wasn't me, it's you!

Dimitri: She's right, we need you for the team.

Diana smiled at him and stood up.

Diana: Amazons, your Princess commands you to stop!

Then everyone stopped as they looked at diana.

Hippolyta: And your queen commands you to continue.

Then everyone began to fight again as Diana saw this.

Diana: Stop!

Queen Hippolyta: Continue!

Diana: Stop!

Queen Hippolyta: Continue!

Diana: STOP!

Queen Hippolyta: CONTINUE!

Diana: STOP!

Then we see Dimitri being piled up by Amazons as he then went to Diamond state and broke free a Hippolyta then saw him and saw his gem as Dimitri was holding his trident.

Hippolyta: *Gasps* That trident...That gem. You've returned!

Dimitri: Returned?

Queen Hippolyta: Yes, Red Diamond.

Steven: You knew Red Diamond?

Queen Hippolyta: We were allies in battle.

Dimitri: Wow, Um your majesty, I am Dimitri Chernov, son of Red Diamond.

Queen Hippolyta: You have your father's looks.

Dimitri: My mom told me that. But sadly my father gave up his physical form to bring me into the world. But Diana is only doing what she believes is right.

Hippolyta: But she is only 317 years old, a girl too young and too naive to make her own decisions.

Dimitri: True, but she also survived the 21 tests of Athena and Aphrodite, so she is a woman by amazon law.

Amazons: It is law!

Hippolyta then saw the amazons bowing and knew Dimitri was right.

Hippolyta: Very well, Dimitri you will be my daughter's protector. protect her with your life.

Dimitri: I will.

She then turned as Diana then turned to the others and was very happy.

Diana: Eeeeeeh!

The others looked beaten up very badly.

Everyone: Yay....

Dimitri then saw Dragon flying by and swooped down and grabbed Dimitri as he then flew off and Dimitri saw he was up in the air as he looked at Dragon as Raze followed them.

Dimitri: Where are you taking me?

Dragon then roars in response as Dimitri then saw some mountains as Dimitri saw a mountain that had a mural of red Diamond on it as Dragon landed to it and Dimitri looked at the diamond mural.

Dimitri: What is this?

Then the symbol lit up as it then scanned Dimitri and detected his gem.

Computer: Scan complete, welcome Red Diamond.

Dimitri then saw an entrance open up as he then went inside and saw a large base that had weapons, gadgets, vehicles far as the eye could see as Dimitri saw them.

Dimitri: Wow.

Raze then saw a flaming motorcycle.

Raze: Dibs on that flaming motorcycle.

Dimitri then saw a large robot as he walked to it and saw a plaque and read it.

Dimitri: Gipsy Danger.

Raze: From that old movie?

Dimitri: *looks at the robot* looks like someone must have given Gipsy some modifications here. Hmmm I'm sure no one would mind if I took it out for a spin.

Dimitri then went to the controls of Gipsy as he was then in a control suit as he saw the cockpit was made for only one pilot.

Dimitri: Hey Raze, you know something strange about this?

Raze: What's that?

Dimitri: Jaegers are made to be piloted by two pilots but for some reason this one is made for one.

Raze: That's odd.

Dimitri: Guess Gipsy's old pilot's mind must have been strong enough to control her by themselves.

Pearl: Shouldn't we get back to the weapon area of the armory?

Dimitri then turned to see pearl.

Dimitri: Pearl? You know about this place?

Pearl: Yes, welcome to Red Diamond's secret armory.

Raze: You said something about weapons?

Pearl: Yes follow me.

The two then followed pearl as Dimitri saw a hand shaped slab

Dimitri: Hey I remember what to do here.

he then went to the slab and placed his hand on it.

Raze: Well? what is it supposed to do?

Dimitri then touched his eye as a selection of axes appear

Dimitri: Some axes.

Pearl: The axes of ages.

Dimitri then poked his cheek as another robot came but it was unfinished.

