Special Episode 1

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There's a special class that is held for those who want to train during the summer vacation. Today is day one. I sit in class with Broccoli, Cold Prince, Pomeranian, Glasses, Tsu, and Bubble.

"We're running this course with a small number of students, holding it multiple times. This time it's you seven. Just so you know, this will be harder than a regular class. Prepare yourselves. In this class, you will fight and capture a hypothetical villain." Bubble, Broccoli, and I cheer only to fall silent as Aizawa-sensei gives us a glare making us fall silent. "This should be obvious, but villains commit many different types of crimes. You all will go to the scene of the crime and determine what happened there, whether or not it was caused by a villain, whether or not you should fight, and train your ability to assess the situation and your ability to deal with the situation. Your special instructors will be..."

"I'm coming in through the back door!" All Might said crashing in. The others oogle at him as I face the front seeing the other heroes.

"It's not just All Might. Cementoss, Midnight, and Present Mic will also participate as special instructors." My eyes light up seeing that Present Mic was going to teach beyond English. "Now, let us begin the training. Everyone, meet at Ground Beta."

We head down there in our costumes as Aizawa-sensei was by us. I look out and see Cardboard officers.

"I'll tell you the situation at the crime scene. There will be a villain attack at a jewelry store. The employees and customers have been taken hostage and everyone is barricaded inside. The number of villains and hostages is unknown. You all have been asked by the police as pro heroes to come and resolve the incident." Glasses started to ask a question, but Aizawa-sensei cut him off. "Verify the situation yourselves and resolve the case."

"Yes, Sensei!" We all said.

"Then let the capture training begin!" A bell sounds.

I begin to think of things and then notice windows.

"Uraraka can float up to the windows to see what we're dealing with in numbers and hostages, and to keep the villains distracted... Shoto you call the store. Keep the person who answers talking." Everyone looked at me as I motioned for them to do so. Cold Prince called the store and started talking.

"It's All Might playing the villain," Cold Prince said as he kept him talking. I nod thinking of plans. Bubble shows one villain and three hostages. I nodded and told her to stay there in sign. I look to Pomeranian who makes eye contact.

"Katsuki," I start, then he pops up.

"Yeah, I know damn Null!"

"Wha-" Broccoli starts.

"While I'm firing off explosions at that damn villain, you guys go save the hostages or something!"

"Wai-" He then goes off as I notice something's off with the way Cold Prince is talking with the villain. "Darn it, that wasn't what I was thinking at all!" We rush after him and when we enter the villain, All-Might, lying on the ground blood coming from his chest. A knife nearby covered in blood.

"Tsu... check." She checks and he's just supposed to play dead... that's not right. Bubble pops in. She questions if the explosion caused it which Pomeranian instantly gets defensive about. "No, a knife."

"So one of the hostages must have done it?" I look at the hostages, who are tied up, then at Glasses who said the comment.

"We should at least know what happened before jumping to conclusions." I untie the first one who was an employee, Cremetoss.

"I am an employee of this jewelry store. I was threatened by the villain who suddenly appeared and after I gave him the jewels, he tied me up with a rope."

Next was Midnight, a customer.

"I came to buy some accessories, but when I came in, the villain was here and he caught me when I was still too surprised to do anything."

Last was Present Mic, a customer.

"Yo, I came here to find an engagement ring, yo, for my girl, and then the villain appeared! He hit me with a lariat, and I was knocked out, yo!" I couldn't help blushing because when he said he was getting a ring he was looking at me. He was also being his usual energetic way, doing a dance while telling his tale.

"When the villain came, was he inside the store?" Cold Prince asked as I was brought back to the situation.

"Yes, he was. He was knocked unconscious and didn't wake up for a while." I could see where Cold Prince was heading with these questions.

"When you came into the store, were the two of them here?"

"I didn't look right when I came in, but when he was tying me up, I saw the two of them had been made to sit in different parts of the store."

"They aren't lying and they're no flaws in their stories..."

