Chapter 15 part 1

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"First test, start!" Broccoli had led us to the mountain area. Then everyone arrived and threw their balls at us as I looked at Broccoli who nodded and used Full Cowl: Shoot Style sending the balls back. Then everyone does their own moves to protect the others as I was with Invis, Tsu, and Princess in a group of shields Princess made.

"Let's go show them what we got!" Everyone cheers. Then a few of the students from Ketsubetsu try to attack as I note their quirks.


"Right," she uses her move and upheaves the ground as the solidified attack comes towards me.

"I got it!" Pinky uses an acid veil melting the attack while not getting too close to me.

"Great job," I said as she smiles

"Thanks." Crow tries to attack, but the girl then folds into herself. Interesting.

"There's a stalemate in all quarters... No one has passed yet. Oh, when we get any reports, I will announce them all from this broadcasting area." We hear Mera say. I then see Shindo touch the ground activating his Quirk. I see the earth vibrate towards us.

"Run!" I shout but it's too late we all get separated by the tremors. I rub my head as I stand and focused on my senses to hopefully find someone.

"Th-There were 120 people taken out?!" What?! "A single person took out 120 people and passed! Um, well, I'm so surprised that I'm awake now. It looks like they'll just keep coming now. Everyone, please do your best as quickly as possible." I sigh and then hear something on my left.

"Oh, hey, Cheshire, what a pleasure seeing you here." I enter the area of many people ganging up on Cheshire. He notices me and smirks.

"Hey, it's the Quirkless kid."

"This'll be easy." A few of the students say as I stand by Cheshire.

"We finally got the 30th person, huh? We've still got a long way to go. Can you please hurry it up, please...?"

"It'll be easy to take you two out."

"We better do it quickly."

"Let's see, things have been moving quickly. The current number of people who have passed is 52--No, 53. They just keep on coming. Since there were people who took out more than two people, there are now 230 people who have failed. And just now, the 54th person has passed. Less than half left, now! Hurry up! Finish!" I hear Mera say as I look to Cheshire.

"Ready to pass this?" He nods.

"I wonder how idiotic these guys are."

"Currently, 56 people have passed. Don't panic, but please hurry and do your best."

"What did you call us-"

"More people have passed. We are now at 60 people. It'll be over once another 40 have passed."

Glazed eyes allowed Cheshire to mind control a few of the people into freezing.

"The 62nd person has passed. After another 38, it'll be over."

"You think this'll stop us." A few start to charge at us.

"We're currently at 70 people. It'll be over after another 30."

"Do you really want to test me?" A dangerous aura flows from me as I stare at the other students who tried to rush at us. It froze them to the spot as some collapsed in fear of the aura.

"Currently 76 people have passed. We will be at capacity soon."

"Let's take these guys," Cheshire says as we pull out our balls.

"You guys are first years, give us a break! We've gotta get our provisional licenses this time around!" I tap the guy.

"We do, too." We each tap out two people each meaning we passed.

"We're at 81 people. We're moving fast at a good pace."

"Those who have passed should go to the anteroom."

We start heading back as I smile looking at my blue spot.

When we get close, I look and see Pomeranian, Shark, Pikachu, Broccoli, Tape, and Bubble. Shark, Sparks, Tape, and Bubble all do a happy dance as I smile with Cheshire then Pomeranian exhibits his usual hostility towards Broccoli but this time he gives him a compliment as he ruffles my hair going by.

"Good job... Null," he said to me going in. I blink at this change. Broccoli smiles at me too.

"He's right, you did great."

"So did you. And he's right about making it your own." He blinks as I walk by him following Pomeranian with Cheshire next to me.

We go in to see Princess, Tsu, Earplugs, and Octi all inside. I look and notice.

"Cold Prince!" I smile as I rush over and tackle hug him. He looks in shock before patting my back. I then gently hit him over the head. "Why did you go off on your own? Next time at least say something."

"Good to see you passed Usinagi." I smile.

"Thirteen have passed, seven to go," I say as the others gather around after we have all removed the targets.

"The announcement said there were 18 spots left..."

Time passes and I see Shindo and his classmates enter. Ten left. I think of the others. They can do this.

Then it all happens. The last spots fill up as everyone from Class 1-A passes. I cheer with the rest of my class smiling brightly..


"Well, for the hundred of you who passed the first test, please watch this." A screen shows us the field before they all explode as destruction reigns. "The next test will be the last one. We will have you all perform rescue exercises as bystanders in this disaster site. We will assume that those of you who have passed the first test have received your provisional licenses and test how well you can carry out suitable rescue procedures."

"There are people in there," Octi says as my eyes widened upon seeing regular civilians.

"They are people who have undergone training to be professional people-in-need-of-rescue and are in high demand right now--The "Help Us Company," or "H.U.C." for short! The people from H.U.C. have dressed up as injured victims and are on standby throughout the disaster site. We will now have you all carry out their rescue. In addition, we will score your rescue based on points and if you have more points than the benchmark at the end of the exercises, then you pass. We will start in ten minutes, so please use the restroom and take care of any other necessary business right now." I instantly flutter from person to person asking for their Quirks.

