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(Midnight's POV)

I watched crestfallen as my own sister backed away from me. Tears slowly trickled down my cheeks. She's my sister why?! "Please Dusk.." I said in a hushed whisper like tone. I couldn't bear it anymore I burst into tears, then collasped into her arms sobbing. Dusk was suddenly taken back as I sobbed a pair of warm arms wrapped themself around me. It was my sister & she was crying but smiling at once. "Sh, dry those eyes." She said I replied with a sniffle. I then buried my head into her neck smiling as she softly hummed. "Don't ever leave me.." I said "Stay with us sister!" I begged to her. Instantly a squeeze was given back. "yes! Yes! YES!" Squealed Dusk happily from then on we spent the whole together till sunset. My sister was escorted to her tent as I went to my own tent. I sighed happily snuggling under the covers before drifting off......

~few hours later~

A few hours later I was thrown to the ground by a figure my eyes glowed brightly. But the figure hid their face well. Before I could do anything a needle plunged into my arm & everything went dark.

(Abigail's POV)

The next morning a scream rang out it was Midnight! I sprang from my bed & rushed out of my tent as the sunlight hit my face. I ran into Midnight's tent & stopped. Midnight was gripping a chair as she looked up at me with normal eyes. I glared & ran to Dusk's tent sure enough her & her horse were gone. "That Royal brat.." I thought.

(Dusk's POV)

"I had to do it I swore I would.." I thought as I rode off looking at the needle filled with a white glowing substance inside. I sighed & looked at the path ahead I heard her scream miles away I felt so guilty. "What have I done?" I said aloud.

(Abigail's POV)

"That Royal brat is gonna pay.." I said glaring & storming off. "Gonna pay.."

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