The dance

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In the house we see Dimitri as he is in his blue tuxedo with light blue accents as he is adjusting his tie as he looked at himself in the mirror.

Dimitri: This is it the day has finally come to tell Jessica how I feel about her.

Ashton: You got that right. *walks in wearing a stylish black suit with red accents and wearing a ring with a black stone on it* Nice suit btw.

Dimitri: Thanks and same to you.

Elliotte: Ya ready yet? *in his black suit with blue accents*

Dimitri: Yeah. Also elliotte *looks at his tie* Your tie is uneven.

Elliotte: So what?

Dimitri: The point is to look nice and that will show sloppiness.

Elliotte: Fine *fixes his tie* Happy now?

Piper: Come on guys, we’re gonna be late. And plus me and Rowan’s dates will be here to pick us up. *walks in with a brown dress and has makeup on as Rowan comes in with a magenta dress*

Rowan: And you guys have to pick up the girls right?

Ashton: Yeah we know.

Andruw: Drivers to your Machines!

The doorbell rings

Ashton: Coming!

Then he opened the door to see Hal in a tuxedo and another boy with blond hair with a goatee wearing a tuxedo as well and he had a bouquet of roses

Ashton: I assume you’re here to pick up the girls?

Hal: Yeah.

Oliver: Is Rowan here?

Rowan: Coming!

Ashton: *grabs both of them* Now you punks listen here. If I hear one word from either of the girls about you two ignoring them both of you will be meeting my less than savory other half. Do you understand?

Hal: Got it.

Oliver: Crystal clear.

Piper: Ashton, leave them alone. You’re scaring them.

Rowan: We don’t want our dates to be afraid.

Ashton: Just making sure they know who they’ll be messing with if they screw up.

Everette: Come on dude we don’t want the girls waiting

Ashton: Have them back the same time we do or else! *runs to the garage*

We see the boys as they go in their cars as they start them up

Ashton: I got the need. The need for speed!

Dimitri: Gentlemen let’s do this

Everet: 3.

Andruw: 2.

Elliotte: 1. Go!

Then they drove off in seperate directions to get their respective dates as the camera follows Dimitri first as he was driving to Jessica’s house as he saw the house and slowed down and stopped as he got out and walked to the door and knocked on the door.

Dimitri: *fixes his hair a bit* much better.

Then the door opened as we see Jessica as she was wearing a green dress as Dimitri blushed at the sight of her.

Dimitri: *blushes* Wow, Jess you look beautiful tonight.

Jessica: *blushes* And don’t you look dashing. *notices the blue corsage* Is that for me?

Dimitri: Yeah. Here ya go *puts the corsage on her wrist* Do you like it?

Jessica: Dimitri, I love it.

Dimitri: Thanks. So *holds out his hand* shall we go to the dance?

Jessica: Why aren’t you a gentleman? *sees Dimitri’s car* Oh is that your car?

Dimitri: Well yeah, Ashton let me keep this one. *gets a text from Ashton that says “who said you could keep it?” Err lended it to me.

Jessica: Doesn’t matter to me.

Then they both got in the car and drove off then the scene changed to Ashton as he was driving to Zee’s home as he received a text form Dimitri saying “what? The car looked awesome, and red is my favorite color.” And sent a text back saying “I know dude I was kidding. You can keep the car.” Then he saw Zee’s home and stopped as he heads to the door and knocked on it and adjusted his tie and fixed his hair.

Mr. Zatara: Are you Ashton?

Ashton: Yes sir I am. I just gotta say I’m a huge fan of your show.

Mr. Zatara: Thank you. Sweetie your boyfriend is here!

Zee: Daddy! He’s not my boyfriend! *quietly* yet.

Ashton: I’m sorry? What was that last bit?

Zee: Nothing. Plus glad to see you here. *notices the bright purple corsage* Is that for me?

Ashton: Yes here you go *places it on her wrists*

Zee: Why thank you. So ready for the dance?

Ashton: Yup.

Then they both got in the car as they drove off as we see Andruw driving to Babs’ house as he pulled up to her house and heads to the door and knocks on it as he fixes his hair as we see a man open the door

Commissioner Gordon: Are you Andruw?

