Chapter 17: The race to the end

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This totally wasn't in draft since January- Don't mind me ;; Do people still read this man-

Mikoto's An: Been a really long time since we updated but I hope the people who still read this enjoy ^^

Running back towards the forbidden area, Eve let out a soft sigh of relief. So far... so good.

That is until he heard someone call out his name.

Pausing, Eve turned. Urata said to not be suspicious... so here he was.

"Ah. Colon-san." A small smile.

"Eve! Can you come here?" the blue-haired male asked waving the other over as he didn't want to walk. "I'm so glad to see you cause I still wanna give you something! Could you pass something from me to Mafu?"

"Ah?" Surprised, Eve walked over rather quickly. "I thought Mafu-san normally picked up from you. But sure, I'll pass it along."

"I would but I have to go somewhere and won't be back for a while! Also it's not for Mafu but his friend I think? He asked me to make one and said he'd come pick it up but because I am so nice I thought I'd give it to Mafu so he can also explain him how to use it!" w explained as he quickly pulled out a box handing it over to the mushroom-haired male.

"Ah." Taking the box, Eve nodded. "Thank you."

"It's nothing! Just tell them that the friend can pay Mafu and he can pay me when I come back! Anyways see ya, gotta go!" Colin exclaimed before he dashed off with the suitcase in his hand.

"Okay?" Eve laughed, watching Colon run to a pink-haired male waiting for him.

The usual Colon... letting the wind carry him.

Sighing, Eve stared a t the box. Should he really be giving this?

Sliding the box in the bag, Eve shook his head. He'll think about it later. For now, he'll just head back.

Once seeing how the mushroom-haired male was nearing the hideout again, Sou looked at Nqrse who was gushing to him about Luz, the pink-haired male also noticing how Eve had come back as he sighed.

"Alright alright, go greet him, at least you listened to me more than the others. I will talk to you later." Nqrse said as the younger nodded. "Thanks, I'll be back then, Nqrse-san." Sou said bowing quickly before rushing down to open the door for Eve.

Stepping into the house, Eve looked surprised as Sou opened the door before smiling warmly. "Tadaima. Did you wait long?"

"Welcome back." Sou greeted him as he returned the smile before closing the door after the older stepped inside. "I didn't wait for too long, Nqrse-san was talking to me and he is a pleasant company to be with if he wants to be."

"If he wants to be huh?" A soft laugh. "Do you know where... Soraru-san is?"

He assumed it was Soraru since Mafumafu had complained to him before that Soraru had stolen his knife.

"If it's Soraru-san... I think I saw him in his room before he left for a bit. I think he will be in the kitchen this evening to get dinner for everyone..." Sou answered.

"I see." Eve nodded gently. "Then I'll wait for a bit until he comes."

Walking over, Urata seemed interested in the box but said nothing as he removed the bug from Eve's pocket. "Thank you for your hard work~"

Not saying anything to Urata and merely bowing slightly as a greeting, Sou decided to not say anything else to the brunet since the older was talking to Eve. "Should I wait with you or do you want to wait by yourself?" he asked Eve.

"Would you like to wait with me?" Ignoring Urata now, Eve took Sou's hand. "Unless you're tired."

"I'm not, it's not that late after all." the younger male assured him.

"Then shall we...?" Eve hummed, leading Sou to the empty couch to sit together.

"Alright. See you then, Urata-san." Sou nodded as he quickly bowed at Urata once again to not be impolite before following Eve to the couch.

Surprised but not saying a word, Urata left to his room to clean up.

Making sure Urata left, Eve sighed softly. "Did you find it?"

"I did find it... But I'm scared they'll find out though that I did, I also made Sakata search for it..." Sou answered quietly.

"It's fine." Eve shook his head, opening his bag. "Slip it in. We're going to get out of here in two days."

Quickly lifting his shirt and pulling the mask out, Sou slipped it in the said bag before zipping up his jacket again. "How are we going to get the others out? And why in two days?"

"I asked them to come in two days. In the two days, we'll have to locate where they are, get them ready to escape." Eve explained softly. "You'll lead them to sneak out while the rest distract. Sound good?"

"...Alright. I'll do my best." Sou nodded. "Sakata told me that they were being kept in a basement though so I think it shouldn't be too difficult to know where they're kept."

