Regrouping and saving the day

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We see Ashton and the Pokemon siblings as they were now at a house

Inside we see Piper looking down in sadness.

Piper: I can't believe we failed.

Dimitri: Aw don't beat yourself up sis. We just need to find out where those robots are going and stop them.

Ashton: He's right we can't just give up.

Piper: But what about our friends? They don't want to be heroes now.

Dimitri then looked at her sis and then got up and headed to the door.

Elliotte: Hey! Where are you going?

Dimitri: I'm going to talk to Jess.

He then left through the door as Ashton looked at him and got up.

Ashton: He's right I'm gonna talk to Zee. He got up and left through the door. meanwhile with Dimitri he was in greninja form and saw the window to Jessica's room and saw a tree that was near it.

Dimitri: Get that parkour. *Jumps onto the tree* get that parkour. *Swings on a branch and launches to the window* Yes! *Sees the window was closed* Oh no!

Then he crashed through the window as he was on the ground groaning.

Dimitri: Oooh... Note to self: Check to see if the window is closed.

Then he looked up to see Jessica with a shock Expression on her face as she saw Dimitri in greninja form.

Dimitri: Uhhhh.... Ribbit?

Jessica: *screams her head off and grabs a nearby lamp to beat Dimirtri over the head* What are you doing here!?

Dimitri: *holds up his hands* Wait Jess! It's me! Dimitri!

Jessica: Dimitri? What are you doing in my room? And why did you break my window?

Dimitri: Ok the window was an accident as for why I'm here it's cause we need your help.

Jessica: Dimitri you know I can't do it. I'm not a hero. This ring just causes trouble.

Dimitri: Jess you are a hero and just look at Ashton when his suit covers his face he looks like a villain but he isn't. He tries his darndest to help the less fortunate even if it means losing the fight.

Jessica: True, but I don't know what if I mess up again.

Dimitri: Jess get a hold of yourself, you can't let one mistake make you think you'll fail again you get up and learn from your mistakes so no one else can make the same one you did. Every hero starts out rough but they keep going no matter what is in they're way now are you ready to save our friendship with Diana and save Metropolis or not? Diana needs us, *holds out his hand* Can you help us please?

Then Jessica looked at his hand and the ring that was on her own hand and then shook your hand.

Jessica: Ok, plus sorry for almost trying to hit you in the face with a lamp.

Dimitri: It's ok. Come on we have a town to save!

Let's turn the camera to see how Ashton and Zee's conversation is going as we see her in her room as the window was then opened by black goo as we see Ashton come in with his suit over his face

Ashton: Zee are you here? Whoa!

Then a magic blast almost hit him as he ducked to see Zee with her wand pointing at him

Zee: Who are you? What are you doing here?

Ashton: Whoa whoa! Hold on, it's me. *symbiotes peel off of his face* Ashton.

Zee: Ashton? name one good reason why I shouldn't banish you in another dimension?

Ashton: I need your help to save Diana.

Zee: Ashton, I'm a magician not a hero. I can't do this.

Ashton: That's quitter talk. You can't just let your mistakes get the best of you. Everyone makes mistakes, it's how you learn. There's a lot of mistakes I made before. But learning from them helps you become better at them.

Zee: Really?

Ashton: Yeah. If I can recover from my mistakes you can too. So are you helping me?

Zee then looked at him and then smiled at him.

Zee: Yeah your right. I'm in.

Ashton: Good then we need all the help we can get.

Then we see a boat leaving metropolis as we see Diana on it looking down in shame as we then see the girls and boys hiding as they looked at Babs as she gave out hand signals and went off to Diana while the others didn't get anything from her.

Babs: Psst. *Gets closer* Passat *gets even closer* PSSSSSSTTT!

Diana: Why are you here Barbara Gordon?

Babs: We're here to sneak you out see?

Then she saw that all the boys and girls were caught and they were grabbed by the ear by Amazons as Karen was small and was grabbed by the leg.

All: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Babs: Ooh, that wasn't supposed to happen. *Gets grabbed by the ear* Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Queen Hyppolyta: How dare you board my vessel without permission?! Throw them to the ocean beast Cetus!

Then they started to lead them to the side to throw them off the boat.

All: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Kara: Oh wait.

Then she punched them into the ocean as they all began to fight as the Pokemon siblings began to glow.

Elliotte: What's happening?

Then they were engulfed in glowing orbs as they broke to reveal them in their pokemon forms but   Piper, Elliotte Everett and Andruw were different looking as the four stones were seen glowing.

Dimitri: That's new. What is that?

Ashton: They must have changed because of the stones. *Looks at the stones and see that they are actually mega stones* Wait mega stones? Everett where did you get these?

Everett: I found them on the floor at that bank that you stopped the robbers at.

Dimitri: Let's worry about that later. Right now let's stop these Amazon.

Then we see them all fighting.

Dimitri: Diana we're not leaving you without a fight. *Eyes glow* And I won't leave my friends Behind!

Then Dimitri was engulfed in water as he was seen as his greninja form looked different as a big shuriken was on his back.

