Piper's date with a jock

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At the house we see Piper and Jessica by the pool as they saw Dimitri in greninja form at the bottom of the pool in the water as we see Elliotte and Ashton come to them.

Elliotte: What are you two doing?

Piper: Watching Dimitri being at the bottom of the pool.

Elliotte: How long has he been underwater?

Jessica: Almost a whole hour.

Elliotte: Without coming up for air?

Ashton: Who does he think he is? Percy Jackson?

Then Dimitri swam up to the surface as he saw the others.

Dimitri: Hey guys.

Elliotte: What were you doing in the water.

Dimitri: Since I can turn into a water type Pokémon I was trying to see how long I can be underwater. Plus I was under deep thought of the fact that me and Jess will be parents in the future.

Ashton: Same for me and Zee.

Dimitri: But what does it even mean?

Ashton: I don't know.

Jessica: Though I am wondering does Dimitri's Greninja form have any downfalls?

Dimitri: Come to think of it yeah. I happened to be weak against electricity.

Jessica: Then if electricity hurts you then does it go for Everette too?

Ashton: Actually no, Everette's Swampert form may be a water type but he's also a ground type, and electric moves can't hurt ground types.

Dimitri: Yeah, and Piper shouldn't you be getting ready for your date with Hal?

Piper: Oh right. Thanks for reminding me.

She then heads inside to get ready.

Dimitri: You think I should be worried that Hal is dating my sister?

Ashton: With his track record I am. Besides if he does screw it up he'll get to meet mr. stabby! *venom forms a blade on his hand*

Dimitri: And how could a moron like Hal be chosen as a green lantern?

Ashton: Maybe he saved the previous wielder of his ring?

Dimitri: Probably.

Ashton's eyes fog up as he gets another vision this time of the next monster to show up

Dimitri: Dude you ok?

Ashton: I'm getting a vision and this time it's about the next monster.

Dimitri: Please tell me it's not a female villain that'll be after you is it?

Ashton: Yes but this time it isn't Trakeena or Necrolai. Thank God!

Dimitri: Ok.

Then we see Everette swimming around as he had his swampert helmet on as Elliotte noticed.

Elliotte: *points at him* Well if it ain't the ugly duckling

Then Everette snapped his teeth at Elliotte making him jump back a bit.

Everette: I'm a crocodile Elliotte.

Dimitri: You got that from Ed Edd n Eddy did ya?

Everette: Maybe.

Ashton: To be honest, that part is pretty funny. *gets another vision showing which female monster is coming* Oh no! The monster is Venoma from Ninja Steel!

Dimitri: Well we'll be ready.

Ashton: Dibs on the gold power star!

Dimitri: Then I'll go with red.

Jessica: Though Dimitri I'm a bit curious what's your world like?

Dimitri: Well it's like a normal world where everyone is normal but we thought that Pokémon were fake but they were real. And plus all of the heroes Ashton was talking about and you girls were characters for shows and movies.

Everette: Yeah and we even watched the movies that had the avengers in.

Ashton: In my world the movies were just documentaries.

Jessica: So in that world me and the girls are characters in a show?

Dimitri: Yes. And for you Jess when that show came out I saw you as my favorite character.

Ashton: Myself on the other hand had not even heard of it until I started reading a story called "Alien Hero Of Metropolis."

Dimitri: Wow, must be a good story.

Ashton: It is just that! It puts yourself into the world of the very show it's based on "Dc Superhero Girls!"

Dimitri: The person must really liked that show he made a story out of it.

Ashton: The funny thing is one of the readers of the story became the co author after suggesting a new power for the reader. But girls there one thing if the story you may not like.

Jessica: What's that?

Ashton: All six of you date the same dude. Plus a lot more girls end up doing the same thing.

Everette: So it was a harem story?

Ashton: And one that spans into the infinite! Literally crossing over anything and everything. From Mortal Kombat to Dc superhero girls. From Spider-Man to Harry Potter!

Dimitri: Wow. That is a lot of pretty ladies!

