Chapter 16: Connecting the dots

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It's... been a while w Hello~ we totally didn't forget this book existed- We've both been busy-

Mijkoto's A/N:   It's been quite some time and idk if you guys even still remember the plot cause Mai-san and I both had to reread it to remember but I hope you enjoy it if you read it ( ' ▽ ' )

RIght- Well, uh enjoy reading owo)b

After waking up all alone, Luz sighed softly as he rested against Senra, making himself comfortable under the blanket. How long more will this game continue... how long more will this end?

With a new morning starting, the pink-haired male woke up from his alarm as he quickly dressed when he noticed that it was his turn to get some food for the others. Maybe he could get to know Eve and Sou more too later if he had time.

But for now, he quickly rushed to the kitchen and grabbed some food for the others before going downstairs to where the others were, opening the door carefully to see if there was anyone awake already.

"Ah... Nqrse-san, good morning." Luz sheepishly smiled as he saw who stepped through the doors. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did~ I hope you had some nice dreams too, Luz~" Nqrse replied with a grin. "Are the others awake yet?"

"No." Luz shook his head with a small smile. "Will you... spend some time with me before they wake up...? It's okay if you're busy!"

It just felt oddly nice to be around Nqrse... especially since last time!

"Hmmm... nope, I'm not actually~ Though I am surprised you'd wanna hang out with me though~" Nqrse said. "Luckily this is just bread anyway so it won't get cold or anything... well if you wanna spend time together we can~"

"Can we really?" Luz smiled widely before nodding rather happily. "I guess it's because Nqrse-san is so nice to be around... I want to spend a little more time with you."

"Of course we can!" Nqrse whisper-shouted with a smile before untying the other's feet. "Follow me outside to not wake the others up and we can hang out a bit."

Nodding gently, Luz carefully moved himself so he didn't wake Senra up and followed Nqrse slowly like a puppy to their owner.

The other stayed quiet until the two of them exited the room to not disturb the others. "Ok, so we can either go to my room or I can show you our garden if you want to. Well, it's not rlly a garden but it has a lot of plants~"

"Can I see really?" Luz asked, his eyes slightly widening. Was he really allowed? He can get some fresh air too!

"Of course you can! I trust in my abilities to get you back in case you run away." Nqrse told him honestly as he walked towards their indoor garden seeing how Luz wanted to see it. "Though in the first place, I trust you to not run away."

"I won't." Luz shook his head with a sheepish smile. "I wanna trust in the others and we'll win this game fair and square!"

Following after Nqrse, Luz's eyes widened as he saw all the different plants. "Did you guys plant all this...?"

"Yeah. We take turns though some of us do less than others." Nqrse answered laughing. "It's a nice place to be and relax if we can't really go out of there."

"It's really nice!" Luz smiled warmly, crouching down to stare at one of the rose bushes planted.

"You like these?" the pink-haired male asked as he crouched down next to the taller male looking at the roses as well.

"Mn! Roses are my favourite flower!" Luz hummed happily. "They're really pretty..."

"They are, aren't they?" the younger male agreed with a small smile before standing up again. "If you manage to win this game, I will gift them to you."

"E-Eh?" Luz blinked as he looked up to Nqrse. "But it's your hard work of taking care of them! I can't just take it..."

"It's fine~ Cause if you win, I will probably have no use for this anymore." Nqrse said as he stretched.

"Eh...? Why not?" Luz didn't really understand... was he that dense? Probably.

"Your friends. If they find us, they will want to send us to prison or something, right? Not all of you since you don't seem to be like that but the majority will want that. Those roses will die anyway, might as well give them to you so you can keep them alive for longer." Nqrse explained to him with a smile.

"Ah..." That was true. Puffing his cheeks at the thought, Luz frowned. "Doesn't that mean... Senra-san will lose Shima-san?"

"Yeah. But who knows, maybe they will escape right before the game ends." the pink-haired male answered with a wry smile. "To stay together or to be apart again, that's their decision."

"True..." Luz hummed thoughtfully before turning to Nqrse. "Then would Nqrse-san escape with me?"

Realising how sudden that was, Luz grew flustered. "Y-You don't have to! It's only if you want to! You know we can do a singing and rapping duo too!"

"I would love to escape with you, Luz." Nqrse told him with a grin. "But I don't think your friends will approve of that. If they want to put us into the police and we lose, it would be too nice for all of us to escape. I bet one person escaping will already be noticeable. Especially if it's Maashi who had to appear so often in front of them~"

"That's true..." A pout as Luz stared at the rose bushes. "I don't think I can take care of this alone... I thought it would be nice if we could do it together... but oh well."

Maybe there is another way to convince the others to let Nqrse off...

"Heeeeeeey, hey!" the pink-haired male said as he put his weight onto the older male. "That is IF you win, got it? I'm pretty confident that you won't so don't look like that and say as if I already gifted them to you~"

Giggling at this, Luz seemed to smile wider. "Right, right." Standing up now, the taller turned to Nqrse. "I've been meaning to ask... what will happen if we lose...?"

"Not telling you. You can find out but you should do your best not to~" Nqrse told him. "Well, you won't die I guess. At least that's what I think since most of you guys are well liked by our members."

"Really?" Luz let out a soft sigh. "That's a little relief..."

At least everyone will stay alive! That was important!

"Thank you for spending time with me Nqrse-san!"

"It's nothing~ I like spending time with you too after all." Nqrse answered grinning as he stepped a bit away to give the other some space.

"That's nice to hear..." A bashful smile from the younger as he looked to the rose bush. "Nee Nqrse-san... can we make a bet?"

"Never took you for the gambling type." Nqrse said his eyes widening slightly in surprise before his usual grin appeared as he nodded. "Sure, what is it?"

"Am not gambling." A pout from Luz before he smiled. "If whoever wins, the loser has to do one favour for the winner at least. Anything at all."

"Anything? Oh, you want something from me?" Nqrse asked as he tilted his head. "I don't mind but I won't really let you win even if I like you, Luz~"

"I will do my best to- e-eh?!" Luz stood there, growing flustered as he realised what Nqrse said. "Y-You like me?!"

"Hm? Yeah. You're an interesting person. I've always wanted to be friends with you." Nqrse said. Of course he was interested romantically as well but Luz didn't have to know that. All he had to know was that Nqrse wanted to be his friend.