"Excuse me, but may we see inside your wallets?" Broccoli asked as the two of us looked at Midnight's and Present Mic's both seemed to check out.

"The damn villain was killed! The culprit is one of them!" Pomeranian said, storming up to them.

"Or it was suicide?" Or even more likely a fake death. I go over and tie up the dead? body but no one was paying attention to me.

"I didn't hear anything like that, yo!" I jumped turning to see him smirk for a moment before returning to acting, I could see his eyes through his glasses.

"I didn't hear anything."

"Me, neither." The hostages were looking at me as I looked at the others.

"Guys, the villain was alone as Uraraka pointed out." Glasses returned confirming what I knew.

"Then, the culprit must be here--" Bubble started.

"I didn't do it!" Midnight said as they looked to all of us.

"I didn't, either!" Cremetoss said as well.

"It wasn't me, yo! I swear, yo!" Present Mic said eyes glued to mine.

The others chat as I think of the full story looking at Midnight. She's fidgeting.

"Hey, damn Deku, Null. You've thought of something didn't you?" I look to Pomeranian and nod seeing Broccoli reaching the same conclusion.

"Something's been bothering me. Maybe you know the answer Kaychan?" I look at him and he continues. "Why did the villain barricade himself in the jewelry store? Right? Because if he was after the jewelry, then he should've just escaped right after he stole them. So then, why?" He looks at me as I smile.

"That's because while I was putting the jewelry into the bag like he ordered me to, the police arrived," Cremetoss said.

"Did you call them?" Uraraka asked as he shook his head.

"That's what I thought." They all look at me. "The only one to call was someone outside. And that person was Midnight." She looked shocked.


"You are the only one who came in after the villain arrived." I see the look from Pomeranian and give him a glance before continuing. "You knew the villain personally, that's why he barricaded himself. You knew he commited crimes and you knew he'd come here so you called the police. But you couldn't stay behind. He was shaken to see you, but knowing why you were here he tied you up and continued the robbery. The police arrived and he barricaded himself up."

"Wh-why would I need to do a thing like that--?"

"You wanted to stop him, but he never listened to you. You tried to get him caught by the police."

"Wait then, why is the villain dead?" Bubble asked. The others questioned that she didn't have a motive to kill.

"I was getting to that. She doesn't, but he did." They all looked confused. "As I thought, prior to you guys jumping to the conclusion that a hostage did it, he commited suicide. Even after Midnight arrived, he still thought of escaping, but we arrived onto the scene. His thoughts were: If I get caught then Midnight's relationship with me will be exposed and a dark shadow will fall over her life. That's why the villain kept his silence by sealing his own lips. She didn't tell the truth because she knew that was what he was thinking as he took his life." Midnight collapses in tears. "This is the truth behind the villain Jewelry store attack." Well... at least what I'm willing to tell them.

"Okay, that's it." Aizawa said coming in.

"Oh, that was so fun!" Midnight said returning to herself. I giggle.

"Thanks, you three. You can go back now." The three leave as Present Mic gives me one last glance and a swift thumbs up. "Kaylub,"

"Yes, sensei." I look up to Aizawa-sensei.

"Your deductions were exactly the same as the scenario we prepared for this. The villain cut himself with his own knife. Good job."

"Aizawa-sensei's praising you!" Tsu said as I blush.

"Also good job, Usinagi, on being the only one who figured out that the villain was actually still alive. So the only one who scores full points is Usinagi the rest of you gain a zero." I blink.


"Look." The group looks to see the villain sitting up.

"He's alive?!"

"Usinagi was the only one not under the suspicion that he was a corpse. So the rest of you lose."

"That's allowed?"

"I tried to tell you, but then you went on to accuse the hostages," I say. "Also he gave us a hint by reacting when he was laying there as Tsu tickled him. Corpses don't breathe."

"That's it for this special class. Dismissed!" I pop over to him and walk with him. "You did great." I blush a bit.

"Thanks Sensei." I say with a smile looking up at my Sensei.

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