A Chat with the Head Guard (11)

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Alexi's POV
     "Thank you for seeing us," Doug yipped, dipping his head to the head guard. "I know how busy you are, ma'am."
     "It isn't too much trouble," the raccoon replied. "Now, the guards that escorted you in only told me you request an audience with Rhuan. Might I inquire as to why this is?" Doug and I shared a quick glance. "Look," she sighed. "If your reason is important enough for you to come here, telling me will only be one more part of your journey. Besides, it is part of my job to take on some tasks for Rhuan, so maybe I can help instead."
     "Well," I began, Scout sending me a look of warning from her place on Doug's back. "We normally have one more fox with us and travel around our section of the forest, but recently she was taken by a wolf and a polar bear. We tracked them until they crossed over into wolf territory, but-"
     "Hold on a moment," the raccoon interrupted. "You said you tracked them to the wolf border. Does that mean you were attacked on our side? And what is this fox's name, if you don't mind my asking?"
     "Doug, Alexi, and Mia had left to forage for food while I ate grass by the place we had stopped at," Scout squeaked, lifting her head to address the head guard. "I was almost killed by the polar bear before Mia rushed in and saved me. Then I hid while she, Alexi, and Doug fought. It was beginning to turn in our favor when Mia was wrapped in vines that appeared out of nowhere and taken by the wolf and polar bear." Finished, Scout settled herself on Doug's back once more. "That's about what happened," I agreed.
"I see..." the raccoon began. "So the wolf and polar bear crossed the border into our territory. Thank you for telling me about this, I will have a messenger travel to inform the wolf leader about this." She turned away, Doug and Scout sharing a relieved expression while I was still suspicious. I opened my mouth to question her when I saw her lips part as if to speak. When she did speak, however, it was in a voice so low that I almost didn't catch it. "Could she be the one? Rhuan spoke of a creature who would cause our kingdom to crumble, a being with untold power. If she is the one, then we must get her back immediately."
     She turned back to us and I immediately looked away as if I hadn't heard, turning instead to glance at Doug and Scout. They evidently hadn't heard, or the two would have immediately questioned her. "You said you fought with the two trespassers? Were they skilled?"
     "Extremely!" Doug yipped. "But so is Mia, she fought the wolf AND helped us briefly with the bear!" I shot Doug a glare, trying to make him stop talking. "We would've won for sure if they hadn't taken her!"
     "I see," the raccoon sighed, fluffing up her ruffled fur. "Then you'll have to stay here."
     "WHAT?!" I yelped in shock. "What are we supposed to do, wait around for an audience with Rhuan while Mia could be in extreme peril?? No way!!"
     "I'm afraid it won't quite be like that. We'll put up a notice for the capture of the wolf and bear, but we can't do anything until Rhuan approves. Since the two have seen you three, we'll place you under our protection."
     "That really isn't-" Scout began, only to be cut off.
     "No, it's decided. You three shall remain at the castle until this is cleared up. A guard is to be with you at all times, and you shan't leave the grounds. Mino, Cassy, please take them to a spare room. Don't worry, this'll be over before you know it."
     "Of course, Head Guard Thorn," the two guards replied before ushering the three of us towards the door. I scrambled to my paws so as not to be dragged out, shooting Thorn a last hard glare. "I'm going to get to the bottom of this, whether Thorn wants it or not," I mumbled.

A/N Another chappy done! We'll get back to Mia soon, and future chappys will be like this. Thank you to those who stayed and joined!

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