Chapter 2: Rise of vicissitude

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Mai's AN: Do any of you understand the title? w In simple terms it just meand Midnight Crimes... Malfeasance is just a fancy word for crime w Anyway enjoy reading~!

Mikoto's AN: Mikoto had fun writing this chapter ww Hope you enjooooy


''And that's how I successfully managed to-- Are you even listening to me, aniki?'' a pink-haired male asked as he pouted when he noticed the raven-haired male beside him not paying any attention to what he was saying.

''...What? Yes, I am listening,'' the older male responded, stifling a yawn right after that which made the younger male whine when he realized that the older male wasn't listening to him at all.

''You are so mean! Maybe I should go to Shima-chan instead! He listens to me more than you do!''

"Come to me for what?" A purple-haired male stuck his head into the room the two were in, confused.

"Maashi just ignore them," a brunette mumbled as he entered the room. "The old man is probably ignoring him again."

''Don't listen to Urata and ignore me just like aniki does, Shima-chan~!'' the pink-haired male cried as he walked over to them as Soraru clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction.

''Stop calling me old man, shortie. You are almost the same age as me,'' the raven-haired male pointed out as the pink-haired male hummed.

''You two can be old men together then while me and Shima-chan do more fun stuff!''

"You are old. I'm still younger than you." Childishly glaring at the older before that glare turned to Nqrse, Urata clicked his tongue in annoyance. "No way in hell would I ever want to be anything with this guy."

"Well Urata-san, you are the second oldest here after all..." Shima pointed out before receiving the glare of the brunette.



"Shut up."

''Where were you two? I was getting bored trying to get aniki to give me some attention here! I was telling him about my tragic story which happened yesterday but all he did, was sit there and almost fall asleep and I am NOT going to accept, getting ignored for three hours! Not only that but you guys weren't here either so I couldn't tell anyone about it!'' Nqrse whined as he hit the table with his hands.

The brunette rolled his eyes in annoyance while the purple-haired male chuckled as they both sat down on the couch opposite of Nqrse and Soraru.

"We were out getting ready for our little game," Shima explained with an apologetic smile. "Though I don't mind you telling me the story if you want to!"

"Save it for later. We need to discuss our plan of action," Urata said dismissively.

''Hah... fine. How did it go?'' Soraru asked as he sat up properly so they could talk and he wouldn't fall asleep.

''Were they scared? Did they cry in fear? What was their reaction?? Tell us tell us!'' the pink-haired male urged them as he looked at them excitedly.

"Naruse-chan, I don't think they'll cry in fear just because of this," Shima said with a scratch of his cheek. "Though they were really scared! For a minute I though Urata-san was gonna murder that pour mushroom cop as a warning!"

"Oi don't make me sound like a psychopath will you?" Urata grumbled as he crossed his arms. "Out of all of them, except two, they were all idiots. Especially that redhead! Didn't even have a hint on what was going on... how is he even in the police?!"

''Some people just work in the police cause they're strong or something~ You know? Those without any brains but muscles~'' Nqrse chirped.

''Two of them are complete hopeless cases huh... It will either be fun to mess with them or they will hinder everything with their stupidity,'' the raven-haired male said, sighing as he crossed his arms.

"Well there were two rather smart ones, though I can't say I like one of them," Urata muttered as he thought of the chaotic brunette. "They might pose a problem to us."

"If a push comes to a shove we can always just take a few hostage as a leverage," the purple-haired male suggested. "It'll put them into chaos."

"We can see who we would take later," Urata muttered. "Nqrse-chan, please collect information on every single one of them. The sooner, the better. Our game starts soon after all~"

"Urata-san can really sound scary, huh?" Shima said in a teasing tone, earning a glare.

"Maashi, shut up about that before I tear that mole off your face."

''I will find every single thing about them then! I will work on it right away! After one of you listening to my tragic story!'' the pink-haired male said with a grin as the raven-haired male beside him groaned.

''Stop saying tragic story the whole time. All you did was getting ignored by that one guy you tried to flirt with. I mean all that's tragic about it, is that you didn't even managed to make him understand that you were flirting with him,'' Soraru said as the younger male gasped.