"What is this for?" Yoarashi asks as I look up at him.

"Well, for if I'm by you I can aid in the rescue since I don't have a Quirk."

"Really, so you keep a note on everyone?" I turn to see Shindo there as I nod recalling when we first battled.

"Yep, I already have most people memorized."

"Null!" I look at Pomeranian who seems to be calling me over.

"Hope we all do well."


"Coming!" I go over to him as he wraps an arm around me and glares back at the two.

"Stay with the class, okay, Null?" I raise a brow considering he didn't stay with the class. "Just do as I say." I roll my eyes and wonder off, getting something to eat.

I then see something off with Cold Prince and go over to him.

"Cold Prince?" I then feel her behind me.

"See ya." I turn to her as she winks.


A bell rings as we all turn towards the screen.

"Villains have begun a large-scale terrorist attack! This is occurring in all areas of "City Name Here." Due to buildings collapsing, there are many injured." The test has begun. I think as the room begins to open up. "Due to heavily damaged roads, the first group of rescue workers have been delayed! Until they arrive, the heroes in the area will lead the rescue efforts. Save as many lives as you can. Well, then... Start!"

We all race off as their Quirks and many ways to use it to help rush through my mind.

"We have to work as a group and focus on saving as many as possible!" Broccoli says as I was going to argue.


"Okay now, please wrap up the second test as quickly as possible, too." I hear a child crying. I rushed over and saw a boy as the others followed.

"Help! My grandpa! He's been crushed...!" I go over to him and check for injuries as Broccoli begins to talk.

"What? This is bad! Wh-"

"Are you hurt? Can you stand?" I ask him as he looks at me still crying. I give a soft smile. "It'll be okay, we'll get you to safety and help your grandfather." I pull out some bandages and wipe away the blood. I see the others just looking at me.

"You're a smart kid." The others look to the kid, who wasn't a kid at all. "It's not just rescuing and aiding. Until the firefighters and police arrive, you need to exercise authority in their place and do your best to make sure everything goes smoothly to hand off to them. In order to save people, heroes must do many things. Also you, we're all scared and terrified and the first thing you say is "What? This is bad!" that's no good." Broccoli hits himself getting motivated. He then smiles.

"It'll be fine!"

"Thanks," I say to him as he returns to his acting.

"Izuku, can you take the kid to a first aid station? I know another group has already set it up on the edge of the area." He nods as he picks up the kid and sets off.

"Why not Iida?" Tape asked.

"Because, they'll be more while each of us search. Shoji keep an ear out please as well as you Jiro we can't know who's trapped." The two nod as I notice Bubble behind. "Bubble!" She turns to me. I smile and wave her over. She comes over as we set off.

"There's an old man trapped here." Bubble rushes to make them float as I grab her wrist stopping her. "The building collapsed and is being held up by a separate wall. You move one thing out of place the entire thing collapses. Momo, create a support to prop the wall. Then we can rescue him. Sero, Sato help prop them up. And Sero, reinforce the wall." They all nod as once they finish I nod to Bubble. She nods and crawls in making a path as I soon enter helping the man out with a smile. "Are you hurt? Can you walk?" I noticed his leg. "Sero tape up his leg please."

I noticed the others who were just standing about and thinking back to my original thought I speak up.

"We need to split off." They look at me confused. "Unlike the last test, we have to split off it's best. Tsu, you shine better near the water so you should head there. As in the previous test it's best if we go to terrains better suited for our Quirks. Also work with the other schools. It'll be best." Everyone nods as soon they split off.

"What about you?" Princess asked as I walked away.

"I need to find Broccoli. He's on his own and that's not the best for this test." She nods as I race off. Also I feel like rescuing isn't the only thing we'll be needing to do.

"Can you walk?" I asked a woman as I used my Scythe to support the building. She nods. "Good, and you?" I ask each and everyone in the building. Most say yes as only three say they can't. "Okay, I can't carry all of you, so can some of you be heroes too and help me?" I ask a sorry smile on my face as I had finished moving them outside.

"Then it's a good thing I decided to follow you." I look to see Cheshire ready to help. I smiled at him as I took the two children and he carried the injured man. I continue to say encouragement and we keep all 10 of them safe as I see the first aid area. I head over and place the children down.

"Where did you and how?" A student from a different school asked with wide eyes. Cheshire just smirks.

"Most have minor injuries that I patched up myself, but others have dislocated shoulders and broken bones. If you need I can stay and help patch up." I pull out another roll of bandages. She takes it from me.

"I believe your aid will be best in saving them then here." I smile giving a nod and handing off some of my equipment to her.

We find Broccoli tending to the boy from the beginning.

"Hey," Explosions cut me off. Knew it.

"There has been a large-scale terrorist attack by villains." I see Shindo by us as well as out of the rubble we see Gang Orca. "Villains have appeared and started their pursuit! Hero candidates at the scene should continue their rescue efforts while also suppressing the villains."

"Protect the civilians at all costs," I say as I notice a few being scared. I look at Cheshire who holds his capture weapon primed. I look at Broccoli who looks at me with the same determined look. I look at Gang Orca and click my scythe to it's full length.

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