How about a Deal (12)

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Bo's POV
"Could you stop struggling for one minute?! You're coming with me, whether you like it or not!" I exclaimed, my snarl muffled by Mia's fluffy tail. "HELP!!! SOMEONE!!! I'M BEING FOX-NAPPED!!!" she howled out. I halted, placing one of my paws down onto her back and releasing her tail. Glancing around, I leaned my head down and whispered into her trembling ear. "This would have been much easier if you'd just listened like I told you to. I suppose I'll have to make a change of plans; you're coming with me." Mia breathed in as if to protest, but I quickly shoved her muzzle into the crisp pine needles.
"You didn't think the wolves were after you, did you? They're trying to protect their boundaries and we just so happen to be outsiders," I growled. "I seriously don't get what Lukai sees in you; you're certainly not worth all this trouble. By now he's most likely been captured by the wolf patrol, and we don't have much of a chance right now of rescuing him. What we'll do is wait until nightfall for them to move out then track and intercept them to get Lukai back." Mia's tail, left to its own devices, found its way to my muzzle and pounded into skull, unbalancing me enough for her to free her muzzle.
     "Who said I'd even help you?!" she snarled in rage. "You foxnapped me and took me from my friends-" Mia paused, shock written across her face.
     "Really, you forgot about them," I scoffed, balance regained. "By now they're probably trying to team up with some animals to get you back, but that's besides the point. You're the reason Lukai's been caught, and if we don't get him out they'll kill him." Blunt, but it'll do. She needs to know how important this is. Mia's eyes widened in dismay and she froze. "Why-"
     "We're kind of wanted here," I interrupted, looking away.
     "B-but Lukai's a wolf! He shouldn't be wanted by his own kind, let alone killed!"
     "It's just the way it is, maybe I'll explain some other time. But whatever he sees in you, it's about time we find out if it's really there." I released her and she scrambled to her paws, crouching as if to bolt. I tensed then slumped, defeated. "Lukai's my friend, and I owe my life to him. I don't know if you get that, but it means something. I promised him I wouldn't let harm come to him, and yet here we are." I looked away, tearing up. "J-just go... I don't know why I bothered trying to get your help..."
    Mia remained where she was, indecisive. Then she shook out her fur and stood upright, facing me. "How about a deal," she warily stated. I looked up, confused and untrusting. "What kind of deal..?" I growled apprehensively.
"Well, I'll help you free Lukai AND stay with you, but you don't get to treat me like a prisoner. I just want to know why in the name of Rhuan Lukai decided to capture me," she replied.
     "Well... Lukai won't like it much, but it's the best chance I've got," Bo sighed. "Alright Mia, you've got a deal."

It's good to be writing again :3
Chapter brought to you by the following video, because I can't get over how great it is:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

the best of bts live
Thank you for inspiring my writing and making my day~

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