Vol. 1: Kamen Rider Kamushi Begins/Ch.4: Threatening Conversation

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(After having fought the Cybertron Fury Rangers, Yoseph ran into the bushes, and then his Arcle disappeared.)

Yoseph: Well, at least it's hidden in secret. Might as well stick with it.

(As he walks to the bushes, he opens it, and then everyone screams.)

Yoseph: My goodness You guys scared me all of sudden.

Kim: You scared us as well, Yoseph.

Felix: Yeah, did you feel something further away?

Yoseph: (confused) Like what?

Monique: Like some type of visible force pushed us to the ground out of nowhere, coming from further away from here.

Yoseph: (in mind) Shit! I better come up with something!

(And he cleared his throat to keep it a secret from his first battle.)

Yoseph: Ahem, it's just a strong wind I guess.

Kim: (curious) Hmm...

(Yoseph was sweating as he kept it a secret from his early battle against Cybertron Fury Rangers, then Kim finally said)

Kim: Probably just a strong Wind, nothing at ali.

Yoseph: (sighs in relief with whisper) That was close.

Monique: Come on, let's go find Ron and Yori.

(They went back to find Ron and Yori, but Riley Tennyson alongside with Plumber Rangers who were watching him.)

Riley: Since Yoseph has the Alternate Arcle, then Titanus Kuuga must be inside of it.

Okuyasu: Although, he needs to unlock his forms before he becomes the powerful Kamen Rider Kuuga.

Adrien: If this happens, Grimlock & Gojulas will face him once his adventures end at New York.

Riley: And that's what we are waiting for, come on. We'll wait till tonight to have a conversation with him. After dinner.


(Riley is seen in his UltraPrime form as he uses his instant transmission and places a note on the door of Yoseph's room in the mansion before using his instant transmission again as he teleports away. Suddenly Yoseph himself comes in and is about to enter his room until he saw the note.)

Yoseph: Shit, not again...

(He walks away as a creature is watching him from afar.)

????: Interesting, this boy has the Arcle just in time... (chuckles evilly) let us begin the mission.

(He turns around as he sees his two Gurongi Kaijins: Me'Garido'Gi and Xu'FVazuu'Ba holding a mysterious person in hostage, then an evil mysterious Kamen Rider comes towards him.)

????: (smirks evilly) You will destroy Yoseph Gordon for me, so I can rule this world of Disney-Verse. No mere humans will stop me, it's time my servant, to show all human pests how the monsters are real!

(He touches the male's shoulder as he screams in agony and transforms into a Gurongi Kaijun: Go'Badaa'Ba.)

Go'Badaa'Ba: RAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! What is my mission, master?

????: I want you to destroy Kamen Rider Kamushi, the Successor of the Original Kuuga, find him and kill him!

Go'Badaa'Ba: (bows) It will be done, master.

????: (nods) Good. Make sure nothing gets in our way.

Go'Badaa'Ba: Yes sir.

(They didn't realize they were being watched by Adrien Rolando, his eyes widen in shock as he is hiding behind the tree and whispers.)

Adrien: (stern) Great, they're here! We gotta retrieve the Arcle before they do.

????: (shout) Okay, I'm here. If you guys want to rematch, I can do this all day.

(Adrien sees Yoseph, and then UltraPrime comes out of nowhere and kicks him to the tree.)

UltraPrime: (to Yoseph) So we finally meet.

Yoseph: (glares) Okay, who the hell are you and why did you send those guys to come after me?

UltraPrime: (glares) My name is Riley Tennyson, call me UltraPrime the leader of Plumber Rangers!

Yoseph: (confused) UltraPrime?

UltraPrime: Yeah, I got the powers from my mother Power Girl, but also... (Mijolnir comes at his hand) I became worthy of Thor's hammer... (activates his Kaioken) and got trained by Goku and Omni-Man... in other words, I ended up having not only having my mother's kryptonian phisology, but also asgardian, saiyan and viltrumite ones. (crosses arms) Anyway, I believe you met Ichiro Jacobson, also known as the Wolf Ranger.

(Ichiro comes out of a tree while glaring at Yoseph.)

Ichiro: I got trained by my father's partner Josh, and I became worthy of becoming a Ranger.

(Adrien, Peter, Sora, Carlos and Mai come in as well.)

UltraPrime: I guess you've already met Adrien Rolando, the Mercury Ranger and the four Cybertron Fury Rangers: Peter Masterson, Sora Hyoudou, Carlos Jonathan and Mai Gremory.