"That makes it easier." Eve nodded. "We can look for a basement later."

"But most of the doors are locked. Sakata also told me how each of the shadow hunters seem to have keys. Since all of them come in and out with unlocking the door every time." Sou informed the older.

"That's why we have lockpicks." Pulling out a small tool from his bag, Eve showed it off. "I came prepared."

"Ohh... I will leave that to you then, I can't do that unfortunately I'm sorry." the younger apologized.

"It's okay. I'll set the settings after we find which door... then all you need to do is slide it in and turn it." Eve assured.

"Alright, thanks, Eve-san. So everything is being planned out I see. If all goes well, we can finally go back to our usual lives in two days." the grey-haired male sighed.

"Mhm." Slipping the lockpick back into his bag, Eve sighed. "How is Sakata-san?"

"He is doing alright. I thought they'd treat him unwell from the audio I've heard but I assume I got tricked seeing how he told me that Senra and Luz seemed to get along well with the shadow hunters and how they got blankets and pillows to feel more comfortable..." Sou answered.

"Surprisingly, they can be nice." Eve raised an eyebrow. "But I'm glad..."

"Me too... As long as they're alright and not hurt, it's all good. Though I wonder if they're not even too close." Sou frowned. "Do you remember when we accidentally met Senra-san with Shima-san? They seemed so close, what if they refuse to let the shadow hunters get caught?"

"... Senra-san wouldn't." Senra just wasn't the person to interfere with work... right?

"Well if you think so that's alright. I am more to be glad if I'm wrong. Just... I am just overthinking it." Sou waved it off. "For now, let's go with your plan and escape with everyone. Once that's done... we can live peacefully again more or less."

"You're not overthinking." Eve assured, now himself worried. Everything would be okay right...?

"Anyway, let's talk about something else."

"Sure. What's the box you're holding?" Sou asked as he pointed at the said thing which Eve was holding. "Is this something that you have to give to Soraru-san?"

"...yes. It's... well, it's a knife, I think." Eve frowned a little. "It was made custom order I believe."

"Huh... I see?" Sou mumbled as he looked at the box. "I'm surprised he would let you get his order though."

"He didn't." Eve shook his head. "The person who worked on this is Twilight police's close friend. He makes weapons for us."

"Ah, I see. It must be really convenient getting custom weapons. Sounds nice." Sou hummed.

"Well, we were built from nothing... so we had to source our weapons somehow. All the weapons you saw... our friend helped us out in most, if not all of it." Eve explained. "He's really nice."

"It's great that you were able to get some weapons made by him then. He does sound nice to make so many." the younger agreed.

"With a price of course." Eve shook his head. "Everything comes with a price."

"Well, I wouldn't be able to accept so many weapons for free. They look high quality as well." Sou replied. "Nothing is for free after all."

"Mhm." Eve nodded before hearing the lock click. "Is that Soraru-san?"


Turning around, Sou saw how the door opening and indeed it was the raven-haired male who stepped inside, muttering some complains before noticing the younger two.

"Eve... and Sou... right? Need anything from me?" he asked upon seeing how their gazes stayed on him.

"Colon-san passed me your custom weapon... he said to pay Mafu-san and Mafu-san will pay him later." Eve explained. "And Colon-san said you should ask Mafu-san how to use it properly."


Looking at the box, Soraru stayed silent for a few seconds before nodding as he took it. "Alright thanks. I will go ask Mafumafu about it then." Soraru said before walking away.

"You're welcome." Eve looked concerned before deciding to brush it off. "I wonder what type of weapon Colon-san made for him..."

"Maybe a knife. Since Mafumafu-san also had one but Soraru-san took it. And the box seems small. But I don't know much about weapons." Sou answered as he watched how the raven-haired male left.

"Most likely a knife." Eve nodded. "Anyway, shall we begin our search?"

"Rather than search, isn't Soraru-san most likely going to head to the basement to see Mafumafu-san today? Should we just follow him?" the younger male asked.

"...true." Eve nodded and stood up. "Let's go... then I'll figure out the settings for the lockpick later."

"Alright." Sou hummed before standing up as well, quietly walking to the direction where Soraru had left before spotting him a bit further away down the hallway.

Following after for a bit down a few halls, Eve saw Soraru take out a key before heading down. "I guess... it's there?"

