Work. Work. Work.

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(Abigail's POV)

I quickly rushed to the newly built mess hall in the camp (pretty soon we won't have tents instead houses), I can't be late otherwise Stormy who was the hybrid in charge of the kitchen would yell at me again. Last time she dragged me in by the ear. How was I supposed to balance the two jobs she gave me? Help wake up all the hybrids and cook and clean up around the camp. Does she have no idea how life threatening it is to wake up Midnight?! That's some scary stuff there I'll tell you. It's like opening a box of rampaging people that have become dang demons. All from a smaller yet older girl at once. I could see the mess hall now almost there! I walked in and sighed relieved then sucked in my breath. I spoke to soon, Stormy was at the door arms folded across chest looking madder then ever. "Your late again." She spat. I grimaced at this, "Ehehehehe sorry Stormy?" I replied with a obvious fearful look on my face.

Within seconds a quick popping noise caught my attention with a painful sting on my cheek. I yelped as I hit the ground, "Get to work!" Shouted Stormy before walking back into the kitchen. I sighed rubbing my cheek and followed. As the lines of hybrids started piling in I stacked the plates in the corner. One after another I made plate after plate. Till Midnight strolled in, "So what's new?" She asked. "Oh nothing much besides you going all crazy this morning on me for waking you up." I teased laughing. Her cheeks reddened a bit after which made it even funnier for me. "Well while you play servant for everyone I'm gonna go eat with CJ and the others." Midnight smirked and turned to walk off. "OH TOUCHÉ!" I retorted. What I failed to notice was Stormy standing behind me. She cleared her throat slowly I turned around and gulped. "Slacking off again?" She lectured, I shook my head furiously. "No it was just Midnight." I said quickly. "You know what if you can't do your job then your on dish duty back to the kitchen. "But-" I started, "No buts!" She seethed. "But the water it'll..-" I tried again. "I DON'T CARE NOW GO!" She screamed her vein pulsing now. I yelped again and dashed off. "Ah!" I whimpered to myself in the back as the water reached my skin after drying each wet dish. By the time I dried the last plate my hand was trembling and searing with pain.

As soon as I put the last plate away I screamed in pain, and ran frantically looking for something to dry my hand off. "crap! Crap! CRAP!" I shouted running around the kitchen. Pots clattered to the floor as I ran past them other female hybrids falling back as I ran past. "GAHHHH!" Screamed a older girl as she hit the floor. "SORRY KAT!" I yelled. Still speeding to the bin with rags to dry dishes with. I snatched up the first rag I saw and began drying my hand. I let out a relieved sigh and leaned back.."What the heck Abigail did you do to my kitchen?!" Shouted Stormy who overheard the commotion. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw all the pots and food on the floor along with all the other girls. All eyes were on me now in the kitchen, I shrunk back a bit. "Clean this mess up!" She boomed before turning and walking out. I sighed and nodded Kat looked over and simply said, "All we do is work. Work. Work." All I could truly do was simply nod. She was right we were all right we worked and way to hard. Something is going to have to change...

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