Chapter 5: Hunting

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MaiMia's AN: This chapter was... w I wheezed too much while writing with Miko. It was fun though ww Enjoy reading~!

Mikoto's A/N: This chapter was also really fun to write with Mai-san! And it's getting more fun soon cause... ships! ww Anyways, hope you guys enjoy!

7 am.

That was the time Kashitaro always woke up.

It wasn't on purpose but he just always woke up automatically at that time. And slowly it became a routine for him to wake up at this time.

Today was no different as well as the brunet woke up, sitting up while adjusting his mask.

"Time to work hard today as well," Kashitaro told himself quietly before he stood up, heading to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Curled into a ball onto his bed, this was one of the rare days Amatsuki slept in. Perhaps it was because of his mental exhaustion...

A soft whimper left his lips as he hugged himself tighter, he was stuck in a nightmare of his past.

"You're our tool to use now."

The fox-masked male soon returned out of the bathroom again, only for him to notice the younger male shivering and hugging himself.

Wondering if the younger male was alright, the older went closer. "Amatsuki-kun? Are you alright?" Kashitaro asked only for him to get no response.

Upon noticing that, he went closer to see the younger brunet whimpering quietly, Kashitaro looking at him confused.

"A nightmare...?"

Upon realizing that, the older male decided to gently shake the other by his shoulders, hoping for Amatsuki to wake up.

Another soft whimper escaped him before the brunette's eyes shot open and he sat up, still trembling.

"Kashitaro-san...?" This was reality now... not whatever that was.

God he felt so shaken up...

Hugging his knees tightly, Amatsuki tried to take deep breaths to calm himself.

Just a dream.

"Are you alright? That seemed like a really bad nightmare that you just had," Kashitaro said with a small frown as he gently rubbed the back of the younger male, hoping the other would calm down soon.

"I'm fine," Amatsuki said as he brushed away the older's hand. "It's just a nightmare."

Clearly not a normal one with how mentally exhausted he looked.

"I should go get ready."

"Alright if you say so then," Kashitaro said as he pulled away, deciding that the younger male needed some space.

For now, Kashitaro decided that he shouldn't ask any further. After all, it wasn't his business anyway.

Though before Kashitaro could fully pull away, Amatsuki rugged at his sleeve, looking away.

"This might sound weird... but can I get... a hug...?" Embarrassing! "You know what? Nevermind."

Letting go of the older's sleeve, Amatauki slid off the bed.

Before the younger male could leave though, the fox-masked male had already pulled him back, wrapping his arms around the brunet.

"I don't know what you dreamed of but no need to be embarrassed to ask for a hug. I did say that you could tell me what I could do to help after all," Kashitaro reminded him.

Cheeks reddening as he was pulled into a hug, Amatsuki froze before he leaned into it, closing his eyes. Despite his rather psychopathic nature... he liked hugs. They comforted him greatly.

"Thank you," Amatsuki mumbled softly. Kashitaro was really a nice person.

"You're welcome. Again, if I can help you somehow, just tell me," Kashitaro told him as he stayed like that for a few minutes longer before letting go.

"Well, you should probably get ready then. We shouldn't keep the others waiting."

"Not like a lot of them would be awake anyway," Amatsuki said with a soft chuckle and nodded, feeling much better already.

Quickly going through his daily routine, the pair stepped out of the room and to the common area.

"Ah, good morning!" Eve greeted with a smile.

"Good Morning," Kashitaro greeted as well, returning the smile as he looked around, not seeing many people besides them here. They were really all asleep at this point.

Though it wasn't surprising and Kashitaro didn't comment on it either. "Did you sleep well, Eve?"

"As well as I could in this situation I guess," Eve said sheepishly as he scratched his cheek.

"That normally means you didn't sleep enough again," Amatsuki said as he crossed his arms. "What time?"

"Uh..." Eve averted his gaze, trying to avoid the topic.

"You should try to sleep enough, Eve. If possible that is. Your mind works better if you slept enough rather than not," Kashitaro told him with a smile.

"I will... one day," Eve said with a sheepish smile, earning a flick to the forehead by the red-eyed brunette. "Go back to sleep now or I'll lock you in your room for the next 24 hours."


"You should listen to him. Because it would be a real shame if you couldn't work for 24 hours, right?" the older male said.

"If I say I'll sleep more tonight...?" the mushroom-haired male tried to reason.

"9 hours?"


"No lesser," Amatsuki said firmly, crossing his arms. "Or I will really lock you in your room."


"Seems like Eve really likes to work hard, I see. It's good that you have people who take care of you though," Kashitaro said smiling as he watched the conversation between Eve and Amatsuki.

"He overworks too much!" Amatsuki puffed his cheeks as Eve smiled sheepishly.

"Well, I'm glad Amatsuki-san joined us. It's nice to have someone to care for us. Without Amatsuki-san... we probably will die from Mafumafu-san's cooking."

"My cooking's not that great... but I agreed about the killing part," Amatsuki said with a small chuckle.

"Mafumafu-kun's cooking must be really... unique considering that he likes those chili pastries," the fox-masked male said as he remembered the day prior where the albino had eaten the spicy pastries, making Neru eat them as well.

"Unique... is one way to put it I guess," Eve said with a nervous laugh. "I've been lucky enough to avoid it..."

"And if he forces me I won't cook him what he likes so," Amatsuki shrugged; "He forces the other two to eat it."