Then a Note appears that says "You don't know the half of it squirt! From the Authors." as Dimitri saw it

Everette: Where is that story from?

Ashton: On some website called Wattpad.

Dimitri: Oh well it must be going pretty well.

Ashton: It has over 100 chapters already.

Everett: Wow that's a long story.

Dimitri: That's gotta be a world record.

Ashton: Yeah probably.

(Authors: We hoped you liked that little promo now back to the story)

Dimitri: Anyway, we should think of a way to do that and to do that we'll need the element of...

Then we see another Dimitri as he appears behind Ashton and Jessica.

Dimitri clone: Surprise.

Ashton: Clones great!

Dimitri: Thanks man, I learned it from this book *holds up a book* Chapter 4, page 178, the cloning technique.

Dimitri 2: It's pretty easy, when you pay close attention to the details

Then another clone was behind Jessica.

Dimitri 3: You got that right.

Then Jessica got startled as she then fell in the pool and looked at the clone.

Dimitri 3: *points at the second Dimitri* He did it.

Dimitri 2: What?! You did that!

Ashton: Let me see that book. *reads the chapter* Ok I think I got it. *does ninja hand signals and makes a clone of himself* Hey it worked.

Then Piper came to the pool as she noticed the clones.

Piper: Uh, what's going on here?

Ashton: Cloning technique.

Ashton 2: and one of Dimitri's clones made Jess fall in the pool.

Dimitri 3: My bad.

Then knocking was heard as they went to the door to see Hal.

Hal: Hey guys. *Sees Jessica all wet.* Jess why are you all wet?

Jessica: I don't want to talk about it.

Piper: Ready for our date Hal?

Hal: Yup.

Dimitri: Ok have fun Piper. Remember Hal don't do anything that will break her heart. That's my sister Hal. *Deep voice* Or I'll crush every bone in your body!

Ashton: *demonic voice* Or worse yet he'll feed you to me!

Hal: Ok, I won't screw this up.

Dimitri: *normal voice* Good. Have fun you two.

Piper: We will!

Ashton: We're still gonna follow them right?

Dimitri: Yup, we're gonna make sure he treats my sister right.

Ashton: And I get to introduce him to mr. Stabby if he doesn't?

Dimitri: Yes.

Ashton: Sweet! But let's hope the Dinklebergs don't follow us!

Dimitri: The DINKLEBERGS?! Our hated arch enemies from over the fence?!

Ashton: Yeah!

Jessica: Not to break up your conversation, but can I at least have a towel please?

Dimitri: Right, here ya go. *Hands her a towel*

Jessica: Thanks, You both seem to really care about Piper.

Dimitri: Of course for me she's my little sister.

Ashton: And she's my friend, it's our job to look after the youngins.

Jessica: But you both do realize they're not gonna be young forever right?

Ashton: We know we're just keeping an eye on them for now. I wonder do you think Dinkleberg could be sending all of the monsters after us?

Dimitri: that's a possible theory

Ashton: *pulls out a periscope with two viewing lenses* Just look at those animals! Wallowing in their perfection!

Dimitri: Yeah, they think they're so better than us! Their total superiority will be their downfall!

Jessica: Who are the Dinklebergs?

Ashton: Our evil neighbors! Look!

Jessica looked through the periscope and sees a man with his wife

Jessica: I don't see them doing anything evil. Just relaxing by their pool.

Ashton: *gasps* Oh no Dinkleberg got to Jessica!

Dimitri: Not Jessica! Dinkleberg you let my girlfriend free from your evil clutches now!

Rowan: Oh no, are they talking about Dinkleberg again?

Andruw: Looks like it. Guys we have a date to safeguard remember!?

Dimitri: Fine, but I will make Dinkleberg pay someday!

Elliotte: *Grabs Dimitri and Ashton* Come on you two, you can continue your delusional ranting later.

Then they both looked at Dinkleberg as they glared at him.

Dimitri and Ashton: Dinkleberg!

Meanwhile with Piper and Hal they were walking through town.