"That was pretty easy. He is more careless than I thought." Sou said quietly, not wanting to accidentally get the attention of the raven-haired male.

"Or he doesn't expect...?" Eve shrugged before taking Sou's hand and led them away before they got caught

Following the mushroom-haired male, Sou looked behind one last time as Soraru disappeared behind the door before fastening his steps to match Eve's footsteps. "So what is the plan now? Are we going to sneak in and get them out once they're asleep?"

"I'll check in tonight... make sure they're okay and everything before sending the other side a text. Then we'll get out tomorrow as a precaution." Eve explained quietly. "From what I know, the four don't really sleep... so we need to be careful."

"Alright... Be careful though, I don't want you to get caught I wouldn't know what to do if you're going to get locked inside the basement as well." Sou told him before quickly opening the door to their room and heading inside.

"I will do my best." Eve smiled warmly before he gently took Sou's hand and pressed a kiss to it. "I'll come back to you."

"Y-yes, be safe." Sou stuttered out, slightly surprised by how casually Eve just did that.

"I will... so you stay here and be safe too, okay?" A gentle smile.

"I will. There can't be anything dangerous happening to me in this room after all so don't worry about me." Sou replied laughing lightly.

"I know... but just in case they come ask you where I am, just say I'm out for a stroll, okay?" Really, Eve was worried for Sou...

"I will. It's ok, I will be able to handle myself if it's just for a few minutes." Sou assured him.

"It might take at least 15 minutes, I'm just worried for you." Eve admitted softly. "I don't want to lose someone important... especially not someone I love."

Squeezing the hand he was holding, Eve smiled weakly.

"G-geez, you're worrying too much, Eve-san. It's just fifteen minutes, I can wait for that long and such." Sou reassured him, squeezing the other's hand back in response. "Of course I know you can't do it too fast, just take your time and make sure to not get caught."

"I will." An awkeard smile before he intertwined their fingers. "Is this... too much?"

Blinking a few times at the question, Sou then laughed as he shook his head and swung their hands back and forth lightly. "It's just holding hands, Eve-san, I don't mind."

Chuckling softly, Eve took a seat next to Sou. "Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me for letting you hold my hand." Sou said laughing in amusement. "It's reassuring to hold hands! It lets you know that you're not alone." he told the older as he closed his eyes.

"Mhm. And the warmth is rather comforting too." Eve nodded gently. "It's nice."

"It really is. We are connected nowww" Sou chirped happily as he swung their intertwined hands back and forth again.

"We are." Eve laughed softly, enjoying how cute the younger was.

"It's nice holding hands like this because we like each other and not another reason." Sou commented. "There was one time where everyone from the daylight police took turns holding Kashitaro-san's hand in order for him to not get lost."

"You mentioned." Eve laughed. "But... I feel like it could be nice too. Like, it's a way of caring."

"I can take care of you too if you want, Eve-san." Sou offered laughing. "I'll learn to make lots of delicious food and make sure you get enough sleep so you won't die before me from overwork."

Laughing nervously, Eve smiled sheepishly. "I promise I'll try?"

"You better, you're going to stay with me until we are getting old after all, aren't you?" Sou reminded him pouting slightly.

"I am, I am." Eve laughed, using his free hand to pat.

"That's good. Cause it's not just me who's worried but the others would be too." Sou told him, happy with the response he got.

"Mn." A warm smile.

Returning the smile, Sou leaned back on his chair as he closed his eyes, just swinging their hands lightly. It was just a short moment but it felt peaceful as if the whole game wasn't happening at the moment.

How Eve hoped this peaceful moment would last after this game ended...

"This is really nice, I hope we can relax like this a lot after everything is done." Sou mumbled. He didn't know if it would be easy seeing each other because they weren't living on the same side but it had to work out somehow hopefully.

"I'll come visit you if I can get permission." Eve offered a smile. "I hope we can still meet each other lots..."

"I hope so too." Sou replied humming happily after hearing how Eve felt the same as him.

"Let's rest a bit before night time shall we?" A soft yawn before Eve flopped onto the bed, still holding Sou's hand as he pulled him over.

"Hm? Alright then." Sou agreed after thinking for a few seconds about it. It was better to agree since Eve needed all the could get. So Sou lied down next to the older after taking off his shoes.

