Chapter 6: 第二フェーズ

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MaiMia's AN: This was ww Miko just had to add that in ww and then I killed her again and everything ww The usual chaos ww Anyway, enjoy reading~!

Mikoto's AN: Another fun chapter with Mai-san, I hope you will enjoy this! Writing with Mai-san is always even if it kills me sometimes www Anyways, have fun reading!

As each day passed, the teams got nowhere close to finding anything, most of the time only catching glimpses of the criminals before they disappeared completely.

It was frustrating! But... it seemed to impact Amatsuki more than the others. He had began baking and cooking like mad, making meals fit for kings for many days.

However, he was soon forced to stay in his room by Eve one day after accidentally cutting himself, to which Mafumafu quickly whisked the former away to be treated before anyone could see the wound or even before any drop hit the surface of the table. Now, he was only allowed in the kitchen with supervision, which normally came from Kashitaro since they were roommates.

"We're getting nowhere!" Neru said frustratedly as he went through the papers Eve had for the umpteenth time. "They're not making this any easy for us!"

"Well, it would have been too nice if things were really that easy," Kashitaro said sighing as he looked at some of Eve's papers before putting them down on the table.

"Now now don't lose your motivation just yet~ Who knows? Maybe we will find some clue soon~" Kuro chirped as she sipped on her soft drink.

"I just hope it'll be soon..." Amatsuki muttered as he laid down lazily on the couch. "I'm sick of them playing with us."

Eve smiled worriedly as he pulled off the glasses he sometimes wore to read, and placed the documents down. "We'll get them soon Amatsuki-san... then you can rest easy."

"Right!" Mafumafu chimed in as he snuggled against Sakata, hugging a giant body sized Mafuteru. "We'll definitely get them!" The albino needed his knife back after all!

"Mhm, that's right!" Sakata exclaimed determined as he sat still, letting the albino snuggle against him.

"They're right," Senra agreed before turning to look at the brunet. "So you can go and get some rest, Amatsuki."

"I'm fine! I don't get why all of you are worried!" Amatsuki huffed and crossed his arms. "I'm not fragile!"

"Well Amatsuki-san has never hurt himself when cooking... so maybe that's why," Eve said softly as he rearranged some documents.

"It was a onetime thing!"

"Still happened Ama-chan~"

''Just go get some rest, mom~ We children can handle this for a little bit until you come back~'' Kuro assured him with a grin. Though really, she just wanted him to get some rest, he was really stress baking and cooking a lot in the past few days.

"I'm not your mom!"


"How about we cease the teasing on him if we want him to rest?" Eve suggested with a chuckle while Luz nodded, agreeing.

Although the red eye brunette could be scary at times... but Luz could tell Amatsuki was a really, really nice person! And he needed the rest!

''I agree with everyone. You already helped a lot so getting some rest might be nice to get a small break at least,'' Kashitaro added.

''Getting breaks are nice~ You really worked a lot already, Amatsuki! So let this shut in and me work harder as well!'' Sakata told him with a smile.

"Wait what?!" Mafumafu looked to Sakata as if he just got betrayed. "Why do we have to work harder?!"

Chuckling softly, Amatsuki nodded with a small smile. "Maybe I'll rest after today's search... But you all must rest too!"

''Got it!'' Sakata replied, nodding as he gave the other male a brother smile, ignoring the albino's look of betrayal. ''We will also rest as long as you get rest as well! And then we can all work harder!''

"Stop saying we'll work harder!" the albino whined as he let go of Mafuteru and began shaking Sakata's shoulders. "We don't have to work that hard!"

''True but you have to work harder as well or I will have to drag you around again!'' the redhead merely said as he let himself get shaken.

"Eh?!" The albino gasped dramatically. "Meanie! Absolute meanie!"

Rolling his eyes, Neru placed the papers down and sighed. "Shall we begin today's search then?"

"Got ya~", Kuro chirped as she stood up before motioning with her hand for the tall light-haired male to come over to her. "Luz-chan, come here come here~"

Immediately, Luz walked over to Kuro like a faithful puppy, ready to start work.

"You better let me squish your cheeks longer today!" the albino huffed as he clung to Sakata's arm, still salty over having to work hard.

"Work hard and then sure!" Sakata exclaimed happily as Kashitaro merely watched them in amusement before turning towards Amatsuki and Senra.

"Are you coming with us, Amatsuki-kun?" the older brunet asked.

"Am I allowed to?" the brunette raised an eyebrow at Eve who nodded.

"As long as you don't push yourself... and be careful." Even after hours of searching, Eve couldn't find any source they could have found out from... so they were threading on thin ice now.

"Alright then. Let's make sure that he doesn't overwork then, Senra-kun," Kashitaro said as the blond male nodded in response. "Yes."

"Neru-san, please pay attention on finding the criminals and not on anything else, okay?" Sou reminded him as he stood beside the brunet.

"I have a feeling I'll meet that ikemen today~" Neru squealed dramatically at the thought. "My beautiful ikemen god~"

Eve nervously sweated at the thought of dealing with a Neru that was going to cause chaos to see one male. As long as he could control it... it was fine right?

