Hate triangle

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In outer space we see two green blurs as it showed Jessica and Hal Jordan training.

Hal: This is it! I got you pinned inside the tent, staring at an all-out blitz.

He made a green bo staff and charged at her.

Jessica: Wait. What? What does that mean?

She made a green bo staff as well as she blocked hal's attack as they were face to face.

???: No, no, no.

They looked down as they saw they were upside down as they saw an alien in a green lantern outfit as he was not happy as they floated down to an asteroid he was on.

Kilowog: Cruz, what's the plan here?Hope the pizza guy happens by and distracts him?

Hal: Eh, could be a good strategy, actually.

Kilowog: Quiet, Jordan! If you were fightin' anyone other than this poozer, you'd be in the infirmary right now.

Hal: told you, Kilowog, Jess doesn't fight.

Kilowog: In the green lantern corps everyone fights.

Kilowog made a hammer and tried to hit Jessica as she made a shield to block it.

Kilowog: Your weight is only as strong as your willpower. Fear weakens your mind.It renders you're weight useless.

Jessica continued to block with her shield only for it to break.

Kilowog: Why won't you fight back? Are you afraid?

Jessica: I'm not afraid!

She made an octopus as it clamps on Kilowog's face.

Hal: *laughs* She's beating you with sushi.

Kilowog got the octopus off of him as looked to see Jessica as she made a rug and pulled it making him fall.

Jessica:I just believe that when it comes to fighting, there's always another way.

Kilowog got up as he looked at Jessica.

Kilowog: You got lucky. Well, you won't be able to keep that up, forever. Sooner or later, you will have to learn to fight.

At earth Jessica and Hal returned as they were in their regular outfits.

Hal: Yeah, Kilowog's right, you know. You're gonna have to hit someone, eventually.

Jessica: Oh, Hal, must you be so wrong about so many things?

Dimitri: About what things?

Ashton: Care to clue us in guys?

They both turned to see Dimitri, Ashton, Zee and the rest of the Pokémon siblings here.

Hal: That's nothing that concerns you.

Ashton: Excuse me? *grows fangs* Wanna say that again?

Jessica: It's ok Hal, they're friends. And I was telling Hal that there are other ways to solve problems than fighting.

Ashton: She's right dude there are other ways. I prefer to tie my enemies up and talk to them. I only bring my claws out if they attack me first.

Dimitri: Oh ok.

Then two Cheer leaders and someone wearing a hamster mascot costume saw Hal.

Cheer leader: Go get him tonight, Jordan! Nibble on, Hamsters!

Trio: Whoo!

Hal: Nibble on. Whoo!

Jessica: Hey. Life isn't like a sports match, Hal.There are more ways to perform a touchdown than punching people.

Hal: Yeah, whatever. I stopped listening after "Hal." *Gasps* Oh, no! *hides behind the trashcan*

Dimitri: What is it? *looks and gasps* Oh no! They're here! *grabs Ashton and hides behind a bush*

Ashton: Is it who I think it is?

Dimitri: Yes!

Then they both hid behind the trashcan Hal was hiding behind.

Elliotte: Wait are you guys scared of the other team?

Dimitri: It's not the team we're afraid of!

Ashton: It's those three girls right next to them!

Hal: And I've been finally tracked down by my greatest enemy

Then they looked to see was three girls as one was a cheerleader and the other was a girl wearing a cheetah print coat and the final one was wearing a lot of jewelry.

Piper: What's behind the girls?

Ashton: No! It is the girls! Uh oh they saw us!

Then the three girls turned and noticed Hal, Dimitri and Ashton.

Dimitri: Aah! *hides* I think they saw us!

Ashton: We're dead! We're so very very dead!

Then the three got mad and walked behind the bleachers

Jessica: Would you calm down you big babies. I'm sure they're... *sees a glow* harmless?

Cheetah: You think you can get away from us!? Guess again Ashton!

Catwoman: Thought you got rid of me didn't you Dimitri?

Carol: Well now your mine Hal Jordan!

Then she sent a blast at the trashcan making it explode as they each took cover.

Piper: Dimitri who is that?

Dimitri: Her name is catwoman.

Rowan: Ashton who is the cat lady?