Piper: Sorry about how Dimitri and Ashton are threatening you, they're just trying to look out for me.

Hal: It's cool.

Piper: Yeah well I'm sure they'll be fine with me going out with you.

We then see the others hiding in a bush as dimitri and Ashton looked through binoculars.

Dimitri: Everything looks good so far.

Ashton: But if things go south Hal will soon meet Mr. Stabby. *Venom makes a blade hand*

Jessica: I think you two are being a bit overprotective.

Ashton: Sorry. *spidey sense* Oh no! Not now!

Everette: Maybe if we hide here, the monster would probably go away.

Dimitri: Or possibly go through the city to find Ashton. For now let's find a better place to hide, let us walk on the tips of our toes.

Then they lifted the bush up and began to tiptoe away as a tiptoe sound was heard.

Piper: What that noise?

Then they stopped and acted like a bush as Piper and Hal turned and then shrugged and then then the sound was heard again.

Elliotte: Where is that coming from?

Then they saw Everette playing a tiny piano as he was making the tiptoe sound effect.

Ashton: Will you stop playing that tiny piano?! *Whispers* Your gonna get us caught.

Everette: *hides the tiny piano* Sorry. Look Basher Bots and a giant bug lady!

Then they looked to see that what Everette said was right as basher bots and a giant bug lady were seen

Venoma: Where is he!? Basher bots! Spread out and find him!

Ashton: *whispers* We gotta get out of here now.

Dimitri: Uhhh. *Sees a store* in there.

Ashton: Uh guys?

Elliotte: What?

Ashton: It's too late they found us!

Dimitri: Well there's one thing to say.

Andruw: what's that?

Dimitri: RUN!

Ashton: Don't have to tell me twice!

Venoma: Basher bots surround them!

Dimitri: Uhh. *points at a direction* Hey look! There's a group of easily frightened humans!

The bash bots then turned to see that there was nothing and saw that they were now gone.

Venoma: After them!

Then the basher boys ran off to find them as they looked to see Dimitri and Ashton wearing trench coats, fedoras and sunglasses as they pointed to the left side of town as the robots ran off to that direction as Dimitri and Ashton shook hands and ran off then we see Ashton ran to an alleyway as he saw it was a dead end and then saw Venoma.

Venoma: Why have you been hiding from me Ashton?

Ashton: I wasn't hiding! *Dodges a punch* I was sick! My ship broke down! *Gets punched in the face* I needed a new suit! *Gets punched again* There was an earthquake! *Gets punched again* A flood! *Gets punched again* Thanos attacked! Just please don't eat me!

Dimitri: Hey get away from my best bud!

Venoma: No one will stand between us.

Then she fired arrows at him but then a green shield construct blocked them

Ashton: Hal thank god!

Hal: I can't let any monster mess with my friends.

Dimitri: Let's show this bug what we got.

Piper: Jess you can take over being a ranger. I'll face this monster face to foot. *throws the pink ninja steel star to her and she changes to her lopunny form.*

Ashton: Hey Venoma guess what time it is!?

All: It's Morphin Time!

All: Power stars lock in! Ninja spin!

Then the morphed into the ninja steel rangers

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ashton: Rhythm of the Ninja! Ninja Steel Gold Ranger!

Dimitri: Power of the Ninja! Ninja Steel Red Ranger!

Andruw: Stealth of the ninja! Ninja Steel Blue Ranger!

Everette: Strength of the Ninja! Ninja Steel Yellow Ranger!

Rowan: Spirit of the ninja! Ninja Steel White Ranger!

Jessica: Speed of the ninja! Ninja Steel Pink Ranger!

All: Ninja Rangers fear no danger! Power Rangers Ninja Steel!

Venoma: Oh come on! I get killed by you guys once already, now I have to do it again?! Fine! Basher Bots get them!

Piper: Hey guys you still have that Lopunnite on you?

Dimitri: I got it, catch!

He threw it to Piper as she caught it.

Piper: Time for some mega evolution. *she then glowed and became Mega Lopunny* Let's squish this bug.