Letting out a sigh at being ignored, he quickly glanced at Eve before looking back at the brunet. He just hoped that this would be fine with having the mushroom-haired male around to stop Neru from possibly running off.

Noticing the small glance, Eve smiled sheepishly before nodding at the rest of the room. "Let's do our best today too!"

"Yes!" They exclaimed. Some with more enthusiasm than others. And with that, they worked their hardest today as well.


Sighing softly, Mafumafu glanced around with Sakata, still with no trace after hours of searching.

"Should we go back now?" the albino mumbled, genuinely tired. Another fruitless day of searching.


Feeling frustrated that they still didn't find any clue at all, Sakata wanted to continue searching.

But as soon as he saw how tired his friend was, he decided that tomorrow was still a day.

So in the end he nodded as he linked his arm with the albino. "Okay! Let's get back, eat something and go to sleep!"

"Yay~" Stretching a little, Mafumafu hummed before clinging to Sakata. "I get to squish your cheeks riiiight? I worked hard today too!" Damn it, he just wanted a peaceful time playing with Sakata's soft cheeks!

From above, a raven-haired male sat crossed-legged as he watched them, sighing to himself as he looked at his watch.

"Yet another day when they haven't bothered to look here..." Soraru muttered to himself. "Hah... Isn't it about time to do something about this soon, Urata?"

The brunette who was balancing on the edge of the roof, sighed too before nodding. "Maybe it's time to spice things up... I wonder how will the hunters feel when they get hunted~?"

Grinning at Soraru, Urata texted the other teo one single message.

'Begin phase 2.'

As soon as he received the message, the pink-haired male's bored expression morphed into excitement as he stood up from his place. "Oho~ Phase 2~? Guess I can finally see my beloved Luz-chan again~ Not from afar that is~"

And with that, he got out of his hiding place, ready to meet the taller male again.

"Looks like my date is finally happening~" Shima hummed as he looked down the street, noticing the trio walking around again. "I'm coming for my pretty blonde flower soon~"

Unbeknownst to the police team, something was about to change from their fruitless search.

"Neru-san... I have a bad feeling about staying here for any longer. No one has messaged you for some time now, right?" Sou asked as he was starting to grow more nervous as the sun was slowly starting to set.

Checking his phone, Neru shook his head as well as Eve, who also didn't receive any.

"Maybe they're just on the way back and got distracted?" Eve tried to remain hopeful as he prayed that everything would be just fine.

"Maybe. We can go back and check..." Neru mumbled before whining again. "And I was so sure that I would to get to see that ikemen again!"

"There, there, maybe tomorrow," Eve said with a soft laugh. Silently, he hoped that male never showed up again... he wasn't ready to witness a chaotic Neru just yet.

"Maybe tomorrow... That's what you said the past few days already. But not anymore," a raven-haired male said as he appeared from a corner, walking towards them.

"Past few days...?" Eve said, his eyes wide. It could only mean...

"See I told you I was right! Ikemen-san~!" Neru immediately jumped towards Soraru, but got pulled back by Eve, panic prominent. "Eve-kun, what are yo-"

"Neru-san, that's one of the Shadow Hunters!"

"One of them...?" Neru tilted his head before clasping his hands together. "Kya~! Doesn't that just make him so much hotter?!"


"Neru-san, noooooooooooo!" Sou whined as he threw himself onto the brunet, trying to hold him back by clinging onto his torso.

While all of that happened, the raven-haired male could only look at them, confused. "Um... so yeah, what is this...? Does this guy realize that I am his enemy?"

"As much as it would hurt me to say it since you finally showed up..." Eve bit his lip as he tried to hold Neru back. "Please leave."

"No wait! Take me with you, my ikemen!"

"If you don't want to deal with this," Eve added.

"I... What the hell is wrong with you...?" Soraru asked as he looked at the brunet before quickly dialling in a number, waiting for the person to pick up while making sure they wouldn't leave.

Which didn't seem to be the case anyway because they were trying to keep the brunet in case.

As soon as the person picked up, Soraru spoke quickly, his voice tired and done with all of this.

"Urata, can we like leave someone behind? There is some really weird person actually asking to be kidnapped right now and I don't want to deal with him. Like really. Please don't make me deal with him."

"Heh?" Urata tilted his head in confusion as he continued watching the redhead and the albino. "Weird?" No that wasn't the point right now! "If you think it'll be too much if we take them, then don't. Switch targets... the psychopath that nearly killed you is still up for grabs."

"Fate I tell you! It's fate!" Neru cried dramatically, making Urata burst into laughter before turning serious once more.

"I don't think any of us would want chaos in the base so yes, you may leave him."

Sighing out in relief, the raven-haired male nodded before putting his phone down after hanging up.

"Well, you guys sure are lucky to have this weirdo with you. I will leave you alone. Should have chosen that albino first after all..." Soraru muttered under his breath.

"Albino...?" Eve sweated nervously. "What are you planning to do with Mafumafu-san?!"

"No take me with you!" Neru continued to struggle against the two, trying to reach out to Soraru.

