A Lucario's date with a kryptonian

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In Elliotte's room we see him meditating as his eyes were closed. He uses a vision and saw two figures that were blue as he opened his eyes to see Dimitri and Ashton.

Elliotte: Oh hey guys, I was expecting you two.

Ashton: How?

Elliotte: I sensed your aura. One of the benefits of a Lucario.

Dimitri: Ok, so what are you doing?

Elliotte: Practicing on using my aura vision.

Dimitri: That makes sense so are you gonna be taking Kara on your date today?

Elliotte: Yeah, I'll be doing that.

Ashton: So how does it feel to be dating a Kryptonian?

Elliotte: Well I’m a little scared that if I tick her off she’ll pummel me into Oblivion.

Dimitri: Well don't tick her off then. Try showing her that you really care for her.

Elliotte: How?

Ashton: Well for one compliment her eyes.

Dimitri: Yeah, just tell her that she has beautiful eyes, and also compliment on her attire.

Elliotte: Ok, I get it. I’ll try to be nice and compliment her.

Ashton: Don’t say something so monumentally stupid even I would hate you.

Andruw: Yeah he's right.

Then we see Andruw in the room as he was laying on the floor in a pose with his eyes closed.

Dimitri: So don't mess this up Elliotte. Or you'll end up all alone.

Elliotte: Alright fine. Geez. *Gets up and walks to the door but looks at them* I was gonna go pick Kara up anyway.

Then he left through the door as Dimitri looked at Andruw and Ashton.

Dimitri: So we're gonna follow Elliotte to make sure he doesn't screw this up aren't we?

Andruw: Yup but I think we should follow him from above. We'll get a better view from that angle.

Ashton: Which morphers should we grab just in case?

Dimitri: That's up to you. For me I'll give ya info Ninja style plus I made these *holds up an egg* my special ninja smoke bombs. *Throws it and vanishes and reappears behind Ashton and Andruw* pretty cool huh?

Ashton: As for the morphers let’s do lost galaxy but this time I’m not morphing. Elliotte will be the red ranger this time.

Dimitri: Ok I'll get the rest of my smoke bombs.

Everett: Hey Bros, who wants omelettes?

Dimitri: Omelettes? *Realizes* Everette no!

Then a puff of smoke was seen as Everette was now in the room holding a bowl of smoke bombs and covered in spot.

Everett: *coughs* I think that was a rotten egg.

Then Dimitri made a deadpan look as Andtuw was trying to hold in his laughter at Everette’s foolishness.

Dimitri: They're not eggs, they're ninja smoke bombs.

Everett: You could’ve said that five seconds ago!

Dimitri: You could have at least read the label on the bowl. *Shows the bowl had a label that said “Ninja smoke bombs” on it*

Everette: Well you could have made it more clear!

Then Dimitri turned the bowl around to show a bunch of warning signs on it.

Everette: Still not that clear.

Dimitri: Ok so which one of us is gonna be magna defender? if I'm honest he's kinda one of my favorite rangers in the middle with Solaris Knight and dino thunder red ranger. You know what we’ll worry about it later right now let’s go.

Ashton: The Magna Defender is going to be you Dimitri. *hands him the magna morpher and key*

Dimitri: *takes the morpher and key* Ok thanks man.

Meanwhile we see Elliotte as he was walking down the streets as we see Dimitri in greninja form as he was watching from a rooftop as he watched elliotte walking and then pulled out a walkie-talkie.

Dimitri: Black Spider, this is Water Ninja. I spotted the target’s heading east. Over.

Ashton: Ok and did you come up with that code name? Over.

Dimitri: Actually Everette made up that code name. Over.

Andruw: Ok do you see him heading to Kara's house?

Dimitri: *looks through binoculars and sees Elliotte's almost at Kara's house* Yup he's almost there Fire Dragon, and you gotta say over when you're done talking. Over.

