Chapter 14

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I arrive at the dorm known at Heights Alliance and see a big 1-A on it as I stand with the others. I smile and stand near the front looking at Aizawa-sensei. He seems to look at me before addressing the group.

"For now, I'm just glad that we were able to bring Class 1-A back together again."

"Everyone was allowed to enter the dorms, huh?" Tape asked as I looked at my classmates.

"I had a hard time!" Invis said with a sigh.

"That's normal..." Earplugs started.

"The two of you were directly affected by the gas," Tails said.

"We were all able to be together again because of the teachers. When I watched the press conference, I thought we'd lose them, and it made me sad." Tsu said as I nodded.

"I was surprised, too. Well, I'm sure everyone has different circumstances. Now, I'll explain briefly about the dorms, but first-- For now, we will focus on getting the provisional licenses we were planning to have you get during the training camp." I blink remembering that was planned. "This is important. Listen up. Bakugo, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Midoria, Iida. These six went to go save Usinagi that night..." I blink in shock looking at my friends. No one else seemed surprised except for Invis and Earplugs. "Your reactions tell me that you all were at least aware of it. I'm going to set aside a number of issues and say this: If it weren't for me arriving and intercepting you as well as All Might's retirement, I would've expelled everyone except Usinagi, Jiro, and Hagakure. Of course the six who went, but also the eleven who knew but didn't stop them betrayed our trust, no matter what the reason. I would be grateful if you could follow the proper procedures and act properly in order to regain that trust. That is all. Now, we're going inside. Let's have some energy!" Everyone was depressed as I looked at Pomeranian. He spotted me looking and then dragged Pikachu away. I blink as Sparks overuses his quirk causing him to revert to his short-circuited self. Everyone has a laugh as I can't hold back a giggle. Then Shark offers to pay for dinner.

We enter the building to see a huge layout.

"Each student dorm building holds one class. Girls on the right, and boys on the left. But the first floor is the common area. Food, baths, and laundry are on this floor." We all went and explored as it was huge and had a courtyard, a flat screen tv and much more as Uraraka passed out due to the space. "Rooms start on the second floor. There are four rooms per gender on each floor with five floors total. Everyone gets their own room. They're luxurious spaces equipped with their own AC, toilets, fridges, and closets." They even had balconies as well. "These are your rooms. The belongings you sent ahead have already been placed in your rooms, so unpack and get settled in today. I'll tell you more about what will happen from now on tomorrow. That's all. Dismissed!"

"Yes, Sensei!" Aizawa sensei left after a quick glance at me.

My room was right next to Broccoli and we aided each other in unpacking and setting up the rooms.

"Did you really bring your entire All-Might collection?" I asked as I placed the final action figure onto his desk. I turn to see him blushing. "You did, didn't you?" He nods as I giggle.


It was dark by the time all of the guys were resting in the common area.

"Boys, are you all done with your rooms?" Pinky asked as all the girls minus Tsu were coming down. I raised a brow at this fact.

"Yup. Just relaxing now," Sparks said as we looked over to the girls.

"Well, the girls were all talking just now..."

"...and we have an idea." Invis finished for Pinky.

"Want to have a room presentation contest?" We all blink before next thing I know Broccoli is screaming no while we were in front of his room.

When they entered they saw that it was covered in All Might. I giggle softly at his embarrassment.

Crow was next as he stood in front of his door... only to get pushed aside by Pinky and Invis. We all entered as it was dark and mysterious, but then Broccoli and I saw a sword and rushed over to it.

"So cool!" I had stars in my eyes before we left.

Sparkle's room was so bright... or in his words dazzling.

My room was last on the floor as I allowed them in to see my rather plain room. Though my blades and cleaning supplies for said blades were in the room as well.

Tails room was normal as he only had the basics.

Glasses had shelves with books lining the wall as well as shelves of glasses.

Sparky's room was filled with stuff.

Cheshire's room was filled with posters and figurines of EraserHead. He even had bedsheets of the hero. He was glaring at anyone who wanted to make fun of him.

