To another world

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In a house we see five boys and two girls together as they were on a couch looking bored watching TV.

Elliotte: This is so boring!

Dimitri: I know bro but what can we do?

Everett: Yeah it's not like an adventure is awaiting for us. *turns and winks to the camera*

Rowan: Yeah but would it be cool to have powers and fight bad guys?

Dimitri: What like the superhero girls from that show on Cartoon Network or Static Shock?

Rowan: The first one.

Everett: But how the only way that would happen is if some portal opened up and sucked us into their world.

Then the tv began to spark purple electricity as a portal then opened up startling the siblings as they were a little scared

Elliotte: You just had to say it!

Then they were sucked into the portal as they were now in a town as their outfits were now different

Dimitri: OMG! We are in THE Metropolis!

Piper: Hey look at us. We look different.

Everett: She's right! Look at Andruw he looks like a human version of Charizard!

Andruw: And I kinda feel different.

Everett: You know what I feel like?

Dimitri: What?

Everett: I feel like leaving. Bye!

Then he then began to run but Elliotte grabbed his shirt.

Elliotte: Oh no you don't!

Dimitri: Look how did this even happen?

Elliotte: Maybe it's magic or... or the trickster from supernatural.

Dimitri: That dude's dead.

Elliotte: Or is he?

Everett: Duh Duh Duh!

But while the boys were talking Rowan saw something in the sky as she saw the figure looked a lot like Spider-Man

Rowan: Wait if we're in DC superhero girls why is Spider-Man here? Look there! *points at the Spider-Man look alike*

Elliotte: Isn't Spider-Man a marvel character?

Dimitri: Maybe someone was sent here before us? Besides he looks like he's going somewhere let's follow him!

Then they ran as they followed the figure swinging through metropolis as he headed to a bank.

Piper: Is a robbery happening?

Dimitri: We gotta help him.

Elliotte: Why we barely even know the guy

Dimitri: because it's the right thing to do

Then he ran as he ran he was engulfed in water as in his place was a humanoid ninja frog

Random Citizen: I wouldn't follow that figure if I were you.

Dimitri: Why? that guy looks like he needs help.

Citizen: He won't need any help. The criminals call him The Boogie Man for a reason.

Dimitri: Well I'm still going on there and by the way the name's Greninja.

Everett: Maybe we should hear why the guy is called The Boogie Man?

Piper: We should probably help too. Like Dimitri said it's the right thing to do.

Then she ran as she glowed and in her place was a tall rabbit with long ears and standing on two legs as she ran off as the other siblings saw her and Dimitri run to the bank.

Andruw: We better go too.

Then they all ran and glowed in their places were a jackal, dragon, a lizard, an amphibious animal like creature and a plant creature as well.

Everett: Wait? How'd we do that?

Elliotte: Don't know, but come on.

Then they ran to the bank as they all saw was the figure from before but his suit was black and had a giant white spider on the back as he also had a mouth with sharp teeth.

Dimitri: He looks like venom from Spider-Man 3.

Elliotte: But is doing a much better job of using the symbiote than Topher Grace in the movie.

Dimitri: Come on guys let's help him *makes a water shuriken* Cause it's time to be heroes.

Boogie Man: Now now there's no need for the weapons I'm already done. *points his thumb at the pile of knocked out bank robbers*

Everett: Aw man!

Boogie Man: *symbiote peels back to reveal a young man with blue hair and yellow eyes and pointed teeth* Ok for one how did you know that this is a symbiote?

Dimitri: Well long story short, where we're from we've heard about symbiotes and we're not exactly from this world. By the way, my name's Dimitri. *Points at his brothers and sisters* and these are my brothers and sisters, Andruw, Elliotte, Grayson, Piper, Everett and Rowan.

Everett: S'up?

Elliotte: How did you even get a parasi- *gets his mouth covered by Dimitri*

Dimitri: What Elliotte is trying to say is how did you get a symbiote? And also what's your real name?

Boogie man: Well my real name is Ashton Millman. As for how I got my symbiote I was in my hometown's local church praying for guidance when all of a sudden the church bell tower was ringing and at the same time that was happening a strange noise could be heard so I followed the noise into the bell tower and I saw the town hero trying to peel off his costume but the costume wouldn't come off like it was alive or something and it was weakened by the noise of the bells and some of it landed on my jacket and it was moving trying to cover me. But I threw my jacket on the floor but soon more of the costume fell and this landed on my hands and i couldn't shake it off and then more of the costume fell on me lifting me in the air like I was possessed. And when it was done the costume fully covered me and it gave me the hero's powers and looks but it also gave me fangs, even greater strength, and the ability to morph my body into various weapons and colors to correspond to those weapons.