Andruw: Wow I can’t believe I’m meeting THE commissioner Gordon! And yes I’m Andruw, your daughter must have told you about me.

Commissioner Gordon: Yes. Pumpkin, your date is here to take you to the dance.

Babs: Coming dad.

Then she came to the door wearing a purple dress as she saw Andruw

Babs: Wow you look great Andruw.

Andruw: You look even better. And here’s a corsage *places it on her wrist*

Babs: It’s so amazing. Thank you.

Andruw: Your welcome. Let’s go.

Then they both headed to the car and drove off as we see Elliotte driving to Kara’s house as he stops the car as he reaches the house and walks to the door and knocks on it while fixing his hair and uses some breath freshener as we then see the door open to reveal a man and woman at the door.

Mrs Danvers: Oh you must be Elliotte.

Elliotte: Yeah that’s me, is Kara ready?

Mr Danvers: She is. Kara your friend is here to pick you up.

Kara: Coming!

She came to the door wearing a light blue dress as Elliotte blushed a bit seeing it.

Elliotte: *blushes* Kara you look… Rad.

Kara: Thanks. *sees the light blue corsage* Is that for me?

Elliotte: Yeah. *puts it on her wrist* Is it good?

Kara: It’s amazing. Now let’s go.

Then they headed in the car as they drove off to the dance. 

Then we see Grayson driving to Karen’s house as he heads to the door and knocks on it.

Grayson: Ok just be cool.

Then the door open to reveal Karen wearing a black and yellow dress as she saw Grayson she started to blush

Karen: Um you look nice Grayson.

Grayson: Thanks. And here’s a corsage *places a yellow corsage on her wrist* just for you.

Karen: Wow, thanks. So ready for the dance?

Grayson: Yup.

Then they got in the car and drove off to the dance. We see the school as we see the cars drive to the school as they went inside the school as they were in the school gym as all the students were together as we saw the boys together at the punch bowl.

Dimitri: Ok guys you know the plan right?

Ashton: We just need to tell the girls how we feel about them.

Elliotte: You don’t think you two will end up like what happened with your ex-girlfriends?

Ashton: Hey! We ended on good terms after we had that talk.

Dimitri: And in our defense we didn’t know they were villains when we started dating them.

Everett: Guys. Girls at 12:00!

Then they blushed and then started to act cool as they saw the girls and saw Diana in a red dress and had a red corsage on her wrist.

Dimitri: Hey girls, how’s it going?

Ashton: Shall we get you some punch?

Zee: Punch sounds nice.

Jessica: I can go for some punch.

Dimitri: We’ll get you some punch. *gets a cup of punch* Here ya go.

Jessica: Thanks.

Ashton: *hands Zee a cup of punch* Here Zee.

Zee: Why thank you.

As they had they’re punch a song was now played as Dimitri, Ashton and Elliotte recognized it.

Dimitri: Wait a minute, isn’t that the song Elliotte listened to?

Kara: Wait, Elliotte listened to Maroon 5?

Elliotte: *blushes* Uh yeah.

Zee: Don’t worry dude Kara likes them too.

Kara: Zee!

Dimitri: Huh guess they have the same taste in music.

Everette: Huh. Well can you girls excuse us for a minute we need to have a guy chat.

Jessica: Sure.

Dimitri: Thanks.

Then the boys headed to a part of the gym as they looked at the girls as they blushed.

Dimitri: Guys look we got to tell them how we feel about them

Ashton: He’s right if we don’t tell them tonight they could be taken away by complete and utter jerks.

Andruw: And we don't want that to happen

Everette: Yeah it’s now or never.

Elliotte: look let’s just go and get this off our chests.

The guys walk back to the girls

Ashton: Uh, girls we have something to ask you?

Zee: What is it?

Dimitri: What do you see us as?

Jessica: We see you all as good people why do you ask? And why would you say that Dimitri?

Dimitri: Well it’s because I… *blushes* I love you Jess, more than a friend. I want to be there by your side when you feel down, I want to take care of you when you are sick, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Jessica: Dimitri, are you saying that…

Dimitri: Yes, can you be my girlfriend Jess?

Elliotte: Will you just kiss already?