We see Andruw in Charizard form as Ashton was riding on his back as they were watching from above.

Andruw: Ok. we'll follow Elliotte and Kara. Over.

Ashton: Can we hurry up, and please be careful with that tail of yours.

Andruw: Sorry, I'm not used to having passengers on me

Meanwhile we see Elliotte as he was at the door to Kara's house as he knocks on it as it opens to reveal Kara.

Elliotte: Hey Kara.

Kara: Hey, ready?

Elliotte: Ready, and has anyone ever told you you have beautiful eyes?

Kara: Thanks. So ready to go to the place your talking about?

Elliotte: Yeah.

Then they both headed off as Dimitri watched through binoculars and got the walkie talkie out.

Dimitri: Guys the two are heading out to they’re date.

Andruw: *through walkie talkie* Where are they going to?

Dimitri: *looks through binoculars and eyes widen* guys are you not gonna believe where they’re going to.

Andruw: What?

Dimitri: Look at it dude, the rock music, the punk rock theme. They’re going to..

Andruw: *through walkie talkie* IKEA!

Dimitri: The Lazarus pit. Wait, Andruw did you say IKEA?

Andruw: *through walkie talkie* Nope, I said “Lazarus pit”, just like you.

Ashton: *through walkie talkie* You guys got that from the new Scoob movie didn’t you?

Dimitri: Maybe, that ikea scene is funny.

Andruw: *through walkie talkies* Agreed.

Dimitri: *looks through binoculars* They both just went inside. I'll see if I can get a closer look.

Then he jumped from building to building until he got to the Lazarus pit and got inside and looked around to see the place.

Dimitri: Ok this ain't half bad. *Sees Kara and Elliotte and grabs his walkie talkie* Ashton, Andruw, I found them.

Andruw: *through walkie talkie* What are they doing?

Dimitri: *sees them rocking out in the mosh pit* I would say having a good time.

Ashton: *Tingling* Uh oh spider sense tingling! *walkie talkie* Guys be on the lookout my spider sense went off. *takes out the nano reactor* Don’t worry Dad I’ll make you proud.

Dimitri: Ok well I was wanting to go for some action.

Then insect like soldiers appeared and started attacking the patrons in the club

Dimitri: Alright I've been wanting to do this. *Uses the key and morpher* Magna power!

Ashton: *pulls out his phone* Elliotte it's time to go galactic! You’re the red ranger this time!

Elliotte: Ok if you say so.

Then we see Ashton as he uses the nano reactor

Ashton: Iron Man power up!


(Play from 0:00 to 0:10)

Then he places the reactor on his chest and activates it as the nanobot inside the reactor formed the Iron Man mark 50 suit as he and Andruw then came into the club as Elliotte saw them.

Elliotte: Wait, were you guys spying on me?

Ashton: We were merely on patrol and we just happened to be in the neighborhood when these guys showed up. *blasts an enemy with the repulsors on his suit*

Dimitri: Wait you have an Iron Man suit?

Ashton: Yeah I was raised by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts remember?

Dimitri: Oh right and plus I'm also sorry about your dad, plus he's my favorite superhero besides Batman.

Ashton: *alarm inside the suit* Uh oh. Guys we have a big bogie coming in and fast!

Then a woman that looked like she was part praying mantis teleported in

Trakeena: Where is my future husband Ashton Millman?!

Ashton: Oh come on! First Necrolai, now her?! Why do all the bad girls go after me?!

Dimitri: I don't know, but let's get Mantis girl out of here.

Elliotte: It’s Morphin time! Go Galactic! *Morphs into Lost Galaxy’s red ranger* Galactic Red ranger! So this is what it feels like to be a red ranger.

Dimitri: Bro focus, power ranger Villainess remember? *Slashes an enemy*

Elliotte: Right. Let's take her out and I can continue with my date.

Then he and Dimitri came at Trakeena as Dimitri slashed her with his sword.

