Chapter 1: Calling Card

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Mai's AN: I confused myself with my own idea somehow... w Does anyone like rpg games? I don't really like them but recently I've been dragged to play one and I don't know  what I'm doing at all w

Mikoto's A/N: I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter ww i guess this is all i wanna say? ww Ah! Also, do you guys prefer asparagus soup or tomato soup? www I prefer tomato soup but i thought that i'd like asparagus soup more, isn't it incredible that there is instant soup as well?? Like ww We shut-ins who can't cook, might survive alone with this and instant noodles and rice ww Have hope everyone uwu I know that I have hope www

Enjoy reading~!

Luz bit his lip as he found himself cuffed with his hands behind him, his team huddled around him in a corner of the room as the other five was spread out across the room.

Mafumafu and Amatsuki seemed rather invested in their game of darts but with knives while Eve seemed nervous to have the five over as he glanced at them from time to time.

"Go beat him, Mafu-chan!" Kuro cheered as she was sipping on her bubble tea which she had bought on the way back here.

"Guys, it's nice to see you have fun and all but shouldn't we be doing something about that?" the blond male pointed out as he looked at the police officers, some looking scared while others looked angry.

Throwing the last dagger at the dart board and winning the game, the albino cheered as the red-eyed brunette pouted.

"No fair Kuro! You were supposed to cheer for me!" Amatsuki huffed childishly.

"Guys, we should really do something about them..." Eve said as he looked at the five in the corner.

"We can always just kill them~" Mafumafu hummed as he smiled lazily.

"K-k-kill us?" Sou repeated terrified when he heard that. If he knew that that was the outcome, he wouldn't have agreed on coming along so easily.

"Ehhhhh?! Please don't kill us!" Sakata pleaded as he widened his eyes. They didn't even do anything so why were they getting a death penalty?

"Killing us... seems a bit exaggerating for just trespassing, right? Isn't there another way, we can apologize for accidentally stepping into your territory?" Kashitaro asked with a small smile, hoping that they could talk about this.

"Killing is a bit excessive," Eve agreed, making the albino frown.

"You're no fun sometimes, Eve-kun," he whined childishly. "Then what do we suggest we do?"

"A-Ah well..." Eve mumbled, nervous from all the attention.

"Well, we can see what to do after thinking about it and all so let's give this some more time. We can still kill them if we can't think of anything else," Senra told them.

"If you can, please don't kill us and let us pay back somehow else! Please!" Sakata exclaimed.

"Y-Yeah!" Luz was pale from fear, scared out of his mind.

They were going to die... they were going to die...

Eve stared at the papers on the table before looking at them. "Maybe we can reach a mutual understanding... why did you guys trespassed? Pretty sure the forbidden zone for you guys are here..."

"We were chasing down some criminals who have been wanted for some time now. And because of how distracted we were we didn't realize that we have stepped into your territory until it was too late.

And we are also very sorry for that to happen. But can't you forgive us just this once?" the fox-masked male asked with a wry smile.

"Of course not~!" the red-eyed brunette hummed as he picked a knife off the dart board. "There is a rule of twilight and daylight not going onto each other's territory... so why should we forgive you guys?"

Ignoring the brunette, Eve continued his questioning with a rather small, nervous smile. "Some criminals? Who?"

"Why should we tell you guys? All we know you're in league with them!" Neru huffed.

"You sure we can't kill them?" the albino said with a roll of his eyes. "Seems faster."

Deciding that it was the wisest choice to communicate with the mushroom-haired male, the fox-masked male decided to answer his question and ignore the others for now.

"They're a criminal group consisting of four people. I am sure you have heard of them, they have been causing a riot for quite some time now," Kashitaro answered.

"Shadow Hunters?" Eve asked carefully, earning a groan from Amatsuki.

"Eve I don't think you're supposed to answer for them."

"B-But it is!" Luz hurriedly said. "We saw one of them then they escaped!"

"And how much of that can we trust?" the albino said rather boredly.