"You don't need to know that," Soraru answered as he looked at the mushroom-haired male before looking at the brunet. "Also no. You seem so sketchy, never talk to me again."

"But ikemen-san!" Neru desperately try to reach out, trying to break free and nearly succeeds as Eve got distracted.

"Don't hurt him!" Eve said panickedly, genuinely worried about his albino friend now.

"Neru-san, stop trying to go after someone from the Shadow Hunters!" Sou cried as he tightened his grip.

"I won't. At least if he doesn't struggle," Soraru answered as he turned to leave. "Well, I have no more reason to stay here so bye."

"Wait!" Eve and Neru both yelled out for two entirely different reasons, but Soraru disappeared as fast as he came.

Panickedly, Eve tried to make a call to Mafumafu, but was in too much of a panic and typed in his passcode wrong three times before he remembered he had a fingerprint function. What were they even trying to do to the albino?!

"No, my ikemen!" Dramatically crying out, if Neru had a handkerchief he would be biting it by now like a lovesick anime girl who just got rejected.

"...Neru-san? I will go find you someone more suitable than him so please forget him alright?" Sou pleaded with a smile as he was hoping for the brunet to just snap to his senses.

"No I can't forget someone so ikemen like him!" Neru cried out dramatically.

Meanwhile, Eve finally made contact with the albino, panickedly putting it to his ear.

"Mafumafu-san we-"

"You lucky bastard! I'll win him from you!" Neru yelled out, making the albino confused.

He had just stopped to pick up this call with Sakata looking at him confusedly. "Eve-kun?"

"Neru-san, please!" the mushroom-haired pleaded before turning his focus back to the call.

"Mafumafu-san, please get back to the base right now! Or even just go to a crowded place to hide! They're targetting you!"


"Yes so please get to somewhere safe!" The albino looked to Sakata, suddenly growing nervous before he pulled at Sakata's hand and began dragging him.


"Please stay safe!"

"And please protect Sakata-san as well! I beg of you!" Sou shouted hoping that the albino would be able to hear him.

After shouting that, he turned to the brunet and grabbed the older by his face forcefully, giving him an expression which showed panic, frustration and disappointment as he tried to give the older male a smile.

"Ok look, Neru-san, I thank you for being like this that we are safe now and all but now Sakata-san and Mafumafu-san are in danger and we have to make sure that they are safe, ok?" Sou rambled his voice getting higher after every sentence.

"You are a great person but you are not going to cause trouble for Kashitaro-san or Luz-kun or Eve-san or anyone else again, ok? Now get back and be professional instead of rambling about him, Neru-san. If you even think of causing troubles for Eve-san and the others again, I will go and burn every single picture of all the ikemen you took in the past in front of your eyes, got it, Neru-san?" the blond male asked.

"No, not my collection!" Neru gasped dramatically before pouting. "F-Fine! Just don't burn anything! Everything there is precious!"

A little more calm now as he got off the phone with the albino, Eve sighed and patted Sou's head before turning to Neru with a rather shaky smile. "No one's burning anything. Now, let's just focus on getting to Mafumafu-san and Sakata-san so we can use Neru-san to ward away that person."

Not necessarily the best way to word it... but if it worked, it worked.

Blushing slightly from suddenly getting his head patted, the blond male let go of Neru as he nodded. "Y-yes, let's do that then... I hope we will be in time."

"Hey!" Neru pouted at Eve, who merely sheepishly smiled and checked his phone. He had asked Mafumafu to send him coordinates every few minutes so they could easily find him.

He could only pray that they were safe as he began dragging the other two to where the albino had last sent his coordinates.


"C'mon Sakata! We gotta hurry!" Dragging the redhead along, Mafumafu tried to make it to the base, going through as many crowded places he could even though it took more time than taking the secluded ways like he normally did.

Why were they even targeting him?

"I-I'm tryiiing!" Sakata said as he tried his best to keep up with the albino. But unfortunately for him, the redhead tripped, the sudden force causing his hand to let go of Mafumafu before he disappeared into the crowd.

"M-Mafudon? Wait for me!" Sakata shouted as he tried to catch up to to the albino, trying to find him again.

"Sakata?" Spinning around as he lost his grip on the redhead, the albino was shoved to the side, away from the redhead.

As soon as the pushing stop, Mafumafu found himself on the other side of the crowd. "Sakata!"

Damn it, did he really just lose Sakata?

"Eh... Looks like god doesn't hate me this much after all," someone muttered. And before Mafumafu could even do anything, an object was pressed against his sides.

Freezing as what felt like a gun barrel was pressed to his side, the albino froze in shock and fear before slowly turning around, rubies meeting sapphires.


"Yes, me. Hello again. Now if you don't want to die a meaningless death, follow me," the raven-haired male told him.

Refusing to just give in, but too scared to fight back, Mafumafu glared harshly at Soraru. "What makes you think I'll just go with you? Why do you even want me?"

He had to get away somehow... but he couldn't risk hurting any of the civilians around. This was hard.