''Wait... So you did listen to me after all! Respond to me if you listen god damn it! Don't pretend to fall asleep!'' Nqrse shouted as the older male merely ignored him once again.

Chuckling at the pink-haired male's antics, Shima shook his head as he laughed, amused by the whole scene before him.

Rolling his eyes yet again, the brunette sighed. "The old man will listen to whatever you say because you're precious to him. Feel free to talk his ear off." With this, he sent a teasing grin to the raven-haired male.

''Is that really true? Anikiiii?'' Nqrse said with tears in his eyes from how touched he felt as the raven-haired male clicked his tongue and looked at the brunet.

''I swear to god, I will throw you into a lake somewhere and hope to see you drown,'' Soraru muttered under his breath before he felt the pink-haired male jump onto him and hug him.

''I knew that you love me deep inside you heart after all, aniki!'' Nqrse exclaimed as the older male looked displeased as he tried to pry the younger male off.

''Stop assuming things, you're gross. Disgusting, get the hell off me, Naruse.''

"As if you can even gave the strength to throw me without breaking your back, old man," Urata said in a teasing tone. "Already have back problems and you're young... really what an old man~ A tsundere old man~"

''If anyone is a tsundere, it's you. Don't try to pass that title on to me,'' the raven-haired male said as he continued trying to pry off the younger male before giving up and just letting the pink-haired male do what he wanted to with a sigh.

"I'm not a tsundere!" Urata immediately snapped at the older, sending ineffective glares at the older.

"But Urata-san is~" the purple-haired male said before bursting out in laughter. "Soraru-san and Urata-san are both tsunderes~"

"Oi! I get the old man, but I'm not!"

''I'm not a tsundere, I just hate some of you sometimes,'' the raven-haired male replied as he slowly stopped refusing the younger male and just patted his head.

''Anyways, shouldn't you go to work now? Go search for information and I will properly listen to you next time,'' Soraru said as the younger male nodded with a grin. ''Alright~ See you guys later then~'' Nqrse chirped as he got up before hopping out of the room.

"I'll be going to access their database too for records too then," Shima said as he stood up. "Just in case Naruse-chan misses anything out."

Nodding in agreement, the brunette stood up too, stretching a little. "Well then let's just have a successful game with them... before we eliminate all of them."


''Ok, all of this discussing and all made me tired so can we call it a day and do what we want now~? We can still continue with everything tomorrow~'' Kuro chirped as the blond male besides her nodded in agreement.

''I think so too~ Can we just get those people somewhere where they can stay the night? I am too tired to deal with anything much longer today~'' Senra said as he yawned.

"How about they stay over here?" Eve suggested. "Though we only have 2 spare rooms so those with bigger rooms can share with one of them? Just temporarily until we can find a place for them to stay. "

"Oh no, I'm not sharing my room," the albino immediately shut down the idea.

"I don't mind," the red-eyed brunette said with a nod before poking at the albino's cheek. "C'mon Mafu, you have the biggest room out of all of us. Sharing won't hurt you."

''Sharing is caring~ Though I won't share with anyone here obviously~ I am a girl and all so I need my space~'' Kuro said as she looked at everyone with a grin.

''Wait, we are going to stay here?'' Sakata asked as he looked at them in disbelief.

"We said we'll cooperate with you not let you go," the albino muttered, still upset about having to share a room just because he had the biggest room.

"But on the bright side! We won't kill you?" Eve said with a nervous smile.

"That still doesn't mean you should keep us here!" Neru argued with a glare. He was very tempted to wreak havoc just to go back! No way was he staying here!

Before he could though, Kashitaro stepped in with a smile as he nodded in agreement with the mushroom-haired male.

"Eve-kun is right. Let's see it from the bright side and cooperate for now. Everyone is tired so let's be thankful that they are so kind to give us some place to sleep," the fox-masked male told everyone as he gave the brunet a warning smile.

"So let say thank you and cooperate, alright?"

Clicking his tongue as he shrunk back from Kashitarou's smile, Neru reluctantly nodded along with the group and they all said their thanks.

"Now, how should we arrange them?" Amatsuki said with a sigh.

"Ah... I think Neru-san can take a room for himself," Eve suggested, not only for their side's sake but the chaotic brunette's own.

