Toxic (Arrow)

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(Midnight's POV)

I sighed as Silver lead me down the hallway from the dungeons. I looked around so many memories here I actually felt quite at home. "Maybe being here isn't such a bad thing." I thought, "Lame." A voice echoed in my mind. I narrowed my eyes at Silver. "Look we made a deal I stay out of your head you stay out of mine." Silver rolled her eyes, "Whatever." I groaned as we continued up a spiraling staircase finally exiting the start of the dungeons. I moped to what was possibly my doom, as the throne room doors swung open I looked up there was my insane sister sitting her royal ass on what was once my father's throne. "Ah seems my sister has arrived from her little confinement!" Mocked my sister. I glared up at her and jerked away from Silver "Finally going to finish me off?" I asked slightly annoyed. "Ahahahahaha no where's the fun in that?" I glared even more "Then what?!" Dusk stopped and grinned, "Good question let's see...OHHH ARROW!" Arrow?! I was hoping it was the Arrow who cared for me when I was little as the doors swung open. Nope it was none other then the toxic one herself. ToxicArrow (Arrow). Toxic (as I called her for her evilness) strolled in with a wicked smile plastered on her face. "Surprised?!"" Screeched my sister with glee. "Hardly it's not the first time." I said dryly Toxic looked over grinning. "Look what we have here none other the Miss Midnight herself! Ha look at the great hybrid army's leader! Bound like a dog on a leash!" I growled at her, "Careful I bite!" Toxic frowned unamused she just simply glared at me. "You want to mess with me little girl?" I instantly stiffened, "LITTLE GIRL?!" I thought angrily. I then calmly stood there then smirked. "Toxic may I ask you were you born on a highway?" Toxic scrunched her nose, "No that's ridiculous!" She cried trying to hold in my excitement I calmly spoke. "Oh then my mistake I just assumed you were born on a highway that is where most accidents happen." Toxic's face contorted to fury and she launched herself at me. "WHY YOU LITTLE SNAKE YOU DARE!" She yelled tackling me to the ground. "You know there's only thing that keeps me from breaking you in half, I don't want two of you around!" I shouted trying to anger her. Toxic looked even more furious before retorting, "I'm going to make your life the Nether so it feels like home!" She screamed at me. I blinked at her calmly "Urgh, I'm going to the Nether already- you don't have to give me a preview! Geez someone woke up on the wrong side of the coffin." I muttered. Toxic yanked out her knife with a poisoned blade. My eyes widened at the sight of it. Toxic grinned, "FAREWELL-"


Ok so the amazing @ToxicArrow has made a grand return for Midnight but seriously guys go check out her amazing works and follow her if you haven't catch you guys later!

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