"I wonder. Who knows what could happen to the people here or that redhead friend of yours if you don't come with me. If you refuse to come, I will target him afterwards," the raven-haired male informed him.

He was in an even worse of a situation now huh?

"Don't you dare hurt Sakata," the albino warned. "And you never even answered my question on why are you targeting me."

"Well, I didn't wanted to target you at first... But some things happened so now here I am targeting you instead cause you are less boring than the others at least," Soraru answered.

"Now follow already or I will change targets."

Clenching his fists, Mafumafu weighed his choices before sighing. "Fine."

He had not much of a choice now, did he?

"Good," the older male nodded before motioning for the younger male to follow him.

Biting his lip, Mafumafu tried to figure out whether he had the higher probability of knocking Soraru out right here right now or have the safer option of just following him.

Deciding to try his luck, he picked up a stray plank and tried to swing as fast as he could to knock the older out.

Noticing the plank being swung at him, the raven-haired male blocked it with his free hand before gripping it and taking it out of the albino's hands.

"Why are all of you guys such a pain? And I thought you were smart," the older male hissed as he let the plank fall before kicking it away so the albino couldn't take it again.

Backing away in fear, Mafumafu knew he probably just used up all of Soraru's patience with trying that stunt out.

"Too bad for you I was never the brightest one," he said, trying to put on a brave front.

"I can see that," Soraru said, though he tried to calm himself by taking a deep breath in and out. "Ok, no, I am not dealing with anyone anymore after this, I hate this plan," the raven-haired male said, sighing.

"I will just take you and finish my part with this," the older male said before swiftly exchanging the gun with a taser, pressing it against the albino's side.

"Good Night, Mafumafu-san," Soraru muttered.

Eyes widening as shocks flee into his body and his consciousness started slipping, Mafumafu fell against Soraru in a daze.

"Curse... you..." he muttered before slumping down, nearly falling to the floor if it weren't for Soraru catching him. Before he could even shove the raven-haired male away, he fell into a deep sleep and everything went black.

"Mafudon? Mafudooon!" Sakata shouted, hoping that he would be able to find the albino somewhere in the crowd.

Unfortunately, he didn't though and even as he tried to message his friend or call him, Mafumafu didn't pick up nor answer any of his texts.

So now he was not only lost but he had lost his friend in the crowd as well.

"I guess... I will have to call someone else then..." Sakata mumbled as he stepped aside for the people to be able to walk freely before dialling the number of Neru, hoping he would pick up.

But before Sakata could hit call, a child walked over to him. "Mister? Someone sent me to get you... Follow me please?"

"Eh? Someone? Who?" the redhead asked as he looked at the child, confused, putting his phone down to pay attention to the child in front of him.

"He said he's your friend!" the child happily answered. "He says he couldn't find you in the crowd so he got me to help!"

"Oh!! Mafudon?? Ah, alright then!" the redhead said nodding as he waited for the child to lead the way.

Nodding excitedly, the child grabbed Sakata's hand and began guiding him through the crowd and all the way to a secluded alley.

"I brought him!" the child yelled excitedly as a brunette hopped down from the roof and patted the child's head.

"Good job. Here's your pay." Handing over a 10,000 yen bill, the child greedily took it before running away, leaving Sakata alone with Urata.

"So we meet again."

"Eh?" the redhead asked confused, looking behind to see the child walking off before looking back at the brunet, realizing that this was not Mafumafu. "Eh?!"

And then it took him another second before he realized that this was one of the members of the Shadow hunters. "EH?!"

"Oi, you're being too loud," Urata said with a sigh before taking a bow, "Once again, Urata at your service... and I'm here to take you away~"

"Eh? Take me away? Where?" Sakata asked, this time quieter so he wouldn't hurt the older male's ears.

Sticking his tongue out, Urata slipped a packet out of his pocket, silently tearing it before he leaned forward to Sakata with a smirk. "Take you away to somewhere~ You'll even have that psychopath friend of yours there if Soraru-san does his part right~"

"M-Mafudon?!" the redhead asked as he walked a few steps back to create some distance between him and the brunet. "I-is he alright?"

"Probably if he doesn't cause too much trouble for the old man..." Smirking at the redhead, Urata popped something white into his mouth before pulling at Sakata's hands and connected their lips, forcing the sleeping pill into Sakata's mouth and down his throat.

After making sure Sakata took it, Urata pulled away, wiping his lips with one hand. "Unlike him, I prefer taking the easier way by drugging you compared to whatever he'll do~"

Blushing, the redhead pulling away, feeling how he slowly started to grow sleepier.

"I-I... W-what are you?" Sakata stuttered as he covered his lips, trying to back off further.

But his body didn't listen to him anymore so in the end, he just slumped forward, feeling how the world starting spinning until it went completely black.

Pulling Sakata close to his chest, Urata hummed happily, carefully patting his hair. "Soft~ Just like Nqrse-chan said~"

"You might be an idiot... but you sure are interesting~ So, entertain me, okay~?"


''Hah... and once again no clue... Did you find anything, Luz-chan?'' a blonde female asked as she turned to look at the taller male next to her, hoping that he might have better luck than her.

