Shindo x reader

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Requested by Sl33pd3pr1v3dS1mp! Not a very popular character, but this adorable boi deserves all the love! Enjoy, fellow simps!


No one's POV:

You walked down the halls of UA, practically buzzing with excitement. You had been accepted into one of the best hero schools in Japan, your dream school!

Only, like, one hundred and twenty (?) people in the whole country were in UA's hero course and, to think, you were one of them!

Being a hero had always been your dream, and now it was becoming reality.

Sure, it would be hard, but reaching your goals through hard work and dedication would make it all worth it in the end! (I'm sorry that was so cheesy 😭 you sound like midoriya)

You walked into your new class, with a smile brighter than the sun.

The scene going on inside made your smile falter slightly though. A boy with his feet on the desk was yelling at a boy who was reprimanding him and a cute boy with green hair looked close to tears.

You hesitantly took your seat, wondering what on earth was wrong with this class when a boy with purple balls on his head tried to hit on the girls.

Oh well, you thought, every tree has a few rotten apples. Or grapes, in this case.

Even your homeroom teacher was weird. But at least the girls were nice to you as you chatted in the changing room.

It would definitely be an interesting year at UA, that was for sure...

~•~❤️~•~time skip brought to you by the sleep deprived author

Your POV:

"The Hero Licensing Exam is coming up." announced Aizawa "Students from hero schools all around the country will be participating for a chance to earn their provisional licenses."

The students whispered among themselves. I smiled to myself, knowing someone who was going to be there that I hadn't seen in a while.

From that day, our training got harder. We doubled our efforts so that we could give it our best when it was time for the exam.

It felt like no time at all had gone by since the day Aizawa sensei told us about it to the day it was happening.

I felt confident in my abilities and in those of my classmates.

I couldn't wait to kick some fellow examinee butt.


As this tired guy that reminded me of Aizawa sensei explained the rules, I searched the sea of examinees for a familiar face.

I knew he was here, but in the large crowd of students, I couldn't find him.

Then we were all given targets to put anywhere on our bodies, as long as they were in exposed areas, and balls to throw at other student's targets.

Whoever got all three of their targets hit, was out. Simple enough, but I knew that as soon as we started, it would be utter chaos.

I still couldn't find the person I was looking for when the exam was right about to start.

I was chatting absent mindedly with Jirou when I finally heard his voice:

"You guys are from UA, right!?"

I turned around and my face lit up, but I concealed my excitement in front of my classmates.

"Yes, as a matter of fact we are. And who might you be?" questioned Iida.

"I'm Yo Shindo! Nice to meet you all!" he grinned.

"I saw some of you on TV during UA's sports festival! You were so cool!" he gushed, running a hand through his wild black hair.

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima! Nice to meet you!" introduced Kirishima, shaking his hand.

Yo introduced himself to everybody, shaking their hands enthusiastically. Finally, it was my turn.

"And what's your name, cutie?" he asked with a wink that only I could see.

"Y/N L/N." I smiled "Pleasure to meet you, Shindo."

He chatted with my classmates for awhile before I couldn't contain myself any longer.

"Do you want to do the exam with me, Shindo?" I proposed innocently. He opened his mouth to answer, but before he could I said:

"Great! Come on, let's go over there!"

I grabbed his arm and started to drag him away. He waved to my friends as we left as if this was a completely normal thing.

As soon as we were out of sight from my classmates, I wrapped him up in a tight hug.

"I missed you so much!" I exclaimed.

"I missed you too!" he replied, hugging me back.

The truth was, we had gone to the same middle school and grown close but going to different highschools, we rarely saw each other anymore, so when we did I got overly excited.

We both knew the other would be here, so we decided to pretend we don't know each other just to mess with my classmates.

"Come on!" I whined "The exam is about to start!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" he chuckled, ruffling my hair affectionately.

I smiled and swatted his hand away.

Now to kick some examinee butt, together!



As I had predicted, it was chaos. Students left, right and center, throwing balls at each other like one big dangerous game of dodge ball where all the participants had superpowers that they could use to beat each other up.

Good thing I had someone to protect me.

I snuck behind Yo, making him my human shield.

"You can't hide back there for the whole test, you know." commented Yo, throwing one of his spheres at a nearby examinee. The ball bounced off of one of their targets, causing it to light up.

"Why not?" I complained, stepping out and chucking one of my own balls at an examinee's target.

This being their last one, it lit up and signaled that they were out.

"How are you going to be a hero if you always hide behind me?" he reasoned.

I stepped behind him again as a ball came flying at the target on my leg. He caught it easily and threw it back at the person, easily hitting one of their targets.

"We can be a team! I cheer you on while you protect me and fight the villain!"

Yo laughed.

"You'd make a great cheerleader, but an even better hero!"

I blushed and stepped away from him again.

Feeling encouraged by his words, I threw balls with newfound strength and vigor at unsuspecting students.

I even managed to get a couple out, but not quite enough it seemed...

"There is only one spot left, folks! Once one more person passes, no one else can move onto the next round!" came the voice of the announcer.

Examinees started to increase their efforts, looking desperate and hopeless in some cases.

I looked at Yo and he looked sadly back. We both knew it- there was no way for both of us to pass.

"How many more do you need to get out to move forward?" I asked him.

"Just one. You?"

"Same." I replied.

"Hit my targets." he turned to face me so that all of his targets were exposed.

"No way!" I exclaimed "If anyone deserves to move on, it's you!"

He sighed.

"I don't think either of us have the willpower to take out the other. So I guess neither of us will continue."

"I guess but..." I started, smiling slightly as I stepped closer "At least we get to fail... together."

He chuckled, also moving closer.

"I guess you're right."

"Attention! All the spots have been filled up! The first round is over! All remaining students, please come to get any injuries treated. Thank you!"

"Looks like we officially didn't make it to the second round." Yo sighed sadly.

"Yeah, but there's always next time." I said, looking at him hopefully.


"I know something that might cheer you up." I said with a mischievous grin.

"And what might that be?" he asked, matching my playful tone.

"This." I leaned forward, giving him an affectionate kiss on the lips.

He returned it happily and soon we broke apart.

"I've been wanting to do that since the beginning of the exam." I admitted.

"Now that we're out, you can do it all you want." he said, blushing slightly.

I chuckled at his cuteness and was about to say something else, when loud exclamations were heard from nearby.

"Whaaat!?" cried Mina, looking confusedly between the two of us.

"Oh, yeah I forgot to mention we're dating!" I laughed at the look of sheer shock on my classmates faces.

"Since when have you actually known Shindo?" wondered Uraraka.

"We basically grew up together. And we've been dating since the end of middle school." I said "But since high school started it's mostly been long-distance."

"But why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend!?" Mins exclaimed.

"You never asked." I shrugged, grasping Yo's hand in my own.

"What about all those times you let Kaminari flirt with you??" she questioned.

"I thought he was just being nice!" I defended honestly.

Mina rolled her eyes while Kirishima and Uraraka congratulated us.

"Come one guys, let's get some food before it runs out!" rushed Mina.

"Sure! Come on, Yo!"

"Coming!" he smiled.

"Plus we need to get good seats to cheer our friends on in the next round!" I said happily, getting in line for lunch.

"And I want to have a talk with this Kaminari character..." he muttered menacingly under his breath.

"What was that?" I asked him.




Aw, such cute little cinnamon rolls! I tried my best with this request! I hope you liked it!

Farewell, little beans!


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