"Do you mind if I take a room by myself?" Luz asked as he glanced at the rest of his team. He wasn't sure he felt safe sharing a room with them!

"Of course! If that's what you want, I think you should take it!" Sakata said nodding as the blond male besides him bit his lip but nodded.

"Y-you can take it, Luz-kun," Sou said before Kashitaro turned to look at the others.

"And that's how it is... if you are alright with it, I hope you can arrange that. As for me and the rest, it's fine if you choose as long as you can do the first part for us," Kashitaro told them.

"Well, I don't care~ I will get my room alone either way~" Kuro chirped as Senra hummed before speaking up. "I can share my room if no one else wants to."

"But your room is small, Sen," Amatsuki pointed out. "So the people with bigger rooms should share. Aka me, Mafu and Eve."

"Ah, I'm fine either way with anyone," Eve assured with a warm smile.

"You're not even going to give me a choice to refuse are you, Ama-chan?" the albino groaned before nodding. "Fine. Whatever~ As long as they don't intrude on my peace, I'm fine~"

"Well, if I don't have to share my room, I can go now right? You guys can choose your temporary roommates, good night," Senra said before exiting the room, the blonde female close after him.

"I am also gonna go~ See ya~" she told them before going out of the room.

"Lucky people," Mafumafu grumbled before sighing. "So who's going to go with who?"

"Ah, we'll let you guys pick! Then, we'll bring all of you to your rooms!" Eve said with a reassuring smile. "Feel free to pick anyone of us!"

"Ah, no, no, it's fine, you have already decided to let us stay so you can go ahead and choose," Kashitaro assured him with a smile of his own.

"Ah then... if you don't mind me picking first..." Eve walked forward and reached a hand to Sou, giving the poor shaking boy a smile. "Will you be my roommate?"

Eve wanted to at least give Sou a little comfort, giving him a smile that showed he meant no harm.

"E-eh? A-alright..." Sou said nodding. Not that he would have allowed himself to refuse anyway.

Honestly, he expected the mushroom-haired male to pick the fox-masked male from how they talked so much but in some way, this was better than the other two who seemed like slight psychopaths from their behavior.

Smiling warmly at Sou, he gestured for Sou to follow him. "Then I'll bring Neru-san and Luz-kun to the rooms first. You guys can take your time in deciding!"

With that, he guided Sou, Neru and Luz out of the room.

"Ama-chan, you can decide first," Mafumafu said as he flopped back onto the couch letting the brunette make the decision.

"Wait a minute, you decide first!" Amatsuki huffed at the albino, pouting slightly.

"Um, will you decide soon?" Sakata asked as he looked at them, just wanting to flop onto a bed and go sleep because this day was way too tiring.

"I don't want to rush you two or anything though so take your time!" he quickly added at the end.

"Then why don't you decide?" The albino sighed as he slumped into the couch, already just want to flop on his bed and sleep.

"Ehhh? Then... let's go into a room together um... Mafudon!" Sakata said as he walked over to the couch and shook the albino by his shoulders so he wouldn't fall asleep.

"So don't fall asleep and let's go to your room!"

"Eh don't shake me!" Mafumafu whined loudly but stood up and nodded. "Then, we're going back to my room now. Good night~"

With that, the albino quickly dragged the redhead out of the room, eager to return to his room and be the shut in he always was.

"Well that just leaves you and me, Kashitaro-san~!" Amatsuki said with a rather cheeky smile.

"You're right. I will follow you so you can go ahead," the older male said as he returned the smile, waiting for the brunet to show him to their room.

"Then follow me~" the brunette hummed as he began leading the older down the halls to his room. As they walked, the red-eyed brunette turned to face the older. "Nee, Kashitaro-san, can I ask why you became a police?"

"Why I became a police officer? Like most people, it's just the common reason that I want to help people I guess?

I want to help the citizens so I became a police officer in order to protect the people important to me," Kashitaro answered, not adding anything further after that before deciding to change the subject to the younger male.

"What about you though? Any reason why you decided to become a police officer?" he asked.