Hugging Sou close, Eve pressed a kiss to his forehead before closing his eyes.

Hugging the older back, Sou shifted slightly to make himself comfortable before he closed his eyes as well, trying to get some rest.


Opening his eyes as he heard the door opening, Mafumafu stared blankly as he watched Soraru descend the staircase.

"Hey, just wanted to say thanks for your help I got the knife. Apparently, he is not at home though so I was gonna pay you so you can give him the money." Soraru informed the albino as he walked towards the younger.

"I see." Mafumafu nodded. "Pay me when you return my knife."

"Alright, will do. If you guys manage to get out of here then." Soraru hummed before he opened the box. "By the way, how do I open this knife? It looks like a pocket knife but fancier. Do I just swing it around until the blade comes out?" Soraru asked as he swung the knife around, making sure to stay far enough from the albino so the blade wouldn't hurt the younger in case it came out.

"You wish." Mafumafu shook his head before his hands out. "Give me. I promise I won't stab you for now."

"The blood would be a real pain to get out of my clothes so thanks, I'd appreciate it if you won't stab me." Soraru said before handing the knife over.

"Really, you're just worried about the bloodstains?" Mafumafu looked rather amused before showing it off awkwardly with his tied hands. See this groove here?"

Sinking his nail into the groove, Mafumafu tugged at it before the blade snapped out. "There. As to putting it back, you need to push."

"My body can recover, the stains on my shirt are more difficult to remove and I don't want it to rip and sew it." Soraru explained before humming as he listened to Mafumafu's explanation. "Hm, I see. Thanks."

"It's easy, just throw it to Ama-chan." A shrug before Mafumafu looked closely at it. "Seems like Colon-kun added something..."

"Doubt your friend would help me fix my shirt." the older replied amused. "What did he add though?"

Pointing the blade downwards, Mafumafu sunk his nail into one of the hidden grooves. And with that, the blade shot out.

"Shooting blade huh?"

" But how would I get that back inside now?" Soraru asked as he picked up the blade and tried to put it back inside, pressing lightly to make sure to not accidentally break the blade.

Taking the blade instead, Mafumafu shoved the blade in. "Don't worry, the blade may look thin, but it's very durable unless you really wreck it. Even if you did, you can must order a new blade... no need for the handle."

"Well I won't wreck it then, wouldn't want to spend any unnecessary money." Soraru said before closing the knife and putting it into his pockets. "Well, thanks for the explanation."

"No problem." Mafumafu shook his head. "...Take care of it."

"I will." Soraru promised before standing up properly and stretching slightly. "Well, I will be going then unless any of you guys need anything? As I said, I can't give you just anything but if it's something reasonable, I can see if I can get something to help you pass time since you helped me out here."

"I'm fine." Mafumafu merely answered flatly.

"Alright. Then I will be going now." Soraru said before exiting the basement and locking the door behind him.

Letting out a relieved sigh, Mafumafu untangled the rope tying him. When he released the blade, he managed to fray the rope so it was easy to snap and get it broken.

"Mafudon? What are you doing?" the redhead beside him asked as he watched the albino next to him try to get the rope off.

"Gimme a minute..." The albino mumbled, focused on his task before he managed to snap the rope, freeing himself. "There we go."

"Are you going to try and get out? Sou and Eve-san were going to come for us soon so I think we just have to wait for a bit." Sakata said as he looked at the rope falling onto the ground.

"I am going to wait, but I'm at least going to make their job easier by loosening everyone's bindings in a way they won't find out." Mafumafu explained, untangling the rope around his legs.

"Ohhh that's smart! Can you try to untie mine too then? My hands are starting to feel numb from the ropes!" Sakata whined.

"Yup." getting his legs loose, Mafumafu moved over to help untie Sakata's hands. "Can you work on your legs? I'll retie it later."

"Ok, will do!" Sakata exclaimed shaking his hands a bit when they were finally free before trying to untie his legs until he heard some laughter, looking up to see that Senra was laughing hardly.

"To think that that guy didn't even suspect you and handed you the knife just like that. I had a hard time not to laugh out loud with him being there." Senra said.

"I'm surprised you didn't laugh to be honest." Mafumafu mused before shaking his head, walking over to help Senra untie his hands.

