Choosing cars and choosing dresses

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In the house we see Everette waking up as he got up out of the bed and looked at it and freaked out.

Everette: Aaaaah! This isn't my bed! Wh-where am I?! *panting* Who am I?! *spins around* What am I?! *spins faster* How am I?!

Then Dimitri came into his room.

Dimitri: Bro chill out, we're in Ashton's place remember? Plus that is your bed.

Everett: Oh yeah. I forgot.

Dimitri: Yeah this may take some getting used to. And come on man we gotta pick out cars to take the girls out to the dance with.

Ashton: Come on guys.

We then see them in a big garage with lots of cars that were seen in it.

Andruw: Wow that is a lot of cars.

Everette: You could fit like a million cars in here.

Dimitri looked around and then saw a red sports car as his eyes widened at the sight of it.

Dimitri: I call dibs on that. *goes to the red car*

Everette: WOW! Hey Ashton do you have a car to take Zee to the dance with?

Ashton: I actually do.

He heads to a car and goes to it. Then Everette noticed an orange car as he went to it and went in the driver's seat.

Everette: This is my kind of car. *honks the horn*

Andruw then noticed a black sports car as he headed to it.

Andruw: Ok this one's mine.

Elliotte saw a car and walked to it.

Elliotte: This is more my style.

Grayson saw a yellow camaro with black stripes on it as he went to the car.

Grayson: This one reminds me of Karen.

Dimitri: Ok well we got our cars so now what?

Ashton: We should probably think about how to tell the girls how we feel about them.

Meanwhile with the girls we see them with piper and Rowan as they were at the mall.

Kara: remind me again why we're here in the mall?

Zee: We're picking out dresses for the school dance.

Diana: Remind me again why we need to dress in flowing gowns?

Zee: Because we need to dress nicely for the dance. And we also have to be picked up for the dance too.

Jessica: Well Dimitri's picking me up

Zee: And Ashton is picking me up at the same time. Has anyone asked the rest of you out?

Karen: Well I'm going out with Grayson.

Babs: Andruw asked me out and I said yes.

Kara: Ok I may have asked Elliotte.

Zee: Really? He didn't ask you?

Kara: He told me that he was gonna ask me the same thing.

Jessica: Fair enough. So Diana did anyone ask you?

Diana: Yes and I will be attending the dance with Everette.

Zee: But that begs the question, who asked Piper and Rowan?

Piper: Well Hal asked me if I could go to the dance with him.

Kara: After the incident with the ex's?

Piper: Yeah, plus I thought I could give him a chance and get him to understand that he needs to care about people other than himself. And I told him that if he didn't Ashton would eat him.

Kara: WOW.

Rowan: Well I was asked by a boy named Oliver if I could go to the dance with him.

Diana: Did you say yes?

Rowan: I did. Plus he also gave me this. *holds up a rose*

Zee: How positively medieval. But in a good way.

Piper: So Jess I was wondering what do you think of our big brother? Dimitri?

Jessica: *blushes* Well I think he's nice, kind and he did save my life from a robot the day we met.

Rowan: *gasps* You have a crush on him don't you?!

Jessica: Well maybe a little. Ok a lot.

Piper: Well why don't you tell him how you feel at the dance?

Jessica: That's a good idea.

Rowan: And Zee? How do you feel about our other *using air quotes* big brother?

Zee: Ashton? Well he's nice and brave and he was able to help out and save innocent lives plus he's just plain funny.

Rowan: So you do like him?

Kara: and why did you prefer him as you *uses air quotes* Big brother?

Piper: He took us into his house without having to be asked, he is eighteen, plus we all get along with him very easily.

Kara: Well Elliotte does seem cool and that pun he used was funny "I gotta bone to pick with ya"

Zee: Eh, it was alright.

Kara: The guys are probably bored right now.

Meanwhile we see the boys as they had a big wagon at the top of the hill as a big branch was keeping it in place as they were in the wagon.

Grayson: You sure this is a good idea?

Dimitri: Positive me Andruw and Elliotte used to do this when I was twelve. Except we had a smaller wagon.

Andruw: And we used to go down hills steering it like a car.

Elliotte: It was awesome.

Dimitri: Yeah first things first.

He takes a camera sets the timer as they did poses in the wagon as their picture was taken and we then see Everette as he was eating an apple as Ashton turned to him.

Ashton: Hey Everette?

Everett: Yeah?

Ashton: Where did you get that Apple?

Everett: *holds the apple* This Apple?

Ashton: Yeah that apple.

Everett: Oh well, it originally was attached to this *holds the branch that was holding the wagon in place*

Ashton: Uh, isn't that the branch that was keeping the wagon from falling off the cliff?