Ashton: She is called Cheetah, and she is my ex girlfriend! Catwoman is Dimitri's ex!

Hal: And that's star Sapphire and she is super clingy!

Ashton: Same goes for Cheetah!

Elliotte: No duh!

Then the cover was blown up as they all ran.

Jessica: Leave it to you three to date supervillains.

Ashton: Hey! We resent that remark! Ahh! *dodges a swipe from Cheetah's claws*

Dimitri: Don't blame us for this! Whoa! *dodges a whip from catwoman*

Elliotte: Come guys lets hero up!

Then they all changed into their hero outfits except for Hal Ashton and Dimitri as his ring sputters

Jessica: What's wrong with your ring *sees Hal hides his hand behind his back and gasps* Hal! Are you scared?

Hal: Scared of those three? Yes! None of us can activate our powers!

Ashton: He's right! Venom doesn't want to come out!

Dimitri: And I can't switch to greninja form.

Then a blast came as they dodged it

Jessica: Run guys the locker room

Ashton: Don't have to tell us twice!

Then Dimitri Ashton and Hal ran as the other covered for them as the three villainesses chased them as Jess made a ball and had them inside.

Jessica: What did you do to them.

Hal: Nothing they're just mad cause we broke up with them

Star: Worst text ever!

Ashton: Wow dude really? Weren't man enough to tell her face to face?!

Jessica: Wait! *stops the ball* You three broke up with them over text?

Ashton: Dimitri and I didn't! We broke up with them to their faces and they went nuts!

Hal: Hey I put a smiley face in it. I'm not the joker.

Star: Well now there's a frown face *makes a heart with a frown on it* On my heart!

Ashton: Wow dude. You just lost 20 cool points on my friend scale just for that.

Dimitri: *sees catwoman and cheetah running to them* RUN!

Then they ran as Jess and star flew by Hal.

Jessica: How could you do that to her?!

Star: You broke my heart!

Jessica: That's the lowest thing you've ever done!

Ashton: I agree with the girls!

Star: I cry myself to sleep every night!

Ashton: TMI Star!

Then she threw the heart at Hal making him along with Dimitri and Ashton go in the air as they were caught by Jessica Zee and Andruw.

Hal: will any of you please just hit them?!

Jessica: If anyone deserves to be hit it's you!

Ashton: I can do that for you guys! *smacks Hal upside the head*

Then she made a wall and they went to the locker room and they saw many boys in the locker room as they Saw Jess, Zee piper and Rowan.

Boy: Girls!

Then they ran away screaming as they all looked in confusion as Jess then slapped Hal in the back of the head as piper did the same to Dimitri and Zee did the same to Ashton.

Ashton: Ow jeez what was that for?!

Dimitri: Hey come on! I didn't know she was Catwoman when I started dating her! She was just Selina.

Ashton: That's what the deal with me and Cheetah! She was just Barbi to me!

Hal: And I didn't know she was a violet lantern when I started dating her she was just Carol.

Jessica: A violet what?

Hal: A violet lantern. You know how our rings use willpower? Her's uses love.

Carol: *outside* You can't run from us! Love will always find a way!

Ashton: I'm too young to be cat food!

Dimitri: I'm too young to be frog legs!

Hal: if only we weren't so effortlessly charming and ruggedly good looking then they wouldn't be after us.

Jessica: Wait a minute you guys might be onto something there.

Ashton: We are?

Piper: We just got to make them not love you guys.

Jessica: By making you three ugly.

Ashton: How? I mean LOOK AT US! We look like handsome movie stars not nerds!

Then they heard whistling as they saw a boy come in with towels.

Garth: Oh hey guys what's up?

Jessica: Garth. Take off your clothes!

Garth: Wha- *gets grabbed by piper and jessica*

Then we see Garth in a towel as Dimitri, Hal and Ashton were in nerdy clothes

Jessica: Thanks Garth we just needed to borrow your style for a bit.

Ashton: Are we not going to question where we got three pairs of Garth's clothes from?

Elliotte: No hard feelings

Garth: Yeah you're not the first to tell me that. Everyone loves my flava.

Ashton: First, say that again and I will squeeze you like an orange.