Embarrassment coating his cheeks as he realised he took it the wrong way, Luz looked to the ground. "I-I see..."

"Oh~? Did you think of something else?" Nqrse asked with a grin as he tilted his body to look at the taller.

"...Is it bad if I say yes...?* Luz mumbled softly. He was told to never lie... no matter how embarrassing it could be!

"Of course not~ It's clear on your face but I like honest people~" the pink-haired male admitted. "It's refreshing to find someone who is openly honest like you."

Cheeks red, Luz smiled sheepishly. "I've been told to be honest at all times..."

"Whoever taught you did well then~" Nqrse praised as he ruffled the taller male's hair. "Also wow you're tall or is it cause I'm surrounded by people who aren't that tall and just short?"

"Could be the latter." Liz laughed softly with a warm smile. "But I am quite tall so the first is true too."

"Many people are probably jealous of your height." Nqrse said laughing. "I like being shorter than you though, you can carry me around if I don't feel like walking. Cause Luz is way nicer than the others I'm sureee"

"I don't mind at all." An honest smile. "Though... I'm sure the others are way nicer. Like Sou-kun!"

"Yeah but that guy is nice to people he wants to be nice of where he knows he is inferior. But you are nice to almost everyone and me even after everything I did so I like you sooo much more~" Nqrse explained to him with a grin.

Flushing red at the I like you again, Luz nodded with an awkward smile. "Thank you...?"

"Aww you're blushing! How sweet, you're nowhere like Maashi, Aniki or Urata-san that's so refreshing! No need to thank me, I should be the one thanking you." the pink-haired male assured him laughing.

"Eh?" Now Luz was even more confused but nodded gently. "Okay...?"

"Oh right I forgot you probably don't follow along with me if I talk like I talk with the others. Oh well, I will work on it, anyways! I think we stayed here long enough~ Ready to head back?" Nqrse asked as he stretched slightly.

"Mhm." Luz nodded with an awkward smile. The poor boy was still confused.

"Alright, then let's go back then~" the younger chirped as he waited for the light-haired male to walk ahead so he could follow after. He knew Luz wouldn't try to run away but better to be safe.

Walking towards the basement, Luz kept his pace before reaching the door. "Uh, Nqrse-san... thank you again."

"I would say you're welcome but what is there to thank me for?" Nqrse asked confused as he scrambled for the keys in his pockets to open the door again.

"For the rose bush... and for taking care of us." Luz smiled gently. "I appreciate it."

Not expecting that, Nqrse stood there stunned for a few seconds before snapping out of it as he gave the other a small smile. "It's nothing compared to making you guys go through all of this. No need to thank me." the pink-haired male assured before opening the door and leading the other inside.

"But still it's polite to thank people." Luz argued softly before walking into the room and slid next to Senra, stretching his legs out to let Nqrse tie them together again.

"Wow, your parents must have been saints to teach you to thank people even in this situation." Nqrse joked as he tied the other again. "Well... it was nice talking to you. Gonna go now so see ya."

"See you." Luz smiled brightly before shrinking back.

Returning the others smile, the pink-haired male then stood back up before leaving the room, making sure to lock the door behind him.

Tilting his head in confusion, Sakata still asleep on his shoulder, Mafumafu looked confused at the younger.

"We just talked." Luz assured gently.

"Seems like he is quite fond of you." Senra said as he shuffled slightly to make himself more comfortable.

"Is he?" Luz was confused. "He seemed nice though."

"Nice on the outside maybe." The albino almost shrugged before pausing to not disturb Sakata. "Don't judge a book by it's cover."

"The nicest ones always hide their intentions the most." Senra said as Sakata hummed in agreement, sitting up straight again as he slowly woke up.

"Ah did we wake you?" Mafumafu asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Maybe... but I think he's really a nice guy!" Luz was really trusting.

"It's okay, I think I slept enough anyway." Sakata assured him with a smile. "I think Nqrse was the least like a nice guy along with Urata. They give me chills since they smile even with what they are doing." Senra argued.

"I want to believe in him." Luz pouted a little as Mafumafu smiled softly. "Good."

A few minutes later, the door opened again as Soraru entered the basement with a tray of sandwiches. "I heard besides that tall guy, you guys haven't eaten yet." he merely said.

"Ah that's right!" Since everyone else was asleep... Luz forgot!

"So you got us food? Thank you!" the redhead thanked as the raven-haired male blinked before nodding.

"Thanks." The albino replied quietly, not saying anything else.

"I did it cause I was told to so no need to thank me." Soraru said before sighing. "I will have to feed you guys so who wants to eat first?"

"Sakatan or Senra can go first." Mafumafu immediately offered, nudging the younger by his side.

"I can eat without hands so you can just hand it to me like this and give Senra his breakfast next!" Sakata exclaimed as he opened his mouth, Soraru looking at him unsure. "...You sure you're not gonna choke and die from that?"

"Mean! Yes, I can do it, just give it to me!" Sakata said as Soraru hesitated before doing so and then walking over to Senra, making sure to keep an eye on the redhead before feeding the blond his sandwich as Sakata was chewing and holding his sandwich in his mouth.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Mafumafu raised an eyebrow, rather amused by this.

"Mhm hmmm~" the redhead replied as he moved around, continuing to eat as Senra could only laugh at the sight while trying not to choke on his own food.

Giggling too, Luz watched in amusement. It was funny, yet it could be a little nerve-wracking to see.

Finishing feeding Senra, Soraru then looked over at Sakata only to see him being done with the sandwich and choking slightly as he quickly rushed over and opened his water bottle before letting Sakata drink from it.

"Jesus christ, don't die on me, I was scared for a second there." Soraru muttered slightly, growing pale.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I just choked a bit because I didn't swallow properly! But thank you for the water!" Sakata thanked him as Soraru hummed. "Well, if you two are done, you are the only one who's left." the ravenette said turning towards Mafumafu.

Shrugging, Mafumafu nodded. "Then let's eat I guess."

Humming Soraru then started to feed the albino silently, not saying anything before he remembered something. "By the way, I've been calling the number that you've given me a while ago because of the knife. No on took the call when I called several times. Is that friend of yours busy or do I have the wrong number?"