Grayson: Don’t rush him!

Then two halves became a whole in one glorious moment as we see Dimitri and Jessica’s lips are together as they were now kissing for the first of many minutes more like it was an eternity to them but then they felt their lungs burning as they broke for oxygen

Dimitri: That was…

Jessica: Incredible.

Then Ashton looked at Zee as she looked into his eyes.

Ashton: Zee will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend? For all the same reasons Dimitri said to Jess?

Zee: Oh Ashton it’s about dang time you said that. C’mere handsome!

Then she grabbed Ashton and kissed him in the lips which shocked him at first but then melted into the kiss.

Ashton: *in his head* This feels great! But I’m starting to suffocate!

Then they broke apart to breathe for air

Ashton: *inhales deeply* That was amazing my marvelous magician.

Zee: It sure was my Spider-Man!

As they were together we saw Elliotte as he was next to Kara.

Elliotte: Kara, I really like you, like a lot. Your awesome, strong, cool, and… beautiful plus you also laugh at my stupid jokes.

Kara: I thought they were funny.

Elliotte: Yeah, so you want to, you know, be my girlfriend?

Kara: Shut up and kiss me!

Then she grabbed him and kissed him on the lips as Elliotte's eyes widened in shock and then started to kiss back as they began to have a make out session as the others watched.

Dimitri: Looks like somebody's having fun.

Ashton: No kidding. I wonder how Everett and Diana are doing.

Then they looked to see Everette was next to Diana.

Everette: Diana, I just want to say I love you way more than a friend and I was wondering if you could be my girlfriend for the reason my bro said.

Diana: Oh Everette, I would love to be with you for the rest of my life.

She then put her arms around Everette’s neck and kissed him as Everette then put his arm around her waist and brought her closer deepening the kiss. Then we see Andruw as he was next to Babs as he looked at her.

Andruw: Babs, I just wanted to let you know if you wanted to be my… girlfriend for the exact same reasons my brother Dimitri said to Jessica.

Babs: Oh Andruw I waited so long for you to say that and yes! I would love to be your girlfriend.

Then she jumped into his arms as he caught her and then spun around as he then kissed her on the lips as dimitri saw it.

Dimitri: Well Andruw is now dating the one and only batgirl.

Ashton: Dude, you’re dating a Green Lantern and I’m dating a famous magician.

Dimitti: Not to mention Elliotte is dating a kryptonian.

Ashton: Touché.

Then we see Grayson as Karen was there blushing.

Karen: Um Grayson, after seeing your brothers with the girls I'm guessing you're gonna ask me to be your girlfriend right?

Grayson: Yeah, Karen your smart, kind, always focuses on the task at hand and your even beautiful.

Karen: *blushes* You think I'm beautiful?

Grayson: Of course, especially with that yellow highlight in your hair.

Then Karen then kissed Grayson on the lips but then stopped and looked away.

Karen: I'm sorry, i just got so caught up and I- *feels a finger on her lips as she saw Grayson looking at her*

Grayson: It's ok, I'm not upset I actually liked it.

Then he kissed Karen as she blushed hard and then started to kiss back as they kissed for several minutes as they separated for oxygen.

Dimitri: Hey Ashton, you wanna see how the girls are doing with Hal and Oliver?

Ashton: They’re doing great. They’re right over there.

Then they looked to see Piper with Hal and Rowan with Oliver.

Dimitri: Well ok and I'm guessing they both asked Hal and Oliver to be they're boyfriends.

Ashton: Probably.

Dimitri: But if either one of them hurt my sisters in anyway they'll be answering to me *creates a water shuriken*

Jessica: Calm down, you want your sisters to be happy don't you?

Dimitri: Well yes.

Jessica: At least leave them be for now.

Dimitri: Fine *makes the shuriken disappear.*

Ashton: Besides, it’s my job to scare them.

Dimitri: Good point. Well Jess, want to dance?

Jessica: Thought you never asked. And Dimitri thanks for saving me. 

Dimitri: Hey, I’m a hero that’s what we do.

Jessica: Your right, now come on *grabs Dimitri's hand and brings him to the dance floor*

Zee: Come on Ashton let's dance.

