Chapter 2

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"Teardrop's been hit by a monster," Lavenderpaw explained. "We need comfrey- and poppy seeds-" she broke off, looking around as if the plants might appear.

"We'll go look for them," Midnightpaw promised. 

"Nuh-uh!" Foxpaw objected. "I don't want to gather herbs!"

"Fine, Foxpaw stays here," Midnightpaw growled. "Can we see Teardrop?"

"No," Lavenderpaw mewed. "Flyingspark and Seventail said they needed room to work. I can't even be in there!"

"It's okay," Sunpaw assured her. "You can look with us." Together, the three padded out of camp.

"Did you see her?" Midnightpaw asked.

"Yes," Lavenderpaw said. "It was bad- really bad. Her paw's broken. In two places. She's lost a lot of blood, and she keeps coughing up more."

"That does sound really bad," Sunpaw said. "Is she breathing?"

"Barely," Lavenderpaw said.

"How did it happen?" Midnightpaw asked. "Teardrop was always so careful..."

"She was chasing a really big rabbit," Lavenderpaw explained. "She says it could have fed four warriors..."

They all thought about that for a moment. Midnightpaw's belly rumbled.

"Comfrey!" Lavenderpaw exclaimed. She darted forward and grabbed a clump of green leaves. "And I think I smell poppies!" She ventured further into the undergrowth and emerged with a few flowers clamped between her jaws.

They divided the herbs. Midnightpaw winced at the taste of monster-spray (exhaust fumes) on them, but held them tightly. These could save their deputy's life.

They ran back to camp as quick as they could. Lavenderpaw took the herbs and ran inside the medicine den, but returned a few moments later with Seventail and Flyingspark behind her, looking forlorn.

"What happened?" Midnightpaw asked.

"The monster crushed her ribs. They collapsed on her lungs," Flyingspark reported dully. "We couldn't have saved her."

Seventail and Lavenderpaw said nothing.

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