Jessica: Ok guys slick down a bit. *they slouched a bit* now shorten your necks. *they shortened they're necks* now stick out your guts. *they stuck out they're guts*

Piper: A little more *the stuck they're guts out more*

Jessica: Perfect! That's super unattractive!

Garth: Wait what?

Ashton: No offense Garth.

Then Dimitri, Ashton and Hal were pushed out of the locker room as they saw the others to go to them as they made themselves look unattractive and walked to the three ticked off girls

Selina: There you are.

Hal: *nerdy voice* greetings girls

Ashton: *nerdy voice* Would you like to hear about our new allergies?

Then they started to look grossed out as carol lost some power.

Jessica: It's working she's losing power.

Dimitri: Or, or maybe, maybe you all wanna come check out our...

Hal: *whispers* Hey Garth, what's something dumb that you like?

Garth: Star battles comic books, but they're not dumb.

Dimitri: Our star battles comic books?

Then the three began to look sad.

Hal: Look at us we're a bunch of loser-y nerds! Ooh!

Garth: *offended* Hey!

Cheetah: *walks up to Ashton's face* What happened to you?

Catwoman: *walks to dimitri* our beautiful princes?

Dimitri: Sorry Selina, this is the real us.

Hal: Yeah this is the real ya.

Carol: Look at you all. so sad.

Cheetah: So pathetic.

Catwoman: So gross. *sees Dimitri wipes some snot off.* No one can love you like this.

Star Sapphire: *glows with violet energy* Except for us!

Ashton: *gulps* Jig is up guys! Plan didn't work!

Catwoman: We'll love you three forever!

Cheetah: Only we can see the beauty behind the geeks!

Star sapphire: No one can love you three like we can. Not even *points at Jessica, Zee, and Piper* Them!

Then the three girls looked at each other and pointed at them to be sure.

Carol: Once you three are out of the picture, they're will be no one left between us and we'll be together forever!

Jessica: Wait you think?

Zee: Us with them? *laughs hysterically*

Jessica: *laughs* No no no no no. *laughs* no no no no no no. *gets serious * No no no no no no no!

Piper: We are not together. Not even close to being together

Ashton: *thinks to himself* That'll change in a few days.

Then they dodged a blast as they saw the girls with angry faces.

Carol: You three will so regret the day you stole our men from us!

Hal: Powered up like this who knows what destruction they'll cause Jess you have to fight them!

Jessica: No there has to be another way.

Ashton: I'm on it! *the venom suit forms around all but his head* Let's do things my way!

Dimitri: Good thinking.

Ashton then shoots webs around the girls

Ashton: Now can we talk about this peacefully?

Jessica: Look catwoman cheetah, Dimitri and Ashton don't love you two.

Dimitri: And Hal doesn't love carol either.

Ashton: We're sorry we broke your hearts. Well maybe not Hal.

Dimitri: But you guys can find someone better than us

Jessica: he's right. Listen, Carol, I get it.We all want to be loved, but you can do so much better than Hal Jordan.

Hal: *scoffs* Good luck.

Jessica: I mean, look at him.

Hal: Huh?

Jessica: His face is way too small for his head.

Hal: Hmm.

Jessica: He's got terrible breath.

Star: It smells like dog food.

Jessica: His real name is Harold.

Dimitri: Really?

Hal: My name is Hal!

Ashton: The only book he's ever read is a playbook.

Star: I tried to get him to read Pride and Prejudice once, and he asked where the pictures were.

Ashton: It is true. Hal is kind of a moron.

Dimitri: Yeah and if you girls want to find someone that loves you three you three have to find love in yourselves.

Ashton: But we will still be friends to you three if you ever need to talk. Ok? *pulls out a paper with the house's address on it* You will most likely find us here if you need us.

Dimitri: Yeah, we'll always be around if you want to talk to us

Catwoman: Thank you.

As they were released Carol started to glow and feel a power as she found love in herself.

Star Sapphire: Thank you. I don't think I've ever felt love like this. My blind desire for Hal Jordan kept me from seeing how much love I had inside of me. You're right, if he can't appreciate me, then he isn't good enough for me.

Dimitri: Exactly.

Then they left as the others came to them.

Dimitri: Well that went well.

Ashton: Call me Dr. Phil!

Hal: You guys could have just hit Carol. Now that she loves herself she'll be totally unstoppable now?