"Eh?" Mafumafu looked confused, as if he was really surprised, to which he was. "When did you even call him?"

"The day when you gave me the number... a few days ago... and today." Soraru counted.

"I mean times." Mafumafu shook his head. "That guy has a weird sleeping schedule."

"Ah... 3am, 7am and 12 pm... If I remember correctly..." Soraru answered having to think about it for a while.

"Mou he's not awake until 1pm..." Mafumafu sighed, shaking his head. "And he sleeps at 2am."

"Oh... His sleeping schedule sounds better than I thought." Soraru mumbled as he took his phone out with his free hand and quickly put in some reminders for him to call that person later.

"Well, that's an estimation." Mafumafu shrugged. "And not counting naps, breaks and his times when he switches off his phone to focus."

"That sucks. Would he even take phone calls from unknown numbers? Or would it be more likely for him to take the call if you used your phone?" Soraru asked sighing.

"Either is fine. But probably my phon- you're not allowed to use my phone." A glare at Soraru.

"Of course. Then would it be alright if you called that friend of yours and asked for me?" the raven-haired male questioned.

"..." Sighing, Mafumafu reluctantly nodded. "Fine."

"Great. Thanks." Soraru said before untying the albino's feet and helping him up. "Your phone's in my room so let's go."

"You already prepared huh?" The albino was unamused.

"Not really, I have most of your properties and keep it in my room." the older male explained before leading the albino outside.

"Why even?" Mafumafu now raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Someone has to. And I'm the only one who wouldn't go through your phones to do prank calls, read through your latest chats and post weird things on your social media." Soraru replied dryly.

"They do that?!" Okay, now Mafumafu actually was grateful for Soraru.

"Did that to me several times in the past. Almost did it to one from your group." the older responded sighing as he headed to his room before unlocking it and opening the door.

"What? Who?" Now Mafumafu was worried. "Just... don't let it happen. Please."

"I won't. That's why I took them, didn't I?" the older reminded him as he lead him inside his room, closing the door behind him before going over to one of his drawers and looking through everything before taking out Mafumafu's phone. "This yours?" Soraru asked to make sure.

"Yeah, thanks." Mafumafu nodded before holding his hands out, demanding to be uncuffed.

"Ah right... Would have to tie your feet again to be safe, would you mind sitting down somewhere?" Soraru asked.

"Your bed?" Mafumafu suggested with a shrug before plopping himself down.

"Ah-" Soraru let out, before sighing and nodding. "Yeah that's fine." the older replied as he kneeled down to tie Mafumafu's feet and then y cuffing his hands before handing the albino his phone.

"I could have moved if you told me to." Mafumafu shook his head before taking the phone, scrolling through his contacts, tempted to make a different call instead.

"No, it's ok I don't care." Soraru answered. "By the way, if you think of even calling someone else other than that friend of yours, you can say goodbye to your phone and our deal."

"..." Sighing, Mafumafu nodded before scrolling past Amatsuki's number. "Not even to check up on the other side?"

"Not even to check up on the other side. If you want to know what sort of happened, ask that blond friend of yours." Soraru answered.

"Senra? Why?" Even more confused, Mafumafu paused to look at Soraru.

"That guy is favored by Shima so they spent some time together last time, drinking coffee and such. And on accident he got updated. They didn't tell me, I passed by and saw." Soraru spoke, not elaborating that Senra had met Eve and Sou since he didn't want to deal with the albino possibly putting his anger at him.

"...I see." Mafumafu nodded, having even more questions but not wanting to pry into Senra's life. "I'll call now."

"Okay do that." the older male replied as he waited for the albino to proceed.

Taking a deep breath, Mafumafu dialed the number before smiling as the phone was picked up

"Mafu-kun! How are you~? Ah! Your new batch of knives are ready!" A loud, active voice immediately rang through the receiver.

"Ah, Colon-kun it's been a while!" Mafumafu hummed, gesturing for Soraru to pass his order. "I'll come pick it up when I'm free. In the meantime, can you make another custom for me?"

"Eeeh?!" Immediate whining. "You only call me for custom knives now, boo!"

"It's for a... friend." Mafumafu bit his tongue a little while saying that.

Seeing how the albino actually did keep his mouth shut and didn't say anything about the situation, Soraru watched quietly as he waited for the call to be over.

"A friend? Mafu-kun has friends other than the police?" Colon gasped before nodding. "The one trying to call me the past few days?"

"Mhm. That guy. He's with me." Mafumafu looked to Soraru. "I'll pass the phone over."

Handing the phone to Soraru, Colon didn't even give Soraru a chance to speak. "HELLO STRANGER! HOW WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR ORDER TODAY?!"

Not even caring that the phone was in Soraru's ear, Colon yelled as loudly as he could.

Almost dropping the phone in the process, Soraru hissed as he quickly caught it again before holding it against his ear. "...Yes, that's me. Also I can perfectly hear you so no need to shout..."

"But the thing is, I want to!" Colon loudly proclaimed as Mafumafu stifled a laugh. "Anyway! How would you like your order? Butterfly knives? Bowies? You name it~"

"I don't know much about knives but can you make the blade a spear point and just make sure it's sharp and stable and stuff like that? I leave the rest up to you." the raven-haired male answered.

"Blade with a spear point... A kunai? Mou, if you want a kunai, JUST SAY YOU WANT A KUNAI!" Colon complained loudly.

"I don't know the names... Also please be quieter, you are making me deaf." Soraru complained as he gripped the phone tightly in order for it to not fall.

"Fine, fine." Colon laughed before yawning a little. "When would you like it ready by? How many would you like?"

"Two and you choose the day, I'll come by once you're done when I can." the raven-haired male answered.

"Okie dokie! Since you're Mafu-kun's friend... I'll give you 50% off~" Colon nodded to himself, writing down the order. "The price is for you to decide when you see it~"

"I want to pay you for what it's worth so you decide, I don't want any discount or anything. Though I'm sure it will turn out great since I saw one of your works before. Thank you in advance." the older male replied.

"Aw, did Mafu-kun show you his knives~" Colon hummed proudly. "Would you like to carve your name or anything?"

"I don't care. As long as it's efficient it's fine." Soraru answered.

"Got it." Colon hummed. "Pass me back to Mafu-kun would you?"