"You said this was a room presentation contest, right? Then, of course, we should also see the girls rooms before we decide, right?" Kaminari brings up.

"We should see who has the best interior design out of the whole class," I said as the girls agreed. It seemed everyone joined except for Tsu and Pomeranian who I knew was asleep.

Shark was next as his room was full of manliness.

Octi's room was empty minus a bed and desk.

Tape's room was full of color and asian inspired stuff.

Cold Prince had redesigned his entire room to have tatami on the floor making it very japanese.

Suger High made a chiffon cake in his room, which was bright, that he planned to share with all of us. The girls and I all get a piece as I believe the girls declared him the winner.

Onto the girls.

First up was Earplugs who's room had lots of instruments in it and looked like a punk room.

Invis's room was a pink princess room.

Pinky's room was a mix of a lot of dark pink, purple, and black.

Bubble's room was a simple room as I noticed that Tsu would be next... but she's not with us.

Everyone else goes on to Momo's room but I give a soft knock to Tsu's door.

"Is everything ok? I have medicine if you need any?" She peeks out the door and it hits me. She's not sick. "Oh..." I gently open the door and pull her into a hug where she cries. "Let's go talk to them."

We head outside where Tsu texts bubble to meet us with the others minus Bakugo. I look up when I hear the door open and see the five who went to save me.

"Tsu has something she wants to tell you."

"I can't help but say everything that comes to mind. But there are times when I don't know what to say. Do you remember what I said at the hospital?" They all react. "I hardened my heart and said some painful things." I rub her back as she continues. "Even so, you still went. When I heard about that this morning, I was shocked. I thought I'd stopped you, so I was filled with disappointment and bad feelings... I didn't know what to say... I didn't feel like I could have fun talking with everything... But... that made me very sad. That's why I wanted to tell you even if I couldn't gather my thoughts properly, so that I could have fun and talk with everyone again." I aid her through her tears as Bubble speaks up.

"It's not just Tsu that feels this way. Everyone felt uneasy and wanted to make that feeling go away... That's why... The "Room King" and everything was because they understood how you all felt... so don't blame them, but, you know... I mean, I know it's hard, but anyway... Let's all work hard together and laugh together again!" Bubble cheers trying to bring back the spirit. Shark was the first one to apologize to Tsu. Glasses and Princess followed with Cold Prince and Broccoli. I smiled at everyone as they comforted Tsu.

We all go to bed that night a bit happier heading towards our goals.


I was trapped under rubble. I couldn't breath. It hurt so much. I looked up and called out to them... but nobody came, not even sensei, not my dad, not even Handsy. Everything started to get dark, yet there was something bright coming my way. I could hear the cheers of people congratulating a hero. I try to call out, but soon the fire reaches me.

"Ahh!" I sit up breathing heavily before getting up and going out for air for the third night in a row. I sigh and leaned on the railing looking out over the city and then up to the stars. Why is it now that dream? It's been quiet for longer than I thought it would be due to the retirement of All-Might. I look back to my room realizing I should probably go back to sleep, but I know he's waiting for me in my dreams. Death haunts me with the collapse, and Endeavor with his fire.

"What are you doing awake?" I yelp looking to see Aizawa sensei standing by me on my balcony. I look to my door seeing it still closed. "I was patrolling." I nod.

"Can't sleep." I look back over the reiling.

"Nightmares?" I nod as he hm's in response. "I'll be back." He then leaves going to I assume his own room.

I wait for him and when he returns it's with his sleeping bag. I blink confused as he lays it on my bed. He waves me over. I go over and he unzips it usering me inside.

"But it's-"

"I have more than one," he said as I nodded. I get inside and find myself falling asleep till I hear a purr and look to see.

"Aizawa!" I smile petting the kitty.

"He wouldn't let me leave him behind when he found out I was moving." I nod as he curls up to me as I soon fall asleep listening to Aizawa purring and feeling warm in my sensei's sleeping bag. I smile feeling a soft kiss onto my head.


We all sat in homeroom, Aizawa sensei standing at the front.