"But he was watching you so closely..." Luz looked so confused at how the albino did it.

"Well, let's just be happy that he didn't notice somehow! Maybe his eyesight got bad since it comes with age that they eyesight is getting worse." Sakata answered as he kept working on the knot.

"Maybe he's just unobservant." Mafumafu commented before going to help Luz untie his hands now, letting Senra untie his own legs.

"He did look less motivated and more absent compared to the others." Senra agreed as he worked on his legs. "So when do you guys think Eve and Sou will come?"

"Tonight? Soon?" Mafumafu shrugged. "We really can't tell the time, but Eve-kun would probably take the risk at night."

"I'm a bit scared but I'm happy that we can finally get out of here! Do you guys think Neru-san, Kashitaro-san and the others know that we are most likely going to escape soon?" Sakata asked.

"Not sure... but knowing Eve-kun he would have his ways." Mafumafu shrugged.

"Thank god..." Kashitaro didn't have to worry anymore!

"That's reassuring! So now, all we have to do is wait and hope nothing escalates in that time..." Sakata sighed.

"Mhm." Mafumafu nodded, helping Luz with his legs before noticing how worried Senra looked. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing... just worried about getting caught like Sakata." Senra answered as he stood up and stretched slightly.

"... I've known you for years Senra-san, you're lying." Mafumafu frowned. "But if you won't tell me... I won't pry."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to lie. I am scared like Sakata too and I really want to escape as well but... I recently found out my childhood friend is one of the shadow hunters and that just made some things complicated." Senra confessed laughing sheepishly.

"I won't hinder anyone from us catching the shadow hunters and escaping of course. But when Eve comes for us, I will go see him just one more time so you guys go ahead when Eve comes."

"...Okay." Mafumafu nodded, rather silent before sighing. "Do what you won't regret."

That's all the advice he had. Eve said it before and it made Eve look smart so he thought he would try it out!

"I will, thanks, Mafu." Senra smiled before sighing. "Well, I guess we can say goodbye to the belongings we have though if we escape. But oh well, not like we can't buy new phones and such."

"True." Mafumafu shrugged before he stretched.

"Ahh, I can't wait to get some fresh air again and eat some food which we can actually choose! And sleep in a comfy bed..." the redhead sighed.

"Soon..." Luz nodded with a smile.

"Let's take a break before we retie the rope okay?" Mafumafu hummed, returning to Sakata's side... only to pinch Sakata's cheek.

"That's the first thing you do once you're free?!" Sakata squeaked surprised as he pulled the albino's hand away from his face. "I already have sore hands and feet, I don't need my face to hurt too!"

"But you promiseddd!" Mafumafu whined. "And I deserve rewards for being so smart~"

"Ehhh, did I?" Sakata asked as he let the albino get closer again before nodding. "Alrighttt, just because you did so well helping us all!"

"Yay!" Mafumafu giggled happily, continuing to play with Sakata's chubby cheeks.

"You really like doing that huh? maybe I should drag you out more often in exchange for now." the redhead mumbled.

"Eh?!" Mafumafu's eyes widened. "Mou! Don't drag me out!"

"But Mafudon! We once said that I'd let you do it in exchange for going out more often. It's healthier for you as well!" Sakata reminded him.

"B-But..." Mafumafu sulked a little. "No more than once a week!"

"Well, we can start with that." Sakata accepted with a smile before letting the other continue. If he got used to Mafumafu pinching his cheeks, he wouldn't mind that much anymore.

"Okay." Mafumafu nodded, continuing to play with Sakata's cheeks happily.

"Mafumafu-san seems to really like Sakata-san huh?" Luz giggled softly.

"He really does, they have been attached since the very first day." Senra replied as he watched them fondly. "Well, it's great to see them get along like that. With Sakata, Mafu might finally graduate from being a shut in."

"Finally huh?" Luz laughed softly. "Nee Senra-san... you're not coming with us, are you?"

Luz had that uneasy feeling...

"Why would you think so?" the blond asked with a smile as he watched the other two messing around, not paying attention to them.

"Just what you said before and just a feeling." Luz smiled sheepishly. "I trust my gut a lot and most of the times it's true so..."

"You're really sharper than you look. It's a compliment." Senra added at the end. "Well, i don't know if Mafu noticed but well, I won't get to say goodbye to Amatsuki and Kuro so just wish them to stay well from me, will you?"

