Midoriya x reader

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Your POV:

"It so hooooooooot." I complained, dragging out the word 'hot.'

I was laying on the floor of my dorm room because it was slightly cooler than the rest of the room, while my boyfriend, Izuku, was sitting at my desk and studying.

"Oh, I have an idea!" I said, jumping up.

"What is it?" asked Izuku, not even looking up from his notebook.

"Let's go to the beach!" I proposed.

"You haven't even done your homework." he reminded me.

"Come on! It's Saturday, I can do it tomorrow...or Monday before school. Pretty please!!! It's so hot!!!"

"Fine, let's go." he agreed, standing up and putting his books away.

"Yay!" I exclaimed.

"Thank you, Izu!" I said, kissing his cheek, making him blush and stutter 'You're welcome.'


I put a bathing suit on under my clothes and started packing a separate bag.

I packed a change of clothes, a pair of sunglasses, sun screen, my phone and some snacks into a beach bag and walked outside to meet Izuku.

We talked about everything and nothing as we made our way down to 'our beach'.

It had only recently been cleaned, entirely by Izuku, but there were still a few people there. Not as many as on the public beach, for sure, though.

We spread out our towel and took off our clothes, getting ready to get into the cold water as soon as possible.

"Daaaang, Izuku, you've got such a cute face I forgot how ripped you are." I whistled.

"T-Thanks, Y/N..." he mumbled, blushing.

I was wearing a f/c bikini/one-piece (whatever you feel comfortable in, babes😘) that I had bought on a shopping trip with the girls last week.

I ran into the water, quickly followed by Izuku.

"Hey, come here, I want to show you something!" I called to him, beckoning.

"What is it?" he asked me curiously, running closer.

"Got you!"

I splashed him with a wave of cold water and ran off, laughing hysterically.

"You'll pay for that!" he laughed, chasing me.

We splashed each other and played in the water for a while, laughing like little kids and having the time of our lives.

After about an hour in the water, I decided to take a break.

I got out and laid down on our towel to dry off.

"Hey, you! You here all by yourself?"

I opened my eyes and saw a tall, buff dude standing over me, a malicious glint in his eyes.

"Nope. I'm here with my boyfriend." I informed him, closing my eyes again.

"Well I don't see him." he sneered, coming closer.

"Turn around, then." a familiar voice said angrily from behind him.

"What, this little green bean?" laughed the man.

"This little green been had washboard abs and can knock you unconscious with a flick of his fingers." I said quietly.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave, sir." Izuku warned.

"What are going to do about it?" he laughed.


Izuku drew back his first and punch the guy square in the jaw. He didn't even activate his quirk! The dude flew black and landed in the soft sand.

Good thing the beach was nearly empty and nobody saw what had just happened.

"I think I hit him a little too hard." chuckled Izuku, nervously scratching the back of his neck as you prodded the unconscious guy.

We ended up dragging him over to what we hoped was his towel and making it look like he had just laid down for a nap, despite the big bruise starting to appear on his jaw.

We continued our beach day like nothing had happened and had a blast despite the heat.


No one's POV:

"I had so much fun today!" you told Izuku, as the two of you took a stroll down the beach, watching the sun begin to set.

"I'm glad!" he smiled brightly.

"We should definitely do this again!" you said, watching a purplish cloud drift across the sun.


"The sunset is beautiful." you commented, still looking at it.

"Not as beautiful as you though." said Izuku quietly.

You turned quickly towards him, a fiery blush erupting on your cheeks.

"T-Thank you, Izu!"

"Hey, Y-Y/N?" he asked nervously, stepping closer.

"Yes?" you breathed, heart pounding.

"Can I kiss you?"

Instead of answering, you closed the distance between you and tenderly pressed your lips against his.

He put his arms around you and deepened the kiss.

You stood like that for awhile, sunset completely forgotten. It was only you two.

Finally he pulled back, blushing, but smiling widely.

He grabbed your hand and you continued your walk in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company.

"I love you, Y/N." said Izuku softly.

"I love you too, Izu."



So... someone followed me because they said they also really like ramen (check out my About Me), which was really nice and I DO like ramen a lot but...

I think they didn't realize the 'My hobby is eating different kinds of ramen and comparing them!' (Naruto quote) was meant to be a joke.

Eating ramen is not actually my hobby....

Oh well. Love you all and thank you for 90 reads!!!!


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