"Kuro and Senra? I am sure they had to deal with quite... something. Though in return, Mafumafu-kun probably has to deal with their teasing or something of the sort," the oldest male said laughing as he followed the other two into the dining hall.

"I guess? But it's not easy to tease him..." the mushroom-haired male said.

"One day we'll find a weakness and use it on him," Amatsuki said with a hum. "Revenge~"

"I would rather not though," Eve said with a small chuckle.

"Well, you guys seem like a lively family, don't you?" Kashitaro said laughing lightly before they stepped into the dining hall.

It was about fifteen minutes after they did when the door opened and two people stepped inside, a female blonde talking lively with the father shy blond who only nodded to what she said.

"You gotta do that someday, okay, Sou-chan?"

"Y-yes... I-I will, Kuro-san..." "

Aw no need for formalities, I feel old now!" Kuro said as she feigned hurt.

"I-I'm sorry... Kuro... san..." Sou apologized though he didn't manage to leave the formalities away. "Awww, whyyy—"

"Ah, Good morning, Kashi-san! And Amatsuki-san... a-and Eve-san..." Sou greeted them as he bowed before quickly walking to the fox-masked male.

"Morning~" Kuro greeted them with a grin.

"Good morning," Eve said with a warm smile as he sat down on one of the chairs.

"Morning~" the red-eyed brunette hummed. "So what were you talking about? What must Sou-kun do one day~?"

"He totally has to eat that one bubble tea pizza in combination with bubble tea itself! I swear this boy needs that pizza in his life!" Kuro answered with a grin.

"That and he has to try some more things like playing knife dart~ That and other things but yeah~"

"Maybe the knife dart part~ You can even try now if you want Sou-kun!" Amatsuki hummed as he gestured to the dartboard littered with knife marks.

"How about we don't let him play that...?" Eve suggested with a rather concerned look. "It's rather... dangerous."

"No no no, Tsuki-chan is right~ Let's let him play~" Kuro chirped as the fox-masked male frowned slightly.

"I don't... think it's a good idea to let Sou play it," Kashitaro said with a sheepish smile.

"It won't be dangerous unless he throws it at someone~ And as long as we all stay clear of the area around the board, it'll be fine~" Amatsuki said with a grin.

"Why not we ask Sou-kun for his opinion...?" Eve asked, hoping the male himself will say no.

"I-I mean if you want me to, I-I can try..." Sou said as he fiddled with his fingers. Sure, the idea sounded horrendous to him and he was nervous.

But he had always been someone who wanted to please people so if Kuro or Amatsuki would prefer him to do this, he would.

Seeing how nervous Sou was, Eve sighed and stepped in front of Sou. "How about we don't force him? He looks like he doesn't want it."

"Well I really don't mind if he tries it or not, it's dangerous... but that's why we live on the edge all the time no~?" Amatsuki hummed.

Seeing how the mushroom-haired male had suddenly stepped in front of him and spoke his thoughts for him instead, Sou looked at the older male, thinking that he indeed was kind.

No wonder that even Neru managed to get along with him.

"Aw, so he's not going to do it~?" Kuro asked pouting. "Well alright~ But Sou-chan if you ever change your mind, I am always open to play with you~" the blonde female assured him.

"I would rather he, or any of them from Daylight put their lives at risk please," Eve pleaded with a small concerned smile. "We did promise them no harm will come to them."

"I won't force, don't worry~" Amatsuki hummed before glancing at the clock as Luz and Neru walked in. "Ah, I should start on breakfast! I'll see you guys later~"

"Good morning," Luz greeted politely with a nervous smile.

"Good Morning~" Kuro chirped as she watched them walk inside, Senra soon coming afterwards.

It was around twenty minutes later when Sakata also entered with a tired Mafumafu behind him.

"Do I really have to be up this early?" the albino immediately complained with a pout.

"Good morning to you too," Eve said politely with a smile.

"Good Morning!" Sakata greeted him with a smile before turning to answer the other male. "Yes! Everyone is also awake so we gotta work hard as well!" the redhead exclaimed.

"But they can work hard on their own...!" Mafumafu whined as he slumped onto Sakata, letting the younger carry his weight.

"No it doesn't work that way! You have to work hard too, Mafudon!" Sakata reminded him though he supported the other male as best as he could, dragging him over to a chair so the albino would let go of him.

Slumping down in his seat, Mafumafu huffed with a out.

"Well... what would be doing today...?" Luz asked softly, still a little nervous around these people.

"Making plans. We need a way to counter them and catch them in their game," Eve said with a small shrug as he sat back down in his seat.

"Plans? Do we have ideas on what to do already?" Sakata asked as he sat down next to Mafumafu, watching how everyone else slowly sat down as well.

"Not yet.... but I was hoping you guys could help us dig for more information about them," Eve said with a rather sheepish smile.

"To use against them, right?" Mafumafu hummed out sleepily as he rested his head on his hand.

"I wouldn't put it in such a... heavy word but yes." Eve nodded. "We need an upper hand to make our lives easier."

"Hm... information about them... All we know is their appearance and name currently, right? And the fact that they showed themselves so easily, must mean that they are quite relaxed with this situation here. They did call this a game after all," Kashitaro said.

"Unfortunately," Neru said with a rather dramatic sigh. "I'm assuming you want the information on where they live then?"

"It would be easier if we knew."

"How so...?" Luz asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"Easier to run background checks... and easier to know where they would hide."

