Vol. 1: Kamen Rider Kamushi Begins/Ch. 3: Encounter of Cybertron Rangers

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(Inside of a mansion, Kim and her gang are having a tour as Monique, Kim and Felix are at the center room while Yoseph looks around the book shelves as he sees a book, and then someone gives lemonades to the gang. He drinks his lemonade while reading the book he caught. He suddenly looks at the at images of the ancient beetle-like monster fighting against the robotic dinosaur.)

Yoseph: Hmm... interesting... the era of Ancient times were there was a great war between these creatures known as Titans.

(This catches the gang's attentions.)

Kim: What is a Titan?

(Yoseph points at the image he just saw.)

Yoseph: Something like these ones here. It says that in 1907, the military encounter the first ever creature who walks in the modern world of humanity. But, not everyone ever seen these creatures ever since. Turns out they can be anything, like insects, dragons, dinosaurs and even god-like creatures.

Kim: (smiles) Whoa, I wish there was one.

Monique: There's no such as Titans ever since, but how can they be anything?

Yoseph: It also says that Titans can be named after historical characters or bibical like Moses, Azazel, Jonah, Lucifer, Behemoth, Sobek, Anubis, and others.

Felix: Are there alien Titans?

Yoseph: Not exactly. There's a big difference between aliens and Titans. Titans live in the Earth long before humanity. Aliens are how we call the species that come from other planets.

Kim: So, does this cute little beetle titan has a name?

Yoseph: Looks like it does.

Monique: What's its name?

(Yoseph reads about the Titan, and remembers what his mother taught him about a certain language.)

Yoseph: This book has an ancient language known as Gurongi.

Kim/Felix/Monique: Gurongi?

Yoseph: My mom told me about those ancient creatures, they say the legend about Gurongi Tribe are appear to be known as humanoid-like monsters. Such as Grasshopper, Rhino, Wolf, Bats and others. There was a great battle back then, but suddenly, they've been saved by an ancient warrior known as... (points at an armored beetle knight) Kuuga.

Monique: Who's Kuuga?

Yoseph: Kuuga is the great Stag Beetle Knight who fought against these monsters for humanity....in-secrets for decades, but, the people of Nagoya worship their God of Protector to become their very own titan. He transformed into a gigantic 300-foot titan who will protect Japan. He'll fight in secrets only, he'd just only protecting humanity for centuries as he will wait for the next wielder of his legacy.

Monique: He only fights for humanity-in-secrets? Isn't that vigilantism?

Kim: Yeah, vigilantism is a big stitch.

Felix: It probably wants to be in the shadows.

Monique: But still though, nobody wants to become a vigilante. They need to be heroes.

Kim: Vigilantes... always posing as good guys.

Monique: More like bad guys.

Yoseph: But, this Kuuga titan just wants to be a vigilante.

Monique: Hmm... (sees an ancient female's image) Hey, who is that woman?

Yoseph: Huh?

(She points at the image as Felix, Kim and Yoseph see the image of a woman.)

Yoseph: Hmm... it says her name is Seria, she's the savior of Yokohama back then. But, she died in battle against Gurongi Tribe when all the people worship his spirit by becoming a Titan himself: Kuuga.

Felix: Whoa, I think she's your ancestor, Yoseph.

Yoseph: Hmm... she surely is...

Monique: Huh, how can a person transform into a Titan?

Yoseph: No idea, but turns out only a Titan can show us a way to their world.

Gang: (unison) What world?

Yoseph: Somewhere named "The Hollow Earth". But I guess the voices I heard are from my ancestor, a Kamushi Beetle Titan. What does she look like?

(They then resume drinking their lemonades.)

(Cut to Ron and Yori, they are seen eating as Mai is about to make a move, but Peter stops her.)

Peter: We're here for the mission. Focus!

Mai: (pouts) I just wanted to give him the note.

(Mai shows the note Peter wrote, and then Sora snatches it from her.)

Sora: Gimme that!

(Sora then walks towards the duo, and they get in their fighting stance.)

Sora: Friendly here. (shows a note) Give this note to Yoseph Gordon.

(Ron picks the note, and then Sora leaves, but Mai pops out and blows a kiss to him before leaving as well. Ron goes somewhere else, and then they read the note.)