"How much can we trust you won't kill us?" Neru shot back.

"Not at all cause we just told you that we'd kill you and all~ At least we are saying the truth unlike you~" Kuro chirped.

"It's the truth though. We have been trying to capture them for some time now and he was running into the direction of your side. So without thinking much, we ran into here," the brunet finished his explanation.

"So you're saying," Amatsuki hummed as he twirled the knife in his hands. "Someone from Shadow Hunters ran into our territory."

"That's rather ridiculous, is it not?" Mafumafu hummed as he picked a dagger for himself. "Why would they run here? Why would they lead you guys here?"

"Hell if I know! Just let us go!" Neru glared at them, making Luz panic and shake his head frantically.

"Neru-san, please calm down!"

"Neru, unless you want us to die right now please kindly shut your mouth and stop aggravating them into killing us," Kashitaro warned him with a smile before looking back at the albino to answer him.

"We wonder that too. Maybe they knew that this situation would happen and tried to get you to kill us. After all, if we get killed, less people will target them," the brunet suggested.

Huffing, Neru looked away as he bit his lip, keeping any snarky comments at bay.

"Makes sense I guess." Mafumafu twirled his own knife, watching it spin between his fingers.

"How about we cooperate then?" Eve suggested, making the room look at him. "We can trade information about Shadow Hunters."

"Ah, then we should probably introduce ourselves!" Taking a small bow, Eve smiled gently at them. "We are the Twilight Police, the police for this area. My name is Eve!"

''Ah, nice to meet you. We are from the daylight police. I'm Kashitaro Ito. Those are Sou, Sakata, Luz and the one who is slightly being unpleasant right now is Neru, please let me aplogize for his behaviour,'' the fox-masked male introduced them with a smile.

"Ah, no worries!" Eve assured as he smiled at the brunette. "These are my colleagues. Mafumafu, Amatsuki, Kuro and Senra."

"Heyo~" the albino smirked lazily as he waved when his name was said.

"As said, we're the Twilight Police, the people in charge over here," Eve continued on.

"You guys must be part of the Daylight Police, am I right?" the red-eyed brunette asked curiously.

''Yes, we are. We are working to catch wanted criminals and our only difference is our ways of working so in the end, we are still having the same goal as you. Are you guys also working to catch the criminals?'' Kashitaro asked as he looked at them curiously.

''Yeah, us too~ Though I haven't really met one of them for a while~ After all, they are really good at hiding and all~ Which is why it is so hard to believe that you got into our territory while running after one of them~'' Kuro chirped as the blond male nodded in agreement.

''But we are really telling the truth!'' Sakata exclaimed. Was it really so hard to believe them?

"Let's say you really are telling the truth," Amatsuki began. "But the question now is why? Why would they lure you to us?"

The albino frowned in thought before groaning dramatically, throwing the knife at the dartboard and hitting the bull's-eye. "This is too much information!" he whined loudly.

"This is little information what do you mean?" Neru snorted, unable to resist a retort, earning a glare from the albino.

"Neru-san, can you please stop egging them on?" Luz was practically ready to get on his knees and beg the chaotic brunette at this point.

''Like I said, one possibility is that they wanted you guys to eliminate us so there would be less people chasing after them,'' Kashitaro answered.

''G-getting rid of us would mean that there would be less work for them and t-that it would be easier for them to commit their crimes... Th-they could cause more trouble in the Daylight side at least and it might give them more energy to continue c-causing trouble in the Twilight side as well...'' Sou continued, trying to help the older brunet and hoping that he didn't say anything wrong.

"Possible," Eve said as he slipped open a file absentmindedly.

"But even so, we're still not letting you guys go~" the albino hummed with a cheeky smile.

"E-Eh? Why not...?" Luz asked, even more nervous now.

"Because the deal was no one from Daylight side passes through out territory and when they do, we're allowed to either kill them or keep them here~" Amatsuki said with a mischievous grin. "Pretty sure you know which we chose by now~"

''P-please don't choose to kill us!'' Sou pleaded as he widened his eyes in fear.

