Todoroki x reader (Arranged Marriage 2)

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Todoroki's smile = warmth for my soul


Your POV:

"I did keep my promises, you know." said Todoroki unexpectedly.

"What?" I asked, though I knew what he meant.

"The ones I made to you after middle school." he said "I became a hero because I wanted to, not because my father wanted me to. And... we are seeing each other after I graduated."

"Yeah, but..." I started, looking away.


"Being forced to marry you isn't exactly what I had in mind." I said, smiling sadly.


Todoroki sighed. It used to be so normal, but now it gave me shivers when he said my name.

"Look, I'm really sorry. I should have done more for you. I should have visited and kept in touch. You're more important than my training. Can you ever forgive me?"

I looked at him, seeing how genuine he was. I knew there was no way I could ever say no to him.

"Of course." I smiled "Things can go back to how they were... except we'll be married."

"That's so weird to think about." he muttered.

"Yep. But if I have to spend the rest of my life with you, I'm glad there's no tension between us." I grinned again, happy to have my best friend back.

"I feel the same. You know, since I have to spend the rest of my life with you..." he teased.

"Hey!" I laughed "Living with me is a privilege! You should be honored!"

"Sure, sure. 'Till death do us part'."

"If you're not careful, that will be soon!" I threatened jokingly.

"What's going on in here?"

We jumped as Endeavor walked into the room.

"Did I hear Shoto... laugh?" asked the man, sounding stunned.

"Yeah, he does it all the time...?" I said, confused. Endeavor seemed less threatening now- for one, his son was my best friend (and fiance) and for another, he was wearing a t-shirt and his fire beard was out.

"I assure you, he doesn't." said Endeavor gruffly. "At least not around me..."

"Yeah, cause you're the funniest man alive" I muttered under my breath, rolling my eyes. Todoroki heard and snickered quietly.

"How did you do that?" demanded Endeavor.

"Insult you? Oh, trust me, it's very easy."

Todoroki covered his mouth, suppressing a laugh.

"You're dead." he whispered.

"Till death do us part." I whispered back.


Living with the Todoroki's was better than I expected. Sure, Endeavor was an a-*ahem* booty hole but Fuyumi was really nice and when Shoto was there, everything seemed funnier.

Endeavor gave up on trying to discipline me and left me to my stupid jokes and utter hatred towards him.

As time passed, I got used to the idea of living with Shoto.

We had always been close as friends (until he started highschool) but as our month of 'getting to know each other' went by, I began to see him in a new light...

A light where I wasn't one hundred percent opposed to the idea of marrying him...

"What are we going to tell your dad when he starts asking for grandkids?" I asked Shoto one warm afternoon as we sat on a bench in their large yard.

We were about two weeks into the month before our wedding and I was fifty percent sure I had a crush on him. But it definitely wasn't worth ruining the friendship we had built. But then again, we were getting married...

"No." he answered bluntly.

"Well yeah, but-"

"No buts." he said seriously "I'm not 'doing it' with my best friend because my dad wants me to."

"Of course not!" I said hastily, waving my hands defensively "I just meant, well... That's kind of the whole reason he arranged this marriage... Won't he be really angry when we tell him that he won't have heirs after all?"

"Let him be angry." said Shoto, crossing his arms. "It's not like he can do anything about it."

"Yeah, I guess your right." I sighed, looking at the blooming sakura tree on the other side of the yard.


I had a problem. I had fallen for my best friend. The one I was also being forced to marry.

It was complicated.

We had almost two weeks to the wedding and I now felt differently about it.

I never thought I would marry my crush, while also not even being in a relationship with him, but here we are.

What if I asked him out and he said no? Well, for one, our wedding would be hella awkward.

So I decided not to say anything for now. We had our whole lives ahead of us, after all. Who knows, maybe our arranged marriage would bloom into one of love later one? Anything is possible.

I had given up hope on him liking me back after a while. He saw me as a friend- and that was it.

I was certain of that, until he said something while we were stargazing in the garden one evening...

We were sitting on our usual bench, watching the stars and listening to the crickets. It would have been romantic if we were a real couple. Shoto seemed to be thinking along the same lines:

"Y/N... I need to ask you something." he said, not taking his eyes off of the endless sky above.


"I know it's complicated... you're my best friend and fiance and all, but... would you ever consider going out with me? Like, for real?" he asked. Even in the dim light, I could see he was blushing.

"Are you being serious!?" I exclaimed happily.

"Am I ever not?" he joked, seeming to take my reaction as positive.

"Yes. But, anyway... I would love to!"

He finally looked at me and smiled.

"Good. Because it would be really weird if I liked you and you didn't like me, but still had to marry me."

"I was thinking the same thing!" I laughed, happier than I had been since he left for highschool.

A silence followed, both of us just sitting and admiring the stars. They were very visible out here, away from the city. The Todoroki's residence was a perfect place for stargazing.

"So... what are we?" asked Shoto after a minute.

I thought about it for a moment before answering:

"Best friends who are dating and also being forced to marry each other."

"And I thought my parent's relationship was complicated..." he muttered.


Today was the day. I was getting married.

It was so bizarre, yet exciting. If I told my younger self, that at eighteen they would be marrying their childhood friend just after they started dating, I definitely wouldn't believe me.

But I was. I was wearing a simple white dress. There was no ceremony, just me, the Todoroki's and a priest at their house. We say our vows, the priest declares us husband and wife and me and Shoto move into the new house Endeavor bought us.

Soon Shoto would start his work as a pro hero, I would find a job and our lives would move on. Our marriage would grow stronger as we got closer, but we had agreed to not have kids (partly just to spite Endeavor lol).

It was complicated, but we would make it work.

Shoto walked into the room, followed by Natsuo and Fuyumi. He was wearing a button up shirt and his hair had been combed.

He looked nice, but nervous. Then again, who wouldn't be?

He grasped both of my hands and whispered:

"You look nice."

"You two, hubby." I whispered back with a smile.

He blushed and muttered:

"Not quite yet."

The old priest started to recite the wedding vows while Endeavor stood off to the side, watching with a pleased expression on his face and his arms crossed.

"I do." said Shoto anxiously. I squeezed his hands reassuringly.

"And do you, Y/N L/N, take Shoto Todoroki as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." I said, blushing in spite of myself.

"Then, I pronounce you husband and wife! You may k-... wait, does that apply to arranged marriages?" asked the old priest uncertainly, squinting at his book.

But it was too late- Shoto had already leaned forward, planting a tender kiss on my lips.

We broke apart after a short moment, blushing furiously.

Endeavor just rolled his eyes at us. Fuyumi clapped, wiping away a tear, while Natsuo fake gagged.

And so my life as Shoto Todoroki's wife began. It was something neither of us had ever expected to happen, but it did.

And I couldn't be happier about it.



I feel like I mushed the events of a whole book into less than three thousand words but it was so much fun to write. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, lovely beans!

Also pls check out my new book. That's all.

See ya in the next oneshot, silly bakas!❤️


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