Tamaki x reader

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This happens while Tamaki and you are interning at hero agencies.

*short and kinda sad*


Tamaki's POV:

I was walking towards Fatgum's agency, excited, yet nervous, about who was going to be there. I was going to be working with a real pro hero and that strange first year boy. The only good thing about it was that Y/N would also be there.

Y/N always seemed to understand me. Even when I was too shy or nervous to speak my mind, I felt like she could read it.

She was always so kind and considerate towards me, even when no one else was.

I would rather die than admit it to Mirio or Nejire, let alone Y/N, but I think I've developed a crush on the girl.

I entered the hero agency and imidiatly started to look around for the only person I knew.

"Oh, hey, Tamaki!"

I sighed in relief as I heard her familiar voice.

"H-hello, Y/N." I answered nervously.

"I'm so glad we're both interning at the same agency." he continued, scratching the back of her neck "I don't know what I would have done without one of my best friends! I'd probably be lonely the whole time..."

She smiled brightly. I always felt like there were butterflies in my stomach when she did that.

"You'd probably make a n-new friend." I answered.

"Yeah, probably, but I'd much rather be with you!"

I looked down to hide my blush and some of my dark hair fell into my face.

I jumped slightly as I felt warm fingers gently brush the hair back behind my pointy ears.

"You can't hide that cute face of yours!" she giggled. "And your adorable ears!"

My blush deepened and I covered my face with my hands.

"Ah, Tamaki, you're here!" boomed a new voice.

I uncovered my face and looked up. Standing before me was the large pro hero Fatgum.

I nodded shyly and looked away again.

"Right! I'll let you too get settled and we'll do patrols first thing in the morning!" he explained.

"Sir, yessir!" saluted Y/N.

"I think I'm going to like you!" Fatgum laughed and waved as he went back into his office.

Of course he liked Y/N. Everyone liked Y/N. She was the most likable person to ever exist.

But nobody liked me. I had three friends. Three! How could Y/N ever like someone like me?


A few days at gone by since the beginning of our internship. Y/N had befriended Kirishima almost imidiatly and the two were currently chatting away while we waited for Fatgum to arrive.

Today we had a very important mission. We were rescuing a little girl that Mirio and Midoriya had found during one of their patrols. She had been kidnapped a while ago and they had managed to track down her location at last.

It would be dangerous, but all the best pro heroes would be there.

We just had to have hope that we would prevail despite the difficulties.

~•~❤️~•~*completely forgot what happens it this episode so I just made some stuff up*

Me and Y/N were giving everything we had, but the villain was too strong.

A stone spike shot out of the ground near Y/N and she barely managed to dodge it.

I used my quirk to try to stab the villain with part of a swordfish that I had eaten before hand but to no avail.

I looked around and felt my heart drop- injured heroes everywhere, broken rubble and villains running free.

"Tamaki, try flying over there to get closer!" suggested Y/N, holding off a weaker villain from off to the side.

"Okay." I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. I sprouted large wings from my back and tried to manuiver my way through the air.

But a large pillar of concrete rose out if the ground in front of me before I could get close.

I heard footsteps approach behind me. I turned and saw another villain, fist pulled back.

I blocked his punch and we started to spar.

"Tamaki, look out!" I barely heard her words over the ruckus of fighting.

I tried to dodge but I was too slow- a large concrete spike was shooting out of the ground, aimed right at me.

I had been to busy fighting the other villain to notice it before it was too late.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact, but it never came.

I opened my eyes and screamed at what I saw- Y/N had jumped in front of me.

I was unscathed, while she had taken the blow for me, sacrificing herself and leaving a bloody hole on her stomach.



I sat by the hospital bed, tears running freely down my face.

Y/N was laying there, barely alive and hooked up to a life support machine that was beeping slowly.

Mirio, Nejire and her parents were also standing around me. There was so much sorrow in the room I could almost taste it.

While the others came and went, I never left her side.

It should have been me, was all I could think.

The doctors said she probably wouldn't make it- there was too much internal damage and blood loss.

They said to say our goodbyes.

That we would never see her again.

Y/N was gone.


I couldn't wrap my head around - Y/N had always been there for me when I needed her most and I definitely needed her now.

How could I live without her?

The worst thing was that I never got to tell her how I felt. I should have been the one to save her.

And now, she would never knew how much I loved her. All because I was too nervous to tell her before it was too late

The machine stopped beeping.

Doctors rushed in, trying to revive her while Mrs. L/N screamed and fought. She had to be restrained by her husband, who was crying silently.

One last tear rolled down my face as the doctor slowly shook his head.

Y/N was dead.

Mirio sniffed and Nejire sobbed. Time seemed to slow around me.

"I never got to tell her that I loved her." I whispered as my heart shattered.

I wonder if she felt the same...



I tried, ok!? Angst just isn't my thing. But I hope all you weirdos who like to be sad enjoyed it.

Thanks for 1.5K reads!❤️❤️❤

~the one and only Nomi

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