Humming, Soraru did as told as he handed it back to the albino.

"Nee Mafu-kun, the moon is odd!" Colon whined dramatically in Mafumafu's ear almost immediately.

"Just relax." The albino shook his head. "Everything's fine. Thanks for helping."

"Only for Mafu-kun!" Colon giggled before yawning again, peeking up. "Satomi-chan is home! See you!"

Immediately, the male hung up, not even letting Mafumafu say his goodbyes.

Narrowing his eyes slightly at the conversation at the end, Soraru merely hummed as he took the phone back once he saw that the conversation was over. "Thanks. You helped me out so in exchange if you need a favor, I will do it as long as it's sighing my abilities and right to do so."

"...Tell me what's going on then. That's all I want." Mafumafu look Soraru in the eye, hoping Soraru wouldn't ask about the conversation.

"...That's what you want? You could have perfectly asked your friend about it but instead you decided to ask me..." Soraru said sighing.

"Because, Senra is someone I respect. And if he didn't say anything, I'm not prying." Mafumafu shook his head.

"I don't get your logic but alright. So your friends have been trying to find our hideout to no avail..." Soraru started as he tied Mafumafu's hands again while he explained.

"Naruse got worried though since that mushroom-haired friend of yours helps out a lot. So Urata decided to get him here by taking that shaking kid to us first and just as he predicted mushroom haired guy followed soon after into our hideout."

"Eve-kun is here?!" Mafumafu's eyes widened. Shaking kid? "...You lured Sou-kun and brought Eve-kun here..."

The younger would definitely do that. Especially with what happened before...

"What else?"

"I'm not really the one to actively interact with you guys and just do stuff from behind and clean up some messes but...

Naruse seems pretty interested in that tall guy, they've met before in a bar or something... Fox masked guy and blood prince are the most shaken up about the disappearance of those two and are trying harder now and your group had been in some dangerous places to find you guys." the raven-haired male finished. "That's all I know."

"...I see." With that call before, Colon basically confirmed Amatsuki had been to Colon's place for weapons. "Thanks. One more question though."

"What is it?" Soraru asked not liking the fact that he had to talk for so long.

"Am I allowed to see Eve-kun?" Mafumafu asked quietly.

"That's not up for me to decide. If you want to ask for that, you should ask Urata or anyone else but I'm not going to decide whether you can or not." the raven-haired male answered as he untied the albino's feet again. "If that's all, I'll bring you back now."

Sighing, Mafumafu nodded gently. "Can you help me ask at least? I don't know when I'll ever see him."

"...I'll see if I'll do it or not. In the meanwhile just go back and wait for one of them to come. I'm not going to be the one who always comes to give you guys food. I don't even know if I won't get scolded for even telling you this." Soraru informed him with a sigh.

"Either way thanks." Sliding off the bed, Mafumafu nodded.

"Yeah yeah, okay let's go back if you don't need anything else." the raven-haired male said as he opened the door, waiting for the albino to walk out.

Walking out the door, Mafumafu froze when he saw Eve and Sou walking away from them, disappearing around the corner. "Ev-"

"I think we talked about this a few minutes ago." Soraru reminded him. "You can't meet him yet. Just know that he's alright. As alright as he can be in this environment that is."

"...If you say so." Sighing, Mafumafu bit his lip. "I just..." Was happy to see Eve was alright. How he wished he could see whether Amatsuki was too.

"Hah... Listen, I know you're worried but there is nothing you can do now. But as I said I work more of behind the scenes so if I see your other friends again while working, I'll inform you about their condition, alright?" Soraru told him.

"You don't have to." Mafumafu blinked in surprise. "But thank you."

"It's nothing, take it as a thanks for the custom knife. Anyways, we are back." Soraru said as he unlocked the door and lead the albino inside. "Don't worry, you won't see much of me anymore unless it has to be. The knife issue is done after all." the ravenette assured him as he tied the younger's feet again.

"Good." Mafumafu mumbled quietly with a nod, readjusting himself.

"Yeah." Soraru merely replied before standing up again. "Well, bye. If you guys need anything, I'll try and help up to a certain point." the older male said to everyone before exiting the basement and locking the door behind him.

Taking a deep breath, Mafumafu immediately flopped onto Sakata. "Sakatannn." At least for a bit... he could relax.

"Mafudooon! Are you alright? I hope nothing bad happened to you!" Sakata exclaimed as he shifted a bit so the albino could make himself more comfortable.

"Nope." Mafumafu shook his head before sighing dramatically.

"Well that's good then! Still, you look really drained. Is it cause you were talking to him or is it cause you had to socially interact with someone in general?" the redhead asked.

"Both." The albino mumbled, nuzzling into Sakata. Really, the only people he had energy for was his police family of sorts and Sakata.

"Well now it's all done so you can go back to relaxinggg." Sakata assured him as he leaned his head on the other. "We can just relax together and stuff! At least we can be with us four so it's less boring than being alone here!"

"Mhm." Mafumafu hummed gently, nodding to himself. "I really hope this will end soon..."

"That depends on if the others will find us." Senra said as he let out a sigh.

"It'll be soon!" Luz tried to stay positive.

"If you say so." A shrug from Mafumafu.

"With the power of friendshiiiip!" Sakata joked. "If we are lucky, Kashi-san might get lost and then end up here!"

"That... definitely won't happen." Senra deadpanned.

"It actually... might happe." Luz admitted with a soft laugh. They had solved cases like that before...

"If that will actually happen, I will treat you guys to dinner." the blond male joked. "But let's not hope for that, I don't want to buy you guys any food."

"I mean, Senra can cook so~" Mafumafu joined in, smiling a little.

"Edible enough. But still too much work if there are so many people." Senra said letting out a sigh. "Kashi-san... please find us so Senra will treat us to a meal..." Sakata prayed.

"I hope we have a chance to taste your food though!" Luz smiled a little.

"Yeah... maybe someday then if I feel like it." the blond answered.

"Which is never if Ama-chan cooks." Mafumafu giggled.

"His food is god tier though! He could just work in a five star restaurant or something, they would be thankful to have him!" Sakata exclaimed.

"That is true!" Luz nodded. "Amatsuki-san's food is really good!"