"Me?" Amatsuki puffed his cheeks slightly as he tilted his head in thought, a small hidden sadness in his eyes before it was wiped away. "No reason you should know about~ But I can say... it's for selfish reasons~"

Sticking his tongue out at the older before he reached to one of the doors and opened it, revealing a not so neat but not so messy bedroom either. "Welcome to my room~"

"Thank you for having me here.", Kashitaro said before stepping into the room.

He still wanted to ask more about Amatsuki's so called selfish reasons yet he knew that it would be impolite to do so, seeing how the younger male clearly didn't want to say it so he decided not to.

Humming, he pointed to the other door in the room. "You can shower first... though I'm not sure if I have any clothes that will fit you. I can go pester Senra for some though!" he said with a grin.

"Ah, it's fine, no need to do that. I can just wear these clothes. Thank you for letting me use yo shower," the older male thanked him. "You can go first though, don't mind me."

"No, I insist!" Amatsuki huffed as he crossed his arms. "I'm not letting you sleep in those dirty clothes! So, I'll go pester Senra now. I'll pass you your clothes in the shower, okay?"

Without even waiting for an answer, the red-eyed brunette walked out of the room to loan some clothes.

Kashitaro wanted to say something but before he could, Amatsuki had already left, leaving the older male alone.

"I... guess I will take a shower then," Kashitaro said as he laughed to himself before entering the shower, taking off his clothes and mask before stepping under the shower and switching the water on.

He decided that he should take his time and wait until the younger male would come back before he'd step out.

In the middle of Kashitaro's shower, Amatsuki knocked on the door gently. "Kashitaro-san? I got some clothes for you!"

"Should I leave it out here?"

"Ah, yes please. I will finish soon so you can take a shower too," Kashitaro said as he quickly washed the shampoo off his hair and waited for the younger male to go so he could step out.

Humming, the brunette left the clothes on the floor before he went to sit on his bed.

Hugging a pillow to his chest, Amatsuki stared blankly at the walls as he let himself sink in his thoughts, something he did every day to ensure he had a little time to reflect on himself and question himself at the same time.

And there he stayed, even when Kashitaro left the bathroom.

After the brunet had finished his shower, he quickly changed into the clothes laid out for him before he put back his fox mask on, hiding his upper face.

He did everything as quickly as he could so the younger male could take a shower as well, going back into the room only to find the brunet staring blankly at nothing in particularly.

"Amatsuki-kun?" the older male softly called out to the younger male, not wanting to startle the other.

Blinking, the red-eyed brunette turned to Kashitaro and smiled weakly. "Oh, you're done?"

Letting the pillow flop back in bed, Amatsuki stood up tiredly. "Then I'll go shower~ The futon is in the cupboard. Ah, I should have prepared the futon for you!" Knocking against his head lightly, Amatsuki childishly stuck his tongue out. "Oh well. You don't mind setting it for yourself right?"

"Of course not. Thank you," Kashitaro thanked the younger male before walking over to the cupboard to get the futon out while the younger male would go and take a shower.

Smiling at the older, he disappeared into the shower. As he stood under the water, he let the water wash away his thoughts, his memories.

He could only keep moving onward for now, no matter what. Maybe when he finally could bring down Shadow Hunters... that's when he'll feel satisfied.

While waiting for the younger male to finish, Kashitaro finished preparing his futon, smiling satisfied as he laid down on the mattress, feeling the nostalgic scent of his home as he breathed in some air.

The situation could have been way worse so ending up like this, Kashitaro felt as if they were lucky.

Stepping out of the shower after he was done, Amatsuki tilted his head a little as he saw the older brunette. "Aren't you going to take off your mask Kashitaro-san? Why do you even wear one if you don't mind me asking?"

"My mask? It's just a present from someone is all. And I am used to sleeping with the mask on so please don't mind me," Kashitaro answered.

"Anyways, shouldn't you go to sleep soon too, Amatsuki-kun? I am sure we will have to do a lot of work tomorrow so you need a lot of rest."

"I see. As long as you're comfortable," the younger brunette shrugged before shaking his head. "Nah, don't worry about me. You can sleep first."

"I want to stay awake a little longer to think," the brunette explained as he took a seat on his bed.

"Do you need some company? Or would you rather have some time for yourself?" the older male asked as he turned to look at the younger brunet sitting on the bed.

