Grayson's date with his Bumblebee.

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In the house we see the others getting up as Dimitri walked to Ashton.

Dimitri: So how'd you sleep last night Ashton?

Ashton: Terrible.

Dimitri: Oh had a nightmare I assume?

Ashton: Yeah, but I don't want to talk about it.

Dimitri: Oh well I had a strange dream it was where I saw Jess and myself and we both had a child. Almost like a vision.

Andruw: Same with me and Babs.

Elliotte: Ditto.

Everett: Same here.

Grayson: Me too.

Rowan: I had one too.

Piper: Same goes for me.

Ashton: Weird. All of us had visions of our future at the same time. Could it be due to a monster or a dream manipulator?

Dimitri: Don't know, but I was surprised to see in the future we were parents there.

Ashton: You too? I had twins. Two sons.

Everett: I had a daughter and son.

Piper: I had a son in my dream.

Andruw: I had two sons and a daughter.

Elliotte: I had a son along with a baby daughter.

Grayson: And I had a daughter.

Dimitri: Well I had twins, a daughter and son.

Everette: Wow, plus do you think in the future we'll be good parents?

Ashton: We'll be great parents. But Grayson shouldn't you be getting ready?

Grayson: Right my date with Karen.

Then he went to his room to get ready.

Dimitri: Do you think we should tell the girls about the visions we had last night?

Ashton: Yeah. But we need to be ready for what could happen when they find out.

Dimitri: Your right, the girls are scary when they're mad.

Andruw: Yeah so maybe we should tell them it delicately.

Elliotte: He's right. Plus I don't want to get blasted by Kara's heat vision.

Dimitri: So we should tell them about our visions after Grayson's done with his date.

Ashton: Good idea.

Then we see Grayson come out as he walks out of the door.

Dimitri: I don't know what Jess will react if I tell her that she'll be a mother in the future. And I can't tell if I should be scared or not.

Meanwhile with Grayson we see him walking down the street as he saw Karen.

Grayson: Hey Karen, sorry if I'm a bit late.

Karen: It's ok, what were you doing at home?

Grayson: Me and the others were talking about something.

Karen: Like what?

Grayson: I'll tell you when we meet up with the others after our date.

Karen: Ok so ready for the movie?

Grayson: Of course.

Then they walked together as they headed to the movie theater.

Grayson: Well at least we'll see a good movie. But to be sure *calls Ashton* Hey Ashton, you mind looking out in case a villain comes and attacks?

Ashton: Sure, you got your morpher with ya right?

Grayson: Yup, never leave home without it.

Ashton: Ok we'll keep an eye out. What morpher did you grab so I can tell everyone else to grab the same.

Grayson: The super Megaforce silver one, and I even have the ranger keys.

Ashton: While I hate Megaforce myself I'll let everyone know.

Grayson: Ok thanks man. Bye. *Hangs up and sees the line is shorter* Well, it looks like we're lucky.

Then they headed to the ticket booth.

Grayson: Excuse me but can you tell me what's playing in theaters, please?

Man: There's the 2017 power rangers movie playing.

Grayson: Ok. We'll take two tickets.

???: Better make it four.

Then they turned around to see was Ashton and Zee

Zee: Hey guys!

Grayson: Going to see that movie too?

Ashton: Of course. *whispers* Besides when a monster attacks in a few hours you'll have some back up.

Grayson: Ok. Thanks for the info

Then they took the tickets as they went into the theater and got to their seats.

Grayson: Well at least this will be a fun movie to watch.

Ashton: Of course it will. It stars the original pink and green rangers. The latter I got to meet.

Grayson: Cool. *whispers to ashton* later we are gonna tell the girls about the you know what?

Ashton: *whispers* of course.

Karen: What was that?

Grayson: Nothing.

Karen: Ok.

They then began to watch the movie

Ashton: *whispers to Karen* I hope you mind that me and Zee joined you guys.

Karen: I don't mind at all.

Grayson: yeah we could use some company.

Ashton: Thanks.

Then they continued to watch the movie as they sat in they're seats enjoying the movie as they watched the movie after a couple of hours they were walking out of the theater as they walked through the streets and Ashton's Spidey senses started to tingle.

Ashton: Aw crap not again.

Then a blast came as they dodged it to see was a monster with armor on and holding a blaster Ashton saw him

Ashton: Well at least it's only one monster and bot a girl trying to kidnap me.

Then he saw the others came to them.

Dimitri: ready guys.

Grayson: Yeah let's kick this up with legendary Rpm power *grabs the RPM silver key* Cool another silver key *his belt then brings out the gold Rpm ranger key* Wait I have a second key a gold one

Ashton: I have an idea *whispers his idea to Grayson*

Grayson: If you say so.

Then he was now in a white void as he then saw the RPM gold and silver rangers

Grayson: It's you two. So which should I choose?

Voice: You don't have to, rangers fuse.

Then the two rangers grabbed hands as they glowed as Grayson was back and now holding a key that was a fusion of the RPM gold and silver ranger.

Grayson: Whoa. Let's try this out. *Pulls out his morpher* Legendary sixth ranger mode. RPM gold and silver. *Places the key in his morpher*

Then he was now in a ranger suit as one side was holding and the other was silver as his helmet was a combination of the two ranger helmets.

Dimitri: Woah.

Piper: He fused both RPM gold and silver ranger.

Grayson: It's showtime. RPM silver and RPM gold ready for lift off. And now I have two cloud hatchets which means double the trouble.

Ashton: Let's help him out!

Dimitri: Let's make this monster see red.

All: Legendary red ranger mode.

Then dimitri became dino thunder red.