Sora: (chuckles) Hello again, kiddo!

UltraPrime: And finally, last but not least, Okuyasu Senki, the strongest Ranger alive known as Rainbow Ranger!

Okuyasu: Hmph! So you're Kamushi, eh? A shame you can't be a Kamen Rider.

Yoseph: (shakes head) I just want to find out what my ancestor wants.

UltraPrime: You don't understand, Yoseph. If those Gurongi Kaijins are here in this world of Kim Possible, they're gonna show humanity how the monsters are real and nobody will be safe. If we bring that Arcle back to our world, you'll be safe.

(They hear growling noises.)

Ichiro: (cranky) See? They're here already!

Yoseph: I've already read about them, humanoid monsters who wants to rule this world. But I have to stop them.

(Yoseph is about to walk, but gets pushed by Okuyasu and Peter as he gets up and glares at them.)

Yoseph: (irritated) Let me through, damn it!

UltraPrime: If you let those things stay here, you're gonna abuse your powers to end up like Iron Man himself. If you join them, your own counterparts will be multiple in different Marvel Universes.

Okuyasu: (stern) And they'll just end up like you, so I'm forced to wipe out all existence.

Yoseph: (glares) Oh yeah? I would like to see you try!

Narrator: It was at this moment that Yoseph knew... he fucked up!

(All of the Plumber Rangers prepare to transform.)


Peter/Sora/Carlos/Mai: (unison) Let's Roll Out!

Adrien: Overdrive Accelerate!

Ichiro: Jungle Beast, Spirit Unleashed!

Okuyasu: It's Morphin Time!

(They all transform into their Ranger Forms and get in their fighting stances as Yoseph's eyes widen.)

Yoseph: Oh shit!

UltraPrime: Yeah, you fucked up!

(UltraPrime blasts Yoseph to the trees with a ki blast. Rainbow Ranger then pulls out his Morpher, and turns it into a blaster as he blasts him like it's nothing to him, and then Mercury Ranger shoots a wire to tie him up. Grimlock Ranger and Sludge Ranger jump and slam into him, making him cough blood. Wolf Ranger then dashes at him and uppercuts him, sending him 10 yards away from the battlefield.)

Wolf Ranger: Oh yeah, baby. (starts dancing) Team Plumbers one, Yoseph Gordon zero.

(In the other side of the island, Yoseph crashes into Ron and Yori, and the three of them grunt.)

Ron: What's going on here?

Yoseph: (gets up) It's a long story...

(He helps Ron and Yori up as Rainbow Ranger's voice is heard.)

Rainbow Ranger: Real long.

(The two then see UltraPrime, Rainbow Ranger, Cybertron Fury Rangers, Wolf Ranger and Mercury Ranger.)

Ron: Who are you guys?

UltraPrime: No time for introductions, Ron Stoppable and Yori.

Ron: (eyes widen) Huh? H-How do you know our names?

Yoseph: Uh, Ron... these are the Plumber Agents I was telling you about.

Ron/Yori: Plumber Agents?

Yoseph: Yeah, they're after me that I have this Arcle belt on my waist.

(They see the Arcle.)

Ron: Are you referring to... (sees the Arcle) ...this belt!

Yori: What is "Arcle" anyway?

Wolf Ranger: Arcle is a belt that has the power of an Ancient Rider who fought against these humanoid monsters known as Kaijins, his enemies are Gurongi Kaijins.

Ron/Yori: (terrified) Humanoid Monsters?

Grimlock Ranger: That's right, Gurongi are nothing but evil monsters who wants to show the world of humanity that the monsters are real.

Ron: (terrified) We need to tell the others about that.

Yoseph: NO! Please, keep it a secret.

Ron: But... but why?

(Yoseph sighs as he prepares to transform.)

Yoseph: Henshin!

(Yoseph transforms into Kamen Rider Kamushi before turning to Ron and Yori.)

Kamushi: Whatever you guys do, do not tell anyone about this.

(Ron and Yori nod and run away as Kamushi charges at them and throws a punch at Wolf Ranger, who catches his fist. Kamushi then kicks Wolf Ranger in the stomach, and lifts him before throwing him to the water. The others dash at him as he grabs Grimlock Ranger and throws him at Slug Ranger. He kicks Mercury Ranger to a tree, but then gets kicked by UltraPrime.)

UltraPrime: (stern) Had enough, punk?

