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Intro begins

There standing on a cliff near the ocean is a young man. Looking out with his E/c eyes and determine face. As he checks his phone to see a imagine of a one of many blueprints for different projects.

Then it shows in his house with many different pictures, of him graduating college and universities in many different majors. As well he comes face to face with All Might.

Next shows him walking towards UA with a determined look on his face. As he goes into his workplace and begins his work. As his peers and even teacher stares at him in awe by what he makes.

As well after that he is shown looking at a hologram of a suit along with the power source the arc reactor. Then test flying the suit in the light of day.

Finally it shows him asleep in his desk as his mom puts a blanket on him.As the camera then shows the helmet in different colors along with a picture of Y/n and his dad smiling.

Intro ends

Y/n has put on his uniform, that was given to wear in UA. He has a smile in his face. Since, a week before he was given a tour in UA by Nezu himself. As to keep his word to aid UA in anyway they can. When it was done he told Nezu that he can see many flaws in certain areas where the cameras dont cover.

As well other issues of cyber security. Nezu agreed when he put his two cents in it. So the new cameras, has been put into the areas where they didn't cover. Thanks to Felicia being in the system that the cyber security has been improved. Even upgrading the firewalls. Now we return to Y/n grabbing his backpack.

Felicia: Ready for your big day Y/n.

Y/n: You bet I am. Can't believe that it is really happening.

Felicia: You bet now let's get you out there and show them what you're made of.

He nodded as Felicia in her hologram form was on his custom watch. She gave him a smile as she vanish to return to the UA servers, to maintain the security and look out for anything. Y/n left the front door once his mom, gave him a hug and wished him luck.

Skip to when he arrives in UA

Y/n look on the building in UA with a smile on his face. As this is the beginning of his dream coming true. He walks towards his class. On the way he passes a few people with unique quirks. When he was getting closer and his thoughts were on his MK 1 project. The sounds of a explosion is heard and black smoke cam out.

Y/n raised his eyebrow, as he enter the room once the smoke cleared out. Only to see his teacher Power Loader coughing a bit. Then a girl with pink hair and wearing goggles, a black tank top and UA pants.

Y/n: Is everyone alright?

PL:Were fine. Just Hatsume's creation blew up again. How many times do I have to tell you to be careful.

Mei: Sorry teach. But I know my babies can be much more than they are.

Y/n gave a look at her. Since she is one of those inventors that believe that each creation is a kid to them. In a way they are but it's a bit creepy. Now he turn to meet his teacher as they both shrugged at her behavior.

PL: Sorry you had to see it. Let me welcome you to UA Y/n L/n. You sure did impressed the rest of the staff with your work.

Y/n: Glad it did. Besides, I know a villain won't let any hero hit them. Unless they have a quirk that can counter it or they're dumb. Also can help adapt to any battle.

PL:(chuckles) True. Also Nezu filled me in on your plan. Quite ambitious, I got to say. But I know you can do it kid. The materials you requested have arrived yesterday.

Y/n: Thank you sir, it means alot. I promise to finish my assignments before I work on my project.

PL: I know you're a good kid. Take your seat and begin your work. Remember Y/n UA will support you.

He nodded as he went to his seat as classes began. To his surprise he was seated next to the girl that her baby blew up. Her name is Mei Hatsume, and she like to create new inventions or babies as she calls them. Y/n introduced himself but didn't have much interesting to say about himself.

Over when Y/n has finished his work. And placed the work with his teacher. Power Loader looked it over and whistled at him.

PL: Nice work Y/n. You got every answer correct. As well your support gear is well though out and made well.

Y/n: Thank you sir.

PL: Alright looks like you got a bit of time still left. You can head towards this location to begin on your project.

As his teacher gave him the location of some hall where the gear and materials are.

Y/n: Got dont worry sir. I won't let you guys down.

PL: I know you won't. If this works you will go down in history are the greatest mind on earth.

As he was walking out he saw Mei working on her babies. So he decided to say his farewell.

Y/n: Nice to meet you Mei but I need to got.

Mei: Really but we still have class time.

Y/n: We do but, I got special permission to work on a project I've been working on.

Mei: Oh tell me please.

Y/n: Sorry Mei, but I can't. Won't be a surprise if I do.

Mei pouted as he laugh a little. They said their farewells. Y/n walked towards the location as he was outside. He saw the hero course class 1-A doing a test. Soon a tall black hair man turn and looked at him. Y/n knew who it is, Aizawa or Eraserhead.

Aizawa: Hey aren't you suppose to be in class right now?

He yell at the kid, soon all fo the class turn to look at Y/n. He just walk towards him and replied.

Y/n: I was but got all my work done early. Also I have gotten special permission from the principle to work on my project.

That reply made the adult  go wide eye as he said.

Aizawa: So your Y/n L/n the prodigy.

Y/n: To be truthful I never consider myslef a prodigy, just study hard and gave it my all.

That response made the adult smirk a little. As he can tell the kid is truthful.

Aizawa: Alright then,head to wherever your going. Good luck brat on your project.

That made the rest of the class go wide eyes as Aizawa was acting more polite to him than the rest of the class. Since he has gained Aizawa's respect for not being overconfident and honorable. So he went back on the path as Class 1-A wonder who is he.

Y/n arrived at his destination, at warehouse 12. He open the gate door. There the light turn on automatically as is showed all the materials he needed were there. As well the equipment, though he told Nezu he shouldn't but he did. Soon Felicia materializes and gave a smile to Y/n.

Felicia: Ready Y/n.

Y/n: Always, let's make history

Soon the gate closed and Y/n began to work on the Arc Reactor. This will cause a reaction in the world.

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