Andruw: Wait we can all be red *becomes wild force red ranger*

Ashton: Sweet! *turns into jungle fury's red ranger*

Piper: Color me impressed *morphs to samurai red ranger*

Ashton: Not one of my favorite seasons but a good choice with samurai.

Everett: I'll say *morphs to ninja steel red ranger*

Elliotte: Let's make some magic! *turns into mystic force red ranger*

Rowan: Let's turn this guy black and blue. *morphs to SPD red ranger*

Then they all took poses as they faced the monster

Cybax: What?! I'm seeing red.

Dimitri: Red rangers let's take him down

Ashton: Strength of the tiger! Jungle fury Red Ranger!

Rowan: 1! SPD red ranger! *Lights on the helmet flashes as a police siren was heard*

Elliotte: Fearsome as fire! Mystic force Red ranger!

Andruw: Blazing lion! Wild force red ranger!

Piper: Red Samurai ranger ready!

Everett: Power of the ninja! Ninja steel Red!

Dimitri: Tyranno power! Red ranger!

Ashton: Let's get him! *points at Cybax*

Then they charged at him as Dimitri hits him with his Tyranno staff as Rowan blasted him with her blasters as Andruw and Ashton then came at him and punched and kicked him as Piper then slashed at him with her sword and Grayaon then flew around him slashing at Cybax as he then changed to his silver ranger.

Grayson: Time to finish you off! *Grabs the super Megaforce silver key* Supermega final strike. *Places the key in his spear* Final strike! *He jumps into the air* Super silver spear!

Then he threw the spear at Cybax as it hits him as he then fell down and Explode as a beam came and made Cybax big. Then Grayson looked at three keys as the time force quantum key, Mighty Morphin green key and dino thunder white key began to glow.

Ashton: I think it's time you used your megazord.

Grayson: Got it. *Grabs the quantum ranger key* Summon Q-rex Zord! *Places the key in the morpher* hey guys do me a favor and let me fight this guy myself.

Then in the future we see a Zord as it was a dino in drill mode as it flew through a portal and to the timeline they were in.

Grayson: It's the time force Q-Rex. *Jumps into the zord* Wish me luck. *in the cockpit* Q-Rex drill mode!

Then we see two other monsters were made

(Imagine there's two of them.)

they then fired at The zord but it took the hits as it then hits them as Grayson held up the green ranger key.

Grayson: Let's try this. Q-Rex Dino mode activate.

Then he placed the key in as the q-Rex began to move up and change form as it was in its Dino form and it roared.

Grayson: Q-Rex Dinozord ready!

Then it came at the monster as The zord bit one as the other monster grabbed the zord by its tail.

Grayson: Hey! Off my tail! *makes the drill tail spin hurting the monster* Q-Rex laser!

Then the zord fires a laser at the monsters destroying them as Grayson held up the white Dino thunder key.

Grayson: Q-Rex megazord activate!

He placed the key in and twists it as the head of the zord then became an arm as well as the tail as the zord stood up as the arms were placed in as the megazord's head came out .

Grayson: Q-Rex megazord ready!

Then the megazord came at Cybax as it hits him with its drill as Grayson made its arm into the Q-Rex Dino head as it hits him and then bit him as he then used the drill arm as it spins and hits Cybax.

Grayson: Time to finish you off! Super mega final strike *twists the keys* Triple drill attack

Then the three forms of the Q-red appeared as they then attacked with they're still as it hits Cybax as he then falls down and Explodes.

Grayson: Yes! It's a Super mega win!

Then he came down to the others as he looked at Ashton.

Grayson: Karen, you and Zee meet us at our house along with the other girls. There's something we need to tell you all.

Zee: What is it?

Ashton: It's best you head to our place and we'll tell you.

We then see everyone in the theater room at the house

Dimitri: We're glad you all came, cause what we're about to tell you is a bit surprising.

Jessica: Dimitri what is it that's so important.

Dimitri: Well last night I had a vision and it showed the future and Jess in that future your... a mother.

Jessica: What? Me? A mom?

Dimitri: Yeah in that future me and you are parents of twins. A son and daughter.

Jessica: Were they cute?

Dimitri: They were adorable. It was like looking at a baby version of us. But I'm not the only one who got that vision.

Ashton: I got one as well.

Andruw: So did I.

Elliotte: Me too.

Piper: Same here.

Everette: Ditto.

Grayson: I got that vision too.

Rowan: And I did too.

Kara: So you guys had visions of us being parents?

Ashton: Yes. But my vision is a little messed up.

Everette: Yeah, it's true.

Zee: What was it about?

Ashton: It was where you all and our kids were kidnapped by our enemies and the only way for you all to be free was that I joined them.

Zee: WHAT!?

Ashton: Yeah I agreed but they killed you guys anyway along with our kids. I couldn't live with myself if that actually happened.

Dimitri: Look we'll make sure that doesn't happen.

Elliotte: And Everette you knew about this and didn't tell us?

Everette: It was because Ashton didn't want you all to know.

Ashton: It's true. I didn't want you all to worry about me.

Dimitri: Dude we're a team and we stick together.

Andruw: Yeah and we won't let that happen to us and our kids in that future.

Zee: He's right we'll make sure that future never happens.

Jessica: I was shocked to find out that I was going to be a mother in the future.

Zee: Same for us.

Dimitri: But I think that we'll be excellent parents in the future

Ashton: You got that right pal. Now who wants to watch some power rangers shows that aren't turbo or megaforce or operation overdrive?

Dimitri: How about Dino charge?

Everyone else: Works for us!

Ashton: Computer Play Power Rangers Dino Charge. Starting from episode one of season one.

And Cut! Hope you guys liked it and next up is piper and I think that she's gonna give her date a kick. Hope to see you guys soon with the next chapter. Later.

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