Smiling proudly a little for getting it right before it turned to a frown, Luz nodded gently. "I will... Thank you for taking care of us. Maybe one day we can see each other again?"

"I'm sure we will see each other again someday. The world is small and nowadays it's easy to contact each other somehow." Senra told him.

"Mhm. But we're probably heading back to daylight so unless you're dropping by there... I don't think I'll see you." Luz smiled weakly. "And if this goes well, those... three will be captured."

"Well, I won't belong to either sides anymore once we escape. And we will have to see if he even wants to leave his friends behind. Maashi that is." Senra sighed. "You sound really sad, just be happy that we can finally get out of here soon." the blond said as he patted the other's back.

"Mhm." Though he was worried... "I hope you guys can live happily!"

"Well things will work out somehow in life. What about you? Anything you want to do once we get out of here?" the blond asked.

"...I want to perform with Nqrse-san." Luz admitted. "But if he gets caught now... that'll be a big issue."

"Oh? If you want to perform with him that much, why not just try and escape with him as well? I mean, I don't know if the others will be happy with that but I don't think they'll be happy that I'm escaping with Maashi either once they find out." Senra pointed out.

"True... but Nqrse-san himself said it would be too much, so he's giving you the chance to escape." Luz shook his head. "Besides, even if we do win this game... Nqrse-san promised to do one thing for me and vice versa."

"So you guys made a bet? Didn't take you for the gambling type." the blond chuckled.

"I'm not." Luz admitted bluntly. "But it was the only way I could think of then!"

"Well, looks like you are about to win this bet then. What are you going to ask him to do?" Senra asked.

"To run away and perform with me." Luz answered honestly with a smile. "I don't think police work suits me a lot anyway..."

"Well, I hope it all works out then. You're still young so a change of jobs isn't bad or anything." Senra said.

Giggling softly, Luz smiled softly. "Mn. Thank you Senra-san."

"It's nothing. I wonder what time it is... Eve will probably come at night but we don't even know what time it is at the moment." the older male said sighing.

"Yeah, we should probably get tied again just in case one of the others comes down instead." Luz sighed, massaging his wrists.

"You're right." Senra hummed as he sat back down and tied his legs before wrapping the rope around his arms and putting them behind his back so it would look like before.

Noticing this before walking over, Mafumafu helped to make the ropes look tight even though they were loose for the two before helping Sakata. "Don't yank too hard, it'll come loose almost immediately."

"Got it! I will sit still like a tree on the ground!" Sakata assured him as he didn't move anymore.

"You don't have to be so stiff." Mafumafu giggled, doing the same for his legs before awkwardly trying to tie his own hands and gave up, covering his hands with the blanket.

"I don't want the ropes to look loose though!" the redhead said. "Ahh... I just hope Eve-kun will come soon with Sou-kun..."

"Who knows if he will... it's a little dangerous to sneak around." Mafumafu shrugged. "But I think Eve-kun will make sure Sou-kun is safe before leaving him. That's just how Eve-kun is."

"He better made sure! Sou-kun is like my brother after all! I will save him if something happens!" Sakata exclaimed proudly.

"Sakatan is so worried, it's kinda cute." Mafumafu laughed before resting his head against Sakata. "Let's just wait and see."

Surely night wasn't too far...?

"Waiting for too long makes me nervous... Do you think, I can sleep a bit and you wake me up when Eve-kun comes for us?" Sakata asked as he put his head on the albino's shoulder.

"Mn. Go rest." Mafumafu assured. "Rest well."

"Thanks. Then see you in a bittt..." Sakata slurred before immediately falling asleep. "That... was fast." Senra commented amused as he watched the younger male sleeping.

"It's the normal Sakata-san." Luz chuckled, watching the scene. "Anyway, we can rest for now until Eve-san comes..."

"I don't think I will be able to sleep so I will just wait until Eve comes but go ahead and rest a bit, Luz." Senra told him.

"Thank you." The male smiled and nodded, resting his head against Senra.

"I'll stay awake for a bit too." Mafumafu hummed, watching Senra for a bit before turning away.

"Sleep well." Senra mumbled before deciding to stay quiet so the two could sleep, waiting for the night to come and Eve to arrive.

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