Then the wagon began to move as it heads to the cliff.

Grayson: Uh guys?

Elliotte: What?! What happened?!

Andruw: This would be the time that I would like to say WE ARE ABOUT TO DIE!


Ashton: Thankfully I can give my symbiote wings so I can fly. *tries to fly but finds out he's stuck* Wait I'm stuck!

Everett: Oh I put superglue so we won't fall off.

Ashton: Why use it on me? I can stick to anything remember?!


Then they rolled down the cliff as they then went through bushes as they then looked like historical figures as we see a raccoon on Elliotte's head as it then attacked him as Everett was screaming and then took a bite from an apple as he resumed screaming as Dimitri saw they were heading to a tree.

Dimitri: Ok I know this seems bad but please no one scream tree

Ashton: No need I finally got free of the superglue so now we can get back to the house And so I give a little lesson.

Then he made wings and grabbed the boys and flew up as they saw the wagon crashed into the tree

Ashton: Everett just to let you know I'm very disappointed with you.

Elliotte: You almost got us killed!

Dimitri: Elliotte calm down.

Ashton: Yeah it was an accident. But you are going to have to be punished so I think no tv or candy for a month. But look on the bright side you can still go to the dance.

Everett: Ok, I'm sorry.

Elliotte: Bro! That had to be the dumbest thing you ever done!

Everett: No that wasn't the dumbest thing I ever done. The dumbest thing I ever did was open a can of butt whooping.

Ashton: Moment to poke fun at that please!

Dimitri: Guys let's focus, school dance remember?

Ashton: Yes, thank you. Checklist! Tuxedos? Check. Cars? Check. Corsages for the girls? We need to get Corsages.

Dimitri: I'll do it. And what else do we need?

Ashton: Let's see here. *checks the list* Just the corsages. So I'm assuming you all had dance lessons?

Dimitri: Oh me and my brothers played just dance games at home. So there are a few moves we know.

Grayson: Plus we also watched videos online too.

Ashton: Close enough. Just try not to step on the girl's feet they hate that.

Everett: Don't step on a girl's feet. Got it.

Dimitri: So all we have to do is when we get to the dance we tell them how we feel about the girls and ask if they could be our girlfriends.

Ashton: That sounds about right.

Everett: So when does the dance start?

Elliotte: A few days

Dimitri: Plus I'll pick the Corsages ninja style if any of you like to tag along?

Ashton: I'll stay here to make sure everyone's suits are clean for the dance. Plus, I need to wash the cars.

Dimitri: Ok my brothers can come but remember bro's as a ninja would do, stay in the shadows.

We then see them in they're hero suits as they followed Dimitri through the roof as they all jumped they ended up bumping into each other.

Dimitri: What happens to snake formation?

Everett: Wait snake formation? I thought you said squirrel formation.

Elliotte: Why would he say squirrel forma- *flicks Everett's head* What's squirrel formation?!

Dimitri: Focus guys, the corsages remember?

Then they got up and continued to run through the rooftops as they headed to the store and changed into they're regular clothes as they got the Corsages and headed back as they returned to see Ashton in the living room.

Ashton: How did it go?

Dimitri: Good but we lost our formation.

Everett: Dude I thought you said "squirrel formation".

Ashton: Squirrel formation? You got that from TMNT didn't you?

Everett: Maybe... yeah I really like that movie.

Dimitri: And we got the corsages so that's everything on the list.

Elliotte: So we got everything so we'll be able to go to the dance. Ok? So can we atleast see how our sisters are doing?

Andruw: Sure but who are they going out with?

Ashton: Piper is going with Hal Jordan.

Dimitri: Really? After the incident with our Ex girlfriends?

Ashton: Yeah but I told hal that if he cared about himself instead of piper then I'll eat him.

Dimitri: Ok... so we got everything for the dance so I'm kinda wondering do you think Jess would be a better girlfriend for me than Selina?

Ashton: Of course I do. You and Jess have a lot more in common than you and Selina did.

Dimitri: And I think you and Zee have more interests than you and Barbi did.

Elliotte: Ok so what do we do until the dance comes?

Everett: How about we watch a movie?

Dimitri: Ok how about... Grown ups?

Ashton: Fine by me. I love Adam Sandler movies.

Dimitri: I like Adam Sandler movies too.

Elliotte: Let's just hope our sisters are having better luck at finding dresses for the dance.

Meanwhile we see the girls as we see Piper was wearing a light brown dress.

Piper: Is this dress good for the dance?