"No..." Luz said defeatedly, his imaginary puppy ears drooping in his upsetness.

Yet again, not another trace.

''I see... Well, let's go back for today then! Tomorrow is also another day! And maybe the others found a major clue or something!'' Kuro told the taller male, hoping to cheer him up.

''Just waiting for them to even reply to my messages...'' the blonde female muttered to herself as she looked at her phone, looking at some of her unread messages.

Checking his own phone too, he found no hint of anyone reading his messages nor sending anything... Was everyone still okay?

"Maybe they're all just tired?" Luz said hopefully. "They'll probably reply later."

''Mhm~ Maybe~ Alright let's just go back~'' the blonde female chirped as she turned to leave.

But before she could, she felt a sharp pain in her head and before she knew it, everything went black.

''Sorry~ But I need to do this or I would have to fight you off before taking Luz-chan with me~'' the pink-haired male apologized as he caught the blonde female and put her down gently.

Looking up from his phone as he heard a voice, he nearly dropped it in his panic. "Ku-Kuro-san?!"

Over his panic, Nqrse's words nearly floated off his head before he quickly registered them. "Ta-Take me...?"

Terrified, he backed away slightly, his concern growing for the blonde female.

"Yup~ I'd love to take Kuro-chan here as well but this person here can only carry one person~ And even though carrying her would be easier, I want to talk to you more so~!" the pink-haired male started as he gently put the blonde female to the side before walking to the taller male.

"I don't want to do anything to you so follow me, please~? If you follow me, I won't take Kuro-chan~ If you don't, I might just take her with me~" Nqrse chirped.

About to refuse, Luz paled slightly when Kuro was brought into the equation before he slowly nodded. "I-I'll follow you so don't hurt Kuro-san!"

The least he can do for the team right? Kuro has already done so much...

"Ohhh~ I knew I could count on you~ Now give me your hand and just follow me then~ Kuro-chan won't get hurt, I promise~ As long as you don't run off that is~" the pink-haired male reminded the older.

Suddenly feeling extremely nervous, Luz nodded with slight red cheeks and held out his hand to hold the pink-haired male's. It felt embarrassing to hold someone's hand like this...

"Okay~ Great~ Off we go then~" Nqrse said before walking hand on hand with Luz, humming happily.

This was really easier than he thought it would be. Luz actually listened to him and the pink-haired male decided that he liked the older male even more now.

Growing even more nervous as Nqrse pulled him along, he turned his head back, looking to the unconscious Kuro.

Hopefully she was okay.

Even when getting taken away, Luz still cared about other people more than himself. Was this what people called selfless?

Nqrse could only hum happy at how obedient the older male was as he walked towards the headquarters, leaving the blonde female behind.

She should wake up in another few minutes but that was more than enough for Nqrse to escape with Luz.

Messaging the others that he had successfully captured the light-haired male, Nqrse put his phone away again, humming again in satisfaction as he walked towards their headquarters again.


Amatsuki sighed softly as he checked his phone for the umpteenth time. No news, no nothing.

Where was everyone else?

"Should we head back...?" he asked softly, his concern rising. He didn't have a good feeling... but he didn't know why.

"I think we should too. It's getting dark and maybe everyone already went back to rest," Kashitaro said, even though he was starting to grow worried as well.

"I agree. Let's go back then," Senra said as he put his phone away after having checked the time.

"Mm..." Amatsuki frowned at his phone before shoving it into his pocket and sighed.

Another fruitless day with no change...

"Ara, ara~ We meet again~!" Before Amatsuki knew it, a knife was at his throat, already pressed against his skin, threatening to draw blood. "My pretty blonde flower, I've come for our date~"

As soon as he heard the familiar voice, the blond male snapped his head towards where the voice came from, his eyes widening when he recognized the purple-haired male again.


''Let go of him,'' Kashitaro interrupted the blond as he pressed his gun against Shima's head, his voice calm.

Giggling slightly, Shima glanced at Kashitaro, a smirk on his face. "Will you really take the risk to shoot me now? One wrong move and the knife will still cut into him... and I'm sure he would like to avoid that at all cause, right Blood Prince-san?"

Paling at the words of Shima, he didn't dare move, not even speak. He couldn't risk bleeding...

"If you're willing to take the risk... go ahead and shoot~"

Narrowing his eyes, the older brunet didn't do anything yet he didn't put his gun down either, not wanting the purple-haired male to stand there like that.

All while that happened, Senra could only watch, thinking of what to do to solve this. ''...Please let him go if possible. If you want something just say so. If it's... anything I can do, I will so don't hurt either of them,'' the blond male said.

"I said it, didn't I?" Shima nudged the gun away from his head, not moving the knife at all. "I want to take you on a date... a long one~"

"Phase two has begun after all!"

Phase two? What even was phase two? Was there more to this game than what met the eye?

''...Phase two? You talk as if we know what you are talking about,'' Senra said. ''Also, I already agreed on the date, right? So let go of Amatsuki now,'' the blond male demanded.

