Dream Walker

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I drew Silver and Midnight but the background I took myself last year in a swamp!

(Midnight's POV)

I sat there in self pity for quite some time before 'Silver' returned. "What do you want?" I growled at her voice clearly full of annoyance. Silver scowled at me twirling her sword while leaning against the dungeon walls, "Well I was going to tell you before you rudely added a unneeded comment." She began with a malicious yet playful look. I smirked at her and straightened up, "Tell me what now?" Silver sighed before answering, "It's your sister she wants me to bring you to her." I felt all color drain from my face I'm so screwed. "Let's go." Silver murmured grabbing me by the arm I growled and pulled away. "No!" Silver narrowed her eyes before in grave tone said, "Don't mess with me Midnight you have no idea what your trying to fight." I scowled cutting her off. "Oh it's funny you think your stronger! I've been a brine longer then you sweetie just because your trying to be helpful, doesn't mean people are going to treat you the way they use to. As long as your the monster you are there's no point." Before I could even react she tackled me to the floor anger all over her face. "HOW DARE YOU!" She shrieked. I smirked "The truth hurts doesn't it?" "Shut up!" She yelled. "Or what?" I challenged, "This!" She cried striking me in the head. Everything fell into darkness. I opened my eyes where was I? Wait.....A forest?! I sat up confused and looked around well obviously this certainly wasn't the dungeons. "Confused I presume?" Said a voice I spun around there was Silver leaning on her sword. "WHY THE HECK ARE WE IN A FREAKING FOREST?!" I shouted slightly stunned still maybe shook up. "Well actually we're still in the dungeons this is the mind." I scrunched my nose and looked at her. "Your insane you are making no sense." I grumbled trying to comprehend. "Oh like your sane I'm not the one that blew up a squids base." I froze and slowly turned to face her before slamming her against a tree knife in hand and pressed against her neck. "Shut. Up." Eyes glowing I held her firm, "And. Explain.....Silverbrine." "Fine you know what a dream walker is?" I nodded still keeping a expressionless face. "Yes I've heard of them powerful people those who have a gift like that." Silver grinned slightly. "Then let go of this dream walker." Startled I jumped back. "Ok! Ok! I believe you now let me out!" Silver groaned folding her arms, "Alright alright!" She snapped her fingers. "GAHHHHHH!" I shot up and looked around I was back in the cell Silver sat up beside me. "Hmph." I tried to hide a grin which failed. "Oh shut up Silver." I laughed a bit playfully shoving her. "I know you can't deal with this much awesomeness." I rolled my eyes (not that you could tell) "Yeah we'll go with that." I sighed and stood up for her to lead me out of the cell to my sister. "Wonder what's to happen to me now?" I thought to myself.

(Lexi's POV)

Everyone gathered in the center of our ruined camp people chatted and buzzed. I held up a hand. "Alright quiet everyone!" Instantly everyone went silent and watched me carefully I stood on a rock and tried my best to be loud enough. "Ok the next few months are going to be hard work we are going to have to rebuild. But first things first we need a leader. Anyone who wishes to step up say I." "I." Said Skylar Lox, "I." Said Abigail stepping up boldly. I exhaled slowly. "I." I said no one else moved up so it was down to Skylar, Abigail, and I. I gave Abigail a quick nod. "I vote that us three should take charge together Midnight would have wanted it like that!" Cried Skylar I nodded once more. "I agree Skylar so it's settled everyone Abigail, Skylar, and will try our best we will never be as good as Midnight was but we'll be the best leaders we can be!" The crowd of hybrids smiles I looked up at the sky a soft breeze blew and a few dandelions flew by. With that we began to rebuild what Midnight started and this time we all will finish it for her.

(Abigail's POV)

I crouched down dropping the pile of sticks into the stone pit giving a quick nod, the sticks burst into flames I smirked. "Abigail!" Cried one of the children (the young hybrids) I spun around like a worried mother. "Yes Avril?" A budder angel Avril sniffled crying holding her arm. "I scraped my arm." I smiled gently and sat on the ground putting her in my lap. "Hold still." I dug into my satchel pulling out some cloth and a healing potion I gently poured some of the potion on her arm then wrapped the cloth around her arm. "Better?" I asked, "Better!" Cried a beaming Avril hugging me. I laughed "Now run along and go play the rest of us have some rebuilding to do. Avril nodded and flew off happily I smiled made me think of the times when Midnight and I use to get into all sorts of trouble.