Dimitri: Why don't you just go back to where you came from? Cause your not welcome here.

Ashton: Means get lost bug girl.

Trakeena: Not without him! *points at Ashton*

Elliotte: Sorry but you're not his type. *Slashes her with his magna talon*

Andruw: If I were you I would get out of here while you can or I'll burn you to a crisp.

Trakeena: I like to see you try.

Then she comes at them as she tries to punch Elliotte as he dodges her attack and licks her in the gut and dimitri cake and slashes her as Ashton then fires at her.

Dimitri: How about you find a praying mantis that’s your type? Cause Ashton already has a girlfriend.

Ashton: And she is way prettier than you!

Elliotte: Oh! Burn!

Dimitri: *changes to greninja* And how about a drink for the way out? *fires a water gun blast at her. As he then changes to magma defender and aims his magna blaster at her* And don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Then he and Ashton fired at her, sending her out of the club as they demorphed as they were in they're hero outfits.

Dimitri: And stay out! *Looks at Elliotte as he was giving him a serious face* What?

Elliotte: Care to explain why you were spying on me and Kara?

Dimitri: We wouldn't call that spying. It was more like… Keeping an eye on you.

Ashton: Plus we were making sure you don't screw this up. We just wanted to make sure you were alright.

Andruw: Yeah dude, for me and Dimitri it's our job to make sure that our little brother is ok.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Elliotte: Look I understand you guys are looking out for me, you do realize I could have just called you guys.

Dimitri: Yeah, we kinda forgot about that.

Kara: And why does Ashton have a robotic suit

Dimitri: He's the adopted son of Ironman a superhero from another universe that died saving it.

Kara: Oh.

Elliotte: Well why couldn't the avengers just go back in time, find baby Thanos and you know. *Miming that he is strangling someone*

Dimitri: Dude, that's just wrong.

Elliotte: What? It's Thanos.

Ashton: Time travel doesn't work that way in my world. Changing the past doesn't change the future.

Elliotte: So Back to the Future is a bunch of bullcrap?

Ashton: In my world yes, think about it. If you travel to the past, that past becomes your future and your former present becomes the past. Which can't now be changed by your new future

Andruw: Who told you that?

Ashton: My uncle Bruce and auntie Natasha.

Dimitri: Bruce and Natasha? As in The incredible Hulk and Black Widow?

Ashton: Yeah that’s them. Auntie Nat taught me hand to hand combat alongside uncle Steve.

Elliotte: But how can the hulk know about time travel?

Dimitri: Dude, Bruce banner merged his mind with the Hulk’s and became the best of both worlds; Pure unadulterated strength and super intelligence. As I would like to call him, Processor Hulk.

Elliotte: So he's now a super strong, super genius hero?

Dimitri: Yes. But I'm kinda wondering how is it that people from other worlds are traveling to this world?

Ashton: Well I can tell you how I got here. After Dad died Mom gave me the plans for his time machine. I tinkered with them and made a device that could let me travel to other worlds.

Dimitri: Ok, do you think that machine of yours may somehow be creating portals to other worlds that are letting inhabitants from those realities be able to come to this reality? Just wondering if it is doing that.

Ashton: I don’t think so. I left the blueprints back home.

Dimitri: Ok, then maybe it’s something else. Then maybe some people in those worlds have some ways to make portals to here.

Ashton: Maybe, but just to be sure next time a monster shows up we need to restrain it so we can learn how they’re using portals.

But a portal opens up behind him and Trakeena drags him through

Trakeena: Like I said, you’re coming with me!

Ashton: Guys help! Don’t let her take me! I’m too young to be married to a bug!

Dimitri: We're coming!

But they were too late to stop Trakeena from taking Ashton

Grayson: We’re too late.

Dimitri: We'll just find her and save Ashton before he becomes her new husband/slave!

Elliotte: How? They could be anywhere! Besides you heard Ashton he left his blueprints for his portal machine back in his home dimension!