"I believe I mentioned this yesterday, but for now, Class 1-A of the hero course will be focusing on getting their provisional licenses."

"Yes, Sensei!"

"A hero license bears with it the great responsibility of human life. Of course, the exam to receive one is very difficult. Even the provisional license has only a 50% passing rate each year. That's why today, we will have each of you come up with at least two..." The door opens to Midnight, Cremetoss, and Ectoplasm "...ultimate moves." Everyone gets excited as I try to think about an ultimate move.

""Ultimate"! This means that this move will give you a sure win!" Ectoplasm said starting it off.

"A move so ingrained into your body that others cannot copy it. Battle means seeing how much you can force what you're good at on your opponent," Cremetoss said as I glanced at Aizawa sensei.

"Your moves will represent you. These days, pro heroes without ultimate moves are an endangered species," Midnight said as I look out the window.

"We will tell you more as we go along. We want to proceed logically. Change into your costumes and meet in Gym Gamma," Aizawa sensei said as we all got changed.

"Gym Gamma, also known as the "Training Dining Lands," or TDL," Aizawa sensei said as we all stood together looking at the large empty gym.

"I came up with the idea for these facilities. Terrain and other things can be prepared specifically for each student. That's what the "dining" part refers to."

"Please allow me to ask a question! Why must we have ultimate moves for our provisional licensing exam? Please tell me your reasoning!" Glasses asks while I look at Aizawa sensei.

"I'll tell you everything in order. Calm down. The job of a hero is to save people from danger, like crimes, accidents, natural disasters, and man-made disasters. The exam to become one naturally looks at how well you are able to do that. Your ability to gather information, make decisions, move, and fight, in addition to your ability to communicate, draw people to you, and lead-- Every year, a different test is used to look at how well you are able to do those things." I felt his eyes on me as he finished.

"Of those, your ability to fight is especially important to your futures as heroes. If you are prepared, you won't have to worry. Whether or not you have an ultimate move will greatly affect whether or not you pass," Midnight said, making me glare at the ground.

"Not being influenced by circumstances and being able to act consistently will make you a great asset on the front lines."

"Your ultimate moves do not necessarily need to be of the attacking type. For example, Iida's reciproburst-- The temporary burst of speed is enough of a threat to be worth calling an ultimate move." I look at Glasses who looks so proud of himself.

"So we need something that makes us feel that "If I do this I can win." ?"

"Exactly. Kamui Woods, who played a big part in the fight the other day, has a move called Lacquered Chain Prison that is the perfect example of an ultimate move. It restrains his opponents before they can do anything." I start thinking of multiple things I can do.

"The training camp was cancelled, but the training you did to develop your Quirks was part of the process to create your ultimate moves. In other words, until the beginning of the next semester, for ten days or so until the end of summer vacation, you'll be working out your ultimate moves as you develop your Quirks. You'll be doing intensive training! In addition, you should be thinking about how you can improve your costumes to work better with your developing Quirks. Get through this with a "Plus Ultra" mentality. Are you ready?"

"Yes, sensei!"

I grabbed Broccoli and pulled him close so I could whisper into his ear.

"Use your legs." He looks at me as I walk away with a smile and a wink.

I see that instead of one of Ectoplasm's clone it's a few of them.

"Guess this is due to my already extensive ability in combat?" One of the clones nod. "Sad that there's no way for me to have an "ultimate move" considering I'm Quirkless." I was already charging at one of the clones with my blade out as I said this. They dodge, but it's in a way I predicted as I slice at the clone knocking it out of the way. "Guess I'll just have to be an endangered hero then." I dodge an attack from one of the clones before ducking under the third clone.

"Focus now."

"Right," I said with a smile.


We continue to train and hone our ultimate and then day four came around.

I spin my scythe around taking down one of the clones before jumping up into the air and swiping at another one landing and takinging down the final one.

"Look out!" I turn to see Broccoli shatter a boulder using his leg as he landed before All Might and Aizawa sensei. I smile. He's got his ultimate. I feel a pat on my shoulder as I look up to Ectoplasm's clone who smiles down at me.