"Sorry, I have like no idea on things like these but I will do what you tell me to do in order to help!" Sakata told them with a smile. "And Mafudon will help as much as he can as well with whatever so let do our bests! After food!"

"Eh? Why me?" Mafumafu immediately began whining.

"We'll need everyone's help if possible," Eve said with a small smile.

"I'll try my best then!" Luz said with a firm nod.

"M-me too..." Sou agreed as Kashitaro nodded with a smile. "Let's all do our best then," he said.

"After breakfast!" Sakata shouted as the older male chuckled before nodding once again. "Yes. After breakfast."

"Then, I'm just in time?" Amatsuki said with a small chuckle as he brought out plates stacked high with waffles.

"Thank you for the food again Amatsuki-san," Luz said with a smile as the rest too thanked the brunette.

"Waffles! Yaaaaaaaay!" the redhead cheered as he saw the fresh waffles being placed on the table, taking some waffles onto his plate before he started digging in. "Ittadakimasu!"

After he exclaimed that, the others repeated the same thing before they started eating as well, having a light conversation as they did so.

Soon, they finished their meals, leaving Amatsuki and Kashitaro to clean up once more while the rest were in the living room crowding around the large coffee table.

"So... Where do we start?" Luz asked as he made himself comfortable.

"M-maybe by describing the appearance of the other members that we saw so the other group will recognize all the members when seeing one? B-because we were in different groups so w-we didn't know who everyone is..." Sou suggested.

"Well, we saw the purple-haired male from before, his name was Shima if I'm not wrong," Neru said, deep in thought. "And the other one looked like a girl but was a male that went by Nqrse who seems to have an interested in Luz-kun and Luz-kun seems to have met him?"

"I really don't remember who or where though," Luz admitted sheepishly.

"It's okay," the mushroom-haired assured gently.

"Well, our group met with a short brown-haired guy who said that his name was Urata and a raven-haired guy who's name was Soraru! I don't think they seemed to be interested in anyone here though!" Sakata told everyone.

"That reminds me though! Senra, what's your relationship with that Shima?" Mafumafu asked with a tilt of his head. "Have you met him before?"

"That purple-haired weird guy? I've never met him before and I don't know why he would act like that towards me," Senra answered with a sigh.

"Any idea on why the interest though?" Amatsuki asked as he stepped into the room with Kashitaro. "Surely, it can't just be a crush out of nowhere?"

"Then again, it might be?" Mafumafu shrugged. "They're crazy. And so are we."

"Wow, Mafudon admits that he's crazy," Sakata said, laughing.

"Yeah, honestly I have no idea. They are crazy so that could be the case. Cause I don't remember doing anything to gain his interest," Senra answered sighing once again.

"They sound like such a stalker though," Neru said with a frown. "What if one day they come to take you away?"

"Oi. Don't say this like that." Sensing Amatsuki's coldness, Neru quickly nodded out of fear.

"We just have to be careful so that won't happen," Kashitaro answered. "I agree! Being careful and doing our best! It will be fine somehow!" Sakata exclaimed, convinced.

"Yup you'll be totally fine~" Shima's voice rang from the window as he sat there with a grin. "I mean~ It's not like we can do anything if you just be careful right?"

"Oi, Maashi, stop fooling around."

"Right, right~ Hello again my pretty blonde flower~" the purple-haired male said with a giggle.

"Oh my goodness, what kind of timing is this...?" Senra asked as he quickly pulled out his gun, pointing it at the purple-haired male.

"Ehhhhh, they are here again?!" Sakata asked shocked as everyone either looked at them in shock or pulled out their gun.

"Aw I'm hurt, my pretty blonde flower is holding against me... the tragedy!" Shima cried out dramatically before chuckling softly. "At least that's what Nqrse-chan would say."

"Why are you guys here?" Neru bit out, glaring at him.

"The game has started hasn't it~?" Shima smirked. "C'mon~ Time waits for no one~"

"It started? Then no time to waste," Senra said as he aimed at the purple-haired male before shooting. Though the thought of actually shooting someone, wasn't something Senra liked so in the end, the bullet missed, hitting the window instead as the blond male cursed.

"Crap... I'm sorry," he apologized as the blonde female hummed. "It's fine it's fine~" Kuro chirped as she shot at the purple-haired male several times instead, her having no hesitation as she did this often already and was used to it.

Though it was not surprising for her to know that Shima would dodge them.

Easily moving away, Shima stepped into the room and smirked as he dodged them all. Without hesitation, he stepped forward and offered a yellow rose to him. "For you~"

Not letting Senra reject it, Shima slid the rose behind Senra's ear before making a dash to the window. "I look forward to you catching me~"

Giggling, the purple-haired male waved before jumping out the window.

They all stood there in silence for a while before it was the redhead who spoke up first. ''Wait... he just came to give Senra a flower?!'' Sakata asked confused as the blond male could only stand there embarrassed and flustered, not able to even pull the trigger when the purple-haired male stood right in front of him.

"Are you sure you've never met him before? He seems... too affectionate and flirty with you." Neru pointed out.

"No, I don't know him," Senra repeated, rubbing his temples in annoyance as he ripped the rose off of his head, holding it by the stem.

"We can figure it out later. For now, let's focus on the chase," Amatsuki said firmly as he looked to the window.

"Split into different teams... at least 3 people in one team so we can have each other's back and we can chase after all four of them the same time," Eve suggested as he stood up. "Any suggestions how to split?"