"I'll miss it now whenever I'll have to eat Kashi-san's or Luz-kun's food once we go back to the daylight side... you're still good at cooking though, Luz-kun! Just Amatsuki is a god of cooking!" the redhead said.

"He is." Luz giggled, shaking his head. "Do you mind if we borrow him now and then?"

"Yeah! He can go see Kashi-san too so it's a win for both of us!" Sakata declared.

"Eh?" What about Kashi-san?" The tallest tilted his confusion as Mafumafu mused. "He's dense huh?"

"They're interested in each other, Luz-kun. Romantically." Senra explained to the tallest.

"Eh?! Really?!" Luz's eyes widened. "But Kashi-san..."

"What about him?" Senra asked curiously when he noticed how the light-haired male didn't seem happy about that fact.

"Well, uh... Kashi-san never had the best relationships and uh..." Luz shook his head. "I shouldn't be talking about it."

"He doesn't seem like a guy who cares about previous relationships. Or seem like someone who had a relationship before in general even less having several ones." Senra commented.

"Mean! As his friend I'm here to defend him even if I kind of agree with you!" Sakata shouted.

"You shouldn't be saying that then." A giggle from the albino.

"But he does even if he doesn't show it!" Luz pouted a little.

"I didn't like his previous partners though... Some of them scared me." Sakata fake sobbed. "But Amatsuki! Amatsuki-san seems great, I totally approve of him!"

"All of them were scary." Luz frowned a little before nodding happily. "But Amatsuki-san does seem great!"

"How even does he meet so many scary partners? Well, I can't say that Amatsuki can't be scary sometimes. Like when I forgot to do the dishes for a week..." Senra mumbled as a shiver ran down his spine. "Even so, those partners sound worrying considering you guys are from the daylight side."

"Agreed." Mafumafu frowned. "There shouldn't be people like that in daylight."

"Well... that saying of 'tigers hide their fangs when they hunt' is true." Luz smiled awkwardly. "As long as they don't step out of line, they can't be expelled from Daylight."

"And Kashi-san is always too nice to let them get the complete punishment they deserve so who knows if they even learnt their lesson." Sakata said shivering. "Ah, but the four of us make sure that they end up getting their rightful punishment most of the time! If we are not too scared that is..."

"Honestly, he should be more firm." Mafumafu sighed, shaking his head. "Then again, they changed your system after Eve-kun..."

"The system sucks. Honestly, I'm not saying that Eve should go back to the daylight side, I'd like him to very much stay with us. But he should be allowed to decide where he wants to be. If it's the daylight side, then he should be allowed to stay there if those scary partners of Kashitaro are also allowed to." Senra argued.

"Well, that's just how the system is. Even if Eve-kun was offered, he wouldn't go back anyway." Mafumafu shrugged as Luz and Sakata looked confused.

"What are you guys talking about...? What about Eve-san?"

"You mean like that he wouldn't go back to daylight right? Cause he sees you as family?" Sakata asked trying to understand what Mafumafu was saying.

"No. Well... it's complicated." Mafumafu shook his head. "It's not only he sees us as family, it's other reasons too. Daylight wasn't pleasant."

"So Eve-san got kicked out of Daylight and hates it there?" Luz frowned a little. Sometimes, he wondered if Daylight was really as great as everyone made it out to be.

"People always say how great it is in the daylight side but just look at it. Shunning Eve for his 'crimes' but not other people. Leaving suspicious people there despite of what they're doing. Not really as pleasant as people make it seem." Senra said sighing.

"Twilight seems better, not going to lie." Mafumafu shrugged. "Well, it's more controlled here too because of more rules and restrictions."

"Hngh... Now I feel like moving but it wouldn't be that easy." the redhead said laughing. "Well, if it's bad then it's the police's duty to do their best and change our city for the better!"

"Good luck to you guys on that." Mafumafu chuckled. "If any act up, feel free to send them our way~" Disiplinary action was more heavy here after all.

"Got it!" Sakata hummed with a smile. "Ahh, I wanna get out of here... It's boring! My back hurts! And I wanna eat some karaage!" he complained.

"Soon, soon." Mafumafu assured with a smile.

"I hope... we can work together often." Luz smiled a little. "It would be nice if we could somehow fix the system together."

"Nice goal. Difficult to fulfill though. We will have to see how that goes after we get out of here." Senra told him.

"Mn!" Luz nodded. "Maybe... we can try to get the wrongfully accused back to daylight too... like Eve-kun. But only if they want to"

"Though daylight isn't that good now that we talked about it." Sakata said. "Honestly, the whole daylight and twilight side is annoying. Like why can't it just be one place if we are all the same kind of people anyway?" Senra asked.

"Law is law unless you want to be a lawyer and change it." Mafumafu shrugged. "That's what Daylight officials told us before when we started the police here."

"They sound mean." A frown from Luz. And they were mean to the police force too!

"Well just talking and complaining about it, won't change anything. All we can do is try and change it once we can actually do something about it." Senra said. "Unless one of you guys wants to study law in here until we get out."

Grimacing at the thought, Mafumafu shook his head. "Count me out."

"I'd do it!" Sakata exclaimed. "But I don't understand anything about law and stuff like that so me neither..."

"I would try if there were books." Luz offered awkwardly.

"I didn't actually mean it. And even if, law is something difficult, most people can't just study it on their own just like that." Senra reminded them.

"But it wouldn't hurt to try!" Luz puffed his cheeks a little.

"I mean... true. But to be honest, you seem like someone who wouldn't want or be able to argue with people who are very persistent even if you had the knowledge. That trait is nice but maybe not for the law..." the blond male said smiling slightly.

"Now that I think about it, you don't seem like someone who'd want to be a police officer. Why did you choose this career?"

"Ah? Well... I wanted to help." Luz smiled awkwardly. "I know I'm not suited and all... but if I can help people, I'm happy already."

"Nah it's good that you have a reason like that to be a police officer. I didn't mean to say you're not suited for it. Just that I would have thought you were a model or something like that when I first saw you." Senra told him.

"Eh?" Flushing red a little, Luz blinked before laughing softly. "I'm not a model. I'm just... normal."

A soft hum.

"What about Senra-san?"

"No real reason. I needed a job. They were in need of police officers so I thought that might have been the easiest to apply." the blond answered him.