Then they charged at the boys as they fought them as Dimitri slashed a few and saw a thunder bolt came by and struck the bots as he then froze in place as he then saw the thunderbolt come from Ashton's Rockstar sword.

Ashton: Pretty cool attack huh? I think I'll call it my Rockstorm Blast!

Dimitri: Uh yeah good name.

Then we see Piper as she then kicked a basher not as her hand then had electricity in it.

Piper: Thunder punch!

He punched one basher not as it was sent to a few more bots as they exploded as she blew off any smoke her hand had on. And then saw a few more basher bots.

Piper: Oh you want some too? Ok thunder bolt.

Then she sent a thunderbolt at the bots electrocuting them

Everette: Wow I didn't know Piper could do that.

Elliotte: Did anyone here know Piper could do electric type moves? *turns to Ashton* did you know?

Ashton: Nope! Lightning Slash! *swings his sword at Venoma*

Piper: Nice one Ashton, let me in on the action! *runs to Venoma*

Ashton: *Hands her his sword* Try it with this.

Piper: Ok, let's try it with my move and your sword. High jump kick! *She then kicked Venoma up to the air as she jumped up and then slashed her with the sword while spinning like a top.* Spinning slash! *slashes Venoma as she lands to the ground as Venoma was down* You should never mess with this bunny. *Changes to her Lopunny form*

Hal: What just happened?

Dimitri: That was Piper's mega evolution, and what makes it different than normal evolution is it's not permanent.

Ashton: Yeah, Andruw, Elliotte and Everette can do that.

Hal: Can Dimitri do that?

Ashton: No, but he has something similar to that, it's kinda like mega evolution but without a mega stone. *spidey sense* Guys bug lady is about to get even bigger!

Then we see Venoma as she was now gigantic.

Dimitri: You guys wanna try the ninja blaze megazord?

Ashton: She's after me! I'm gonna need the Bullrider Megazord! *grabs the bull rider zord star* Bull rider zord star lock in! Ninja spin! *spins the ninja star*

Then we see a blue zord riding on a bull like Atv zord as it drives to the scene.

Ashton: Bull rider zords out of the shadows! *jumps in* Let's do this.

Then the zord drove to Venoma as she fires at it but the zord dodged it as the zord fires at her.

Ashton: Let's do this, Bull rider megazord combine!

Then the robo rider zord got off as the Bull zord changes to the body of the megazord as the robo rider zord got on the top as the ninja star then made the head of the megazord.

Ashton: Bull Rider Megazord ready!

Then the megazord then came at Venoma as it then hit her with the blade part of it's blaster as it then fired at her as she was sent a few feet away.

Ashton: Let's finish this! Bull Rider Megazord, rodeo rapid blast! Final attack!

Then the megazord loaded it's blaster as it aimed it at Venoma.

Ashton: Fire!

Then the megazord fires at Venoma as she was hit by the blasts.

Venoma: Love stings! *falls down and explodes*

Ashton: Shows over, ninjas win!

Hal: That was crazy!

Dimitri: Tell me about it, we do stuff like this all the time.

Then Ashton came down.

Ashton: Well that's the last of her.

Dimitri: Yeah now to more important matters at hand. *points at Dinkleberg driving by*

Ashton: Dinkleberg!

Andruw: What's the problem with him? What did he ever do to you two?

Ashton: Can't you see he is pure evil!?

Jessica: How can he be evil? He seems like a nice man.

Dimitri: That's what he wants you to think. And then he strikes!

Elliotte: Calm down you two, he's just a regular man.

Ashton: Not until Dinkleberg is behind bars!

Dimitri: We will get you Dinkleberg! Mark my words, Metropolis is no place for you!

Hal: I don't think he can hear you, cause he's already gone.

Ashton: Dang it we lost him!

Dimitri: Curse you Dinkleberg!

Andruw: Calm down you psychopaths, you guys need to let it go.

Dimitri: Fine. *whispers to Ashton* but I still think he's pure evil.

Ashton: Same here buddy.

Piper: I heard that.