"I'd say that each team should have one twilight member with them~ You know? Juuuust to make sure that they won't run off or anything~" Kuro chirped as she crossed her arms behind her head.

"Though I don't care with whom I'm in a team~" she added.

"I volunteer to go with Sakata!" Mafumafu immediately piped up happily.

"I don't mind going with anyone," Luz said sheepishly, willing to follow anyone like a loyal puppy.

"M-me neither..." Sou answered.

"I'd be more than happy to go with Mafudon then!" Sakata said as he linked his arm with Mafumafu's.

"I don't care with whom I go either so I will let you guys handle it," Senra told them.

"How about we sort like this then?" Eve suggested as he pulled out a piece of paper and quickly scribbled their names down to sort it out. "Senra-san can go with Amatsuki-san and Kashitaro-san. Luz-kun can go with Kuro-chan. Mafumafu-san and Sakata-san can go with each other. Lastly, Sou-kun, Neru-san and me. Is that okay?"

"Sounds good to me~", Kuro chirped as she walked over to Luz with a grin. "So me and the tall guy here! Let's do our best, Luz-chan!" she said as she hit Luz's back several times.

Wincing as he was smacked several times, Luz politely smiled and nodded. "Let's do our best together."

"Sakata, let's do this!" the albino said with a cheerful grin.

"You've got it! We can do this!" Sakata repeated happily. "L-let's work our hardest together..." Sou mumbled as he walked towards Neru and Eve so they could head off together.

"If we have all the groups, should we get on to looking around already?" Kashitaro asked.

"Yeah," Amatsuki said with a nod. "The sooner we get this over with, the better."

"Well, good luck everyone! Make sure to stay in contact with each other!" Eve reminded gently before the four teams headed out to chase down their culprits.


"Ah... it's been so long since I've been out in the sunlight...!" Mafumafu stretched and grinned.

"Ehhh, you should really go out more often, Mafudon! I will drag you next time if I have to!" the redhead told him as he followed the albino, not knowing where to go anyway as he didn't know this area.

"Eh?! No, no, I disapprove!" the albino immediately shut down the idea, completely forgetting about their agreement.

"You gotta or no squishing my cheeks remember? Even if not, I will make sure you get out more once in a while! You have to get more sun! What are you? A vampire?" the red-haired male asked.

"No I'm a ninja!" Mafumafu crossed his arms and pouted before realising what Sakata had said. "Ehhhhh?! No I wanna squish your cheeks!"

To give up being a ninja or give up squishing Sakata's cheeks... it was too hard to choose!

"A ninja?" Sakata repeated before laughing as he shook his head. "You will have to decide then! To squish my cheeks or to not squish my cheeks? To be a ninja or to not be a ninja?"

"Eh...! You can't make me choose!" Panicking, the albino clung to Sakata tightly before reaching up and pinching his cheeks. "I can't live without both so about half-half?"

He was still extremely unwilling to give up either.

"Uwaaah, fine! Just let go now thouuuuuugh!" the redhead whined as he grabbed the albino's arms to pry them off his cheeks.

"Yay~!" Giggling, the albino lets go happily, content with the deal. "Now let's go find them! If we have time we can get udon too!"

"Ohhhhhh, udon! Let's do our best and do things quickly then!" Sakata exclaimed, now more motivated to work so they could get some food before they'd head back.

"An idiot and a psychopath... why must I be given this team to be chased..." Sighing dramatically, Urata looked down and called out to them. "Oi! Open your eyes a bit, will you?!"

Spinning his head around, Mafumafu immediately noticed Urata and pointed at him. "C'mon Sakata! Let's get him!"

Rolling his eyes slightly, Urata sighed as he began dashing off the roof he was on and hopped to the next one. Hopefully he could meet up with another of the team and switched up who was chasing him.

"Eh? Ehhhhhhhh? A-alright then!" Sakata shouted as he quickly ran after Mafumafu, following him so they could chase the older brunet down.

He hadn't noticed Urata at all, not even when he called out to them as he needed a few seconds to comprehend things before he actually understood that he was there.

Quickly running after the brunet, the redhead realized how fast he was compared to them despite running on the roof. That was really impressive, is what he had to admit.

Even though he was a shut-in, surprisingly Mafumafu had the stamina to keep up and was even dragging Sakata along.

Urata sighed as he saw how slow they were. Even though he had already slowed down!

Noticing a familiar raven-haired in front resting on the roof, Urata grinned and ran over to him, sliding beside him. "C'mon Soraru-san~ Run with me and don't be an old man~"


Looking away from the city and looking at the brunet, Soraru was confused for a second before he spotted an albino and a redhead behind them as he then looked back at the brunet before quickly standing up and running away with Urata so they wouldn't catch him.

"God damn it, Urata... Give me one day of peace..." he muttered annoyed as he ran beside the younger male, grumbling something under his breath.

"Nah~ It's fun to not give you that peace," Urata said as he stuck his tongue out childishly at the older.

"Ehhh?! There's two of them now!" Mafumafu stared at the two figures on the roof in surprise.

"Double chances of catching them!" Sakata exclaimed. "I just hope they won't be fast the whole time though, I don't think I can keep up for too long!" the redhead whined.

"And those two are so loud... I should just jump into an alleyway and hide there..." the raven-haired male muttered as he looked down to look for good hiding places so that he could get some more peace at least.

"Oi, don't you dare!" Urata scolded. "We all agreed to this game! Plus... you did choose him, didn't you? Play with him a little!"