"Nah..." the brunette said at first before he stayed silent and sighed. "Unless you don't mind talking for a while."

He had spent far too many nights alone in this room thinking. It would be nice for a change.

"Of course I don't mind. Is something on your mind?" Kashitaro asked as he sat up slightly for him to be able to talk to the younger male easier.

"I guess," Amatsuki answered vaguely before pausing.

Should he even be having this conversation with a stranger?

"Just thinking about how selfish I am sometimes~" He faked a smile this time as he looked to the older male.

"Selfish? How are you selfish if it's alright of me to ask," Kashitaro said as he raised an eyebrow, looking at the younger male in slight confusion.

"I said it, didn't I?" Amatsuki hummed as he hugged his pillow tighter. "My reason to become a police officer~ And many others of course."

"You're lucky Eve convinced us to spare your lives," he continued coldly. "If not Mafu and I can have a pretty nice 'game' with you guys."

"Well, then I am grateful for Eve-kun who decided to give us a chance. I know that we all aren't exactly on good terms, seeing how we are from different sides but maybe it can change while we work together," the older male told him.

"And even if you might think of yourself as selfish, you still ended up becoming a police officer who helps its citizens so that's something nice."

"You really are too positive," Amatsuki said flatly. "No one here is to help others willingly except Eve. We all use our titles to get things we want. "

Sighing, Amatsuki lets himself flop onto the bed. "You wouldn't understand."

"I mean, I don't understand now but that doesn't mean that I can't learn to understand you guys," Kashitaro said before he let himself fall down on his futon.

"And becoming a police officer with a goal is also fine. Everyone here became a police officer because they want to get what they want. It's not only the Twilight Police who uses their title to get what they want. Some of the Daylight Police also do that."

"I see." Amatsuki hugged the pillow tighter before he looked down from the bed. "Guess we're all crooked in a way, huh? Though it doesn't change anything."

"You guys are part of Daylight town for a reason."

"I guess that's right. I can't say anything against that," Kashitaro said with a wry smile. "Though I think that, if not for our different ways to deal with this, everyone could get along. If only a compromise would be alright with everyone. Though I think that we have some other priorities right now."

"Playing that game Shadow Hunters want us to play. Solving this case," Amatsuki listed off. "Though I'm sure Neru wouldn't get along with us."

Looking up to the ceiling, Amatsuki mumbled. "A compromise huh...? Though it definitely won't work."

"We wouldn't know that until we try. But that's for another time," Kashitaro said. "And Neru... He can be pretty chaotic and all but we will try to keep him in place," the brunet assured the younger male.

"You better," Amatsuki said as he shot Kashitaro a glance. "Or else... who knows if he'll live through the week~? No guarantees it'll be me~"

The way he said it sounded so natural, as if he was just talking about the weather.

"I will do my best to keep him in place so that won't happen then," the brunet said chuckling. "Also, he might be slightly annoying but he is useful so I'd keep him around to solve the case," Kashitaro added.

"True, true~ He was the first to notice that sugar solution trick~" Amatsuki hummed. "Though all we need is his brain no~? Maybe losing a few limbs wouldn't hurt... but then he probably needs that for the game."

Sighing dramatically, Amatsuki stared at the masked male. "What a pity~"

"Well, please try and get along with him. We will also try our best to make him cooperate. After all, cooperation is important in this time," the older male stated.

"Mhm~" Amatsuki hummed before glancing to the clock. "You might want to sleep now. It's rather late already."

Leaning back on his bed properly, he reached for the light switch next to the bed. "I'm going to turn off the light now~ Sleep well Kashitaro-san ~!"

"Alright. Have a good night then, Amatsuki-kun," Kashitaro said before shifting slightly, making himself comfortable before he closed his eyes.

Laying in bed himself, Amatsuki merely hummed as he shut his eyes. "Good night~"

Hopefully... tomorrow would be a good day.


Following the mushroom-haired male into his room, the blond male stood around awkwardly as he didn't know what to do.

This was really too much for him, being in the same room as someone from the opposite side and having to stay the night in his room.

Yet he could only feel relieved that he at least had gotten the nice police officer as the other two had unsettled him a lot.

