Tetsutetsu x (curvy) reader

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For all my ✨❤️CURVY QUEENS❤️✨


Your POV:

I was walking between my best bros Kirishima and Tetsutetsu to the cafeteria when we ran into Chad. No, his name is not actually Chad but I never cared enough to ask him.

Chad was the bully that seemed to think all girls should look like Kim Kardashian and relentlessly taunted those who didn't.

Unluckily for him though, I was a girl boss who knew she was beautiful despite her weight.

"Hey, Fatty! How did you even get into U.A.? Did you eat all the other examinees?" he said loudly as his 'friends' laughed stupidly.

"First of all, I'm not fat, I'm ✨THICC✨. Secondly, yes I did eat them and you're next if you don't shut up." I told him, crossing my arms.

"You tell him, Y/N!" cheered Kirishima.

"Slay, queen!" added Tetsutetsu.

"Let's go." I told them, grabbing each of their muscly arms and dragging them into the cafeteria, leaving Chad and his goonies speechless in our wake.

"You're so confident, Y/N." said Kirishima enviously. "How do you do it?"

"Do what?" I asked, taking a bite of Lunch Rush's amazing food.

"Not care what anybody thinks." said Tetsutetsu.

"I know that it doesn't matter what I look like and that inner beauty is what matters most." I smiled.

"You're beautiful inside and out!" blurted Tetsutetsu.

"Aw, thanks bro!" I said, feeling my cheeks grow warm.

"Stop flirting and hurry up! We'll be late for class." Kirishima reminded, already standing up.

We hurriedly got up and followed Kirishima out of the cafeteria. We both ignored what he had said about flirting. Tetsutetsu just had so much rizz it was showing in his personality, he definitely hadn't been flirting. He complemented everyone. In Kirishima's words he was 'manly'.

Those were only a few of the reasons I had a crush on him...

Me and Tetsutetsu stopped at Class 1-b's door and waved goodbye to Kirishima, who was in class 1-a.

No sooner had we sat down than the bell rang and our math teacher walked in.

While Cementoss talked about math or something I thought about what Tetsutetsu said during lunch.

Your beautiful inside and out!

I blushed slightly as I found myself staring at the back of his head yet again.


"Where do you buy your mascara?"

"I told you, my eyelashes naturally look like this!!!"

"Yeah right!" I laughed.

Me and Tetsutetsu were walking home by ourselves today. Kirishima had some 'business' to take care of so he left early.

"Just admit you're wearing mascara!" I said, laughing harder at how annoyed he was getting.

He huffed and crossed his arms but after a minute, joined in laughing.

He has a nice laugh.

"What? Do I have something one my face?" he asked.

I quickly looked away, face burning.

Dang it, Y/N you were staring again!!!

"N-no... You just, um, have a really nice laugh." I told him.

"T-Thanks, Y/N! So do you!"

We walked in awkward science after that.

"Hey, Y/N?"

"Yeah, Tetsutetsu?"

"Are you addressing me by my last name or first name?" he asked.

"I..." I paused, thinking. He called me by my first name, but so did everybody. I called Kirishima by his last name... but so did everybody.

"Which one do you want me to call you by?" I asked.

"I guess it doesn't really matter since they're the same but... I would like it if you called me by my first name..." he answered. I noticed the pink on his cheeks, so naturally I started blushing too.

"R-right, Tetsutetsu."

Somehow, saying his name felt differently now that I knew I was saying his first name.

We walked in silence for awhile and I debated confessing how I felt just to end the awkward pause.



We said at the same time.

"You go first." I said hurriedly.

"How about we say it at the same time?" he proposed.

"Um, ok."

Was I really about to confess my love while he asked me about our math homework or something??

"3" he said.

Maybe I should say something random.


Wait, what if he's confessing too!?


YOLO, I guess.

"I like you."

We both stared at each other for a minute before he turned around, pumped his first in the air and whisper-yelled "yes!"

I chuckled at his cuteness but on the inside I was also screaming.

"So, you'll be my girlfriend??" he asked, turning back around.

"Let me think about it..." I said teasingly.

"I'll buy you f/f on our first date~"

"YES!" I threw myself into him and hugged him tight, he hugged back until suddenly I pulled away.

"Who's gonna tell Kirishima he's a third wheel?"


We walked hand in hand all the way home, smiling at each other's company and at the fact that we shared each other's feeling.

I wondered how long he had liked me, how long we had been friends when we could have been a couple.

"How did he let his girlfriend get so fat? Shouldn't he make her diet?" whispered one girl loudly to another as we passed.

Good thing I wasn't in the mood to beat their empty skulls in.

Instead, I settled with allowing Tetsutetsu to flip them off, not even giving them the satisfaction of looking at them.

I smiled as I heard them gasp. I gave Tetsutetsu a kiss in the cheek and whispered:

"They're just jealous of my hot boyfriend."

He blushed and turned to look at me then kissed me ON THE LIPS!

He pulled away, blushing, but looking pleased with himself.

"And of your perfect body."



Hope you enjoyed a oneshot where the curvy reader in NOT insecure. If you are insecure about you weight, remember you are BEAUTIFUL no matter what!

If you are being bullied or lack self confidence, check out IzaWikeq 's If I were her. book, it's wonderful!!! Or check out @lily19379's profile!

I love you all and don't forget to love yourself!!!


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