Ron: Yoseph Gordon, come alone in the woods. We would like to talk to you... private. Signed, Peter Masterson of Plumbers. (confused) Plumbers? Like Super Mario Brothers?

Yori: I don't know...

Ron: And that girl who just blew a kiss to me... I've got a bad feeling about this.

????: About what?

(They turn to see Yoseph walking towards them.)

Ron: Cousin, I read this note from someone called Peter Masterson. He wants to meet you at the woods along with two individuals we just saw.

(Yoseph grabs the note from Ron as he reads it before nodding.)

Yoseph: Hmm mm, don't worry, you guys. I'll be alright, I'll find out who's this Peter guy. Tell the gang I'm going out for a while.

Ron: Right, we'll be in touch.

(Yoseph goes to the woods, and then he stops by. Suddenly he feels something on his back.)

Yoseph: (eyes widen) Oh shit...

(Someone then blows on his ear, and a seductive voice is heard.)

Mai: We finally meet, handsome...

(Then Peter, Sora, Carlos and Ichiro are seen six feet away from him.)

Ichiro: Are you Yoseph Gordon?

Yoseph: (nods) Yes, I am.

Ichiro: My name is Ichiro Jacobson, member of Plumbers Association. These are Peter Masterson, Sora Hyoudou, Carlos Jonathan and Mai Gremory of Plumbers Site 23 in Switzerland, where Overwatch was redecorated by Plumbers.

Yoseph: So you're the ones who sent that guy named Adrien Rolando after me.

(Mai rubs one of her thighs on his crotch)

Mai: Guilty as charged, handsome.

Sora: (eye twitches) Mai, what the fuck?

Yoseph: Okay...? What Plumbers are you referring to?

Peter: The Plumbers are a secret government society who specialize on intergalactic life forms known as Aliens.

Yoseph: So... you guys socialize those aliens here?

Ichiro: No, they came from our universe.

Yoseph: What universe?

Carlos: It's called Megaforce-Verse, home for Plumbers and Aliens. We go by Plumber Rangers, masked vigilantes who fight for humanity-in-secrets for generations.

Yoseph: Why are you here?

Mai: Nothing personal, cutie pie, but...

(She tries to pull the Arcle, but feels an electric sting.)

Mai: Ow ow ow, it stung me, it stung me.

Peter: Okay... (to Carlos and Sora) let's try.

(They approach Yoseph, and place their hands on the Arcle as the grunt while trying to pull the Arcle off him, but get shocked as well.)

Peter: I guess it won't go off... okay... (to his teammates) Let's do this!

Ichiro: (walks away) He's all yours, Rangers!

(As Ichiro walks away, the four pull out their morphers, and then they prepare to transform.)

Peter/Sora/Carlos/Mai: (unison) Let's Roll Out!

(They then transform into Power Rangers.)

Yoseph: (shocked) What the hell...

Grimlock Ranger: Grimlock Ranger!

Sludge Ranger: Sludge Ranger!

Slug Ranger: Slug Ranger!

Slash Ranger: Slash Ranger!

Grimlock Ranger: We are Cybertron Rangers, destined to save the world!

Sludge Ranger: (smiles) We fight for humanity-in-secrets, nobody will outmatch us...

Slug Ranger: We are...


Yoseph: Power Rangers Cybertron Fury?

Slash Ranger: Oh, don't be surprised, cutie pie. Our Ranger forms are based on Cybertronians. (sexy pose) You like it? (winks)

(Sludge Ranger facepalms as Slug Ranger speaks up)

Slug Ranger: There are also the Prime Ranger Duo: Optimus Ranger and Rodimus Ranger, Maximal Ranger, and Windblade Ranger. We're inspired on the recent Power Ranger Team named Cosmic Fury Rangers.

Grimlock Ranger: Now, let's get ready to RUMBLE!

(He charges at him and punches him to the tree as he grunts in pain and spits some blood as Sludge Ranger grabs him in the shirt, and throws him to the water. Yoseph gets up as his Arcle glows. He then gets in his fighting stance as he prepares to transform.)

Slash Ranger: Cutie. Say "Henshin"!

Yoseph: Huh?

Slash Ranger: Most of Kamen Riders say that before transforming.

Yoseph: (eyes narrow) Okay? Henshin!

(His body then glows, much to his shock as he transforms into Kamen Rider Kuuga, but a different version as the Cybertron Rangers notice the blue color instead of Red.)