"But I need a way to guarantee my escape with you don't I~?" Turning to Kashitaro, Shima handed him a blindfold and a packet with a white pill. "Help me blindfold him and feed him this. It's just to make you dizzy... don't worry I'll carry you like a princess, my pretty blonde flower Sen-chan."

''I... have to help you drug him? Are you actually asking me to do this?'' Kashitaro asked as he looked at the purple-haired male in disbelief as the blindfold and white pill was pushed into his hands.

"Would you like little Blood Prince-san here to get hurt instead?" Smiling sweetly at the older brunette, Shima warned dangerously, making Amatsuki gulp nervously.

Not saying anything, the brunet only stood there as he pondered of what to do, racking his brain to see if there was a possibility to take Amatsuki and Senra with him. But there was nothing.

And when that realization hit him, Kashitaro was at a loss of what to do. Maybe he should shoot Shima after all. He didn't like having blood on his hands again but the purple-haired male seemed too dangerous to let go.

He might be able to shoot quick enough for Amatsuki to only lose some blood as well. No, he was sure that he could do that.

But then he remembered how Amatsuki seemed to be too scared of even getting cut and the blood prince thing as he decided to listen to them and not shoot. But drugging Senra was just-

''Just stop forcing them to do this! I will take them myself so let him go!'' the blond male shouted at Shima before staggering towards Kashitaro, ripping the blindfold and packet out of his hands, the older male standing there baffled as both got snatched away from his hands.

"Take it first, then we'll see." Shima grinned before Amatsuki panicked.

"W-Wait S-Senra...." Trying not to move his neck too much as he talked, Amatsuki looked to Senra worriedly. "Y-You..." What should he even say here? Don't do it?

Even for keeping a secret, this was going too far for him! He shouldn't allow Senra to risk his life for him!

''It's fine, Amatsuki. Your secret seems really important to you, right?'' Senra said as he looked at the brunet with a smile. ''Just... you better let me off cleaning duty once I come back and make me my favorite dish,'' the blond male joked in attempt to cheer the other male up before taking the pill, swallowing it which proved to be a bit difficult without water but he managed only coughing slightly before he felt everything getting a bit blurrier.

Smiling victoriously, Shima pulled the knife away slightly, making Amatsuki let out a sigh of relief before he froze as he felt the knife dig into his arm. "Let loose a little~"

Shoving the younger brunette to the older, Shima made a dash towards Senra, scooping him into his arms and ran off with the dazed and blindfolded blonde in his arms.

Amatsuki immediately pressed a hand on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding in his panicked state.

'No... stop!' he cried out in his head, trying to stop his curse from doing its work. But of course it didn't listen to him and his blood started to take its form.

His blood held a curse... A curse to take the form of a monster and destroy. There were people who used him for his powers... fighting over it even until he managed to seek shelter from the Twilight Police... that time with only Eve and Mafumafu as its members. The three of them managed to wipe all of the afflicted members of the people who seek to use him... but apparently somehow they found out.

Gritting his teeth as he could only helplessly watch the blood trickled out and form into a small monster, Amatsuki didn't know what to do. Would Kashitaro look at him differently? What would the others say?

He didn't know what to do...

The older male could only look at the blood which was changing its form, not knowing what to say to that. But given how panicked the younger male was already, the brunet decided that this was the time to stay calm.

He had already failed to protect the blond male even though he swore to take care of them as the oldest of the group, he at least wanted to calm the younger male down.

''...Amatsuki-kun, may I stop the bleeding?'' Kashitaro asked as he already went to pull out a handkerchief that he always had with him.

Flinching slightly, Amatsuki looked to Kashitaro shakily, his body trembling in fear before he nodded gently, still holding the wound.

He should stop the bleeding... stop to give the monstrosity a bigger blood body than it needed. Grabbing a hold of the monster's neck, he pushed it down to the floor, trying to hold it down.

"Please..." The sooner they stopped the bleeding, the better.

Gently taking the younger male's arm, Kashitaro bit his lip before doing his best to quickly wrap the pink handkerchief around the brunet's arm, stopping the bleeding before he stepped away.

''That... creature. Is it your friend or is it something bad?'', the older male then asked as he looked at the monster, not wanting to judge it as evil yet until the younger male told him so.

"...Depends on your definition of bad," Amatsuki said flatly, not looking at the older brunette but instead of the monster in his grip.

"Calm down... not now..." the brunette whispered softly to the monster as it slowly ceased its struggles. Slowly letting go, the monster floated around him before it rubbed its bloody body against Amatsuki's cheek, staining it with blood.

''Does it harm people?'', Kashitaro asked as he looked at the monster which was rubbing itself against Amatsuki's cheek. At least, it didn't seem like the monster was hurting the younger male.

"If it wants to... or I tell it to." Amatsuki slowly rubbed the monster's head. "But the more the blood... the less it listens to me."

''It's good that we stopped the bleeding then,'' Kashitaro said. ''Can you make it disappear? Not that I have anything against it, I just think it would be better for others not to see this. They might be surprised.''

Nodding slightly, Amatsuki curled his finger around its tail. "Go back."