"Is that so?" Luz tilted his head before laughing softly. "Many people in daylight want a job with the police... but for corrupt reasons so the selection is a bit... strict."

"Sounds way more different than here then. Isn't it all good then? It shows that you have what it takes to be a police officer." Senra said with a smile.

"Mn. Though sometimes I wonder how." Luz shook his head. "Nee Senra-san... do you ever regret taking up this job?"

"Do you?" Senra asked upon hearing the question from the light-haired male.

"No, not really." Lux shook his head. "I get to meet a lot of amazing people and help others... that makes me happy."

"Then that's all good then. You have a really great and pure reason to be a police officer. You should never change that aspect of yours." the older told him smiling.

"Mn." A warm smile. "But Senra-san never answered my question."

"...I also didn't regret it." Senra answered. "After all, i can't imagine doing another job besides being a police officer. And it's just really nice to be with everyone even if we all have our ups and downs."

"It is. I get what you mean." Luz laughed softly before he froze as he heard the door open.

"It feels like we can never really get some time alone without any of them barging in." Senra sighed as he looked at the door to see who it was this time.

Peeking in was the brunette with a grin look on his face. At first, a glance towards the sleeping two before he walked towards Senra, completely ignoring Luz.

"...Are you sure about the choice you made?" the brunette questioned.

"And what, by all means, are you talking about if I may ask? I'm sure about all the choices I make." the blond answered, narrowing his eyes.

"You and Maashi." Urata narrowed his eyes too, staring Senra down.

"What... are you guys talking about...?" Luz asked nervously, glancing to Senra mostly.

"Like I mentioned before, I am sure about all the choices I make." Senra repeated. "Don't worry about it, Luz."

"Eh...?' Even more confused but not saying anything, Luz shrunk back.

Sighing, Urata nodded and ruffled his hair. "The day before everything goes down... Maashi will take you. Prepare yourself."

"I will. You don't need to tell me." Senra assured him. He didn't know all the details but he knew that he wanted to be with Shima that's for sure.

Nodding and ignoring Luz, Urata turned to Sakata again before sighing.

"I knew it would be a hassle but this much...?" A mumble to himself before the brunette walked over to Sakata, gently poking his cheek. "Oi, wake up."

"No... just gimme ten more... hours..." the red-haired male mumbled as he shuffled closer to the albino next to him.

Shifting awake, Mafumafu blinked before glaring at Urata. "What do you want?' he hissed.

"Him." A shrug before he sighed. "I'm giving you five seconds to wake up before I carry you out."

"Huh? Mafudon, why are you moving so much, did you have a nightmare?" Sakata asked sleepily as he looked at the albino, then up to see what Mafumafu was glaring at only to startle when he saw that it was Urata.

"Urata-san?! Did you need something from us?"

"You." Urata sighed again before making good on his word, throwing Sakata across his shoulder before standing up.

"Oi! Let him go!"

"Ahh, not again, I think I will get motion sickness if this goes on..." Sakata whined as he felt his surroundings spinning from getting thrown over the other's shoulder.

"Deal with it." Urata shrugged, carrying the redhead to his room where a certain two males waited. "One Sakata express delivery."

"Huh? What?" Sakata asked confused before he widened his eyes upon seeing two familiar faces. "Eve? Sou-kun?!" Sakata exclaimed before rushing over to Sou, throwing himself at him as Sou gave him a hug.

"Wait... why are you two here though?!"

"I did my part of the deal, you do yours." Urata stared right at Eve, who sighed and nodded.

"Huh? What deal? What's going on?" Sakata asked utterly confused. "Well... I can't explain much either but to keep it short, I came here because I thought something bad happened to you and Eve-san followed me and here we are..." Sou explained.

"Either way, what's done is done." Eve assured as he stood up. "They still get time together right? Alone."

"Yes, yes. I'll be right outside." Urata waved him off.

Leaning down to Sou, Eve gently patted Sou as he whispered. "Search for the mask while you're here... keep it discreet."

Nodding, Sou then waited as he watched the two of them leave before turning to Sakata. "I'm so glad you're alright... I would love to explain more to you but please help me find Eve-san's mask first it's important. It's a white mask around this size." Sou explained as the redhead knew better than to waste time and searched for the said mask in the room.

After leaving the room and getting... 'prepped', Eve left to the police station, noticing Kuro and Neru in the living room and the other two nowhere to be seen.

Knocking on the window gently, Eve tried to signal for the both of them to come without a fuss.

Looking at the mushroom-haired male in shock, Kuro wanted to shout at him but knew it was better to keep quiet, nodding as she came closer, opening the window.

"What's this about?" Neru questioned, trying to not alert the two in the kitchen.

"I'm... working for them now." Eve said softly. "And apparently... I'm the errand boy."

While saying this, Eve silently handed the two a note.

'I've been bugged so they're listening to this conversation. Don't know where the others are yet... but give us two days... then come get us at this address.'

Reading the note, Neru pretended to be angry. "How dare you?! Going without me to see the ikemen!"

Maybe he wasn't joking about the anger.

"I never took you for someone to leave us behind." Kuro sighed pretending to be disappointed after reading the note. "Guess the power of love is really stronger than I thought." the blonde said.

Flushing slightly red, Eve shook his head. "Whatever. Anyway... Urata-san said that you guys better hurry up in finding us, or there will be consequences."

"As if there aren't enough bad things happening already..." Kuro muttered. "Alright, we got it you don't need to tell us for us to know."

"At least you get it." Eve sighed, pulling away. "Well... bye?"

Really, he didn't have a script to go on for this.

"Eve-kun...?" Hearing the mushroom haired male's voice, Amatsuki was confused as he walked out of the kitchen.

"And that's my cue to leave." Eve saluted, mouthing good luck before running off.


"Let him go." Kuro said as she blocked the window so Amatsuki wouldn't be able to follow after. "What's wrong? I heard you guys talking." Kashitaro asked as he walked in.

"But it's Eve-kun!" Amatsuki panicked, trying to at least see where the younger was going. "He hasn't replied us..."

"He did, we will explain just give us a minute till he is gone." Kuro said as the fox-masked male glanced behind her to see the mushroom-haired male disappearing. "Seeing how you're not storming after him, I assume he said something reassuring more or less? Was he being monitored?"