"You're on par with them. Despite not having an Ultimate you are great both defensively and offensively."

"Really?" He nods.

"Yes you are."

The door then opens as we go down to the floor standing with the group as I stand by Aizawa sensei, and Cheshire.

"We still have ten minutes. You're not good at using time wisely, Vlad." I see, with Vlad sensei, is Kendo and Monoma.

"Hey, did you know? The provisional licensing exam has a 50% fail rate. All of you should just fail!" I grip my scythe holding it by my side.

"Wanna repeat that?" I said with a glare. He seemed to shiver. "Plus we aren't even going to be battling against each other." Everyone looks at me as I click my Scythe away.

"Class A and Class B applied to different locations," Aizawa sensei said as everyone's attention returned to the teachers.

"The hero licensing exam takes place each June and September in three different locations across the country at the same time. In order to avoid students from the same school fighting each other, all schools subscribe to the theory of splitting up their students by time or location."

"In addition, there are few first years in the country trying to get their provisional licenses. In other words... the test will have those who've trained longer than you, with Quirks you don't know about that they've polished up until now. The actual contents of the exam are unclear, but what is clear is that you all will have a hard time. It's not good to get too hung up about it, but keep that in mind."

"Yes, sensei!"


"No, you need to focus on flexibility," I said as Broccoli pants.

"You're right. I can picture it in my head."

"Try again," the two of us were outside at night trying to improve Broccoli's move so he can call it his ultimate. I look up and notice Bubble floating and blushing her eyes focused on Broccoli. She's in love.

We continue to train before calling it a night.


Training continues till the day of the exam arrives as I take deep breaths.

We arrived at the National Dagoba Arena. Everyone was feeling a bit nervous as I looked at Aizawa-sensei.

"I wonder if I can do this." I whisper to myself.

"It doesn't matter if you can or not. Go and get it!" I hear Aizawa sensei say to me in a whisper as I blush and nod. He then addresses the whole group. "If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will become chicks... you'll hatch into semi-pros. Do your best!"

I look at the others to see a new arrival. I raised a brow as he seemed excited.

"You shouldn't just barge in on other people's huddles, Inasa." I then notice the uniform.

"Oh, no! I am... very... extremely... sorry!" He bows down aggressively as his head hits the ground.

"You're from Shiketsu, the elite school in the west aren't you?" I ask as he pops back up.

"I wanted to try saying it just once! Plus Ultra! I love U.A. High School! I am extremely honored to be able to compete against U.A. students! I'm looking forward to it!" He begins to bleed.

"Oh, blood." I look at the girl as she glances at me. Toga? I pull out some bandages and clean up the blood.

"Let's go!" he leaves with his group.

"Inasa Yoarashi..." I look to Aisawa sensei as do the others. "He's... strong. Last year, the same year as you guys, Yoarashi got the top scores of those admitted through recommendations, but for some reason, he turned down his acceptance."

"What?! Then, he's a first year?!" Broccoli said as I looked confused between Cold Prince and Yoarashi.

"Eraser? It's you isn't it, Eraser?!" I look and see no other than the Smile Hero: Ms. Joke "I've seen you on TV and at the sports festival, but it's been a while since I've seen you in person!" I look to Aisawa sensei who twitches as I find a feeling of hatred towards her grow. "Let's get married."


"No? Good one!" She bust out laughing.

"You're hard to talk to, as usual, Joke." I looked at her from where I was slightly behind Aizawa/.nsa sensei and glared at her.

"That's... Smile Hero: Ms. Joke! Her Quirk's Outburst! She forces those near her to laugh, dulling their thinking and their movements! Her fights against villains are full of craziness!" Broccoli said in happiness as I continue to glare.

"If you marry me, then we can make a happy family with never-ending laughter!"

"A family like that isn't happy," I mumble under my breath.

"You two seem close." Tsu said as she noticed my glare at Ms. Joke.

"Our agencies used to be close to each other! In our cycle of helping and being helped, our mutual love for each other bloomed--"

"No it didn't."

