Iida x reader

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Quirk: Claw- user has long sharp extendable claws on their hands that they can lace with poison if they choose to


Your POV:

"Goodbye, (little sibling name)! I'll see you after school!" I called to my younger sibling as I walked out the door.

"Y/N, wait!" they called, running up to me and hugging my leg.

"I got a boo-boo." they sniffed, holding out their finger to show a small cut.

"Aw, poor you! Would a kiss make it better?" I cooed. They nodded and I knelt down.

I planted a light kiss on their finger and smiled.

"There! All better! Now go ask mommy to give you one of those Bluey bandaids."

"Ok! Bye-bye!"

I smiled as they ran off, the pain of their small injury seemingly forgotten in an instant in the excitement of getting a kiss and a Bluey bandaid.

I walked out the door and started to make my way towards school.

UA wasn't far, so it only took a couple of minutes. But I walked fast because I wanted to get there early.

Why? Because I knew of a certain someone who also liked to get there early that I may or may not have a crush on...


"Good morning, Iida!" I said cheerfully, entering the classroom.

"Good morning, L/N." he smiled back.

I sat down in my seat not too far away from his. So far, it was only me, him and Midoriya in the room.

"Iida, could I maybe borrow yesterday's notes? My, um, little sibling kind of scribbled on them..."

I took my notebook out of my backpack and showed him my very colourful notes.

"Of course, L/N." he chuckled.

He really should laugh more... He had a nice laugh...

"Your younger sibling is very artistic indeed."

I laughed and thanked him, accepting his notes on the history of quirks.

I looked over them and smiled at how neat and organized his writing was.

We chatted for awhile until Iida had to go stop a fight between Bakugo and Midoriya. Well, Bakugo hitting Midoriya. Midoriya didn't really fight back at all.

I sighed dreamily as I watched him reprimand the two, doing that adorable choppy thing with his arm.

Soon class started but I couldn't seem to focus on today's lesson. My thoughts always drifted back to the boy I had hopelessly fallen for.


"Class dismissed."

Everyone started to disperse and leave the room, myself included. But to my surprise, Iida approached me, asking:

"L/N! I was actually wondering if you wanted to train with me? I wanted to try something new with my quirk and you seemed like the perfect sparring partner!"

"I would love to, Iida! But I can't stay too long because I have to get (little sibling name) from school." I explained.

"Great! This won't take too long. I'll meet you outside."

I nodded and went to go get changed into my hero costume.

(The picture at the top of the chapter can be your hero costume. Just switch the turquoise for you favourite color)


"Ready, L/N?" asked Iida, getting into a fighting position.

"Sure am." I replied, doing the same.

Iida charged at me, using the engines on his calves to zoom forward at incredible speeds.

I dodged and lunged at him, extending my clawed hand towards him. My claws grew longer and sharper, but I didn't lace them with poison, because it was only training and I wasn't aiming to seriously injure him.

My claws grazed his arm, but his armor -like hero suit protected him completely.

This was going to be harder that I thought.

Iida turned around and came running at me again, then tried to swiftly knock me off of my feet by sweeping one of his legs under mine.

I started to fall, but managed to knock the helmet off of his head by hooking one of my claws under it. I caught myself just before I hit the ground and turned back around to face my opponent.

His hair was disheveled and he wasn't wearing his glasses. My felt my face get warm as I saw how handsome he looked like that.

He reached for his helmet but I kicked it out if reach before he could get to it. At least now there was some exposed skin for me to target.

He came rushing towards me yet again, this time with his first drawn back and ready to punch.

He narrowly missed my face as I quickly swerved to the right. I extended my own hand and managed to cut his cheek with my claw.

He ran into me, pushing me over and landing on top of me.

"L-looks like you win." I stuttered, turning red at our close proximity.

"Sorry." he said, also flustered, getting up and offering me a hand.

I accepted it and he helped me up.

"Sorry about your cheek." I winced, seeing a drop of blood fall down his cheek. "Would a kiss make it better?"

I imidiatly slapped a hand over my mouth, horrified.

"I am so so so sorry!!! I always say that to my little sibling when they get hurt and it just slipped out!" I apologized, painfully aware of how red my face was.

"No problem!" he assured me, blushing slightly. "But as a matter of fact, it would."

"W-what!?" I exclaimed, looking at him in shock.

He cleared his throat awkwardly and looked away.

"I'm sorry! It's just... I don't know why, but I'm not apposed to the idea of you kissing me... L/N, I think... that I gave feelings for you?"

My heart did summersaults inside my chest as I realised that he had just confessed.

I walked over to him and stood on my tiptoes to give him a peck on his cheek where the cut was.

"I like you too." I smiled.

His face lit up, before he cleared his throat again:

"Such behaviour is inappropriate for when we're on school property!" he scolded lightly, but a small smile remained on his lips "That being said... I would be honoured if you would go out with me, L/N."

"Of course!" I exclaimed, giving him a hug. He uncertainly put his arms around my back.

I stepped back, giving him one last grin.

"Does your cheek feel any better?"

"Indeed it does." he smiled.



"Ouch!" I exclaimed, blowing on the small cut on my finger.

Today me and Iida were having one of our many study dates in his dorm.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Yeah, it's just a paper cut." I said dismissively, going back to studying.

"Would a kiss make it better?" he asked.

I looked up and grinned at him.

"It sure would!" I held out my finger and he planted a tender kiss on it.

"All better!" he smiled.

I felt my cheeks grow slightly warmer and I said:

"Um... Tenya?"


"I think there's a cut on my lip too."

He smiled and to my surprise, he leaned forward and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"That was inappropriate behaviour for when we're on school property." I scolded jokingly.

"You are correct." he chuckled "But I'd do it again."

I blushed at his words, happy to have such an amazing boyfriend as Iida.



I feel like my oneshots are too predictable - reader likes someone, reader confesses, character likes them back, happily ever after.

But what can I say? I'm a sucker for fluff and happy endings.

But I'll probably try to write a sad oneshot soon for all you bakas who enjoy angst for some reason and to add a little variety.

Adios, my little beans!

Don't forget to vote, comment and request (only of you want to of course) ❤️❤️❤️


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