Ep. 1 ~ Beginnings

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Lee Sungjoon's Pov:

I grab my bag and head to the small kitchen of me and my mother's shared apartment. She moved here with me when I got accepted to go to a college in Seoul.

"Eomma, I'm leaving." Mother looks at me and smiles a sad smile. "Okay, baby. Here," she hands me money. "Use this for lunch, okay?" I look down and frown. "But Eomma, you need this. This is all of your pay for this week!" Mother shakes her head and smiles. "Don't worry, we've still got your pay. You deserve this now get going, you can't be late your first day."

I nod and grab my jacket, putting it on and rushing out the door, almost tripping over my bag. When I finally make it outside, I grab my bike and book it to my first class.


My first three classes flew by, thank God. Now, I just have to deal with the cafeteria. It ends up being a lot more complicated than I thought it would be. The tables are full and everyone's shoving past each other left and right. I decide that I can do without lunch for a day, and just use the money for bills and food for home.

As I turn to go, I run right into someone. "My bad...I wasn't watching where I was going, sorry." I look up and lock eyes with a well dressed rich boy. "It's okay, just make sure you're watching where you're going. You never know who you'll run into." I nod, not trusting my words to come out right, but I still try anyways. "S-Sorry." He gives me a warm smile before walking away.

Why did I stutter? Damn tongue. I walk outside, taking a second to collect myself and start walking to a small line of trees. Right before I reach the trees, a group of boys walks up to me. "Hey princess, you new?" I roll my eyes, ignoring their smirks and keep walking. "Hey! I wouldn't ignore Suho like that." I look over to the young-faced boy who is scowling at me.

"Oh yeah? And who might you be?" The boy who just yelled at me to not ignore the one who called me a princess who I now know as Suho, smirks, and bows. "Baekhyun." I roll my eyes and chuckle. These dweebs can't do any harm.

I start walking again, not giving to shits about the boys coming closer to me. Before I could finally reach the trees they circle around me, not leaving space for me to push past. I think for a second. I count nine, I couldn't take them on my own. I'm not good with words so I can't talk my way through this. Aish, what'd you get yourself into, Sungjoon? 

"Why do you keep walking away, princess?" I scowl at Suho. "Because I want nothing to do with any of you." Just to push them over the edge, I smirk. Suho scowls and shouts commands at the other members. I try to get away while their distracted, but a tall brunette and a shorter brunette grab me by my arms. Suho chuckles. "Good job Kai," he looks to the taller brunette. "And you too Kyungsoo." Suho turns away from Kai and Kyungsoo and looks at me. "Look at the situation you go yourself into. It would've been a lot easier if you would've just cooperated." He smirks, grabbing my chin with his hand. I scowl, ready to attempt another runaway.

Before I could go through with my next plan, a group of wealthy looking, well-dressed boys approach. "Let her go, Suho." A tall boy with blonde says, keeping his voice dangerously low and calm. I catch eyes with a slightly shorter boy next to him. He's the one I ran into earlier. 

Suho grunts, rolling his eyes. "Let her go." He says through his teeth. They let me go, forcefully. Suho looks at me one last time and smirks. "This won't be last time we cross paths, princess." He finally walks away with his group. I sigh making my way towards the trees. Right before I sit under one of the trees, someone clears their throat. I groan. What does the world have against me sitting under these trees? I turn around, meeting eyes with the blonde one who made them let go of me. 

He smiles softly at me and puts out his hand. I take it, hesitantly. "Hello, I'm Namjoon. I wanted to make sure you were alright." I shrug, wanting to just go home already. "Yeah, uh, I'm fine. I could've handled it myself, though. I didn't need your help." I mumbled the last two sentences. 

Namjoon chuckles and pulls his hand away. "Whatever you say. See you around, uh-" I roll my eyes "Sungjoon." He smiles softly and nods. "See you around, Sungjoon." They walk away, finally. I let out a long breath and go to sit down under the tree. As soon as I sit, the bell rings, signaling it is time for my next class. "Oh come on!" I groan, getting up and heading to my next class.


