Fighting for Love

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The pond filled with the whitest swans,

Met you there, at breaking dawn,

Your hair burned red with fire,

A love of you, tied in wire,

Your smile shined as bright as stars,

Covered up the deepest scars,

The nights of dark, spilled the secrets,

Sparked the thoughts of a poet,

The town whispered and called us names,

Only the building flames,

Toilet paper in the trees,

The village people buzzed like bees,

Still our loved entwined our fate,

The doors of home, covered in paint,

Still we followed our wired path,

Never wanted the whole towns wrath,

Our hands entwined in precious love,

All it got us was a shove,

Society fawned the straight,

But those of none were all too late,

Mothers hide your children!

They can not see our true love, all woven,

Lets all hate on the kids!

We are lovers, god forbid,

When we sealed the final promise,

The town was left with eerie coldness,

We bought a home in the lions den,

Furnished it with warm zen,

A rainbow flag flown outside,

Ripped to shreds by the flies,

That is it! We are not beaten,

We will have no more, none!

The court ruled for us,

No reason now to cause a fuss,

We had Allies, here to stay,

They will never go away,

You can try with all your strength,

Your Homophobia will never reach the length,

We have a voice, we have our pride,

Now our rainbow flags shall always fly.

This is dedicated to all the LGBT+ kids who face prejudice every day. We shall never back down.


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