''How about not killing us? Let's talk through this with some cup of tea and cookies and milk and chocolate instead,'' Sakata suggested though all of them knew that this wouldn't work.

''Or how about you don't kill us and take the other option by keeping us here for now. We obviously have more chances of catching the criminals for now seeing how you guys didn't see any of their members in some time. Having us with you might higher the chances of us catching them. And then less crimes will happen in both of our territories,'' Kashitaro suggested.

"Tch, no fun," the albino said with a pout.

"But they do have a point Mafu-kun," Amatsuki point. "It might be easier for us since they've had contact with them."

"We-we'll try out best to help you guys!" Luz added, hoping it will help.

"Kuro-chan? Senra?" the albino turned to the other two, seeing what they would say.

Amatsuki and Eve was definitely for keeping them alive now... so if either Kuro or Senra voted to keep them alive, majority wins.

''Eh~ I am still for killing them~ After all, they could be liars and all and it sounds like a pain working with them, seeing how their beliefs are different from ours~'' Kuro chirped but unfortunately for her, the blond male shook his head to that, showing that he didn't agree with her.

''They might be lying but we don't know that for now. I am also for keeping them alive for now because if they have some clues, it might help us as well. If things don't go well, we can still choose to kill them,'' Senra said as Kashitaro silently sighed in relief when he realized that the majority had voted to keep them alive.

Sighing, the albino nodded. "Well it's three to two, in favour to keeping them alive for now."

Internally sighing in relief, Luz nodded to himself, glad that they could continue living. They had to make sure not to do anything to let them die!

"Well, we should probably uncuff them then," Amatsuki pointed out before shooting a warning look to the Daylight Police. "Do anything we dislike and it's over for all of you, okay?"

''Y-yes!'' Sou said nodding quickly.

Everyone sat still as they let the Twilight police uncuff them, Sakata sighing in relief when he could feel his wrists again.

It was only for a bit but he really didn't like the feeling of the cold metal around his wrists.

Neru jumped up as he was uncuffed, immediately backing away as a precaution, making several of the Twilight Police roll their eyes.

"Calm down. We did say we're going to cooperate, didn't we?" Mafumafu mumbled as he kept the handcuffs back. "Anyway do you want to start now or-"

The albino was cut off as the lights in the room went out sinking the room into darkness.

"Wait what's going on now?!" Luz looked around in a panic, ready to cling to someone if needed.

''Why does all of this have to happen to us...'' the fox-masked male sighed. Just when he had managed to convince those people to not kill them.

''Were you guys trying to deceive us or something?!'' Senra accused them as the redhead shook his head even though no one would see it.

''We didn't! We don't know what's going on either!'' he exclaimed.

Eve looked around, trying to find the switch for the backup electric supply before his shoulder was grabbed and a paper was stuffed into his hand.

"We, Shadow Hunters, send our regards~" A voice rang right beside Eve's ears, making the mushroom-haired male swivel around in surprise.

However, as soon as he did the hand was gone and the lights came back on, leaving everyone but Eve in a confused state.

"Did... Did anyone hear that?" Eve asked carefully.

''Hear what?'' Sakata asked as he tilted his head confused.

''W-what is going on?'' Sou asked as he felt as if he was going to faint soon from all of this chaos happening in one night.

He became a police officer to help people. But he didn't expect to end up like this when he applied for this job.

''Eve, you alright? What did you hear?'' Kuro asked as she looked at the mushroom-haired male in slight worry.

Holding the paper he was handed in the darkness, he showed it to the rest. "They were here... They gave me this." More concerningly... what did they mean by send their regards...?

"What?!" Mafumafu reached over, taking the paper from Eve, and glancing at it. "It's just a blank sheet of paper though?"

Taking the paper from the albino, Amatsuki stared at it for a while. "Why would they give a blank paper though?"