"He was." Neru nodded, pouting a little. Ikemen-san! "He gave us an address."

"Address...?" Taking the note Neru held out, Amatsuki read through it before he looked confused. "But when we went there..."

Was Shima lying that time?!

"Maybe he lied. But if Eve gave us that address then it should be alright. For now it's better to listen to his instructions and wait." Kashitaro told them. "So I know we are all worried but no rash acting and rushing over there, making things more difficult, alright?" the oldest male told them with a smile.

"No rushing over to scold them." he told looking at Kuro. "No worrying about it too much and risking your safety." he warned, patting Amatsuki's head. "And no rushing over there just to see a handsome guy you got interested in." Kashitaro finished giving Neru a warning smile. "Got it?"

"...Got it." Amatsuki sighed, nuzzling slightly into the hand.

"But... ikemen-san!" Neru let out a gasp of shock, his upsetness showing. If a description was in order... he would looked like 'D:'.

"Oh I'm sure we will see him in two days don't worry." Kashitaro assured him. "But if you're impatient I'm gonna cuff you next to me for the next two days and then lock you in a room on the day when we go so you'll stay here till we are done, okay?"

"Eh?!" Gasping in horror, Neru looked dejected, as if he had been shot, his expression now morphing into ';w;'. "Fineee! Only if you won't leave me here and see ikemen-san without me!"

"Good. Then let's just get enough rest until the day comes, alright?" the oldest told them as Kuro nodded. "If Eve seems to have a plan, it's better to listen to it after all." she agreed.

"Mn. Eve-kun's plans mostly don't go wrong..." Amatsuki nodded gently.

"Then we better trust him to save the others... and also meet ikemen-san!" Neru nodded his head triumphantly.

"You are really set on meeting that guy again. What if he has a girlfriend?" Kuro asked laughing. "If he really is such an ikemen then I'm sure he has one~"

"He doesn't! I can smell it!" Neru puffed his chest proudly.

"That's creepy-" Kuro commented. "Now now, Kuro, don't point it out." Kashitaro defended the brunet. "Just a... unique ability of his."

"If you mean creepy by unique then yes I completely agree with you." the blonde answered.

"I second Kuro-chan." Amatsuki laughed softly. "He's... creepily odd."

"Doesn't matter as long as ikemen-san accepts me~" Neru sighed like a teenage girl in love.

"Sorry to crush your dreams but I don't think he will." Kuro snickered. "But go ahead and try it, nothing to lose from trying~"

"He will definitely!" Neru pouted at Kuro before sighing. "I'll just go sleep the two days away~"

Anything to speed up time.

"Guess I will go wander around for those two days~ If you're bored from sleeping, we can go to bars together and find someone who has a higher chance of liking you." Kuro told him with a grin.

"No! Only that ikemen-san!" Neru huffed, running to the room so Kuro couldn't bully him more.

"He's... something." Amatsuki laughed weakly, though it was clear his voice still held worry.

"He sure is." Kashitaro agreed laughing lightly. "You should get some rest too. If you're not sleeping enough, you won't have enough energy to deal with everything in two days."

"I'll sleep later." Amatsuki waved his hand dismissively. "Kuro-chan, you should rest."

"Hm? Yeah yeah, I will don't worry. I'm getting enough rest most of the time unlike some people~" Kuro chirped before walking out. "If you guys need any company just hit me up." she told them before leaving as well.

Laughing nervously, Amatsuki turned to Kashitaro now. "Are you tired Kashitaro-san?"

"Not really. You're not going to sleep yet. Do you need some company or would you rather be alone right now?" Kashitaro asked.

"Company." Amatsuki smiled weakly before he leaned close and hugged Kashitaro tight. Recently, he had been a little more clingy to Kashitaro... especially after they got together.

"Understood. I will stay here then." Kashitaro said as he shifted the younger male slightly in the hug before lifting him up and walking over to the coach before settling down there for the time being.

Squealing as he was lifted, Amatsuki blinked before he cuddled close to Kashitaro. "Nee Kashitaro-san... everything will be okay right?"

"...Yeah. We will get them back no matter what." Kashitaro assured him as he intertwined their hands, squeezing the other's slightly.

Squeezing back, Amatsuki nodded gently. "...Then what?" A soft question. "You're... going back, aren't you?"

"I'm used to crossing sides, I will come visit you frequently, I promise." the older male reassured him, kissing Amatsuki's temple as he pulled the younger male closer.

Flushing red, Amatsuki smiled and nodded. "I can come visit you too!"

Or at least attempt to with his police privileges.

"You don't have to but if you do, I will look forward to it." the fox-masked male said smiling.

"I'll look forward to it too." Amatsuki smiled brightly before he leaned in and pressed a small kiss to Kashitaro's cheek. "Thank you... for everything."

"I should thank you. After all, you said you were going to stay by my side, didn't you?" Kashitaro reminded him softly. "Also you missed."

"And I will as long as you stay by mine too." Amatsuki giggled before he turned a bright red at Kashitaro's comment.

Bashfully, the younger brunette leaned close and pecked the older's lips, immediately burying his face away as steam poured out from his ears.

Seeing how the younger male was so embarrassed, Kashitaro laughed lightly as he merely buried his face in the other's shoulder. Amatsuki was noticeably different than his previous lovers it was adorable. "You're so shy than the people I've met, it's cute."

"Eh?" Still quite red and embarrassed, Amatsuki puffed his cheeks slightly. "Not cute... is it bad to be different...?"

"Of course not." Kashitaro assured him. "It's adorable."

"How is it adorable?!" More pouts. "...were the people before me mean?"

Staying silent for a while, Kashitaro thought about it before shaking his head. "They weren't mean or anything, they were just more direct with showing their love." Kashitaro explained, sparing no more thoughts to any more details about other people. "But isn't it cute how your expression changes because of me? You might feel embarrassed but you still went along with what I wanted despite that, how could you not be adorable?"

Still red, Amatsuki nodded in understanding. "Not cute or adorable... but I want to do my best to make Kashitaro-san happy."

"You already are right now by being with me." Kashitaro told him peppering him with soft kisses before pulling away. "So you're not allowed to leave me. Ok?"

"Okay." Amatsuki nodded gently, completely red with the soft kisses from Kashitaro as he snuggled into him, breathing in his scent to calm himsef.