Dimitri: A robot under construction.

Pearl: Obsidian Fury.

Dimitri than touched his nose as a gun then appeared as it started to talk

Johnson: Pearl is that you?!

Dimitri: Bone Crusher?

Pearl: Johnson.

Raze: I call dibs on the skull gun.

He then went to Johnson and grabbed his hilt

Johnson: I like this guy!

Pearl: We need to go back to the others.

Dimitri: Ok, but first. I should test out what gipsy has.

Dimitri then went to the machine as he then connected the suit he was wearing to it as Gipsy was then activated as Dimitri started to move his arms as Gipsy did the same.

Dimitri: Ok I am loving this.

we then see Dimitri taking Gipsy out as he was then going through the area.

Dimitri: Everything is so small from here.

Dimitri then saw an explosion as he looked to see the others fighting robots and saw a mech suit was destroying the piers.

Dimitri: They need my help. *looks at Gipsy* And I think I have the perfect tool for the job.

With the others they were trying to stop the robots as there were too many as we see a girl in the suit destroying the area.

Lena: I'm winning! I'm winning!

Then bright lights were seen as she then turned to see Gipsy Danger as a few helicopters were carrying gipsy as Dimitri was inside Gipsy as the others saw Gipsy.

Babs: A giant robot?!

the cables that were holding Gipsy Danger broke off as Gipsy was released.

Dimitri: I don't think so!

Gipsy then landed to the ground and then brought it's fist together.

Dimitri: Let's rumble!

Gipsy then charged at Lena and then got ready to punch her as spikes then appeared on the fist and punched Lena as it then sent her to a building as the others watched.

Kara: Uh... is it on our side?

Then Raze and Pearl came to the others as they watched Dimitri fighting Lena.

Raze: it should because Dimitri is piloting it.

Jessica: Dimitri is piloting that thing?

Dimitri then turned to the others as they saw Gipsy looking at them

Dimitri: Guys, I have an idea, but we need to work together. We need to sort out the suit Babs go get an amp and rewire it to go beyond 10. Kara, go grab a guitar and get ready to shred but only at my signal, Karen, I need you to fly inside the suit and plug it in. I'll keep the girl occupied.

Raze: You heard the man, let's go!

We then go to Dimitri as he was fighting Lena as he used Gipsy as he started to fire plasma blasts at Lena as Lena was getting hit by them as we see Karen flying to the suit and went to the suit as we see her go through it and plug the cable in as Babs was requiring the amp as she wrote 11 on it as we see Dimitri fighting Lena as he then punched lena but lena then caught the punch and then dropped kick gipsy and made dimitri fall as she then grabbed gipsy's leg and then flew up in the air as the others saw.

Steven: That's not good.

Raze: And his plasma cannons are empty.

Jessica: This isn't looking well.

Dimitri: I'm not going down easy, I still have a few tricks left.

he then went to a screen and pressed it.

Computer: Sword activated.

Then a sword came out from the arm of Gipsy

Dimitri then used the sword to slice the war suit's arm freeing him from Lena's grip.

think of it like this.

Dimitri: Kara, now!

Kara then grab the cave and plugged it in as the other cable was removed as karen grabbed it as Kara began to play the guitar as a electric surge then came to the cable as Karen saw it and then plugged herself in the suit as she got electrocuted as the war suit began to short out and fall.


She then fell and hit the ground as Dimitri then used Gypsy's rocket boosters as he landed safely as Dimitri looked at the others.

Dimitri: We did it.

Raze: That was awesome man! I wish I had a suit like that.

Dimitri: Tell you what Raze, I'll build you your own jaeger for you

Raze: Thanks.

We then see Dimitri come out of Gipsy and look around.

Dimitri: Where's Bumblebee? she got out right.

We then see karen fly to the ground and change to normal size as they saw her and came to her.

Dimitri: Karen, you alright.

Karen then took her helmet off and she had a yellow streak in her hair.