Ashton: Ok anything for you. *walks with Zee to the dance.* 

Elliotte: You wanna dance Kara?

Kara: Sure.

Then the others came to the dance floor as they each danced with they're partner.

Jessica: You know I'm actually glad to have you as a boyfriend Dimitri.

Dimitri: And I'm glad that you're my girlfriend. You're even better than Selina.

Jessica: Thank you Dimitri.

Ashton: Uh dude you realize that Selina is right behind you right?

Dimitri: What?! *looks behind and nothing is there* Hey!

Ashton: Made you look!

Dimitri: Ok well- Oh my gosh! *points behind Ashton* Barbi is right behind you dude!

Ashton: What?! Where?! *looks behind him and sees nothing* Hey!

Dimitri: Now we’re even.

Ashton: Very funny. Hey they’re about to announce the king and queen of the dance.

Dimitri: Wonder who will be king and queen?

Everette: Beats me.

Andruw: We’re about to find out.

We then see see all of the students around the stage as the principal announces the winners

Principal: And the king and queen of the spring ball is… Ashton Millman and Zee Zatara!

Ashton: Wait what?

Then they began to cheer as they saw Zee and Ashton.

Dimitri: Congratulations guys.

Everette: Way to go dude.

We then see Ashton and Zee on stage being coronated as they were now wearing crowns.

Ashton: I just want to say to you all. Thank you all for this, this has been an honor to be king of the dance and for Zee to be queen of the dance too.

Then Ashton and Zee kissed Zee as everyone cheered as the others were watching.

Dimitri: I’m impressed.

Everette: Yeah and tonight has been the best night ever.

Grayson: Cause we now have girlfriends now.

Piper: And me and Rowan have boyfriends too.

Rowan: Yeah. *turns and sees oliver* I’ll be looking forward to our date on Sunday.

Oliver: So will I.

Rowan: See you then Oliver.

Ashton: Zee I’ll be right back I have a surprise for you.

Zee: Don’t take too long.

Ashton: Dimitri grab your brothers. It’s time to liven up the party!

Dimitri: You got it. Come on boys.

Andruw: Coming.

Elliotte: Count me in.

Everette: What are we doing?

Ashton: We are performing a song for our girls to show how much we love them. So do any of you play instruments?

Dimitri: I do Guitar.

Elliotte: I do the drums.

Everette: I’m a good bass player.

Grayson: I can play a mean synth piano.

Ashton: I can sing. *pulls out his phone and pulls up lyrics and sheet music for Superstar by Big Time Rush*

Andruw: Big Time Rush? Classic. Btw, what will I be playing?

Ashton: Well how about being my singing partner?

Andruw: That is a good idea.

Dimitri: I’ll get the principal’s attention while you guys set everything up.

Elliotte: Ok. Just do what you can do to buy us time.

Dimitri: I will. *walks to the principal* Excuse me Mr. Delay?

Mr. Delay: Yes Mr. Chernov?

Dimitri: I was just wondering if my friends and I could perform a song for the school.

Mr. Delay: A song? Well as long as it’s appropriate.

Dimitri: Oh it is. Superstar by Big Time Rush. Ashton picked the song.

Mr. Delay: Call me strange but I love that song.

Dimitri: Me too, plus I’m not judging sir. Plus that is a catchy song.

Mr. Delay: Hey I’m only 26! I’m not that old!

Dimitri: Ok, ok. So is it cool if we play that song?

Mr. Delay: Of course. Go ahead!

Dimitri: Thank you sir. *heads to the boys* Good news we can perform the song.

Ashton: Good thing we just finished setting up.

Dimitri: Awesome! Let’s do this thing.

We see the boys as they were on the stage as they had they’re instruments and Ashton tapped the mic to get everyone’s attention as the students turned their heads to the stage

Ashton: Thanks guys. The song we are about to perform goes out to some very special friends of ours let’s get a light on them!

Then the light shined on Jessica, Zee, Babs, Karen, Kara, and Diana as they saw the boys getting ready to perform

Ashton: Well girls this is for you 1,2,3 go!

Then the boys began to play they’re instruments as the students began to watch them perform.