My last three classes fly by just as fast as my first ones. I hurry to grab my stuff and rush to my bike. I have to get to work as soon as possible. I'm the only one my age working the night shift. It was supposed to just be a summer job, but since I was already working nights over the summer, I decided I could do the same when school started up again. And besides, I love the night. Every night I get off work at exactly Midnight. I always stay out until 2 am after work. It's the only peaceful time in this busy city. 

When I finally reach my work, I put my bike in the bike rack and go straight to the workers' area. I grab my apron and head to the dishwasher. I start washing the dishes by hand one by one. As I start to wash the last dish, the head waitress calls for me. I set the dish down and wipe my hands hurriedly. I walk over to her, scared of what she needs to tell me. "Y-Yes?" She hands a change of clothes and pushes me towards the changing room. "We're short a waitress for the dinner rush! Eunah called in sick!" I stop in my tracks and turn to her. "B-But, I've never been a waitress! I don't know what to do!" She rolls her eyes at me and shoves me into the changing room. "You'll figure it out, just hurry!" 

I sigh and change quickly, not wanting to upset her. I walk back out to her, now dressed in the all black uniform waiters and waitresses are permitted to wear. She hands me a little notepad and a pen and tells me that there is a table full of boys that I need to wait. I nod and go out to the tables. I look around until I see a table full of boys. I count them mentally, Seven, and approach them.

"Uh, hello, are you guys ready to order?" They all look up at me at the same time and it's at that moment that I realize the world is against me today. "Sungjoon! I didn't know you worked here. We've been here plenty of times and we've never seen you here before. Did you just start?" Namjoon cherry greets me. I smile awkwardly, wanting to get out of this situation. "I, uh, usually am the dishwasher, but we were sh-short a waitress and they needed me to fill in." A brunette in the back snickers, earning a hit on the back of the head by a boy with bright orange hair sitting next to him. I look down at my notepad, wanting the Earth to open up and swallow me whole. When I look up again, I catch eyes with the one I originally ran into. He gives me a sweet, almost encouraging, smile and for some reason, it gives me enough strength to speak up again. "So, a-are you ready to order?" Namjoon nods and they go one by one, giving me their orders. 

I put my order on the counter where the kitchen staff will get it. The head waitress, that I don't know the name of, comes over to me and tells me to stand next to another counter until their food is ready. I nod, reading her name tag before she leaves. Bora.  I wait for 15 minutes until their food is finally ready. I put everything onto the little black cart and roll their food over to them. With the help of Namjoon, I manage to learn their names and get them their food without any troubles. 

My shift goes by fast, and soon enough the dinner rush is over. They let me leave five minutes before Midnight. I hurry and go get changed back into my clothes and out of my uniform. I clock out and walk out the back. I grab my little flip phone and check the time. 11:59 pm. I start to run to the front of the building to grab my bike, but I run face first into someone's chest. "Sorry!" I hear a male chuckle and I look up, catching eyes with the boy I ran into earlier that day that I now know as Jungkook. I groan and lean against the building. "Why am I always running into you guys?" He chuckles, going to stand next to me. He checks his phone and frowns, shoving his phone and his hands into is pockets. He stares at me curiously, obviously wanting to ask something. "What are you looking at?"

"Why're you out at midnight?" He asks me, the girl beside him who he barely knows, shoving his hands deeper in his pockets.

I shrug. "Midnight's the time when all the wandering heartbroken come out."


Ahhhhhh!!!! First chapter! I'm thinking about starting an actual schedule or doing vote goals for all of my stories. Idk, we'll see. What do you think I should do?

Also, I would like to put a disclaimer: I love Exo and know they're very sweet boys. The way they are portrayed in this Fiction is strictly that, fictional. Please do not think I think otherwise because I am not trying to start a fan war. Thank you for your time. ♡♡♡

I would like to end this first chapter with a thank you to anyone who is reading this. I worked really hard to make this the best I possibly could for you guys because it's my first real bts fanfiction. Sure I have the one shots but that's not a fanfiction, that's a one shot.

Saranghae~~ ♡♡
I love you~~ ♡♡

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