"Me too!" the albino pouted as he saw the distance between them increasing. "We have to find a way to stop them somehow!"

"Ughhhh, fine..." the older male said nodding as he stopped looking for a way out and continued running away with the brunet. "...Are they just gonna run after us though? Like this, they're never going to catch up."

"Agreed... any plans?" Urata frowned as he saw how far the other two was. "This is getting kinda boring."

"Maybe jump down right here? No one's there and if they watch us enough, they should know we are going to run down that path. They should be able to catch up at least a bit," Soraru said yawning as he pointed at the path that he was talking about.

"Sounds like a good plan," Urata said with a nod before the two jumped off the roof they were running on and made a dash to the path.

"Eh? What are they doing Sakata?" Mafumafu asked in confusion as he watched the two run down the secluded path.

"I don't know? Running away?" Sakata answered as he continued running. He didn't know this city so he didn't really understand what the albino was so confused about either as he merely tried to think of where Soraru and Urata were running to.

Mafumafu bit his lip as he chased them with Sakata by his side. Wasn't that a dead end?

Even if he didn't go out a lot... he was pretty familiar with the town.

Once the two criminals hit the dead end, they turned back and waited for the other two.

"You got nowhere to run!" the albino panted out as he pulled out his gun.

"So what was your plan to run here again?" the brunette asked as he turned to Soraru, ignoring the other two.

"Just thought that we could turn tables," Soraru answered, yawning as he shrugged. "The game would go way faster with us chasing instead of them. I mean, did you look at them? My grandmother could run faster than those two. Heck even Naruse could run faster than those two while putting on his makeup and whining about his life again," the raven-haired male said.

"Well can't deny that. He'll probably run in those ridiculous 6 inch heels and still outrun them," Urata said with a shrug.

"Don't be mean!" Mafumafu said with a pout as he pointed his gun at them. "Give up now!"

"Hm... how about no?" Urata tapped his chin.

"Ehhhh... What are you doing choosing a dead end though? I don't get it..." the redhead said as he looked at them confused, not understanding what was going on.

"And then we have the resident idiot," Urata said with a shrug.

"Stop calling Sakata an idiot!" the albino huffed. "And surrender now or I'll shoot!"

"Then shoot," Soraru answered unimpressed as he silently agreed with the brunet that Sakata was an idiot. Though he didn't say anything to that.

Mafumafu bit his lip, hesitant to shoot. Even if he was a psychopath... to be responsible for someone's death was not on his plate.

"And he can't shoot. What a surprise~" Urata chuckled.

"Sh-Shut up!"

"Just because he can't shoot, doesn't mean you can make fun of Mafudon!" Sakata exclaimed, wanting to defend his albino friend.

"It doesn't matter if he can shoot or not," Soraru said. "I want to make some progress instead of standing here for hours."

"Then what should we do? It's not time for that yet," the brunette mused.

"That? What's that?" the albino asked as he lowered his gun. It was already know he couldn't shoot... no need to keep up the facade.

"I don't know, I didn't think about that," the raven-haired male answered the brunet, ignoring the albino's question as he played with his bangs in boredom.

"Don't ignore me!" the albino complained, but still the two ignored him.

"Play with them a little then?" Urata hummed as he eyed Sakata, as if he was sizing him up.

"Play? Like some scary game?" Sakata asked unsettled, feeling even more uncomfortable when he noticed how the brunet was looking at him.

"I guess... Not too long though, I still want to train apex for the CR cup..." Soraru reminded the brunet.

"Haah? You were training the whole night last night! Take a break old man!" Urata immediately complained.

"I don't think it's a scary game Sakata," Mafumafu said quietly. "Get ready to run if we need to."

"I'm not an old male, shortie. And I need to train or I won't win, I want the rewards," Soraru told him as Sakata nodded slightly when he heard what the albino told him.

"You can train tomorrow or something! For now let's focus on them!" Urata complained more as he crossed his arms. "At least pay more attention to the person you chose!"

Carefully hooking his arm with Sakata's, Mafumafu tried to back away. They should call for backup as soon as they could.

Soraru sighed as he nodded before he looked over to the other two, noticing what they were trying to do.

"Urata," he merely said, glancing at the brunet before looking back at Mafumafu and Sakata.

Snapping his attention at the two, Urata frowned as he saw them trying to escape. "And they so proudly said they would catch us! They're just running away now!"

"Shut up! One day, we'll kill you!"

"One day~?" Urata hummed as he walked forward and reached forward, pinching Sakata's cheeks before backing away and laughing. "Anyway, we can go back now Soraru-san~ I think I've had enough fun for today~"

"Don't touch Sakatan again!" Pulling the redhead behind him, Mafumafu stood protectively in front of him.

"Or what? You'll kill us?" the raven-haired male asked as he looked at them, unamused. "You can't even really shoot us," Soraru pointed out as he watched the redhead rubbing his cheeks confused, mumbling something that he didn't understand.

"But not like I care. Urata said we could go back so I don't want to waste any more time here. Let's go."

"Mhm~ Let's go Soraru-san~" Urata hummed before he swung up the wall and onto the ledge. "I think I've chosen mine as well."

Gritting his teeth, Mafumafu clenched and unclenched his fists before he pulled out a dagger and threw it at the raven-haired's neck, fully intending to murder him right then and there.

Unfortunately for him, the raven-haired male had noticed as he gripped it by its handle, just before it could stab his neck as his eyes widened in slight surprise before he hummed.