Rowan: Hmm? It matches your clothes

Zee walks out of the dressing room in a dark blue dress

Zee: Well? What do you think?

Piper: I think it suits you Zee.

Rowan: Ashton will love you In that dress.

Then we see Jessica come out of the dressing room in a green dress.

Jessica: How's this?

Zee: Jess that dress is perfect you'll look beautiful for the dance.

Jessica: Oh thanks, can I ask you something?

Zee: What is it?

Jessica: Do you think Dimitri will be a good boyfriend?

Zee: Jess, I know he will be a great boyfriend.

Jessica: You think so?

Zee: Yeah you both have so much in common.

Jessica: Thanks Zee. And I think Ashton will be an excellent boyfriend for you.

Zee: Oh why thank you Jess.

Kara: You sure that dating Dimitri and Ashton Is a good idea after the Ex-girlfriend Incident?

Jessica: We're sure. Besides they both need someone better than Barbi and Selina.

Zee: Yeah, they both deserve better girls. And that fits us to a T.

Piper: Well let's see it the others have dresses.

Then we see the others as Babs was wearing a purple dress, as Karen had black and yellow dress, as Kara had a light blue dress And Diana had a red dress.

Rowan: Well we're ready for the dance. How are The boys doing?

Meanwhile with the boys we see them at the house as dimitri had a gaming system with him as he was playing a game as Ashton came and saw him playing.

Ashton: Whatcha playing?

DImitri: Smash bros ultimate.

Ashton: Cool, who are you playing as?

Dimitri: Who else? Me! *shows the switch and greninja is seen*

Ashton: You mind if I play with ya?

Dimitri: Sure *hands him a joy con*

Ashton: I think I'll pick Mewtwo! Be prepared to lose! Get it? Be prepared?

Dimitri: I get it. But hope you brought an umbrella, cause a storm is heading your way. I can make puns too.

Then they began to play as the others came and watched them

Everett: Who's winning?

Ashton: Me.

Dimitri: Don't Be so sure. *sees a smash ball* Yes it's all mine.

Ashton: Incoming! *gets the smash ball first* UNITED STATES OF SMASH!

Then he made His character get to the final smash and wins the match

Dimitri: Can't believe it! I almost had you

Ashton: You did a very good job.

Dimitri: Thanks. Sooo... you guys plan on anything when we ask the girls to be our girlfriends?

Everett: Well I was thinking of taking Diana out to the piers.

Ashton: What about you Dimitri?I

He began to think for a bit until an idea came to him.

Dimitri: Lightbulb. I'll Take Jess out for a picnic.

Andruw: That's nice. What about you and Zee Ashton?

Ashton: I'm taking her to a Big Time Rush concert with backstage passes with permission to sing their song "Counting on You" and a Japanese dinner.

Dimitri: Nice.

Ashton: The girls should be home by now.

Then we see Piper and Rowan come in as they saw the boys.

Piper: Hey guys. So how was your day?

Dimitri: Good, how about your day sis?

Rowan: Good, we got our dresses.

Everette: So who are you both going out with?

Piper: I'm going with Hal.

Rowan: I'm going with Oliver.

Elliotte: Really Piper? After the incident with Star Sapphire?

Piper: Yeah and Ashton did threaten Hal that he would eat him if he cared about himself.

Andruw: Really?

Ashton: Yeah. I didn't want Hal to crush another girl's heart especially not one of my friends.

Dimitri: Yeah I would never forgive Hal if he broke my sister's heart.

Ashton: So if you girls feel uncomfortable with the boys let me know *Venom's face forms* I'll set them straight.

Piper: Ok so did you guys find everything you needed for picking up the girls?

Dimitri: We did and someone messed up on snake formation.

Everett: Hey I thought you said squirrel formation.

Rowan: Not again.

Ashton: Oh, and Everett is grounded from candy and tv for a month.

Elliotte: And Everett why would Dimitri say squirrel formation?

Everett: I thought he said something else!

Ashton: Ok Elliotte leave your brother alone he made a simple mistake that is no reason to bring it up whenever he says a word.

Elliotte: Fine, and sorry for snapping at you Everett and saying you did the dumbest thing.

Everett: It's cool.

Dimitri: Look let's set that aside and focus on the dance. So we should get some shuteye we have been through a long day.

Ashton: He's right guys. We've all had long days it's time to catch some z's.

Piper: Ok goodnight guys.

Then everyone headed to they're rooms as they went to bed as they prepared for the dance after a long day.

And Cut! We're stopping this part here guys because FINALLY the dance is next. Hope you guys are enjoying this story. We work really hard on it so feel free to comment on what your favorite part was.

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