(Kamushi grabs a long stick.)

Kamushi: (grunts) Just getting started. CHOU HENSHIN!

(He changes to his Quick Form, and then he grabs his arm before throwing him to the trees. Wolf Ranger charges at him and throws multiple punches at him as he dodges them all.)

Wolf Ranger: (growls) Stand still and die!

Kamushi: You're an insult to all wolves.

(Inside his helmet, Ichiro's eyes shoot a fiery glare as he punches Kamushi to the ground, making a straight crash line.)

Wolf Ranger: (growls) I AM NOT JUST A WOLF! I AM THE WOLF RANGER!!!

(He starts beating the crap out of Kamushi until the latter grabs his fists and punches his front skull while the X-ray motion shows Ichiro's skull cracking. Then back to normal, Wolf Ranger groans in pain and Kamushi kicks him, sending him to crash into the water. Suddenly both Sludge Ranger and Slash Ranger grab his arms, but start a tug-of-war.)

Sludge Ranger: It's mine!

Slash Ranger: It's mine!

Sludge Ranger: It's mine!!

Slash Ranger: It's MINE!!

Sludge Ranger: It's mine!!!

Slash Ranger: It's MINE!!!

(They keep their tug-of-war until he swings his arms and makes them crash their skulls at each other as Kamushi then punches Slash Ranger's face before kicking Sludge Ranger and knocks him out with his Quick Rob. Slash Ranger then snorts as she glares at him.)

Slash Ranger: Alright, Blue Beetle rip-off! Let's see you handle THIS!

(She decides to try a hip attack, but Kamushi notices Mercury Ranger about to shoot, and then he dodges as the zipline is shot and hits her ass, making her scream like Jerry the Mouse. She then removes the hook and glares at Mercury Ranger.)

Slash Ranger: What the hell is wrong with you? I'm the big star of the show, dumbass!

(Rainbow Ranger then sighs in annoyance.)

Rainbow Ranger: If you want something done... (pulls out a Ranger Key) You do it yourself! (places the key on his morpher) SENKI CHANGE!


Rainbow Ranger (AkaNinger): Let's get this over with!

(He then creates clones of himself, and one of them dashes towards Kamushi and slide, tripping him down as he crashes to the ground. The clones then charge at him with multiple attacks. Kamushi tries to fend them off, but is eventually defeated as the real Rainbow Ranger (AkaNinger) kicks him through the trees as he reverts back to his normal form.)

Rainbow Ranger: I got him, guys.

(Suddenly some familiar voices are heard.)

Rainbow Ranger: Grr, damn it. Too late, we'll get him next time. (hears the Gurongi's roar) On second thought...

(Suddenly UltraPrime stops him.)

UltraPrime: Let the rookie handle it, we'll see if he's worthy. Come on, we'll head back to the truck. I bet Mr. Peterson knows what's happening.

(They leave to their truck. Meanwhile, Kamushi crashes in a porch as a certain Monkey-like individual comes in and gasps by his appearance.)

Monkey Fist: (eyes widen) It's the Great Beetle Knight! (suspicious) It must've been that Seria's descendant. But who?

(He slowly takes off his helmet, and then gets shocked by seeing Yoseph.)

Monkey Fist: (shocked) It's that bastard's cousin. He's Seria's descendant, chosen by her to save the world from-

(Go'Badaa'Ba comes in and growls.)

Go'Badaa'Ba: Us.

(Monkey Fist turns to Go'Badaa'Ba and gets frightened as the Gurongi Kaijin sees Kamushi.)

Go'Badaa'Ba: Hmm, I see you did it for us.

Monkey Fist: Me?

Go'Badaa'Ba: You managed to defeat him easily.

Monkey FIst: (chuckles) Sure I did. So you're the creature from another world.

Go'Badaa'Ba: (nods) Exactly, now those teenage runts are on the loose. You might as well stick to your plan with the Monkey God. Don't worry about me...I'll wait till he's up.

Monkey Fist: Of course.

(Go'Badaa'Ba goes back to the woods as Monkey FIst chuckles deviously.)

Monkey FIst: I can finnaly have my vengeance on Ron Stopabble!

(He laughs in victory.)

(Meanwhile at New Orleans, Grimlock is seen in his Dragon form as he finally locates Yoseph.)

(As the screen fades out, Grimlock breaks the entire Disney logo before breathing fire as he writes a "To be continued" at the screen before flying away.)

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