"Oh, so you do have some determination after all. Looks like you guys aren't hopeless cases after all," Soraru said before he turned to leave as well.

"I'll be keeping this knife. You can get it back the next time we meet. See you another time again," Soraru said before he disappeared.

"Damn it!" Mafumafu clenched his fists, pissed off. "Like hell I want to see you again!"

That guy just pissed him off!

"Mafudon... calm down?" Sakata said with a smile in an attempt to calm the albino down. He didn't do much but he wanted to help somehow at least.

Taking a deep breath, Mafumafu nodded at Sakata. "Sorry you had to see that..."

"Do you want some udon?" Trying to change the topic, the albino suggested. "We can have it before we go back."

"Sure! And after that we can go rest in your room and just play games or something! We worked lots today anyway!" Sakata told the other male, thinking that he wouldn't force the albino to stay outside too much today.

Putting on a smile, Mafumafu hooked his arm with Sakata's and began dragging him. "There's this really, really good udon shop nearby... It's one of my favourites!"

Hopefully the other teams were fine...


"Hmm... none of them in sight~" a blonde female chirped as she looked around, walking as she looked everywhere to see if anyone was in the crowd who might look like they were the criminals. But none of them were in sight. Not like that surprised her.

"Do you see anything, Luz-chan?"

"No..." Still rather nervous around the blonde female, Luz tried to look around, searching for a hint.

It didn't help when he remembered the last encounter with that pink-haired male!

"Well, it's not that surprising~ I mean who would even walk around in crowds at this time—?!" Kuro halted as she blinked a few times before letting out a sound of surprise.

"Hah?! Luz-chan do you see what I see?!" Kuro asked as she pointed into the crowd.

"Eh? See what?" Confused, the light-haired male looked around, trying to see what Kuro was talking about.

He didn't see any of them in sight... or was he just blind?

''See! That pink hair over there! In the crowd!'' Kuro exclaimed as she pointed at him agressively before grabbing the taller male by his arm and running towards it.

''I don't know if I'm stupid or if that is really him but we have to check this out!'' she told him before speeding up her pace, hoping Luz would be able to catch up with her.

"E-Eh?! Kuro-san, please slow down!" In his panicked state, the poor male almost trips and falls, luckily managing to catch himself but stumbled as he did.

And he thought he was fit enough!

''Sorry, Luz-chan, bear with it just a little bit longer! I don't want to lose him!'' Kuro explained as she continued to pull the taller male with him, watching as the pink-haired male walked into an alleyway with the other shops.

"O-Okay!" Trying to use his height to his advantage, Luz tried his level best to keep up with Kuro.

How did someone short outrun someone tall?

Finally when the two reached the entrance of the alleyway, Luz glanced into it, a little scared at what he would see.

Once they reached the alleyway, they saw a pink-haired casually looking at the dresses with some bubble tea in his hand, drinking some as he only turned right to look at them when he heard some footsteps.

''Oh? Long time no see, you two~'' Nqrse chirped as he waved at them cheerfully. ''Hope you still remember me~''

"Nqrse-san... right?" Luz asked carefully, a little nervous. "I'm sorry, but please come with us now!"

Surely if he asked nicely the pink-haired male will listen?

''Ohhhhh, you even remember my name~ Though I'm sorry, I can't listen to that request of yours~'' Nqrse told him as he sipped on his bubble tea again.

''Strawberry bubble tea I see~ you got good tastes~'' Kuro said as the pink-haired male looked at his drink before nodding with a grin.

''Why thank you~ It's my favorite so I get it every time I can~''

"E-Eh?" Not sure what to do, Luz looked between the two of them, still rather nervous. "Kuro-san...?"

''Hm? Oh, riiiiight~ Sorry, I'd love to talk to you more but I guess we gotta move that conversation to somewhere else~'' Kuro chirped as she took out her gun with a smile.

''Oh, a gun? I'd also love to talk to you more but I'm sorry for you, that place is not going to be your headquarters~ And that won't be today as well~ But soon we all get to talk more~ Soon~'' Nqrse assured them with a smile as he finished his bubble tea, throwing it into the next trash can that he saw.

''Well, I wanted to look at some more dresses but I guess I gotta do that later~ See ya~''

"Wait Nqrse-san!" Calling out to the pink-haired male, Luz shuffled nervously.

He had chosen to be a cop was because he wanted to help people! And if he lost Nqrse here, he'll be nowhere near his goals!

"Can't you... surrender...?" Each syllable that left his mouth grew softer and softer, till it was near inaudible. Ah, this was no use! He was too nervous for this!

''Sorry, Luz-chan~ As much as I'd love to listen to your request, this is a no. If you want me to surrender, make me~ I am already standing here so if you really wanted to, you could always try~'' Nqrse chirped before slowly backing up, getting back into the crowd.

''Luckily for me though, shooting me won't be that possible unless you want to hurt these citizens~'' the pink-haired male said, knowing full well that that was the reason that Kuro hadn't shot him yet.

''Well, until next time you two~ You could always try to find me again~ But I won't let you guys see me this time~'' Nqrse said before disappearing back into the crowd, leaving them behind.

Pouting slightly, Luz looked down like an injured puppy. Nqrse had gotten away...

"Sorry Kuro-san." The least he could do was apologize right? He should have worked harder!

Sighing, the blonde female let her hand sink down, putting the gun back inside her holster before she gave the taller male a grin.