Andruw: Oh no, it's on tonight And here we go You're looking brighter now you know So go ahead and let it go go go... go oh

Ashton: Let's take over this club, You're shining bright in the dark, dark You light up the night.

Ashton and Andruw: You wanna wild out, then wild out All eyes on you It's going down, down, right now You can't lose You wanna wild out, then wild out That's what you do Talk of the town now And you already know That you're a star (ah ah ah) a superstar That you're a star (ah ah ah) a superstar That you're a star (ah ah ah) a superstar That you're a star (ah ah) And you already know

Andruw: It's time I love this feeling can't we rewind To the beginning of this crazy night So, baby, we can let it go, go, go Hey-ey-ey

Ashton: You're shining like a star I wanna be where you are, are Oh no, oh no Let's take over this club You're shining bright in the dark, dark You light up the night

Andruw and Ashton: You wanna wild' out, then wild' out All eyes on you It's going down, down, right now You can't lose You wanna wild' out, then wild' out That's what you do Talk of the town now And you already know that you're a star A superstar That you're a star, a superstar And you already know

Andruw: Forget the moon, ignore the sky 'Cause the whole world is all yours tonight Get it girl, it's your time Shine until the morning light, the light

Ashton: (A superstar) oh the light (That you're a superstar) A superstar!

Andruw and Ashton: You wanna wild out, then wild out All eyes on you It's going down, down, right now You can't lose You wanna wild out, then wild out That's what you do Talk of the town now And you already know That you're a star (ah ah ah) a superstar That you're a star (ah ah ah) a superstar That you're a star (ah ah ah) a superstar That you're a star (ah ah) And you already know

Andruw: Hey Yeah Whoa!

Ashton: Hey Yeah Whoa! 

Andruw: Thank you good night!

Then the students began to cheer for they’re performance as the girls then came to the stage and to the boys as they were then tackled to the ground and the girls were each hugging their boyfriend as the boys were seen with lipstick marks on their faces.

Everett: Did I say this was the best night ever? This was the best night of all time!

Ashton: You got that right pal!

Dimitri: Yeah this is definitely the best night of my life!

Andruw: Yeah! This night possibly can’t get any better!

Elliotte: Maybe you should tell her where you’re going on for your first date.

Dimitri: When ya put it that way.

Ashton: Zee for our first date we are going to a concert with your favorite band Big Time Rush with backstage passes and be allowed to sing their song “Counting on You” and afterwards how does a Japanese dinner sound?

Zee: Oh Ashton, that sounds lovely for our first date.

Dimitri: And Jess, for our first date I was thinking we could have a nice picnic at the park and and an outdoor movie of your choice.

Jessica: That would be lovely and the park sounds lovely.

Andruw: Babs I was thinking that for our first date we could go to that upcoming Gotham-con and I have a special gift for you waiting there for you.

Babs: Thank you Andruw. But may I ask what that gift is?

Andruw: It is Batman’s cowl from your favorite Batman movie “The Dark Knight”! Worn by Batman himself!

Babs: Eeeh! Thank you! And I can't wait for you to see Gotham.

Andruw: Hopefully we don’t run into you know who.

Babs: Well you're gonna love Gotham-con and we'll even be there with my best friend there.

Ashton: *whispers in Andruw’s ear* Beware her friend is Harley Quinn.

Andruw: Noted. 

Elliotte: So Kara i was thinking for our first date we could go to that rock place you like hanging out in I think it was called the lazarus pit.

Kara: No way! I’ve wanted to go to that club!

Elliotte: Guessing it's a rock music date then.

Grayson: Karen, I was thinking that our first date we could go to a movie and watch your favorite movie there

Karen: Grayson, I would love to go to a movie with you.

Everette: Soo… Diana I was thinking that our first date we could go to sweet justice and enjoy some ice cream there.

Diana: That would be very satisfying.

Dimitri: And girls, is it cool if you come to our house? We have something to tell you all but we can't tell you here. There's too many people.

Jessica: Ok we'll meet you there.

We then see the others head to the house as Hal and Oliver had dropped Piper and Rowan off as they headed inside.

Kara: Ok, what is this big secret that you wanted to tell us in private?

Dimitri: Well for starters we aren't really from here.