Dimitri: Uh hello? Elliotte can't you just sense his aura, I mean you are a lucario after all.

Elliotte: Oh yeah. *closes his eyes and uses his aura sense* Got it.

Everette: Where are they?

Elliotte: They’re inside the moon.

Andruw: Well looks like we're going on a trip to the moon.

Kara: Elliotte, you were able to figure out they're location?


Dimitri: Then that is where we're going.

Everette: But how do we get from here to the moon?

Dimitri: We'll use a megazord!

Andruw: Now come on, we got a wedding to crash.

Meanwhile with Ashton we see him and Trakeena as they were about to be married

Ashton: Come on, let's talk this out. You don't want to marry me, I'm not exactly husband material.

Necrolai: You will marry her or else your friends will be destroyed.

Dimitri: *in the shadows* we're many things but destroyed is not one of them.

Trakeena: How dare you interrupt my wedding!

Then the others came.

Elliotte: What's up? Did we miss the party?

Ashton: Oh thank God! I’m saved!!!

Necrolai: How did you find us?!

Elliotte: Easy i was able to sense his aura.

Trakeena: Enough of this! Sting wingers get them!!!!

Elliotte: Alright guys, let's squish these bugs. It’s morphin time!

All: Go galactic! Magna Power!

Then they morphed into the lost galaxy power rangers and Magna Defender.



Elliotte: Lost Galaxy Red Ranger!

Andruw: Lost Galaxy Blue Ranger!

Everette: Lost Galaxy Green Ranger!

Piper: Lost galaxy  Pink Ranger!

Rowan: Lost Galaxy Yellow Ranger!

Dimitri: Magna Defender!

Grayson: why settle with one magna defender when you can have two *pulls out a master morpher and turns into a second Magna Defender* Now there's two magna defenders which means Double Trouble!

Ashton: Did you guys bring a morpher for me?

Dimitri: Yeah catch! *throws an astro morpher to him*

Ashton: Thanks! Let’s Rocket!


Voice: 335!

Ashton then turns into the In Space Red Ranger.

Ashton: In Space Red Ranger! This is gonna be fun! Let’s dance!

Dimitri: Time for some pest control.

Ashton: The bug lady is mine! *lunges at Trakeena*

Dimitri: We'll go after Necrolai.

Kara: Leave the grunts to me and the girls. *cracks her knuckles*

Dimitri: Good enough.

Then they began To charge at each other

Ashton: Who gave you the right to claim me as your husband?! While yes you are very pretty I’m already taken.

Trakeena: Your mother of course. She said in return for bringing you to her I could have you to myself. *slashes at him*

Dimitri: Sorry but Ashton is not going with you or Necrolai even if she's his mom!

Ashton: Spiral saber! *slashes at Necrolai* Yeah, I'm staying here with my friends.

Trakeena: What does that Earth wimp have that I don’t?! *points at Zee*

Ashton: If you hadn't noticed, Zee has a wonderful personality, and won’t try to eat me! Plus she isn’t an evil space bug!

Then as dimitri slashed Necrolai She pushed him As He Noticed Something shining as it was A blue crystal.

???: Use the power of your Z-move.

Then Dimitri looked at the crystal and picked it up as he looked at Necrolai.

Dimitri: Time to bring out my water power.

Then he changed into greninja form as he then moved his hands in a motion like water flowing as he was Now Engulfed in energy.

Dimitri: Hydro Vortex!

Then water came to the area as Necrolai and Trakeena were Now in a whirlpool as dimitri then slashed at Them in multiple directions as they were now on the ground as Dimitri looked at them.

Dimitri: Well looks like you two Ladies are all washed up. Get it? Washed up?

Elliotte: We get it dude.

Piper: How did you do that?

Everette: Yeah man, that was the coolest thing I ever saw!

Dimitri: I don't know. A voice told me to use the power of my Z-move.