Ashton: Shut it heartbreaker!

Dimitri: Yeah. Just shut up. *in his head* I'm gonna ask her to the dance soon.

Ashton: *in his head* I can't take much longer! I have to ask her soon!

Then Dimitri looked at Ashton.

Dimitri: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Ashton: We ask them tonight?

Dimitri: Yeah that. So how do we do that just ask one of them or we ask them out together?

Ashton: Let's ask them together.

Dimitri: Good thinking.

Then they both walked up to Jessica and Zee as they faced them as their faces were red.

Ashton: *blushes* Uh girls we have something to ask you.

Jessica: What is it?

Dimitri: *blushes* We were wondering if you want to come with me to the dance Jess.

Ashton: *blushes* Zee would you do me the honor of going to the dance with me?

Jessica: *blushes* oh uh I love to go to the dance with you Dimitri.

Zee: And Ashton I'd love to go to the dance with you.

Dimitri: Cool so, we'll see you both at 7:00 on the day of the dance to pick you two up.

Zee: Ok we'll see you there.

Dimitri: Cool. We'll see ya at the dance.

Then they both walked off as they both hi fives.

Dimitri: Score one for us.

Ashton: Booyah!

Dimitri: So we're gonna go home and see what to wear right?

Ashton: You know it. I can just shapeshift into a fancy suit.

Dimitri: Well I'm gonna go see what to wear.

We see Dimitri going to a table and pulling the cloth off of it with our making and of the plate fall as he comes in wearing the table cloth as Everett came in.

Everett: What's with the dress?

Dimitri: It's not a dress it's a kilt! *rips the kilt off as he had on blue boxers with ninja stars on it* Sicko! Stupid! *throws out some clothes* Ugly! Out of date! *throws more clothes* This is ridiculous! If I can't find something nice to wear then I'm not going.

Ashton: Uh dude? Did you not bother to look in this box that was in your closet?

Dimitri: *looks at the box* Oh, I guess I was in a hurry for what to wear I hadn't noticed.

Elliotte: I got the same box too.

Everett: Me too.

Andruw: Me three.

Grayson: Me four.

Then they came to the mirror as Dimitri was wearing a blue tuxedo with light blue as Elliotte had a black tuxedo and Andruw had on an orange one and Everette had a navy blue tuxedo and Grayson had on a yellow tuxedo.

Dimitri: Not bad.

Elliotte: Hmmmm. *goe to his room* That's it I'm not going.

Ashton: Dude, you can't just chicken out what would Kara think of you if that happened?

Dimitri: Yeah you want her to like you don't you?

Elliotte: Alright fine I'm going! But I'll be fashionably late. No. Yes. no. Yes. No. Yes! *sharply inhales* absolutely not. Alright boys I made my decision. I'm going and that's that! *holds up his hands and his fingers are crossed* Oh had my fingers crossed!

Then Ashton pulled a lever as they all went down a tube as they slide down

Elliotte: Maybe I should flip a coin!

Ashton: Say you'll go to the dance and this will stop!

Elliotte: Alright! Alright! I'll go to the dance just get me off this crazy thing!

Ashton: *pushes a button and the slide just turned out to be a hologram* Ok that settles it now take those suits off it isn't time for the dance yet plus it's time for bed.

Dimitri: Ok then tomorrow we will pick which cars for us to take the girls to the dance

Ashton: Sounds good to me.

Dimitri: Well for my brother Elliotte I love my bro but he only remembers lessons when he learns them the hard way. So chickening out is bad, and being a man is good. *heads to his room* Night, night.

Ashton: G'night all! *heads to his room*

Then the others headed to their rooms to get some shut eye and to get ready for choosing cars to take the girls out to the dance with as we see Dimitri in bed and smiles.

Dimitri: *in his head* I think Jess will be a much better girlfriend than Selina.

Then we see Ashton in his bed as he thinks about Zee

Ashton: *in his head* That dance is going to be the best night of my life. I hope Zee will be a better girlfriend than Barbi.

Then he fell asleep as they all slept through the night and the boys were thinking about their crushes.

Well I hope you guys liked it cause the next chapter will be where the guys will pick their cars and the girls will pick out the perfect dresses for the dance.

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