Still, he couldn't help but wish that Luz and him would just share a room together. If the light-haired male had gotten a room, would it have been that bad to share it with Sou?

"Hey, no need to be that scared of me now," Eve said with a rather warm smile. "I don't bite."

"Though if you're uncomfortable with me around, I can just go to Senra's room for the night and leave you here," the mushroom-haired male offered in an attempt to make Sou comfortable.

As long as the younger male who seemed so terrified could feel comfortable, it was fine.

"A-Ah, no, this is your room so it's fine! You don't have to be so nice to me, please just go to sleep, I will sleep on the floor!" Sou assured the older male as he waved around, feeling bad that he just made the mushroom-haired male offer him to go to another room.

"Are you sure? I don't mind you know?" Eve said with a small smile. "As long as you are comfortable!"

The mushroom-haired male truly had a heart of an angel, always worrying for others before himself.

"I-it's fine! P-please don't worry about me and head to sleep!" the blond male assured him as he waved his arms around even more. The older male was too nice to him.

"If you say so then." Eve nodded at Sour before a question popped into his head. "Ah, do you want to shower? I'm sure I have some spare clothes that will fit you!"

"I-it's fine really! Y-you can just ignore me now!" Sou assured the mushroom-haired male. Why was he getting so much hospitality when he did nothing to deserve it?

"Are you sure?" Eve asked quickly before he realised something. "Ah, you might be thinking why am I being so nice to you even though you did nothing, right?"

"Well, it's because I want to help people. Everyone deserves to be treated nicely and equally no matter what. At least, that's why I think," Eve said with a nervous laugh as he scratched his cheek awkwardly.

"B-but even so... this is already enough kindness for me... So please just go and focus on yourself, I will also be going to sleep!" the blond male told him.

Treating everyone equally... Eve was so nice, Sou wondered why he wasn't in the daylight police with that kind of mind setting.

"Are you sure? Though Amatsuki-kun would probably insist you shower before you sleep," the mushroom-haired male said with an awkward smile. "But if it's really what you want, then I'll let you be!"

Heading to the cupboard, he pulled out a futon for the younger to use for the night. "This is okay, right?"

"I-it's more than enough, y-you didn't have to do this..." Sou said as he looked at the futon. Was it really alright for him to use this?

"Thank you very much..." the younger male thanked as he bowed, thinking that this was the least he could do.

"Ah, no need to thank me!" Eve said quickly with a smile. "We've already been a pain for all of you by keeping you guys here even though we were going to cooperate. It's the least I can do."

Reaching for a pair of pyjamas, Eve looked to Sou one last time. "You sure you don't want to shower? I heard it helps you sleep better!"

"I-it's really fine. Go ahead and take a shower, Eve-san. Y-you have to take one after everything that happened today after all... I-I'm just going to go to sleep so please just act as if I-I'm not here! I-I can also put out the futon," Sou told him as he went to take the mattress from the older male.

"If you insist." Handing the younger the futon, Eve smiled one last time before he disappeared to the shower.

Was he scaring him? He was just trying to be nice!

Though Eve can't really blame him for that. After all, why would you trust someone that has practically taken you away from your normal life?

After watching the mushroom-haired male leave, Sou quickly went to set up the futon, not wanting to cause any trouble as he quickly put of his jacket before laying down so he could go to sleep.

Eve had been nice enough to provide him this so he should try to sleep as much as he could so he could be useful tomorrow.

The older male was too nice and Sou decided that he would have to work hard in order to deserve such kindness from the enemy side.

With that thought, Sou closed his eyes as he tried his best to sleep.

Stepping out of the bathroom when he was done, Eve smiled softly as he watched the younger male already sleeping in the futon. He returned to his bed immediately, reaching for the switch to switch off the lights so they could sleep better.

"Good night Sou-kun... sleep tight and sweet dreams," Eve whispered softly as he pressed the switch and let himself curl in his bed, letting sleep take over him.


"Woah, Mafudon, what does your room even look like?" a redhead asked as he looked around in curiosity as he saw some weird teru teru bozu plushies, empty cup noodle boxes and other things which made Sakata wonder what kind of person this albino was.