????: (amazed) Whoa! This is awesome!

Slash Ranger: (shocked) Uh... is it me, or this Kamen Rider Kuuga looks... different?

Grimlock Ranger: (shocked) It looks like an alternate Kuuga, due to the additional horns and the blue color.

Slug Ranger: Could it be...

Sludge Ranger: Yeah, I guess this is Kamen Rider Kamushi Ryan and Kenji told us about.

Kamushi: Kamen Rider Kamushi, huh? I like the name.

Slash Ranger: Hmm... that's a cute name anyway. (winks) Ready for Round Two?

(The four charge at Kamushi, who charges back at them as he pushes Grimlock Ranger to the ground and punches Sludge Ranger to the distance. Slug Ranger draws a sword and a mace as he launches an energy slash combined with spikes. He ducks down as Slash Ranger jumps off.)

Slash Ranger: Head up!

(Slash Ranger is about to slam her butt on his back, but he rolls over, and she hits the ground as she gets up.)

Slash Ranger: Ow ow ow...

Kamushi: (smirks) Is this all you've got?

Slash Ranger: No, but thanks for asking. Cock Shot!

(She punches his nuts before roundhouse kicking him to Grimlock Ranger, who slams his mace at him, sending him to crash through the trees. Sludge throws his spears at him, but Kamushi dodges one of them while other pierces his left arm as it shows an X-Ray of the bone that got hit by the spear. As Sludge Ranger is about ro punch him, Kamushi grabs his fist, and then he headbutts him as an X-Ray of Sora's skull being cracked is shown.)

Sludge Ranger: Whoa! Its the X-ray moment from Mortal Kombat. (smirks) Totally badass.

(Slug Ranger grabs Kamushi's fist as he punches him and kicks his rib. Kamushi punches him back and grabs him as he throws him to the tree as he grunts in pain. Slash Ranger punches her back.)

Slash Ranger: (smirks) Oh yeah, Girl Power!

(She pounces towards Kamushi.)

Slash Ranger: (excited) BANZAI! 

(Kamushi kicks Slash Ranger to the water area, Grimlock Ranger kicks his face as he sighs.)

Grimlock Ranger: You don't know when to quit, do you?

(As he walks towards Kamushi, who crawls away.)

Grimlock Ranger: (glares) You may be a fighter like us, but you'll end up just like Iron Man himself. If the Arcle is kept in this wretched world of Disney-Verse, the Gurongi Kaijins will rewrite this world with real monsters and nobody is gonna be safe from them. So surrender and give us your Arcle.

(Kamushi slowly gets up and faces back at Grimlock Ranger.)

Kamushi: (glares) No!

Grimlock Ranger: (eyes narrow) What did you just say?

Kamushi: (glares) I said... NO!

Grimlock Ranger: (stern) Do you know what happens if you get yourself into this? Nobody will be safe from those kaijins.

Kamushi: I can stop them!

Grimlock Ranger: (stern) You have to fight in secret only!

Kamushi: Why can't I just choose how I want to fight?

(Grimlock Ranger kicks Kamushi to the tree, and then he grabs him by the throat as he glares at him.)

Grimlock Ranger: Which side are you on?

Kamushi: What?

Grimlock Ranger: (glares) Which side are you on anyway? From true heroes who fight in secret, or the fakers' side?

Kamushi: (stern) Kim and Ron are not fakers!

Grimlock Ranger: (glares) Unless they meet the Avengers, the very group of heroes from Marvel who did a crossover with Phineas & Ferb and the Justice League. They're fakers to us, we Tokusatu Masked & Kaiju Heroes are the true saviors of the world. If you become one of them... what will happen to Middletown will be your fault! (whispers at Kamushi's ear) The Draconic Dinobot and the Supreme Zoid will stop you, and they'll destroy New York if you don't surrender.

(Kamushi angrily punches Grimlock Ranger backwards, and then he hears Slash Ranger charging at him as he punches her in the gut as she coughs blood and crashes through four trees, resulting in her being knocked out.)

Grimlock Ranger: (growls) Alright then, you asked for it!

(Both Kamushi and Grimlock Ranger leap to the air as they prepare their finishing strikes.)

Grimlock Ranger: SPINNING DINO WAVE!


