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"Alright. This world is about Midoriya with the power of Sans."

"Who?" Midoriya asked.

"You'll see." The voice says.

We open to a doctor's office with Inko and a four year old Midoriya.

'I remember this.' Midoriya thought.

"Well Mrs. Midoriya, we have Izuku's quirk results. And it's a very strong quirk. Your quirk has 4 parts to it. One you can summon a large group of bones to attack your opponents. You can also manipulate a person's soul, and basically control their movements. And teleportation. You'll be a great hero with this." The doctor says patting the boy's head.

"Yay! I'll be just like All Might!" The young boy says with extreme enthusiasm.

"That's an awesome quirk, man." Kirishima says.

"Yay! Daddy's super strong everywhere!" Eri says. Midoriya.EXE stopped working after hearing this.

Next Day.

Midoriya is looking for his friend to tell him about his quirk. "Hey Kacchan! The doctor said I have a quirk! A strong one too!" He tells the blonde. "Awesome! But I know it's nowhere as cool as mine." He says smugly. Midoriya just rolls his eyes. "Wanna try out your quirk after school?" Bakugou asks. "Sure."

"I'm glad Bakugou's not an asshole here. Well at least towards Midoriya." Todoroki says.

"Bite me!" Bakugou yells.

After they get back home from school, they go to Bakugou's house to see what Midoriya can do. "He said I can summon large amounts of bones to fight with." He closes his eyes and concentrates. Suddenly, bones with a glowing blue aura appeared out of nowhere and circled around him. There were 10 of them. He aimed them at a tree and in an instant, they cut through the tree like paper. "That's awesome! What else can you do?!" "I can also control someone's soul." He lifted his hand at Bakugou and it started glowing blue. Then Bakugou started glowing blue and struggled to move. Midoriya moved his hand one direction and Bakugou flew there. "Kacchan!" He ran over to the boy. He just gave a thumbs up. "And he said I can teleport." "That's awesome. Teleport inside the house." He nodded and concentrated. Midoriya disappeared in a blue flash. Bakugou heard the backdoor to his house open and Midoriya came.

"It worked! It worked!" Midoriya yells jumping up and down. "You may be strong Deku, but I'm still gonna be the number one hero." "We'll see about that, Kacchan." They stay there smiling at each other. "Come in kids! I have dinner ready!" Mitsuki says to get the boys inside. "Alright!" They say in unison.

"Man. Kacchan is much nicer here. I wish I had this Kacchan growing up." Midoriya says.

"I'll fucking kill you nerd! I'm only nice to you because you have a strong quirk!" Bakugou yells with explosions coming off his palm.

10 years later. Midoriya trained his quirk more. He can summon up to 30 bones, his teleportation distance has greatly improved, and he can control up to five souls at a time. He's also very chill and laid back. Rarely ever getting angry. Right now he stands outside UA for the Entrance Exams. He takes his first step, and trips.

'I guess I'll die.' He thinks nonchalantly.

"This is a familiar sight." Midoriya says. He's sunddenly grabbed by a pair of slender arms. "And it's a memory I'll always treasure." His girlfriend says snuggling into him.

He then stops in mid-air. He turns to see a girl with brown hair and permanent blush. "I'm glad I caught you. It would be back luck to fall before the exams." She says with a bright smile.

"Thanks. I'm Izuku Midoriya." He puts his hand out. "I'm Ochako Uraraka." She takes his hand and shakes it. "Deku!" He turns to see his blonde friend walking up. "Are you asking directions, why are you still out here?" He then sees Uraraka and smirks. "Can I talk to my friend for a second?" He asks her.

"Sure. See you later, Izuku." She says walking away. Midoriya just smiles at her like an idiot. "Got a little crush I see." Midoriya's face is slightly dusted with red. "I-I don't know what you mean." He says brushing it off. "Whatever." They walk to the building for the written portion of the test.

"Bakubro is an actual bro here. I'm so proud of him." Kirishima says patting his back. The rest of the squad follow. "I'll kill all of you." He says through gritted teeth.

Midoriya is standing in front of the doors of the fake city. He looks to his right and sees Uraraka only a few feet away. "Hey Uraraka!" He says with joy. "Hey Izuku!" She goes over to him. "I'm glad you're here. I was getting bored here." He says with a calm smile. She blushes. "T-Thank you." 

"Alright little listeners, it's time for your test!" Present Mix yells as the gate opens. Midoriya holds Uraraka's hand and teleports them to a random part of the city.

"Woah. Midoriya's pretty bold here, isn't he?" Ashido says trying to tease them. "Mina......Shut up." Midoriya says. Todoroki spits out his soda. Others are shocked. All Might spits out blood.

"I'll meet you at the entrance after the exams. K?" He says letting go of her hand. "Y-Yeah. Okay! Bye!" She says running away red faced. He looks for robots to destroy. He finds many coming at him. He summons 10 bones around him. He motions them upward, then brings his fingers down to target the robots. He continues this until he feels he has enough points to pass.

'This is the complete of how I did in my exams.' Midoriya thinks.

Then there's an explosion and he sees a giant robot. 'The zero pointer. Cool.' He leans on the side of a building and watches it. "Ow!" He hears a feminine voice and sees Uraraka pinned under rubble and is close to getting crushed by the robot. He rushes over there with the most seriousness he ever felt in years. "Uraraka!" He stands over her and looks at the robot. He puts his hand up and a giant skull grows out of his hand. "GASTER BLASTER!!" A giant beam comes out of the mouth of the skull and makes a hole in the robots chest.

"Holy crap!" The class yells.

"Yep." The voice says.

He picks the rubble off her leg and picks her up bridal style. He then teleports her to the nurse's office. "Ah! You almost gave me a heart attack." Recovery Girl says. "Sorry. I just needed to get this girl some medical help. She broke her ankle. He lays her on the bed. Recovery Girl uses her quirk on the teenager and her ankle is healed. "She'll be fine. Just let her rest."

Uraraka opens her eyes to see Midoriya in front of her. "H-Hey Izuku." She says exhausted. "Where am I?" "The infirmary. You broke your ankle under some rubble. I carried you here after destroying the robot." She blushes hearing that she was carried by Midoriya. "Well thank you. I think we should get going." "Alright. I'll text Kacchan to go ahead without me." He pulls out his phone to text Bakugou.

They make their way out to the entrance of UA and go to Midoriya's home since it was closer. "See you later Izuku." She says waving bye. "Actually, hold on. Do you want to meet up some time? Just the two of us?" He asks nonchalantly. She blushes and smiles. "Sure! Saturday will work! Bye!" She says running off keeping that idiotic smile.

"Izuku, where were you?! I was worried!" Inko yells. "Sorry mom. I was just walking home with someone." He explains. "Why didn't you just teleport?" She asks. "Because I wanted to spend time with her." Inko makes a lenny face. "A 'she'?" "Yep. I'm going to bed now." He says walking to his room.

"Mama Midoriya knows what's going on." Ashido says. "I do." Inko says smirking.

End of chapter. I know that I was pretty quiet with the characters, I couldn't think of a lot of dialogue for them.

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