I Can't

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(Midnight's POV)

That's when the unthinkable happened, Dusk turned around furious with Abigail. "How dare you!" Screamed Dusk. Before I could stop her I saw black transparent waves of dark magic, coil itself around Abigail.

It back fired LITERALLY the moment a look of anger appeared on her face. The colis began to hiss from the heat that was rising. "YOOW!" Cried Dusk. As the colis disappeared smoke rose from her palms.

As she cried out in pain I couldn't help but wince. Abigail stormed over lighting her hand on fire. What seemed like in slow motion I threw myself in front of Dusk. And took the impact of a fireball.

I hit the ground and hard! I groaned and sat up while everyone rushed over to me. I watched in horror as my burn marks went away. "Did I just?....Did I just heal?!" I thought. My eyes widened as I looked up terrified.

The more the burns healed the more fearful I was. "Why the heck did you attack me?!" Screamed Abigail to Dusk. "You have no right to say I do not have the right to claim my sister you know!" Shouted Dusk.

By that point I had it up to here. "ENOUGH!" I screeched standing up. My eyes now glowing bright. Anyone I looked at a blinding light shone directly in their face. As much as it bugged me I had more important things to handle.

"Dusk and Abigail stop it!" I said. Dusk looked at me like I had grown another head. "Y-Your e-eyes they glo-" She started. "Oh I know their glowing!" I said annoyed. "They do that." I mumbled somewhat ashamed. "And I'm happy the way I am so don't try to change things now you seven years to do so!" I shouted.

My sister started to back away slowly. "No! Please don't be scared please! I'm still me! I'm still your little sister!" I cried, I felt as if a dagger had gone through my heart.

Guess I'm her little monster...Not her little sister.

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