(As they kick each other, Kamushi overpowers Grimlock Ranger, and sends him crashing into six trees as he gets knocked out. Kamushi reverts back to Yoseph.)

Yoseph: (amazed) Yeah, anything is possible after all.

(As he leaves, Peter, Sora, Carlos and Mai groan as they get up.)

Peter: How the hell that kid beat us?

Sora: This wouldn't have happened if Mai hadn't teased him so much!

Mai: (glares) At least I didn't need back up to try to "Remove Excalibur".

Sora: (glares) Your attacks were too predictable!

Mai: (stern) They were not!

Sora: (stern) Yes, they were!

Mai: (stern) They were not!

Sora: (stern) Yes, they were!

Carlos: KNOCK IT OFF! (sighs) I hate when you guys fight!

(At the Plumbers' Truck Base, Riley is monitoring the island while Ichiro is playing Jurassic World: Evolution with Okuyasu and Adrien is resting on his couch, when the door automatically opens as the beaten four come inside, much to their shock.)

Riley: (eyes widen) What the hell happened to you guys?!

Okuyasu: (shocked) How did you guys got beaten by that rookie?!

Peter: (pants) He had... (pants) some power... (pants) in him...

Mai: (grunts) He was saying that Yoseph Gordon has some type of power inside of Kuuga suit, he named himself as Kamushi.

Ichiro: Kamushi?

Okuyasu: That's new, I never knew someone named something like that.

Carlos: It's like something bond to him, I felt it... it was like... a Titan in him.

Riley: Hmm... what could this mean? (gasps and realizes) Of course!

(He pulls out his laptop, and finds the intel Shiro Serizawa shared with him.)

Riley: Shiro shared this intel with me. Back in Mid-60s of Japan, a great battle was collide by two ancient rivals of prehistoric monsters between Titanus Draco the Leader of V-Arceon Dragon against his ancient rival: Titanus Kuuga.

Okuyasu: (eyes narrow) Huh?

Ichiro: Titanus Kuuga?

Sora: So you're telling that Kamen Rider Kuuga isn't the only Kuuga?

Riley: Titanus Draco and Kuuga are ancient rivals who fought each other for ages, when Titanus Kuuga who has been defeated by Titanus Draco who claims the Title: Monarch of the Titans. Titanus Kuuga and his worshippers moved to different area of Japan while Titanus Draco claim his victory as the secondary King of Monsters. Titanus Kuuga will be the Guardian of Nagoya, Japan from ancient kaijins known as Gurongi, but suddenly he died in 1730s, he'll be hoping find a successor to fight against Gurongi to protect humanity and face his ancient rival once again.

Okuyasu: There's something I never heard of.

Ichiro: A Monsterverse version of Kamen Rider Kuuga, this is a whole new ball game here.

Carlos: This reminds me of something. While there are Monsterverse versions of Kamen Riders in Daikaiju-Verse... here in Megaforce-Verse there are Gundam versions of them.

Riley: (smirks) And I believe this Gundam version of Kuuga is the one Grimlock will face.

Okuyasu: Where is he?

Riley: Pacific Ocean, once he gets in there, heroes will rise and serve him in Disney-Verse, Nickelodeon and others.

(Meanwhile at the Pacific Ocean, a dimensional gap opens up as Grimlock comes in his Ultimate Form.)

Grimlock: I'll find you, Kamen Rider Kamushi.

(Back to the Plumbers' Truck Base, Adrien and Peter wake up as Riley explains everything, including the intel he got from Shiro. Suddenly the monitor goes off as they see Grimlock.)

Okuyasu: (eyes widen) Riley, is it me or Grimlock has crossed over the world of Kim Possible?

Riley: He crossed over alright, that means Grimlock needs some assistances. Call Cyborg to gather the Heisei Megaforce Heroes.

Peter: Like who?

Riley: Xross MegaMan, Batman, Lunar Wolf Ranger, Vigilante and Kamen Rider Zero-Thousand. It's time to gather all heroes together to face this rookie Rider.

(Benjamin Peterson is seen overhearing the entire conversation as he smirks, and then he gets a message from Grimlock as he goes aboard his mecha to help him face Yoseph Gordon who has the spirit of the Titan inside of his Arcle.)

(As the screen fades to black, Grimlock is seen in his new Draconic Mode as he breathes flame, writing a "To be continued" at the screen as he flies away.)

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