Squeaking noises were heard before Amatsuki shook his head. "It's fine... he's..." Glancing at Kashitaro momentarily, Amatsuki turned back to the monster. "He's a friend."

Squeaking one last time, the monster sunk back into the blood on the ground, creating a slightly bigger puddle.

Standing up, Amatsuki attempted to walk but failed as he fell against Kashitaro, his head spinning from the blood lost.

Putting his arms around the younger male to prevent the younger male from falling, he merely patted the shorter male's head. "You can close your eyes for a bit. I can carry you back," Kashitaro assured the younger male as he carefully lifted Amatsuki up, not wanting to hurt him.

Letting out a noise of surprise, Amatsuki blinked at the older in a daze before reluctantly nodding. "You know the way back right...?"

Laughing weakly, Kashitaro nodded. "Don't worry, we walked this way every day, I will be fine. If things get really worse I can just ask people," the older male assured him.

Nodding weakly, Amatsuki closed his eyes as he rested against Kashitaro, sliding slowly into unconsciousness.

Hopefully Eve and Mafumafu won't panic too much...

After making sure that the younger male was comfortable enough, Kashitaro made his way back to the headquarters hoping the others were alright.

But something already told him that something similar must have happened to them for them to not answer their messages.

It took a while but soon enough, he got back to the headquarters, walking inside as he hoped the others were alright.

Immediately, he was greeted with a pacing Eve, who was biting his nail as he did. Though when he noticed the two, his eyes let out relief before he realised the blood.

"Amatsuki-san?!" Turning to Kashitaro, he wanted to demand answers but didn't and instead ran to get the first aid kit.

''E-eh? Is Amatsuki-san alright?'', Sou asked as he looked at the brunet worriedly who seemed unconscious.

''Ah... yes, he is alright.'', Kashitaro assured him with a smile before it fell and a frown formed on his face. ''Though I apologize... Senra got captured by the Shadow Hunters.''

"Eh? Senra-san too?" Neru said with a slight frown and a sigh. "That makes four."

"Ah ikemen-san... why didn't you take me too..." he muttered softly for no one to hear. "Why would they even..."

Shaking his head, Eve gestured for Kashitaro to put Amatsuki on the couch so he could administer first aid... and to check on Amatsuki's unnatural curse.

Complying, the fox-masked male went to put the brunet on the couch before he stepped away to let the mushroom-haired male take care of the younger brunet.

That Shima had found out about this, already knew about this and caused this made Kashitaro feel uneased. They really knew all of their secrets, didn't they?

Sighing softly, Eve quickly treated it, frowning at the rather large amount of blood. Glancing at the fox-masked male, the mushroom-haired male stared at him momentarily before snapping his attention to Amatsuki who was slowly waking up.


"You had me worried there for a minute Amatsuki-san." Smiling sheepishly at the brunette, Eve backed away momentarily.

"Where's..." Everyone else...? The living room felt too empty.

"Kuro-san is resting in her room. Luz-kun, Sakata-san and... Mafumafu-san... were taken too..."

Clenching his fists, Amatsuki could feel himself shaking in anger. Who were they to take away his best friend just like that?!

Not to mention how they knew everything... it made Amatsuki wonder what the Shadow Hunters were truly capable of.

''I see... so it's not only Senra but the others as well... Maybe it wasn't good to split up after all,'' Kashitaro said sighing as he crossed his arms. ''So four of us got captured...''

That Luz and Sakata had to be taken as well... Kashitaro had worked with them for quite some time already... It would have been better if he had been taken by either of them but at least it wasn't Neru who was taken.

Luz and Sakata knew better than to piss them off unlike Neru.

"What should we even do now?" Neru said with a dramatic sigh. "It'll be bad if more of us gets captured."

"But if that ikemen-san comes again, I don't mind," he mumbled to himself again, making Eve take over.

"For now we need to figure out where they are and what they planned to do with the four of them... Splitting up is clearly a bad idea."

"What about the clue from before...?" Amatsuki asked, trying to keep his cool and not flip out at the disappearance of his best friend.

"The clue from before?" Kashitaro asked as he sighed and thought about it. "We should probably see what it's about again. Searching clearly doesn't help anyway, they can hide as long as they want to.", the brunet said.

"The clue that purple-haired male gave?" Neru said with a tilt of his head. "The tables do turn?"

"But what could it even mean?" Amatsuki said with a frustrated sigh, his fingers slightly playing with the bandage, making Eve gently thwart the fingers away from them.

"The tables do turn... Maybe they meant the situation in which we are in? I mean, before it seemed like we were chasing them. But in the end, we had to run from them," Kashitaro answered.

"That could be it..." Sighing, Eve kept everything away back into the first aid box. "So now they have to hunt us..."

"Doesn't mean we can't get back at them." Amatsuki bit out as he tried to keep his calm. "They hunt, we still try to catch them and get the four of them back."

"B-but... don't they have an advantage over us? Th-they have four of us and they know... our secrets... don't they?" Sou asked carefully not wanting Amatsuki to get upset.

"Even if they know, it doesn't change anything," Neru said flatly before glancing at the bloodied brunette. "It seems like they already made an example out of him."