He had tried to befriend the albino ever since they were walking to his room but he couldn't help but comment the state of his room when he saw it.

"And this is why I didn't want to share a room..." Mafumafu sighed aa he scratched his cheek. "Welcome to my room I guess."

Walking forward, he quickly discarded the cup noodle boxes and did a quick clean before nodding to himself.

"And my room looks just fine, thank you very much," the albino said, not forgetting the comment from before.

"Well, you have a lot of cup noodles in here sooooo— Does no one cook here or something?" Sakata asked as he walked further into the room, observing the room with curiosity a bit longer.

"Ama-chan usually does but most of the time I prefer hiding in my room so I normally don't eat with them," the albino explained as he went to his cupboard to look for a futon for the redhead. "Though sometimes Ama-chan would drag me out so I get 'proper nutrients' or so he says."

"Either way, I still like hiding in my room 24/7. Therefore, the cup noodles."

"Amatsuki sounds like a good person to do that for you! Having someone to cook is nice... Also eating cup noodles forever isn't good, Mafudon! You need varieties!" Sakata told the albino as he waved his hand around.

"Whatever, whatever~ Food is still food." The albino easily shrugged it off like it was nothing to be concerned about as he pulled out the futon. "Though question. Why are you calling me Mafudon?"

"Cause I like the sound of it! Mafudon! Udon! Ah, let's eat some udon together sometime!" the redhead exclaimed with a smile when the idea came into his mind.

"Eh?" Mafumafu stared blankly at Sakata before bursting into laughter. "Sure let's get udon once this chaos is done I guess. I wouldn't mind keeping you alive if you're this hilarious~"

Placing the futon on the floor, he turned to the redhead. "You want to shower?"

"Hm... Nah, I'm fine! I'm tired anyway! Also, thanks for the futon!" the redhead thanked the albino, his smile brightening when he progressed that the other male had accepted to go and join him for some udon once this was over.

"No problem~" the albino hummed as he flopped onto his own bed. "Nee Sakata~ You seem like a fun person... what do you normally do when you're off duty?"

"Hm... I go to eat some food, go on adventures with stray animals, play games and help Kashitaro-san get back home!" the redhead answered cheerfully as he sat down on his futon, crossing his legs.

"Stray animals?" the albino stifled a laugh. "Are you Snow White or something?"

"And does Kashitaro-san get lost a lot? He doesn't seem like the type that would!"

"No, I just follow them cause they're cute! And Snow White? I don't talk to them like her or anything, I just follow them!" Sakata said laughing.

"And about Kashitaro-san... he gets lost like almost every time! Sou can't help much because he is the youngest and isn't too good at this and the others got tired of him getting lost so often so in the end they made it my duty to find him again," Sakata whined.

"Cute huh~?" Mafumafu teased lightly. "But that seems like fun! You get to see where they go and like to spend their time!"

"But I guess they trust you a lot to being Kashitaro-san back safely huh?" the albino hummed. "Well honestly it really is a nuisance if he keeps getting lost~ Eve-kun would have the most patience out of all us to help him in the first place!"

"Ah! Eve seems like the one who would do it if someone like Kashitaro-san was in your team! But what about you Mafudon? What are you doing in your free time? Do you go out once in a while?", the redhead asked curiously.

"Only if people force me too or ai have a mission," he replied lazily as he hugged one of his plushies. "If not I would just stay here all day. It's too comfortable here~"

"Ehhh~ Once we have more time, let's go outside a bit more, Mafudon! We can also hang out and play video games sometimes though!" Sakata told the albino as he flopped down on the futon.

"Other than the going out part, sounds like a plan~" Mafumafu hummed as he rolled onto his side on his bed too. "Well it's late~ We should probably sleep soon~"

Reaching for the light switches, Mafumafu smiled at the redhead. "Let's be friends Sakata~ You seem fun to be around~!"

"Alright! Let's do our best to solve this thing together then!" Sakata exclaimed with a smile of his own before he shifted so he could lie comfortably to sleep.

As the lights switched off, the redhead thought that maybe this situation wasn't too bad after all.

After all, he had made a new friend!

And with these thoughts, Sakata drifted into a peaceful slumber, looking forward to see the next day.

(6034 words)

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