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The moment your cries,
Break the skies,
Adults have sealed your person and path,
Not undone by parents "wrath,"

I truly think,
What ever thought comes to mind first,
Is not your own,
But what you have been taught to think,

What ever come to mind second,
If there is a second change,
Is truly yours,
Your brain,

People scream and cry,
Free thoughts!
I'm sorry to say that's not true,
It take a lot to break through,

Society has twisted words,
Powerful pictures,
Propaganda to play minds,
To take control of yours,

You slowly learn to have you thoughts,
Different from the others slots,
Breaking down that wall,
Takes a lot,

Some people never do it,
They are stuck in repeat,
The people blindly following,
All screaming the same thing,

They scream and yell,
You are wrong!
Shun all people with other thoughts,
They haven't broken the wall,

Then there are people on the other end,
Who broke through once,
And fell back in,
They are they most terrible ones,

They gather in groups,
Say their Allies,
But really shun the ones they don't like,
They can't accept people who don't fit perfectly,

They are intoxicatingly painful,
For they poison a cause,
Support support, none,
They can't break the wall,

Many kids of this generation,
Are breaking that wall early,
It scares the adults who set our paths,
They may have broken, maybe not,

They say we're the worst generation yet,
Perhaps they are right, we have minds,
We see the intoxicating words,
And we break the walls,

There are people, adult or young,
Who have broke the walls,
They are the strongest of us all,
Cause the have their mind to them,

Never sell a broken-out mind,
You'll loose the progress you made,
Just know that you are farther on,
Than the ones who follow blinded,

What ever you think first,
Is society's ways,
What ever you think second,
Is your ways,

We were all racist at one point,
All homophobic too,
Perhaps all bigots as well,
It takes a humble man to admit is wrongs,

Ask yourself a simple question,
Have you broken the walls?
To you scoff this poem?
Are you in denial?


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