Dimitri: Whoa, this is a new one.

Everett: Dimitri you look awesome.

Ashton: Uh, guys we are here to save our friend?

Dimitri: He's right let's do this.

Then we see them all fighting as the others look at Diana

Jessica: Diana, we won't let you go without a fight!

Zatanna: We're sorry we gave up, Diana!

Karen: You gotta come back and be our leader again!

Babs: It's true. Look how bad we are at this!

Kara: You once said I could be the greatest hero the world of Man ever knew. *muffled* But it wasn't me, it's you!

Then Diana smiled with confidence as she got up.

Diana: Amazons your princess commands you to stop!

Then they all stopped.

Dimitri: Finally.

Then Queen Hippolyta came to them.

Hippolyta: And your queen commands you to continue!

Ashton: Aw come on! I was just getting started!

Then he was dogpiled by Amazons as they resumed fighting.

Diana: Stop!

Hippolyta: Continue!

Diana: Stop!

Hippolyta: Continue!

Diana: Stop!

Hippolyta: Continue!!!

Diana: Stop!!!

Everett: Man make up your mind!

Ashton: I have an idea! *webs all of the amazons in unbreakable black webs* Now can Diana say what's on her mind?

Hippolyta: Diana is only 317 years old. A girl, who is too young and too naive to make her own decisions.

Everett: She's what?

Diana: No! It was I, Mother, I who survived the 21 tests of the tournament of Athena and Aphrodite. While I may be young, I have proven I am my own woman and I decide who I want to be. It is Amazon law.

Amazons: It is law!

Then Diana's mother looked at them and sighed as she accepted her choice as Diana turned to the others

Diana: Eeeeee!

Boys and girls: *weakly* Yay...

Then we see them all on a green carpet flying off the ship as Dimitri was close to Jess and began to blush a bit as Ashton blushes a storm as Zee was next to him as Elliotte blushed a bit while looking at Kara.

Dimitri: We can go back now.

As he looked at Jessica his heart began to race as he looked at her.

Dimitri: *In his head* I can't believe it I'm in love with a green lantern.

Then he looked down to see the robots from before as they headed to the piers.

Dimitri: Uh guys, we got company. Those robots are back!

Ashton: Bring it on!

Then they all came at the piers and faced the robots.

Demo-bot foreman: You must vacate this business or dwelling immediately. You are interfering with lawful demolition protocols. You have ten seconds to comply.

Kara: Oh, yeah?! Well, you got ten seconds to say your prayers!

Elliotte: And you have three seconds before I beat you to shreds.

Dimitri: Wait what? That doesn't make any sense Elliotte.

Elliotte: Sure it does.

Dimitri: No it sounded like you were combining "I'll beat you." with "I'll tear you to shreds."

Ashton: He has a point.

Elliotte: So what?

Dimitri: My point is if you're gonna use a line it should at least make sense, and is relevant to the situation.

Ashton: Fight robots now, talk about line usage later!

Then loud footsteps were heard as we then see a giant war suit as it came with the robots.

Piper: What is that?

War suit: Come to have fun, boys and girls?

Babs: Ah-ha! I knew it! I knew it was Lex! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! *clears throat* I knew it was Lex.

???: Lex? I'm not Lex! I'm- *the suit opens up but the person was to short to be seen* hold on* makes the seat higher to reveal a girl* I'm Lena! Lena Luthor, and all this? This is my plan, not my dopey brother's, he could never come up with something this good.

We then see the boys and girls as they looked confused.

Lena: Ugh! Do I have to spell it out for you!?

Kara: Yeah you kinda do!

Elliotte: Yeah what she said!

Lena: Pfft, figures! You teenagers think you're so smart, with your staying up late, and your driving cars, and your commercials! But you're so dumb you can't even pick up on the most obvious of evil plots. Even when it's literally in front of your face! So first, I reprogrammed Lex's worthless VR glasses. Then, I hacked the Demolition Robots the city contacted my doofus brother to make. And finally, I used them to destroy every "fun" and/or "cool" place to "hang" in Metropolis, so you lame-o teenagers will have nowhere else to go for your mindless entertainment, trapped forever in my VR world, tailor-made, just for you.

We see the VR set showed a cute dog as it did a sneeze.

Lena: With all you teenagers out of the way, children will rule Metropolis! *laughs maniacally and laughs mockingly*

Ashton: Can I scare the crap out of her now?

Kara: That's the dumbest plan I ever heard.

Elliotte: Of all time.

Lena: Your the dumbest plan I ever heard! And once this pier is destroyed, you're next!

Dimitri: Oh sorry but we teenagers are better than you think

Then he heard a dog sneeze as he sees piper, Rowan and Karen with headsets.

Piper Karen and Rowan: Aww.

Dimitri: Ahem.

Then they took the VR headset off.

Piper: sorry

Babs: Anyway, his point is, you can destroy our favorite places, but you'll never destroy our friendships!

All: Yeah!

Lena: Pfft, whatevs.

