Let's Have Some Fun

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(Midnight's POV)

"That's enough!" Said Silver as her eyes shone brightly. I smirked, Toxic grumbled and let me up. "Alright now why am I here?" She said agitated. "If you don't chill out I'm gonna freaking stab you and then find a nice spot in the woods to bury your carrion." Hissed Silver for once she sent a chill up my spine. Dusk hopped off the throne, "Well dear..dear...Arrow I need a favor." She began as I watched nervously, Silver surreptitiously slipped down the hall vanishing to her 'secret room'. "Arrow I'm offering you the chance of a lifetime since my sister defeated you how bout some revenge?" Dusk said I watched a devilish grin creep up Toxic's face she slowly nodded. "Then take this." Said my sister handing a small vile to her. Cautiously Toxic took the vile drinking it, instantly she sputtered and coughed. "WHAT THE HECK?!" I screamed getting up. Toxic froze in her place and grinned vanishing. " ~Hello Midnight.~ " I heard her say in my head. No.....She didn't...I grew pale with fear as my sister grinned, Toxic was in my head no she was merged with me. Suddenly my hand shot up by itself I tried to lower it I couldn't. "GAHH! STOP IT-" My mouth closed no sound came out I slowly felt a grin spread across my face. My sister grinned at me, "What do you think Arrow?" She said, "Perfect." I replied against my own will. Then everything blurred as I heard her voice in my head, "~Thank you Midnight I'll truly enjoy this hehehehehe.~"

(Toxic's POV)

I opened my eyes well Midnight's eyes grinning I raised her hand I could sense her trying to lower it. It was no use it was very amusing. "Now Arrow I want you to go to my sister's camp convince them she's back then you know what to do from there." Said Dusk I grinned nodding, I spun around looking in the mirror at Midnight's reflection which surprised me at first from forgetting. I held up her hand lighting it with magic. "I think I like this she's quite more powerful then she seems it's incredible." Silver out of no where stormed up mad her eyes blazing from anger. "YOU TWO CAN'T DO THIS!" Yelled Silver angrily Dusk just rolled her eyes. "We can and you have no say in it you are the one who signed up for this." Silver glared and teleported away. "Let's have some fun." Said Dusk with a devilish look. "Why not." I replied I could hear the begging voice of Midnight I just pushed her back into the depths of her mind. She's mine now.

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