Piper: wow

Everett: That's pretty cool Ash. Is it cool if we call ya Ash for short?

Ashton: Sure, just don't call me late for dinner.

Dimitri: Oh well we were just sent here so we don't know if we have a place to stay or *sees that he has a piece of paper in his hand with an address on it.* Wait where did this come from?

Ashton: The symbiote also gave me super speed and I put that in your hand without you looking. It's the address to my house you're all welcome to stay if you'd like.

Everett: We love to.

Andruw: So were you sent to this world like us?

Ashton: Yes I was actually but it seems I've been here longer than you I'd say about a week longer.

Piper: Oh so do you know why you or we were sent here?

Ashton: Not a clue kiddo. Hey I have an idea let me wrap these guys up for the cops and I'll introduce you to a few of my friends and the magnificence that is the death by chocolate sundae?

Dimitri: Sure we could use some ice cream.

We then see everyone was standing outside Sweet Justice.

Dimitri: *looks at his clothes* I kinda like these, makes me look like Greninja

Ashton: That's the cartoon life for you. Come on there are people I'm dying for you to meet.

We then see them at a table with seven chocolate sundaes in front of them

Dimitri: I think I'm gonna like being in Metropolis

Ashton: *pulls out an iPhone 8+ and texts a few people* That's good to hear because my friends are almost here.

Elliotte: Who are these mysterious friends you are talking about?

???: He's talking about us genius.

They turned to see was six girls

Ashton: Now Kara be nice.

Dimitri: Oh my name's Dimitri and these are my siblings well half siblings anyway. My siblings and I have the same mom.

Jessica: Wow. My name is Jessica, and these are my friends Kara, Diana, Zee, Karen, and Babs.

Dimitri: Well Kara reminds me a bit of Elliotte. No offense.

Kara: Eh it's cool.

We then see them at the table together eating their treats as Dimitri noticed that Jess was next to him and he blushed a bit but used his scarf to cover it as Jeas didn't notice.

Ashton: What's wrong Dimitri? You feeling a little shy? *Zee sits next to him and blushes up a storm*

Dimitri: Oh I'm fine really. Just the ice cream gave me a chill that's all.

Babs: So which one of you is the oldest sibling?

Dimitri: that would be me.

Everett: So what do you girls do?

Babs: We do lots of things together.

Andruw: Oh really would any of those things involve stopping bad guys?

Zee: Wait how do you-

Dimitri: Well if you want to know well... Me and my siblings are superheroes too.

Ashton: He's right, I met them a while ago.

Elliotte: No duh Sherlock.

Dimitri: You have to forgive Elliotte, he's a bit... Homesick.

Piper: Yeah we... Just moved here.

Jessica: Oh must be hard to live in a new place? *Sees Dimitri with his scarf on his face* Are you ok Dimitri?

Dimitri: Oh uh-uh yeah. I'm fine really. It's just that-


We see Everett holding four round stones in his hand.

Elliotte: You scream like that again and I'll shove those stones down your throat! Got it?

Everett: Sorry.

Dimitri: *looks at Elliotte* Dude? Seriously?

Elliotte: What? Everett was screaming like he was in maximum volume.

Kara: Yeah, he almost busted my eardrums.

Elliotte: *blushes* Oh uh thanks for agreeing with me.

As we see everyone eating their treats as Dimitri grabbed a spoon and dropped it.

Dimitri: Oops dropped my spoon hey Ash ya mind helping me?

Then he grabbed Ashton and brought him under the table.

Ashton: Dude what's wrong with you?!

Dimitri: Shhh! Not so loud. Look, can you keep a secret?

Ashton: What is it?

Dimitri: *inhales and quickly speaks* I think I have a crush on Jessica.

Ashton: Can't say I blame you I have a crush on Zee.

Dimitri: Ok look promise you won't tell anyone about my crush, and I won't tell anyone about your crush ok?

Ashton: My lips are sealed but his lips on the other hand. *points to Everett with a shocked expression on his face*

Everett: Whaaaa?

Dimitri: Look bro, just don't tell Jess and Zee about this ok?

Everett: Alright my lips are shut.

Then Dimitri heard a voice as he looked up to see a man with a woman

Sweet Justice owner man: Hey, what are you doing? We turned down the offer. Get out of here, please.