Karen: Did we win?

Zee: Nice highlights, what's your secret.

Diana: Courage.

The police and citizens started to come to the sight as Lena was getting out of the suit.

Lena: Oh, no fair! No FAIR!

Then a car came as Lena's parents came along with her brother lex luthor.

Lex: There she is Mom! See? Told you she stole my stuff.

Lillian: Lutessa Lena Luthor, you get in this car right now!

Lena: You can't make me!

She sat down and held her breath only for her to be carried to the car by her mom and dad.

NOOOO! No! No! No! [cries]

Lillian: Oh, I'm sorry about your warsuit, Lex.

Lex: [scoff] Don't worry, Mom. I'm just happy the little tyke is alright.

Lena and Lex: *blowing raspberry*

Lillian: Oh, you think next time you can get those cupcakes you promised?

Lex: Hah! Already on it, Mom. I'm not saying goodbye to the best snickerdoodles in Metropolis.

Lena: You'll pay for this, super teen jerks! YOU'LL PAY!

The car left as Lex turned to see the heroes as he then looked at Dimitri's gem.

Dimitri: Guys, this is truly a victory.

3 months later

We now at sweet justice as it was now rebuild as they were at a table.

Dimitri: Happy to see sweet justice is back again.

Raze: Guess everything is normal again.

Babs: Blah, normal's overrated. Mmm, remember when we first came here, and Diana said she wanted to be at this place all the time?

Kara: Yeah...?

Babs went to a straw holder and started to twist it a few time and open it and closed it as a trapdoor opened and they went down as another table came as they were now in a secret base under sweet justice.

Babs: Ta-da! It's our own home base! I took a few late night trips to the construction site while they were rebuilding.

Diana: Truly, this is a place of wonder.

Kara: Not bad, Babs. Nice job.

Dimitri: Oh and I also added a little something for the base.

Babs: What is it?

Dimitri walked over to a room in the headquarters and was on a platform.

Kara: A platform?

Dimitri: This here is a warp pad. it allows anyone to warp to any place that has a warp pad

Raze: Sweet.

Dimitri: And you girls, I have something to show you, remember when Dragon swooped down and took me to some place?

Jessica: Yes?

Dimitri: Get on the warp pad, I'll show you what I found.

Everyone then got on the warp pad as it then glowed and beamed them away as we see them in the warp stream as some of them were floating around as we then saw them appear in Red Diamond's armory as they then fell.

Dimitri: Guys do you even know where we are?

Babs: No.

Dimitri: Look around guys, the advanced weaponry, the cool red color pallet. We're in...

Raze: Ikea!

Dimitri: Red Diamond's armory! Raze did you say Ikea?

Raze: Nope I said Red Diamond's armory just like you.

Babs: Wow this is just like the bat cave.

Dimitri: Yup and I'm also working on projects my father left behind.

Kara: *sees obsidian fury* Like that hunk of junk?

Raze points Johnson at Kara's feet

Raze: Make fun of the giant war machine again. I dare you.

Dimitri: Kara that is Obsidian Fury, I'm working on him. And Raze I have a surprise for you.

He then went to a table and pulled out a hoverboard.

Dimitri: Your very own hoverboard.

Raze: Oh my god. It's beautiful!

Jessica: Um Dimitri, are you sure this one is going to work?

Dimitri: One hundred percent, I fixed the bugs.

Pearl: Your father would be very proud of you continuing his work.

Dimitri: Thanks.

Babs: With this place we can use it as a second base.

Dimitri: Ok but if we are using this base there is one rule, don't touch anything that i am working on. *sees Raze about to touch a button* That also applies on you too Raze

Raze: What I wasn't going to touch, I was just looking at it is all.

Dimitri: of course you are.

Jessica: We can protect the whole city from here and at sweet justice. Bad guys don't stand a chance.

Babs: Not with us on the case.

Dimitri: Yup.

Babs: Super-awesome super-heroness, here we come!

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