Arc Reactor

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Intro begins

In the beginning shows Y/n walking toward UA with his small group of friends as they head to class.

As Y/n is in his class, he and hastsume talk about their projects. Then switches over to him in his workshop working on his armor as well as the arc Reactor.

Then the scene changes to Y/n and Felicia training in CQC as some of his new friends watch in awe.

Next a dark shadow appears over UA as sinister forces looks at it. But lastly is shows Y/n making a smaller Arc Reactor with his suit behind him. As the soon as the helmet closes it begins to light up and the screen darkens. As the title appears

MHA: The Rise of the armored Hero. Iron man.

Intro ends.

It has been a two months since Y/n began at UA. He was able to stand out due to his amazing work. Which he now meet a few people from the hero course. Like Iida Tenya, Ochaco Uraraka. Who went to the support class for repairs in their hero suits, and soon became goods friends with Y/n. These two were amazed by how Y/n was able to improve their hero suits and gave them new ideas.

Y/n hangs out with them,when he gets the chance. As well he has gotten along with Mei. Since he helps her make sure her "babies" don't explode. Which his teacher power Loader thanked him repeatedly.

Now Y/n is in his workshop in UA. As he is making sure that everything is working in order. Thankfully, he was able to see that his Arc Reactor is ready to be tested to see if it works.

Y/n: Felicia how's the system?

Felicia: Everything is ready to go, Y/n. Want me to call Nezu?

Y/n: Yes, this is a momentous occasion. We are making history.

Felicia smiled, as she called upon Nezu. Who is delighted to hear of the near completion of the Arc Reactor.

20 minutes later

Nezu arrived with the whole UA staff. As Y/n got to introduced himself to those he didnt recognized. Then explain the whole project the Arc Reactor. The whole maths and other mechanical components of it.

Y/n: If this goes well, this could provide a near unlimited source of clean power. This could help with shortening the carbon footprint.

PL: I checked his work and its incredible. This is many years ahead of our time.

Y/n: Yes, and I hope we can break out. Of our stagnation of technological development.

They understood that part. Since the development of quirks, technology was stagnated for most aspects.

Nezu: Well Y/n fire it up. I'm excited to see your results.

Y/n nodded and gave them safety glasses. As he begins to power up the Arc Reactor. He starts slowly and carefully. The Arc Reactor has begun to crackle with power. Y/n soon checks the rest of the screens to see if anything is going on. Luckily there seems no problem that rose.

Once he set it to the power he needs. He looks up in astonishment, along with the rest of UA staff. As the Arc Reactor is working perfectly and now is creating more energy than a nuclear plant.

Felicia: Y/n it worked. The Arc Reactor it's working.

Y/n smiles as the rest of teachers look on in astonishment. But for All Might, he is proud of what Y/n was able to make. He is one step closer to his dream.

All Might: Indeed, Young Y/n. Take pride that you made the impossible, possible. You are one step closer to your dream.

The rest of the staff and Nezu agreed with All Might. Y/n nodded in thanks as he looks at his creation and wonder what his dad would say to him.

Y/n:*though*This marks the first step to begin a new chapter of history. One where I will demonstrate to society that being quirkless isn't, being powerless.

Once the test was over and the Arc Reactor was completed. Y/n can focus and making it smaller and make his armor. But not today, it was a day to celebrate his achievement. Soon all of UA found out of what Y/n made due to Nezu saying it over the speaker. To advertise the new energy source. Since he and Nezu made a deal to sell the new clean energy and Y/n get a good cut out of the money that will get for it.

A few days passed, Y/n returned to the warehouse. To check if the Arc Reactor had anything wrong.When he finished checking his instruments for anything out of the ordinary. Now he was getting a nice steam of income now. Thanks to Nezu managed to strike a good deal to power the whole city once word got out.

Though it did bring, an uncomfortable though in his head. That the Arc Reactor will be targeted by Villains or those that want to steal his work. Even though he is in UA. There is always a chance of someone getting in undetected. But he will think of gold defenses later.

Y/n: On the bright side though. The materials to start my armor, have arrived just in time.

The materials, he ordered were golden titanium metal. Some of the best circuits, and other parts to build the MK 1 armor. As well created a small Arc Reactor.

When he left the Warehouse, Y/n left to eat some lunch. As he got to the lunch room and got his meal. He heard a familiar Voice call out to him.

Ochako: Hey Y/n over here!

He turned his head and saw Ochako, Iida with some of their classmates.

Ochako: We saved you a spot! Come on, I want you to meet my classmates.

Y/n chuckled and went over to them. As when he sat down he saw a colorful mix.

Y/n: How you been Ochako,Iida? Sorry I couldn't hang out a few days. I've been busy.

Iida: It's understandable my friend. You have made history with your Arc Reactor. I want to congratulate you on your achievement.

Ochako: Me too. It's awesome, that you were able to make something like that.

Y/n: Thank you. It was a pain in the ass to get the Reactor built and making sure my calculations were correct. But I'm glad it worked.

As time flew by, for the small group Y/n got to know some of his friends classmates. They are a unique bunch like Kirishima calling him "Manly" for making the Arc Reactor. Still he decided to get to know his friends classmates and chat for a bit.

Back at the warehouse.

Once lunchtime was done he left. He received a message that his materials arrived. After he said his goodbyes to his friends. Y/n was back in his workshop, looking over his materials.

Y/n: Seems like everything is here.

Felicia: Yup, now the real work begins Y/n.

Y/n nodded as he responded.

Y/n: It's time to show this world that heroes aren't born they are made.

Holograms of the suit designs of the Mk 1 popped up as his journey to become Iron man is getting closer to become reality.

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