Sweet Justice owner woman: We said we wouldn't sell. Barry, go get our lawyer.

Then you see the man on the counter run off to get a lawyer

Jessica: Lawyer? Why do they need a lawyer?

Then we see robots come in

Demo-bot foreman: Attention, citizens. :This business or dwelling has been categorized for immediate destruction.

Sweet Justice owner man: No!

Man: Huh?

Boy: What?

Demo-bot foreman: By order of the city of Metropolis, you must vacate before structure removal begins. You have 30 seconds to comply.

Everyone began to run away.

Kara: What should we do?

Zatanna: What can we do? They're city robots.

Demo-bot foreman: You have 15 seconds to comply.

Sweet Justice owner woman: Please, let's go. Nothing we say is gonna stop 'em.

Jessica: But the city can't tear this place down without your permission. This doesn't make sense.

Demo-bot foreman: You have ten seconds to comply. Ten...

Diana: Is this a law we must obey? Or should we fight?

Sweet Justice owner man: please. This isn't worth getting hurt over.

Karen: Let's get out of here. We're not ready for a fight.

Demo-bot foreman: Two, one... This completes your warning. Demolition will now begin.

More robots came as they began to tear down the place as one was heading to a boy with vr specs.

Boy: Johnny, look out!

Then a shuriken was seen as it hit the robot as Dimitri was seen in his hero suit.

Dimitri: We can't just sit here and let these robots tear this place down.

Then Diana came as she was in her hero suit.

Diana: Dimitri is right. It matters not if these villains are protected by man's law. Our mission is to protect the innocent. And that is what we must do. Come sisters and Comrades. This is our time.

Then as a robot was heading to a group it was then kicked by Piper as she was seen in her suit.

Piper: Yeah, it's our time to shine.

Then the robot she kicked was grabbed by a black web and pulled away as we see Ashton in his boogie man look.

Ashton: Diana! Throw me!

Then Diana grabbed Ashton and threw him as we then see Elliotte with a staff that looks like a bone

Elliotte: Hey! I gotta bone to pick with you tin cans!

Ashton: Puns!? Really?!

Elliotte: What I like to see anyone come up with a better one.

Dimitri: Hey can someone throw me a bone here!

Ashton: Good one!

Then as Dimitri slashed a robot with two katanas he saw a robot heading to Jessica.

Dimitri: Jess lookout!

Then he used his scarf and grabbed her and pulled her to safety as she was in his arms.

Dimitri: I got you.

We then see Zee and Ashton fighting back to back as a flame blast was seen as we then hear a roar.

Ashton: Whoa! Watch where you flinging fireballs dude my suit is weak to intense heat!

Elliotte: You could have said that an hour ago!

We see Andruw in Charizard from.

Andruw: Sorry.

As everyone was fighting them there were too many robots

Dimitri: Guys, there's too many of them. I'm afraid to say this but we have to fall back.

Elliotte: What?! We can't let them win!

Dimitri: Oh, what's more important winning or our lives!?

Ashton: He's right! RETREAT!!!!! Zee get us out of here!

Zee used magic to get the entrance open as we got out as sweet Justice was destroyed as the robots began to leave.

Ashton: Oh no!

Demo-bot foreman: Thank you for your cooperation. You will receive a bill for any damage to city property. Have a nice day.

Elliotte: Nice plan Mr. ninja!

Dimitri: Hey I saved our lives thank you very much!

Piper: He's right it's not his fault.

Elliotte: Oh then who's fault is it?

Ashton: It's no one's fault we just need to regroup and figure out why those robots destroyed sweet justice.

Karen: Face it. We were never meant to be heroes. Especially me.

She put up her armour and walked away.

Babs: Bumblebee, wait.

Zatanna: Well, I for one concur with Karen. *she changed back in her normal outfit* I never wanted to do this in the first place.

She began to leave as well.

Babs: No! You guys! Come on.

Jessica: I knew this stupid ring would lead to violence and destruction.

She changed back and left.

Kara: Like I said, trying to be a hero is for chumps.

She was now in her normal clothes and began to leave.

Dimitri: Wait then what do we do? Diana?

Then we see Diana with what appeared to be amazons and being dragged off by her mother while Diana was getting yelled at

Everett: Dude is that her mom? She looks like a final boss.

Then we see Babs with her phone.

Babs: Dad can you come pick me up?

Ashton: Come on guys let's go home.

And that is the end of this chapter. Next time we see our heroes teaming up once again to save Diana from her mother and stop the demo bots once and for all.

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