"Our priority shouldn't be keeping secrets," Amatsuki muttered out. "It should be saving them."

"Amatsuki-san, are y-"

"Yes. We should just get them back." Looking to Eve, he smiled shakily. "Getting our family back."

"I do agree. My secret isn't really anything that important so I don't have any problems with that. And if you guys are fine with prioritizing getting them back, it will be easie," Kashitaro told them before he looked at their exhausted faces.

"But for now, I think that we should all get some rest. Working like this won't bring us much further," the brunet said as he gave everyone a smile. "So how about we all get a nice shower, some rest and work with a fresh mind tomorrow?"

"Might be the best idea for now." Eve nodded in agreement. "We'll regroup tomorrow and hopefully have a clearer picture on what to do."

Standing up, Amatsuki nodded. "Then, I'll go back to my room first."

Without another word, the brunette disappeared from the room.

"I will stay here for a few more minutes..." Sou told them as Kashitaro hummed and patted the younger male's head.

"Alright. Don't stay for too long though," the older male said as the blond male hummed. "I won't."

Nodding satisfied, the fox-masked brunet gave everyone a smile, telling them that he would be taking his leave as well before exiting to go to the room.

"I'll go too." Standing up, Neru took a bow before leaving to his room to rest.

Eve sighed softly before taking a seat next to Sou, smiling softly. "Don't want to sleep yet?"

"I'm not sleepy yet. But Eve-san should go back soon so he can get some rest. Y-you need rest cause you work the most here," Sou answered as he pulled up his legs, putting his head on his knees.

"It's fine. If you're going to stay up, I'll just join you." Patting Sou's head, Eve hummed softly before realising he probably shouldn't do that. "Ah, I'm probably making you uncomfortable by doing that. Sorry."

"A-Ah, it's fine... I don't mind that." Sou answered with a faint blush on his face. "B-but I do mind you staying awake with me! Eve-san, you seem to always not sleep enough, go sleep now!"

"Eh... not you too..." Eve said with a soft sigh. "It's only for a while, no? You did say for a few minutes."

Pulling one of the couch pillow into his arms, he hugged it with a rather sad expression. "I don't really want to be alone right now either... so, with this selfish request of mine... can I stay with you at least for a bit?"

"I-if you want then..." the younger male said nodding. Actually, Sou intended to just stare into blank space and think about everything for some time until the mushroom-haired decided to stay.

"Then let's go back in a few minutes so you can get some sleep," Sou mumbled as he hugged his legs closer to himself. He was used to think about things by himself but having someone next to him was also nice.

"Thank you." Smiling softly at the younger, Eve hummed gently as they sunk into silence momentarily before Eve spoke up again. "Sou-kun... how do you feel when you found out Sakata-san and Luz-kun were taken?"

"H-how I feel? I mean... I feel sad..." the blond male answered as he looked at the wall in front of him blankly.

Of course he felt sad. The people who were important to him got abducted and he didn't know what to do to help them.

He didn't know how to help, get them back either and on top of that, Sou felt horrible for thinking that he felt happy for not being the one that was abducted. Because those four had terrified him.

"W-what about you, Eve-san?"

"Me...?" Looking down to the pillow he was hugging, Eve smiled sadly. "I haven't felt like this for a while... but I want to murder them." His eyes grew cold, his lips pursed. "For taking my family... For hurting Amatsuki-san... For leaking the secrets..."

"I haven't held a gun since the last time. And I'm prepared to hold one to save them."

"M-murd— I-I see... I-I mean... Neru-san would have probably agreed with you..." Sou said.

"If not for the fact the he met that one guy," he quietly added in his mind.

"I guess that in this special case, we all have to be prepared to use a gun," Sou said as he thought how Kashitaro had probably done that as well if they had been put into this kind of situation.

"B-but Eve-san? Even if you decide to use your gun, you have to always remain calm and not lose your composure," the blond male warned the older as he turned his head to look at the mushroom-haired male.

"Or you will end up hurting your loved ones instead of your enemies without wanting to."

Smiling sheepishly at Sou, Eve nodded. "I know. I've done it once... I won't do it again."

"Shall we just go back then?" Eve said as he stood up, dropping the pillow back on the couch.

"Alright..." Sou nodded as he stood up as well. He wanted to stay longer but Eve didn't want to be alone so he would follow and just think in his room.

"So it happened to you as well I see," Sou thought to himself.

As the two entered the room, Eve gave Sou one more pat. "Thank you."

Nothing else was said... it didn't need to be.

"It's nothing. Sleep well, Eve-san.", the blond male said as he went to lie down on his futon.

Tomorrow was another day. Hopefully, they would manage to get everyone back soon.

He wondered if Sakata was alright. The redhead had always been one to say things that were on his mind even though he shouldn't sometimes.

He wondered if Luz was alright. The light-haired male was usually always too obedient for his own good, he hoped that that wouldn't make things too bad.

He wondered if Mafumafu and Senra were alright. He didn't know them well but he hoped they could handle the situation well.

All in all, he just hoped for them to come back soon.

(8089 words)

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