Kara: Z-move?

Dimitri: Yeah, I didn't know I could do that.

Andruw: *Sees necrolai and Trakeena are gone.* Well i guess it'll be a while till we see them again

Ashton: Just wait. Tomorrow another evil girl is gonna try to kidnap me.

Dimitri :But we'll be prepared.

???: I see you have mastered your Z-move.

They looked to see a white creature looking at them as Dimitri saw it was clearly a pokemon.

Dimitri: It's a pokemon.

Arceus: Yes, I am Arceus, and I see that you and your siblings have become great heroes just like I hoped you would.

Dimitri: So you must be the one who sent me and my brothers and sisters here.

Arceus: Yes and I am also the one who gave you your powers.

Ashton: You gave my friends they're powers?

Arceus: Yes.

Dimitri: Wait how did you? *realizes* Of course.


In the Dimitri and his siblings world we see andruw And Elliotte and the rest of the siblings in a pool as Dimitri then comes to them.

Dimitri: Hey guys, what are you doing?

Elliotte: Swimming in the pool.

Dimitri: Uh, but why's the water so... Bleh?

then a man was seen looking at the pipes as blue goo was Seen coming out of it.

Man: Maybe it just hasn't been purified, or maybe it's not water at all. *walks off* Not sure what it is Exactly but I'll have it fixed soon.

As he walked off Dimitri looked at Andruw and Elliotte.

Dimitri: Uh guys i don't think swimming around in mystery liquid is safe.

Elliotte: Come on dude, how bad can it be?

Dimitri: Well if you guys start feeling weird side effects don't come crying to-

Everette: *Jumps off a diving board* Cannonball!

Dimitri: Wait! your gonna get me all- *Everette lands in the pool making a big splash as it got him wet.* wet…

As they laughed they Glowed briefly for a moment as they stopped glowing as Arceus was seen from a distance.

Arceus: Be prepared young ones, your Destiny shall come.

Flashback end.

Andruw: So you gave us our powers.

Arceus: Yes and i see You have done well with them.I will see You soon again

Dimitri: Well ok.

We later see they were now back on earth As Dimitri came to Elliotte.

Dimitri: Hey bro, sorry if your date didn't go so well.

Elliotte: Are you kidding? I had a great time.

Dimitri: Oh well I'm glad you enjoyed it. Well good night bro.

Then we see Elliotte astalking to Kara

Elliotte: So aside from the bug men and our friend being kidnapped and almost forced to marry an evil bug princess did you enjoy our date?

Kara: Yes I did. Can’t wait to go on another one.

But while that was going on Ashton was having some trouble trying to sleep as he was having a terrible nightmare

Ashton: *sleepily* No no. Get away from them I’ll join you just leave them alone!

Then a figure was seen in his room

Figure: on one condition.

Ashton: anything

Figure: unground Everett From tv and  candy

then Ashton woke up confused.

Ashton: What?

Then we See Everett in his Room

Ashton: Nice try Everett but no. You’re still grounded. Now get back to your room and get some sleep.

Everett: Aw it was worth a shot but what were you dreaming about?

Ashton: What I am about to tell you cannot tell the others alright?

Everett: I won't.

Ashton: Good. I was having a vision of all us in the future and we each have kids. But our worst enemies kidnapped all of them, you and your siblings, and our girls. They would only let them go if I joined them and I agreed but they killed everyone anyway.

Everette: Dude, that's cruel, but we can find a way to keep it from happening

Ashton: Thanks Everett. You know what? You just shortened your grounding by a few weeks. And you can have tv and candy again by tomorrow.

Everette: Thanks buddy, plus it was only a vision and we can find a way to stop that future from happening.

Ashton: Let’s hope so.

And Cut! Bet you weren’t expecting a freaking Iron Man suit to show up huh? Anyway, we hope you enjoyed this chapter and we’ll see you guys next time! Let's See what next time will have in store.

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