''It's fine don't worry about it~ I didn't really do much either this time~ Next time we will catch him for sure alright~?'' Kuro told him with a determined smile as she patted the light-haired male's back again.

Imaginary puppy ears perking up, Luz nodded enthusiastically. "Right! Let's try our best to catch him!"

One day... it'll definitely happen!

''Yup~ So let's go back for now and tell the others what happened~'' Kuro told the other as she hoped for the others to have better luck than them.


Amatsuki crossed his arms as he continued walking beside Kashitaro, Senra walking before them. Still no luck yet...

Mafumafu had texted him said they ran into two of them but had no luck due to... personal circumstances and Amatsuki understood.

So now, they had to focus on catching at least one to interrogate. He could only hope that the other three groups had it better...

"Hah... we have been walking around but there is no sign of anyone suspicious," Senra said as he looked around only to find none of the criminals.

"Well, it's too early to give up for today. We never know what might happen," Kashitaro told him with a smile, hoping to lift the mood a bit as both the younger brunet and the blond didn't seem to be motivated.

"Right." Amatsuki glanced around again, wondering if what they said even is true.

Did they... really know their secrets...?

Impossible right? Eve said so too. Everyone who knew about it was killed. No one survived.

That means no one-

"Ah, I'm hurt! You threw away the rose!" A loud voice cried dramatically as they entered a deserted street.

Spinning his head around, Amatsuki found Shima sitting on the roof, clutching his chest dramatically.

"...How come luck always makes him be the one to come instead of any of the others?" Senra mumbled under his breath.

"Oh, so someone came after all," Kashitaro said as he looked at Shima not before glancing at the younger brunet who looked like he had a lot on his mind.

"Any reason for you to pay us a visit this time?"

"I'm unfortunately not on a visit..." Faking a pout, Shima crossed his arms. "We- no, I told you the game begins now no~?"

Giggling softly, Shima stared at Senra with a flirtatious smile. "But maybe I'm using that as an excuse to see my pretty blonde flower~"

Three shots were heard and Shima dodged them with ease, before he smiled in amusement at the brunette who drew his gun.

"What luck! To think I'll meet the Blood Prince~"

Amatsuki paled at what the purple-haired male had said.

He knew. They knew. How?!

"Blood prince?" Kashitaro repeated confused when he heard that, looking over at the younger brunet who seemed to grow paler once he was addressed with that nickname.

Senra noticed that too as he drew his gun and shot at the purple-haired male as well. "Don't you dare say anything weird to Amatsuki!"

"It's not weird~ It's just facts~" Humming, Shima glanced to Senra again, another flirty wink tossed at him.

"How..." Amatsuki gripped his gun shakily. "How?! Everyone from that time should be already dead!"

"They are dead... but sometimes, dead people do tell tales you know~?"

"Amatsuki-kun... Calm down. I know it's hard but take deep breaths," Kashitaro said as he gently put his hand on Amatsuki's which held the gun, gently pushing them down so that the younger male couldn't accidentally shoot somewhere else while being in this state.

"What is going on...?" Senra muttered as he looked between Amatsuki and Shima in slight stress, not knowing whether to feel angered, embarrassed or something else.

"They seem confused... do they not know~?" Shima teased lightly. "I know! What about you show everyone here now! I'm sure you can do it Blood Prince-san~!"

"Shut up!" Yanking his hand away from Kashitaro, Amatsuki shot towards Shima shakily, who easily dodged it again.

"Amatsuki-kun...!" the older brunet exclaimed. Shooting at the purple-haired male would only be wasting bullets and pulling more attention if anyone decided to see what happened here.

"Stop! If he doesn't want to tell us then don't force him to say anything!" Senra shouted. "Please stop," he added, hoping that the older male would listen if he asked nicely.

Humming softly, Shima tilted his head as he crossed his arms in though. "I'll stop... if either Sen-chan promise me a date~ Or... Blood Prince-san over there shows me his power~"

Biting his lip as he could feel panicked tears in his eyes, he didn't know what to do. What could he even do?

Biting his lips, the blond male looked at the brunet who seemed panicked and scared before looking back at the purple-haired male, nodding.

"Fine! Fine! I will go on a date with you or whatever! Just stop forcing Amatsuki to show his powers or something!" Senra shouted as he lowered his gun and put it back into his holster.

"Yay~" Blowing a kiss at Senra, Shima giggled before he clasped his hands together. "But I won't give up on knowing just yet~ One day I'll witness the true power of the Blood Prince!"

"You'll never see anything." Amatsuki spat out shakily. He felt bad for making Senra go on a date with this... man... but he didn't want anyone to know. No one should know.

What's forgotten... should stay forgotten.

Taking the chance where Shima was more focused on Senra and Amatsuki, Kashitaro sighed as he pulled out his gun and aimed at the purple-haired male, aiming for his leg as he hoped for the bullet to hit.

He usually really didn't like using his gun but he had to do something at least, not wanting the two younger people to do all the work while he just stood there.

Barely noticing Kashitaro's bullet, Shima had little to no time to dodge, the bullet grazing his leg, making it bleed. "Aw damn it! Now Urata-san's going to scold me!" Shima pouted as he huffed. "How mean of you!"

"I apologize. But you did say that this was a game and that we had to try to hunt you down. Also this is your own fault. You were so focused on attacking one of our teammates with your words so this is clearly just a consequence not me being mean," Kashitaro told the purple-haired male with a smile.