"Oh, I love your quick retorts! You're so worth teasing, Eraser!"

"Joke, since you're here, that means..."

"That's right. Come here, everyone! It's U.A. Ketsubetsu Academy, second, years, Class 2! They're my class. Please be kind." Then someone takes my gloved hands as I look up to see a male who looks a lot like Broccoli, but with black hair.

"I'm Shindo! U.A. this year's had trouble after trouble, so it must've been tough!" A light blush dusted my cheeks from being so close. I blink unable to think. "But even so, you all are still aiming to be heroes like this, huh? That's wonderful!" He then lets go backing up. "A heart of fortitude is what I believe all heroes should have from now on!" He winks as I blush deeply. "From among you, there's Usinagi, who experienced being the center of the Camino incident." He looks back at me. "You have an especially strong heart. Today, I'll do my best while learning from you!" I was going to shake his hand, but was pulled into Pomeranian's chest while he slapped the males hand away.

"Stop pretending. What you're saying doesn't match the look on your face!" I look at his eyes realizing Pomeranian was right.

"Bakugo don't be rude!" Shark said.

"It's fine! It just proves how strong his heart is." A girl with blond spiked hair runs up to Cold Prince.

"Hey, Todoroki! Can I have your autograph? You were so cool at the sports festival!"

"Stop being such a fangirl."

"Hey, change into your costumes and go to the orientation. Don't waste time."

"Yes, Sensei!"

We all change and then wait surrounded by so many other students.

"Well then, let's do that provisional license thing... I'm Mera from the Heroes Public Safety Commission. The kind of sleep I like is non-REM sleep... Nice to meet you. I've been so busy that I haven't gotten much sleep... We're too short-staffed... I'm so sleepy! With that conviction, I will give you the orientation." I hope he's okay, maybe he would like a nap? "About the content of the provisional license thing... Frankly, all 1,540 examinees here will have to win through a free-for-all exercise! Our society is currently said to be saturated with heroes, and ever since Stain was arrested, many have shown doubts about the current state of heroes. Well, as a private citizen, no matter what the motivation, to tell someone risking their lives to save others not to seek any reward is... it's the ruthless story of these modern times... But anyway, whether it's for compensation or for loyalty and courage... the results of many heroes working hard together to help people and defeat villains is that right now, the time from when an incident begins to when it is resolved is so short that it'd make you sick. You all are about to receive your provisional licenses and finally throw yourselves into those rapids. Those who can't keep up with that speed will frankly have it tough. Accordingly, what you'll be tested on is speed! The first hundred to fulfill the requirements will pass." My eyes widen at the number. 1,440 people will not make it! "Well, a lot's happened out there in the world, and you know, about luck and everything... so anyway, here are the requirements. The examinee will put three of these targets on his or her body. They can go anywhere as long as it's an exposed area. You can't put them on the soles of your feet or in your armpits. You will also have six of these balls. The targets are made to only light up if they're hit by these balls, and if all three of your target's light up, then you're out. The person who lights up your third target will have it count as their defeat. You get through this round by defeating two people. That's it for the rules. Okay then, After we open, we'll pass out the targets and balls, and then we'll start one minutes after we've gotten to everyone." Open?

The walls then unfold revealing that we were already in the arena. I look around at all the different terrain.

"I believe you all have terrain that you like and dislike. Use your Quirks well and do your best. Anyway, we arranged for the terrain to be announced like that... But yeah, it's unnecessary. It's because of this that my sleep was... I hope the developments are speedy so that I can rest as soon as possible." I get my targets and place one over my heart, on my chest, and on my thigh.

Soon everyone is racing off. I look at my class.

"We need to stay together as a group!" I notice that Cold Prince had already left as well as Shark, Pomeranian, and Pikachu. I sigh.

"Come on, let's get going," Broccoli said as I nod following his lead.

"We need to stay together because everyone already knows our Quirks," I saw answering some of the looks I got.

"They already know?" Bubble asks.

"I see, the sports festival!"

"They'll all be gunning for our school... I.e. us." Then a horn sounds.

"First test, start!" 

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