The Dark Knight Returns

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"Alright. This next world is called 'The Dark Knight Returns'."

"The who?" Midoriya asks.

"The Dark Knight. This world is similar to the Spider-Man one, except the heroes are different. This world has no Spider-Man, but instead Midoriya is the vigilante known as Batman. A hero that's always 5 steps ahead of everyone else. And is 5 steps ahead of those steps. He's so badass he doesn't need powers to keep up with the rest of his friends, who actually have powers." The voice says.

"So I'm quirkless in this world?" Midoriya asks.

"Yep. But all you need is your brain, money, and broodiness." The voice reassures the boy.

Iida raises his hand. "You don't need to raise your hand, Iida." He gets slightly embarrassed. "Sorry, but I have a question. Why is return part of the title." He asks.

"Perfect question. Because of an accident that ended the lives of millions, there was a law passed that banned any vigilantism, and other acts by superheroes. Btw, you guys live in America in this world. And after many years, Gotham, where Midoriya lives, had crime becoming worse than ever. So he takes up the mantle of Batman once again. And for an old man, he knows how to kick ass. This is after a few weeks of him returning, and All Might, more commonly known as Superman in this world, was asked by the president to bring him in. This is their fight." The voice explains.

"That sounds cool." Sero says about his excitement.

We open in a city when it's snowing. Helicopters are flying, and All Might is flying by. He looks down to see a tank like machine and recognizes it as the Batmobile.

"Holy crap! Midoriya owns that?! How much did that cost to make?!" Kaminari exclaims.

"More than you'll ever make even as a pro hero." The voice answers.

All Might flies down, taking no damage from the bullets from the vehicle, and flips it over. He rips it open and sees Eri in a red costume with a black cape, and green gloves and boots. "Toshinori!" He hears his name called out. He turns to see Midoriya in a power armor. "This is between you and me."

"Okay 1. Cool suit. And 2. Did he take steroids?! How did he get so bulked?!" Ashido asks.

"Meh. When you retire, you gotta keep in shape." The voice says.

All Might flies over to Midoriya.

"We don't have to do this." All Might pleads with the vigilante. "Sure we do." He pulls out a sonic gun and hits All Might with it, also shattering every window near them. All might falls to the ground with blood coming from his nose. He grabs the weapon and destroys it, and knocks Midoriya back into a lamp post.

"How the hell did that hurt All Might of all people?!" Bakugou yells. "Because All Might's powers in this world are more than just super strength and durability. He can also fly, which you saw earlier, super hearing, which is why that gun did so much damage, heat vision, and x-ray vision. His strength and durability are also greater. He's pretty much strong enough to bench press a planet." The voice explains.

"How is he so strong?" Uraraka asks amazed.

"Because he's an alien. And our sun caused the alien DNA in him to mutate and develop these abilities. Now back to the fight."

All Might wipes his nose clean of blood. "I don't want to do this. You know what my orders are." He says putting his hand out for Midoriya to take. Midoriya slightly shifts. "Your orders?" He takes a device from his belt and hooks it to the lamp post. He stands up and takes All Might's hand. But electricity was going through his palm and All Might is taking damage from electricity surging through his body. Midoriya then grabs his face and All Might screams from pain.

"Damn, Midoriya." Jiro says.

"Yeah. Batman is the kind of guy that won't go easy in a fight." The voice says.

All Might drops to his knees. "You say you answer to some sort of authority. But they only want me dead because I'm an embarrassment. Because I can do what they can't. What kind of authority is that?" He asks the all-powerful hero. All Might uses his heat vision to destroy the device connected to the lamp post. He then punches Midoriya into a truck. "It doesn't matter. It's their world, and they won't stand for you anymore. If it isn't me it'll just be someone else." Midoriya looks up at him, still on the ground. "Really? Who do they send after you?"

"Man. Midoriya just doesn't give a shit, does he?" Kirishima asks.


Midoriya uses jets from his boots to dash to All Might. He dodges, but Midoriya turns around and slams All Might into the using the hydraulics in his suit. They keep their fight going, and even knock each other into an apartment building, smashing through many peoples rooms. Their fight leads to a construction sight. Girders fall down from where All Might knocked him down. He dodges them, but is hit back by All Might's heat vision. All Might flies at him, but Midoriya uses one of the steel beams to send him back. He throws Baterangs at a wrecking ball. He grabs the wrecking ball midair and slams it down onto him. When he lands on the ground, he swings it again and he flies into the air. All Might cuts the chain to the ball, and Midoriya drops the empty chain. He back flips avoiding All Might's next attack. He grabs rollers from steam rollers and uses them as gauntlets to fight the caped hero. He uses them to block one of his attacks, then sends a right hook followed by a punch from the left. He then slams them together against him, causing them to be destroyed.

"Man this fight is awesome!" Kirishima exclaims.

"It's also pretty brutal." Todoroki chimes in.

"I like it brutal!" Bakugou says with a smirk.

All Might grabs Midoriya by his face. "Izuku, this is idiotic!" He then slams his palm against the caped crusader's chest, removing his helmet and sending him flying back. He lands onto a sidewalk, and All Might lands hard on top of him. He then picks up the old man and punches him away. "That was three ribs, Izuku. Don't make me do this." Midoriya gets up and runs at him.

 "Just like Midoriya to ignore pain to continue a fight." Aizawa comments.

"It's both one his best qualities, and one of his riskiest moves." All Might says deadpanned.

Midoriya sends an uppercut, and uses something in his gauntlet to blind All Might. He sends wild punches to try and hit the vigilante, and Midoriya attaches a device to All Might's chest that explodes. "Get ready." Midoriya says under his breath. All Might flies at him, sending him onto a wall. "What are you doing? Do you want me to kill you?" He asks Midoriya like he's crazy. Midoriya smiles. "Oh, you're not gonna kill me. Now!" He yells. Behind All Might, is an old Bakugou with a beard, a missing left arm, with a bow and arrow. The arrow has kryptonite at the end. He shoots it at All Might, and the arrowhead disperses the substance and spreads to All Might's face. All Might drops to the ground

"What is that? It seems to be having some kind of negative effect on All Might?" Yaoyorozu asks.

"It's made from something that causes him to become weakened. It's pretty much toxic to him. But it'll take a lot more of it than to to kill him." The voice answers the creation teen.

"It wasn't easy to make, Toshinori. It took years and cost a fortune. Luckily I have both." He then proceeds to pummel All Might. "That feeling of power is what each of us live with everyday. Your own mortality. Don't worry, you'll survive. The kryptonite will work its way out of your lungs soon enough." All Might uses his x-ray vision to look inside Midoriya's chest and sees his heart is off.

"What's wrong with Midoriya's heart?" Iida asked worried.

"Izuku. Your heart." He tries telling him. Midoriya kicks All Might's face. He then grabs him by the collar of his costume. "But I didn't have to go easy on you. A different binding agent, a stronger mix, I wanted to remind you that. I wanted you to stay out of my way. In all the years to come in your most private moments, I want you to remember the one man who beat you." He says down on the hero.

"Damn. That's badass." Bakugou says.

Midoriya then has a heart attack.

"So his heart was giving out on him?!" Iida exclaims.

"Yep. He's old. He can't keep it up like when he was younger. And that's where we'll be ending this universe."

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