~flash back~

As told Abigail and a long ago friend named Beam a girl of light literally, gathered in the forest as Midnight had told them to. "Welcome everyone to my first cookout or stabout considering I'll probably kill someone." Said Midnight grinning with a crazed look. "EVERYONE RUN FOR OUR LIVES!" Shrieked Beam terrified. "OH SHOOT BURN HYBRID BURN WHAT NO U FIRE RESISTANT SHOOT MY FIRE IS USELESS BLAZE AWAY!!!!!!" Was the reply from Abigail who started to fly away. "But...cookout!! COME BACK I WONT KILL YOU PROBABLY NOT BUT THERE'S LOTS OF PEOPLE I CAN FIND I'LL KILLSOME ONE ELSE!" Retorted Midnight chasing after. "DONT LEAVE WITHOUT ME!!!!" Squealed Beam trying to follow Abigail they weren't aware of a girl watching nearby and that she saw Midnight as a monstrous creature meant to destroy. The girl stepped out and shouted. "What's with the cloak weirdo!" Midnight smirked and stopped to face her "Hmmmm you know I think you should be the first to die... free burgers for everyone!" Beam jumped in front of Midnight glaring "DON'T YOU DARE!!!!" Pointing her sword. The girl scrunched her nose and said, "What's with the cloak & glasses?" "I'm sensetive to the sun..." The girl nodded Beam stared at Midnight. "Yea...so when is this thing going to start?" Beam was tricked into thinking Midnight was normal believe it or not then. Abigail watched nervously as Midnight was hovering a bit off the ground unknowingly. Abigail led her away quickly and informed her that she was hovering. Midnight dropped down scared. "I can't deal with these powers Abigail I'm really scared." Abigail smiled and hugged her. "It's ok." They realized it was to late that Beam saw it all."Ok now what's dis all about?! What powers I thought you two said your the only normal one here? Midnight sighed and looked over shamefully. "I didn't want to belive it at first but it's true...I got used to the powers not to long ago."

The girl jumped out glaring as she seemed to figure it out. "Ah ha I knew it!" She screeched drawing her sword. "ARRGGHHH!" She yelled swinging her sword. A few minutes later the fighting continued. "GAH hey Abigail I need some help over here!" Cried out Beam dodging the girls crucial attacks.

"IM ON IT BEAM!" Yelled Abigail running over with Midnight then just like that the girl turned and stabbed Midnight. "Aahh!" She looked down to see a sword through her stomach. "Oh that doesn't look good..." She murmured as she fell to ground. "Midnight!!!!!!!!!" Shouted Beam who ran over to Midnight who was on the ground. Abigail glared the girl and stabbed her over and over cursing.

"What a stupid way to die I imagined it more... Graphic.." Joked Midnight coughing up blood.

Of course Abigail ran over and began to heal her she wouldn't loose her friend ever. "Im ok? ........how lame I thought more people would cry..." Smirked Midnight. Beam hugged Abigail. "Oh thank notch and stop fussing Midnight, you should be glad that your alive!" "And don't you scare me like that ever again Midnight got it?!" "Yeah yeah. I know." Laughed Midnight before standing up and teleporting back home. "Whoa wait! She's gone how'd she do that and what did she mean by 'powers'...what that was all about?" "You'll see just teleport us home." Said Abigail. Bean nodded appearing in front of Midnight sitting in a chair. "I almost died today didnt i

I?" Sighed Midnight. "Oh! Well sup guys!" Said Midnight again who removed her sunglasses eyes glowing bright. Beam grabbed Abigail's arm, shocked about what she was seeing. And stood there staring.."What the oh my god." Was all she could say, "Okay Beam take all the time you need." Said Abigail calmly. Beam snapped out of her trance, and walked over to Midnight. "Um...can you guys explain to me whats going on?" She asked curiously. "Midnight is a herobrine hybrid better?" Beam's eyes widened "Really?!" "Uh yep a herobrine hybrid." Said a confused Midnight. "That's so cool! You guys should have told me sooner!" Cried Beam. Abigail and Midnight surprised nodded in unison. Midnight was shocked she worried over nothing. "Well seems like I don't have to worry." Laughed Midnight. "Guess not." Smirked Abigail.

~end of flashback~

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