"Feeling tired yet or not yet? We can stay up or head to bed whichever you prefer." the fox-masked male said as he played with Amatsuki's hair.

"A little tired." A soft yawn. "Is Kashitaro-san tired? I can stay up with you if you aren't."

"You should sleep when you're tired." the older male scolded lightly as he ruffled the brunet's hair. "I'll sleep after taking a shower." the fox-masked male assured him.

"Mn." A soft giggle as Amatsuki nuzzled into the hand. "Nee Kashitaro-san... can I ask you something?"

"Of course. I'll answer whatever you want to know if it's within my capabilities." Kashitaro answered with a smile.

"Is it alright... if I see you without your mask on?" The younger was curious why Kashitaro kept wearing his mask!

"...You can't." the older male answered. "What if you wouldn't like my face after seeing it, my heart couldn't bear it." Kashitaro quickly added afterwards laughing.

"I won't." Amatsuki shook his head before smiling weakly. "If it's scars... I'm terrified to show you my body."

Under his clothes were countless scars made by the experiments he was forced into... his skin completely mutilated.

Thinking about it for a while, Kashitaro then sighed before giving the other a quick peck on the cheek again. "Alright, I can show you if you really want to. It's nothing bad honestly, just some burn marks. But in return, don't hide your body alright? I want to see your scars even if you don't like them, I don't want you to be scared of showing me your body."

Closing his eyes, Amatsuki nodded cautiously. "Alright."

"It's ok, you don't have to show me now, I'm not going to rush you." Kashitaro assured him when he saw how the younger male closed his eyes. "Just someday in the future. We will stay together forever right? We have all the time we need."

"Mn." Opening his eyes again, Amatsuki nodded. "Kashitaro-san too. You don't have to show me immediately."

"Ahaha, it's alright, mine are way less hurting compared to yours. I have no real reason to hide them. I just wear my mask to not scare children when they see me." Kashitaro explained light-hearted.

"If Kashitaro-san says so." Amatsuki nodded gently with a weak smile.

"Alright then..." hesitating for a second, Kashitaro took off his mask before placing it on Amatsuki's face. "There we go. My mask also suits you if I may say so." he said laughing.

Surprised that the mask was suddenly placed on him, Amatsuki smiled a little as he touched the mask before he reached out to gently touch Kashitaro's face. "...Did it hurt...? Can I ask... what happened?"

Poor Kashitaro... the scars were hideous...

"It doesn't hurt anymore, don't worry." Kashitaro reassured him as he pulled Amatsuki's hands closer to his face to show him it didn't hurt. "Just some unfortunate incident lead to one of my past lover thinking I cheated on them so they did this so I couldn't find someone to cheat on anymore. But look at me, I have found someone so great even now so I don't consider myself unlucky or anything." Kashitaro assured him with a smile.

Puffing his cheeks, Amatsuki shook his head as he gently caressed the wound. "That's horrible of them... but I'm glad I could have met you."

No matter what happened to the older... What matters now was the present. Or so Eve says.

"It's not like it's completely their fault, I should have been more considerate of their situation." Kashitaro told him as he leaned closer to the touch.

"Kashitaro-san is too kind." If Amatsuki ever met this person... he would probably do what they did to Kashitaro... just worse.

"They just wanted to leave a mark, I can't blame them, I can relate." he said. "Though enough about me, I want to see your face again, the mask is in the way." Kashitaro complained as he took it back.

Giggling as Kashitaro took back the mask, Amatsuki smiled. "Kashitaro-san is cheesy."

"Oh am I?" the older male asked, happy that Amatsuki was able to laugh despite him just showing his face as he put his mask back on. "Well Sou-kun and everyone always tells me I'm a sap but don't we all just need to appreciate the good things in life? Like meeting you?"

"I guess." A soft smile and a nod. "Good things should always be appreciated."

"Exactly." Kashitaro hummed satisfied before letting out a sigh. "We should probably head to sleep soon, especially you since you always seem to lack sleep worrying about others." the older said before shifting slightly and standing up with Amatsuki in his arms before heading for the brunet's room. "Be proud of me, I think I got the hang of the layout of this house."

Squealing as he was lifted, Amatsuki clung to Kashitaro's neck in surprise.

"Good job..." Amatsuki laughed. "You did your best~"

"Yes, but when we live together, I hope for it to be a smaller house or an apartment so I won't get lost." the older brunet admitted laughing as he shifted slightly at the door before opening it and setting Amatsuki down on the bed.

"Ah?" Surprised by this, Amatsuki blinked before smiling brightly and nodded. "Then let's find a small house for the both of us! Though the dining area probably needs to be big since the rest would probably come to beg me for food."

A soft giggle and a smile before he shuffled and patted the bed, signalling for Kashitaro to lay down with him too.

"Will they even allow you to leave with how fond they are with your food? I have to earn their approval huh." Kashitaro joked before sitting down on the edge of the bed and patting Amatsuki's head.

"I'll sleep on the futon tonight, you need a good rest after all and two people on this bed might be less comfortable to sleep." he explained. "I'll stay until you fall asleep though."

"Do your best to win their approval." Amatsuki giggled, making himself comfortable. Mafumafu's would be the hardest approval probably...

"It's fine though..." Kashitaro's warmth was comforting! He didn't mind Kashitaro sleeping next to him...

"Once we live together, I will sleep next to you every night." the fox-masked male promised as he intertwined their hands again.

Flushing pink, Amatsuki nodded happily as he squeezed their hands, a soft yawn leaving him. "I look forward to it..."

Seeing how Amatsuki let out a yawn, Kashitaro chuckled as he hummed. "Me too. Now get some rest, you have to feel energized enough in the next few days after all."

"Mhm..." A tired nod as Amatsuki closed his eyes, falling asleep rather quickly.

Maybe he was more tired than he thought.

Waiting until he made sure that Amatsuki was asleep and didn't look like he felt uncomfortable, Kashitaro looked at his peaceful expression for a bit longer before letting go of the others hand and going to lie down on his futon.

Hesitating for a second, he then put the mask down before switching off the lights and lying down. Since Amatsuki already saw, he could sleep without it. "Good night, Amatsuki-kun." he mumbled before closing his eyes to also try and get some sleep.

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