Then the robots began to roll out as they began to tear down the piers.

Dimitri: Let's go everyone!

Andruw: Let's heat this up. *Blast fire at the robots*

Then we saw all the boys and girls fighting the robots but weren't winning as much.

Elliotte: It's not working! So what's your next plan Greninja? Retreat?

Dimitri: No we may have retreated before but we're not doing it twice. *Sees the robots and then the war suit* Guys that's it!

Andruw: What's it?

Dimitri: Were thinking this all wrong, we don't need to take out the soldiers, we need to take out the leader. Babs anyway we can take out the suit?

Babs: Zatanna: But how?

Babs: *looks at her computer* Even giant mega warsuits need power. If we can jolt the mainframe, we can short it out.

Zatanna: I repeat, but how?

Then Kara came by with a guitar.

Kara: I got one just like this and it shorts out my house all the time. Just turn it up to ten and shred!

Babs: But how do we get it to the motherboard inside the warsuit?

Karen: I'll do it.

Diana: Bumblebee, are you sure?

Karen: It's too scary and I don't wanna do it. But I will!

Babs: Great! *Gives her a cable* Connect this cable to the CPU in Lena's suit, and I'll rig the amp to go past ten.

Kara: No way! Can you do that for me?

Dimitri: And we'll distract Lena long enough for you girls to do it

Babs: Thanks guys. Let's do it.

Then we see Lena as a water blast then hit the suit at the back.

Dimitri: Hey Lena, betcha can't hit me.

Then she tried to stomp on him as he got out of the way as Andruw flew by and blasted fire at her as Rowan came and sent razor leaves at her as the siblings were keeping her occupied we see Karen flying into the suit and plugging the cable in as you then did a very powerful water blast making Lena fall down as Karen plugged it I as Kara plugged the guitar in. Then Lena got up and grabbed Dimitri as he was too weak to move.

Lena: Nice try a teenager like you can beat me.

Dimitri: I didn't need to beat you... I just needed to distract you...

Lena: What?

Then she saw was Ashton as he had his mask on and startled Lena making her fall then She started to play the guitar as Lena covered her ears as for Karen she saw the electricity coming and she had no choice but to plug herself in as she was getting electrocuted as the suit started to short out.

Lena: Lena: What? How? No! You cheated! YOU CHEATED! You cheated, you cheated!

Then all the robots shut down as the vr specs shut off as well as the teenagers were free.

Teenage boy: Wanna see a movie at my house?

Teenage girl: Yeah.

Other teenage girl: All right, sure.

As for the others they started to wonder about Karen.

Babs: um bumblebee got out right?

they saw a glow and saw Karen was now back to normal size and a bit dazed.

Grayson: Karen are you ok?

She got up and took of her helmet as she now has a yellow highlight in her hair.

Karen: Did we do it?

Zatanna: Nice highlights, what's your secret?

Diana: Courage.

Babs: Yaaaah!

The police and citizens started to come to the sight as Lena was getting out of the suit.

Lena: Oh, no fair! No FAIR!

Then a car came as Lena's parents came along with her brother lex luthor.

Lex: There she is Mom! See? Told you she stole my stuff.

Lillian: Lutessa Lena Luthor, you get in this car right now!

Lena: You can't make me!

She sat down and held her breath only for her to be carried to the car by her mom and dad.

Lena: NOOOO! No! No! No! [cries]

Lillian: Oh, I'm sorry about your warsuit, Lex.

Lex: [scoff] Don't worry, Mom. I'm just happy the little tyke is alright.

Lena and Lex: *blowing raspberry*

Lillian: Oh, you think next time you can get those cupcakes you promised?

Lex: Hah! Already on it, Mom. I'm not saying goodbye to the best snickerdoodles in Metropolis.

Lena: You'll pay for this, super teen jerks! YOU'LL PAY!

The car left as lex turned to see the others as everyone started to cheer for them.

Man: Brand new superhero team right here in Metropolis!

Girl scout: And there all girls.

Boy: and boys too.

Then everyone began to cheer for them as Ashton came to Dimitri and handed him a letter.

Dimitri: What's this?

Ashton: It's a note apparently it's for you but it doesn't say who wrote it.

Then Dimitri opened it and began to read it.

Dimitri: *reading* Hello. If you're reading this then that means that you have been brought to this world along with your siblings. You, your siblings and Ashton have been chosen to be this world's protectors and you must do what you can to protect it. And for you and your siblings you will have a house to live in just go to this address at the back of the note. Good luck with your job. Signed, a friend.

Everett: We have a house?

Piper: That is amazing.

Babs: What are you guys so happy about?

Ashton: They are going to be living with me! This address is to my house!

Babs: Wow! Oh is it cool if we come over?

Ashton: Of course I have over 8,000 square feet of empty space and trust me it's been a little lonely.

Everett: Well you got yourself seven new roommates!

Dimitri: Yeah and we're a team.

We then see them head off to their home as they had did a noble deed for metropolis.

And with that we break the story right here Hope you guys liked it because there will be more coming up.

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