"I hate it when people are right..." Shima sighed before he pulled out a handkerchief and tied it around his wound before pouting. "Guess I'll have to retreat for now... I'll be back for a date with you my pretty blonde flower~"

Throwing a last wink, Shima darted away, though stumbling a little as he did with his injury.

When the purple-haired male disappeared, Amatsuki dropped his hand to his side and looked down, his lip trembling. This was terrible. If they knew... who knew what they would do with the information?

"...I think we should head back for now," Kashitaro said as he looked at Amatsuki and Senra who both looked either shaken up or in a bad mood.

"Some rest might sound good. I will make you guys some tea and then inform everyone else, alright? You guys can go to your rooms and get some time alone. You might need it.", the brunet said.

"I'm fine." He was clearly not... but he would have to be.

Amatsuki looked to the roof again, watching slow drops of blood.

He was really reminded of unpleasant memories...

Looking to his hands, Amatsuki could feel them shaking. The fear was setting in...

Patting Amatsuki on the head briefly, Kashitaro sighed once again before he gave the other two a smile. ''Let's head back, alright?'', he asked as the blond male nodded silently.

Sighing to himself in his mind, Kashitaro only hoped that the others were better off than them.

Flinching slightly as he was patted, Amatsuki stared at the older brunette blankly before nodding too. Sending off a quick message to the other three groups and most importantly, Eve and Mafumafu who knew about his case. He briefly explained what happened before he shoved his phone back into his pocket, chills running down his spine.

He didn't like this feeling.... not even one bit. He had to take them down, no matter what.

His secret... cannot be spilled no matter what.

"Hm... There is no one here as well..." a blond male said as he looked around, scanning for anyone suspicious only to find nothing out of place.

Their luck wasn't that high. But honestly, Sou wondered if they could even catch any of them if one of the criminals would even show up.

Then again, they had Neru and he was really determined so maybe they could have caught a criminal after all of they showed up.

But then again, Neru tended to lose his composure when provoked so maybe not after all.

But then again, they had Eve here who seemed like someone who could calm Neru down at least a bit.


Now Sou didn't know whether to stay positive or not.

"I'm sure it won't be long until we find them," Eve attempted to assure as he glanced to his phone, receiving a rather concerning text from a certain brunette.

Somehow they knew who Amatsuki was... Eve needed to dig deeper later into why and how.

"This is annoying! How come we haven't encountered any of them?!" Neru complained, crossing his hands with a huff.

"Maybe they are with the other groups?" Sou suggested as he looked at the brunet with a small smile, hoping that the other male wouldn't think of doing something reckless if he got impatient.

"They were," Eve said as he glanced at the group chat, receiving the third report from Kuro. "They made contact with the rest of them... all of them did."

"Then why not us?!" Neru complained even more loudly. He wanted to wreak havoc at least once!

"I-I don't know but please calm down, Neru-san!" Sou pleaded as he waved his hands around, not knowing what to do to stop the brunet mood getting worse.

"I am calm!" Neru insisted but it was clear that he was the exact opposite of calm.

"If we can't make contact with them... why don't we get some ice cream?" Eve suggested. Ice cream could help in calming, right?

"Y-yes, that might be a good idea. Let's go get some ice cream, Neru-san? You can see if there are new flavors too or something!" the blond male said as he looked at the brunet.

"Why would I ca-" Cutting himself off, Neru turned to see a brunette and raven-haired male pair running on the roofs, seemingly arguing and discussing something at the same time.

Yet Neru only had eyes for one of them.

"Neru-san?" Eve asked rather worriedly, not noticing the pair.

"I think I just met a god," Neru muttered out as he watched the raven-haired male's graceful movements.

"Eh? A god?" Sou asked confused as he looked into the direction where Neru was looking only for him to sweat-drop as he slowly understood what is happening. "Neru-san... are you falling for some random guy again?"

"Again...?" Eve sweatdropped too, catching the glance of the two disappearing. Who even were those two?

"It's not a random guy! He must be my fated to catch my attention like that!" Neru dramatically clutched his chest like he was an anime girl. "Oh my dear ikemen, I'll come for you~!"

"Neru-san! No! You said the exact same thing before and that guy turned out to be married already! And that was when Kashitaro-san was with you! This time it's me, I can't help you if you get into trouble again!" Sou exclaimed as he looked at the brunet troubled, ready to at least try to stop him from possibly following the raven-haired male.

"But he really is the one! My ikemen!" Neru cried out dramatically.

"And now I wonder if Neru-san is actually more psychotic than Mafumafu-san and Amatsuki-san combined..." Eve mumbled to himself.

"You saw him for a few seconds! M-maybe he isn't that much of an ikemen if you look closer so let's just focus on the case?" Sou suggested as he was starting to get more nervous.

If this gets bad, Neru will actually follow him. But they already disappeared so it should be fine.

"No I'm sure of it! He is a god!" Neru said firmly. "Fate will let us meet again!"

Laughing sheepishly, Eve nodded before gesturing to a nearby ice cream stand. "How about some ice cream now?"

"Th-that sounds like a good idea! Neru-san, let's go?" Sou asked as he gripped the older male's arms with his hands, shaking it around.

Pouting slightly, Neru nodded and let Sou drag him with Eve who joined in the dragging.

One day, he'll meet that ikemen again... he just knew it!

Sighing, Sou dragged the brunet with him towards the ice cream shop with the help of Eve. Having a Neru who was interested in someone again was very difficult to handle.

He just hoped that they would never meet that raven-haired male again.

(8577 words)

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