Ashton: We didn't say anything!

Piper: Hello? *points at her ears* My ears heard you loud and clear.

As they were walking by Dimitri noticed a overweight man passing by

his eyes widened as he saw his face and then saw an image of a man with a Lucha mask.

Dimitri: *whispers* El Macho.

He then grabs the others and hides in a bush*

Ashton: What's gotten into you?

Dimitri: *points at the man* That man looked exactly like a villain named El Macho.

Ashton: Who that fat guy?

Dimitri: Don't let that fool you, he was a villain from twenty years ago.


We see a muscular man at a counter wearing a luchador mask and outfit as he moves a man and grabs a glass of scorpion venom.

Dimitri: *narrating* he was ruthless.

He then pours the bulbs in a class cup and smashes the bottle on his head but wasn't hurt from it and then pours rattlesnake venom in it.

Dimitri: He was dangerous, as his name states.

He then deats the cup and places money on the counter and pins the snake's fangs on it.

Dimitri: Very macho.

Then El Macho walked through a wall and broke it as a truck with money came by and then stopped it with his chest.

Dimitri: He has the reputation to pull a heist using only his bare hands.

Ashton: That El Macho guys sounds pretty tough.

Dimitri: He was, but sadly he left too soon.

Jessica: What do you mean?

Dimitri: He died the most macho way possible.

We see a plane fly by as we see El Macho as he was on a shark as it was strapped on rockets as he had dynamite stepped to his chest as he makes it head to a volcano as he had two grenades in his hands.

Dimitri: He rode on a rocket powered shark into an active volcano with 30 pounds of dynamite strapped to his chest!

Then El Macho heads into the volcano as an explosion was seen.

Flashback end.

Dimitri: It was intense.

Elliotte: Uh yeah. Well after that El Macho sounds pretty dead after that story.

Dimitri: They never found the body. The only thing that was ever found was a pile of singed chest hairs. But that face, is definitely El Macho.

Ashton: *in his head* Even with that backstory he still isn't as evil as Dinkleberg!

Then the others looked at Dimitri.

Elliotte: So you're saying that guy faked his death?

Dimitri: Exactly. But I got my eye on him.

Elliotte: Well feel free to continue your delusional ranting about El Macho. We're gonna head home.

Dimitri: Fine, but you guys find out that man is actually El Macho don't come crying to me.

Ashton: And if you finally figured out that Dinkleberg is evil too don't come crying to me either!

Piper: Hal, sorry if our date didn't go too well.

Hal: That was actually the best date I ever had.

Dimitri: Look Hal, the reason me and Ashton acted earlier was our only concern is how you treat my sister.

Ashton: And after seeing what you did back there your ok in our book.

Dimitri: And even if we didn't like you piper wouldn't listen, she can be a bit stubborn sometimes.

Piper: Hey!

Dimitri: Look I'm just joking. We'll see you next time.

We then see them at the house as we see Dimitri as he was in his room with multiple papers on the floor as Ashton came in and saw the place.

Ashton: Dude what is all this on the floor?

Dimitri: research.

Ashton: Research on what?

Dimitri: Him! *shows a photo of El Macho.* I'm telling you, he is definitely El Macho. *Places the photo next to the photo of the man he saw earlier* now tell me that this isn't El Macho because it is definitely El Macho.

Ashton: But what about our plans to expose Dinkleberg for the evil monster he is?

Dimitri: We are doing that but imagine what would happen if those two teamed up? It could lead to Armageddon! Two of the most evil in the world will enslave all of mankind! *Gets slapped by Ashton* I needed that. *Gets slapped again* I need that too. *Gets punched by Ashton* YOUR PUSHING YOUR LUCK ASH!

Ashton: You're quoting the second live action Scooby-Doo movie aren't you?

Dimitri: Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Look I'll work on El Macho later, right now let's focus on Dinkleberg.

Ashton: It's time to start Operation: Dinkleberg!

And Cut! We'll see you guys later and be ready for the next date as Everette will be going out with Diana Prince.

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