Kara: No kidding sherlock. We already knew that when Ashton first showed up.

Dimitri: Really, then you all are not shocked me and my siblings are from another world?

Ashton: Hello? So am I!

Dimitri: Sorry and Ashton as well.

Jessica: Look Dimitri I love you even if you’re from an alternate dimension.

Zee: Same goes for me Ashton.

Dimitti: Cool well before we were sent here we were just normal people living normal lives and we didn't have powers in our dimension we also mostly sat around watching your show.

Elliotte: And Everette here had to open his big mouth and ended up getting us stuck here.

Everette: That wasn’t my fault!

Dimitri: Look don't argue you two. And anyway we don't know how long we'll be here or if we're gonna head back home.

Ashton: And I know I certainly don’t want to leave. At least without my honey bunches here *kisses Zee on the cheek*

Zee: Thank you Ashton.

Dimitri: You know i felt like we were far from home but then I realized something.

Ashton: That you’ve been home all along?

Dimitri: Yeah, and we now have amazing things now, like new girlfriends and new friends to protect.

Ashton: And I see each of us getting power ranger powers for some reason.

Dimitri: Really?

Ashton: Yeah dino charge for me, and zeo for you guys.

Dimitri: Well now that you mention power rangers i found this today *holds up a solar cell morpher and card*

Ashton: No way that’s the solaris knight morpher from mystic force! 

Dimitri: I wonder. *holds the morpher up* Solar cell morpher! Magical source, mystic force!

Then Dimitri clipped the card as he then threw it as it then formed a golden suit of armor around him *and insert the catchy mystic force theme song*

Dimitri: Power of the sun! Solaris Knight! Whoa! I just morphed!

Ashton then feels several small something fall into his pocket

Ashton: What the? *pulls out the red energem and some dino chargers and the blaster morpher appears* Wow my morpher and chargers came to me! Dino charger! Ready!

Then he activates his charger as he places it in the morpher.

Voice: T-rex charger engaged.

Ashton spins the chamber on the morpher and sparks fly around and points the morpher to the sky

Ashton: Unleash the power! *t-rex heads shoots out from the morpher and chomps down on him forming a red suit with a scaled pattern*

Ashton: Dino Charge Red Ranger! Someone pinch me I must be dreaming! *Dimitri pinches him* Ow not so hard you jerk!

Dimitri: You said to pinch you, but you didn't say anything about how hard to pinch you.

Grayson: Uh guys. I got a key *holds up a super mega silver key along with a morpher.*

Everette: And i got this cool dagger *holds up the dragonzord flute* Shall we say it my brother?

Grayson: We shall.

Grayson and Everette: It’s MORPHIN TIME!

Then lightning flashed as Everette was seen with his morpher.

Everette: Dragon zord!

Grayson: Super megaforce Silver! 

Then they both morphed into their ranger forms

as a key then came out from Grayson's belt as it was a samurai gold key.

Grayson: Legendary sixth ranger mode! Samurai Gold!

Then he put the key in the morpher and it scanned the key as Grayson then became samurai gold ranger.

Grayson: I did it. I wonder which ranger powers the rest of us got?

Elliotte found a bracelet with a dinosaurs head on it as it was a white draco

Elliotte: White Ranger! Dino Power! Power up!

Then he activated the morpher as he jumped up and landed with a white suit and had a helmet on.

Then Andruw looked to see a gold ninja star in his hand.
Andruw: This is gonna be awesome! Ninja Star Power Up! *inserts the star into his morpher* Ninja Spin! *he throws it as it spins around him and forms his suit.* Ninja Steel gold! 

Piper then looked to see a battery like machine hanging from her neck and an old button phone appeared in her hand

Piper: RPM! Get in gear! *then she sped fast as she was in her suit.* RPM yellow ranger.

Then rowan saw she had a morpher that had SPD on it.

Rowan: SPD Emergency! * She activates the morpher and gets in a pink suit* SPD pink ranger! *the light on her helmet flash red and blue*

Ashton: Look out Metropolis! Cuz here come the POWER RANGERS!

And cut! Bet you weren’t expecting the power rangers to show up were you?! Get ready cause IT'S MORPHIN TIME! And we'll see you next time! Later everyone

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