Chapter 1

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Midnightpaw yawned. Something poked her side. "Go away," she muttered, kicking out randomly.

"Ow!" Sunpaw's voice yelped. "Midnightpaw!"

"You poked me," she mumbled. "I'm sleeping."

"Not anymore," he insisted, dragging her out of her nest. "We get to go on a tour of the territory today!"

She crawled back into her nest, burrowing in among the moss. "We've been on tours of the territory before."

"But Evermore says we might see rogues!"

Midnightpaw perked up. "And we can fight them?"

"Well, no," her friend admitted. "But we can see them!"

She flopped back down. "I don't want to see rogues. I want to fight something!"

Sunpaw sighed. "Alright, lazypaws. Get up." 

He dragged her out of the apprentices' den and into the camp. Blinking in the sunlight, Midnightpaw struggled to her paws. "Alright, fine, I'll go," she growled. "Come on!"

They met their mentors outside of camp. Foxpaw was there, too.

"Come on!" Foxpaw yelped, bouncing with excitement. "We get to fight!"

"No," Diamondring cut in firmly. "We do not get to fight. We get to scout."

"Come on!" Foxpaw yelped. "We get to scout!" She turned to Midnightpaw's mentor. "Happy now?"

Evermore sighed. "Let's just go."

Foxpaw, Midnightpaw, and Sunpaw followed Evermore and Diamondring out of camp.

Diamondring led them in silence around a couple of the borders. All three of them were starting to get bored when Evermore stopped them.

"Hey," he said. "Wait."

They all stopped and stared at him. He sniffed at the ground.

"It's a scent trail," he said. "Not from SwiftClan."

"Then we follow it," Diamondring decided.

"No, Diamondring," Evermore said. "Not with the apprentices."

"Fine," The she-cat meowed. "Go back to camp, you three."

"No!" Foxpaw said. "We want to help!"

"You can help by staying out of the way. Go."

"Fine," Midnightpaw sighed. "Come on."

She led her friends back to camp, where they were greeted by a frantic Lavenderpaw.

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