''Maybe it has a hidden message,'' Kashitaro suggested as he looked at the paper, wondering what they could tried to achieve by sending them this message.

''A hidden message on this piece of paper? What is this? Some detective mystery solving game?'' Kuro asked while laughing.

''Ahhhh, I suck at those please don't let it be some mystery solving thing!'' Sakata whined.

Staring at the paper for a while, Neru walked over and snatched the paper out of the other brunette's hands.

"Oi. What are you doing?!" Amatsuki yelled in anger and surprise, but Neru ignored it and stared at it closer before turning to Luz.

"Luz, try smelling this."

"Eh?" The light-haired male tilted his head but nodded and took the paper, bringing it up to his nose to sniff. Eyes widening in surprise, he blinked at it with even more confusion. "It smells sweet...?"

"Sweet?" Eve blinked a few times before an idea came to mind and he headed to the table, scavenging through it. "Wait a minute."

''What is it? What's going on? I am so confused ahhhhhh,'' Sakata exclaimed as he clutched his head.

''Can someone explain what they are doing?'' Senra asked as he looked at them in confusion.

''Did you find something out, Neru? Or Eve? Can one of you explain?'' Kashitaro asked as he looked at them in curiosity.

"Better to show than explain, is it not?" Neru said as he crossed his arms.

"Why can't people just explain to us directly?" the albino groaned as he slumped into the couch.

"Found it." Eve pulled out a lighter, though Neru clicked his tongue in disapproval.

"Don't you have anything safer?"

"We don't have an ironing board here if that's what you're implying." Eve answered as he reached for the paper, to which Luz gladly handed over in his confusion.

Amatsuki blinked for a few minutes before his eyes widened. "Oh! Is it sugar water?"

"About time you figured it out," Neru mumbled as Eve carefully lifted the lighter to the paper, heating up the paper.

''Sugar water? What?'' it seemed that everyone besides the redhead had slowly figured out one after another what the letter was for as the redhead only looked at it in confusion.

''You'll see. Just watch,'' Senra told him as Sakata tilted his head but nodded. ''Alright.''

After a while, the blank sheet of paper showed brown lettering, revealing a hidden message.

Eve, who was the first to read it, paled and nearly dropped the lighter onto the paper itself.

"Careful!" Amatsuki immediately reached over, holding Eve's hand so the lighter didn't fall. However, his face too paled at the message written.

"Well? What does it say?" Neru asked impatiently, his arms crossed.

Biting his lip, Amatsuki read the message out loud for the others.

We're coming to bring you guys down. Let's play a game to see who can bring down who first. Winner takes all. With regards, Shadow Hunters.

''W-what does that mean? A game? Bringing us down?'' Sou repeated, his lips trembling.

''What does this mean? Are they going to try and kill us?'' Sakata asked.

''I don't know... I know it sounds weird but maybe we should play this game.'' Kashitaro stated. ''If we do, we have a chance of having peace in both of our territories again. I'd be willing to take that risk.''

"Same here," Amatsuki said as he gently took the lighter from Eve and placed it down safely. "As much as I would like to see blood spill, dragging innocent citizens in is just not my thing. If they lured you guys, who's to say they won't lure the civilians?"

"Ama-chan has a point," Mafumafu said flatly. "I don't like the idea of working with you guys, but I hate getting the civilians involved in something we can stop."

"Let's just work together so we can get out of each other's hair," Neru offered though not very friendly. "The first official combination of forces between Daylight and Twilight."

''Wow, we are the first ones to experience that, huh? Aren't we lucky?'' Kashitaro asked with a smile.

''Ohhhh, you're right! First time for everything!'' Sakata exclaimed smiling as well.

''What's wrong with you two?'' Senra asked as he looked at them in disbelief.

"They're just really positive," Neru muttered, his arms still crossed.

"Let's all just take care of each other while this continues," Eve said with a small, assuring smile, though he was still clearly disturbed.

Those words... they had to have meant something right?

"To a hopefully successful operation then," the albino said with a nod.


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