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"Alright. This is the next world called Spider-Deku. In this world, quirkless people are more common. And Midoriya is also quirkless. But he got bit by a radioactive spider that gave him the abilities of a spider. He uses these powers to help people as a vigilante." The voice says.

"That's good to hear. I'm glad I can still be a hero without a quirk." Midoriya says happy about still being a hero.

"Right now you're fighting David Shield, or 'Doc Ock,' because he has a cure for a virus he spread around the city to destroy the reputation of Mayor Masaro Bakugou." The voice explains.

"David's a villain?!" All Might exclaims hearing his old friend is a villain here.

"He spread a disease across the city?!" Midoriya exclaims shocked that he would do that.

"MY SHITTY OLD MAN'S A MAYOR?!" Bakugou says angry hearing hos wimpy dad is able to become a mayor.

"Yep. Midoriya also worked with him to develop prosthetic limbs for injured soldiers. They developed a very good friendship, Midoriya looked up to him. But as the prosthetic kept evolving, David's mind kept getting more corrupt. Now let's get to the show."

We see a building called Bakucorp with helicopters flying around. David Shield is seen with goggles, a green suit, and four mechanical arms from his back, drop Masaru from the top of the building. We then see that someone saved him, and is safe on a rooftop.

"Why does that building have Bakugou's name on it?" Todoroki asked.

"Because his dad also, before he became mayor, founded a science corporation."

"NO WAY MY OLD MAN'S THAT SMART! HE'S A FUCKING WIMP!" The ashy blonde yelled.

David is walking towards the tower on top of the building, then Midoriya swings in wearing a black suit with a yellow spider, eyes, and highlights across the suit.

"That suit looks pretty cool." Kaminari says.

"It's made from the same thing as David's arms. It's called the 'Ant-Ock' suit."

"Give me the antiserum!" David turns around to face the web slinger. "David, you've worked your whole life to help people. Please." Midoriya begs him.

David raises himself over Midoriya. "You're fighting the wrong man. But have it your way." David rushes at him, but Midoriya swings to one away to evade. "We don't have much time! Please!"

"I'll turn over the antiserum when Bakugou pays for his crimes!" David exclaims.

"What the fuck did my old man do?!" Bakugou yells in frustration.

"Hahaha." The voice laughed nervously. "We don't have enough time for that."

David lunges at Midoriya, but he evades and webs up his arms to momentarily stop him. Midoriya webs over to him and punches him repeatedly. David knocks him away and starts throwing wreckage at Midoriya. "Just give me the antiserum! You've already done enough to ruin Bakugou!" Midoriya says begging the doctor while evading rubble being thrown at him. "No! He always bounces back! He has to lose EVERYTHING!"

"Man, he really hates Bakugou's dad here." Kirishima replied.

"You have no idea. The used to be partners at this company, but Masaru did some things that caused David to leave and grow a bitter hatred towards him. It got worse after he became mayor." The voice explains.

"That's pretty messed up, I guess. But where's Kacchan?" Midoriya asks concerned about his................well not friend, but his something.

"He's on a trip in Europe for studies." The voice explains.

"Oh, okay."

"I see you have a new suit! It won't help you!" David says launching himself at Midoriya, but Midoriya just dodges. "I know your weaknesses!"

"I have no weaknesses!" 

"'What about you're crippling loneliness?'" Kaminari jokes as Spider-Man.

"'Okay, I have one weakness.'" Sero jokes as Doc Ock. They laugh at their own joke

(AN: TFS Gaming anyone?)

"How much is Bakugou paying you to protect him?!" David yells accusingly. "I'm not protecting him, I'm trying to protect the city!" He says webbing David's eyes to attack him again. He knocks David to the ground. "Give me the antiserum, and I promise Bakugou will face charges."

"LIAR! Just like Bakugou--nothing but LIES!" David says knocking away the web-slinger and going on top of the tower. He uses the tower to set the roof on fire. Midoriya swings away and throws some remaining rubble at the mad doctor.

"How did he set the roof on fire?" Yaoyorozu asks.

"Science, I guess." The voice says not knowing.

Midoriya swings over to him and climbs to his back, and removes the transmitter Ock uses to control the arms, but he grabs his wrists and destroys the web shooters. He then throws Midoriya away, and Midoriya lands on the side of the tower. Midoriya evades David's attacks since he can't shoot webs. As he does so the tower is starting to tip over. David is finally able to get a hit at Midoriya's face braking some of the mask.

"Oh no, Midoriya!" Most of the class shouts.

"He needs to keep his face hidden!" Uraraka says concerned for her not-at-all-crush.

"Such a disappointment. Midoriya." David says revealing he knew the young hero's identity.

The class was in shock that David knew about his secret all along.

"You knew?" Midoriya says surprised. "I tried to warn you, Izuku. But you didn't listen." Midoriya feels rage starting to build up as David willingly hurt his friend for revenge. "You *knew*!"

"I won't let you win." David swings his arms again, and Midoriya makes it to the top of the tower. "This means to much to me."

"Not more than it means to me!" He jumps down onto David, and he uses his arms to hold onto the tower. Midoriya manages to break off one of the arms, and that breaks the tower off its hinges, causing it and them to fall down. The cling onto the side of the building as fire rains from behind them. The three remaining arms David has are damaged, but can still function properly.

"Man this looks so cool." Kaminari comments on the scene happening in front of them. The class just stares at him. "I'm not wrong." He shrugs.

"Can't you see all the people you're hurting?"

"You won't understand. You've never suffered like I have." David says using the one available arm he has to attack. "You should be on my side!" "I was!" He dodges the arm's attacks and repeatedly attacks David.

"Man, this is super emotional." Iida says.

"You have no idea." The voice says with a knowing voice.

David grabs Midoriya and brings him closer. "Please...think of the man you were." Midoriya begs his former friend. "That man is gone. You can't save me, Izuku."

"You can always save someone, even if they don't need it!" All Might yells at his friend from another universe.

"Then I guess you'll have to save yourself!" Midoriya yells breaking free from his captivity.

"Get 'em, bro!" Kirishima yells at the other Midoriya.

David attacks again, but Midoriya dodges it. "You were my hero! You meant so much to me!" He says landing punch after punch to David. David grabs him and slams him into the building the stood on the side of. Midoriya gets up and attacks him once more. "We were gonna change the world!"

"FUCK HIM UP!" Todoroki yells surprising everyone. He sits down slightly embarrassed. "Sorry. Got a little excited there." He explains himself.

Midoriya throws another punch knocking off David's goggles. "You look tired, Midoriya." "Not tired." He jumps at David sticking to one of his arms. "Just hurt."

"Damn. My feels." Sero says putting a hand to his chest.

"Oh, just fuckin' wait." The voice says with a slight chuckle.

Midoriya maneuvers around David to avoid getting hit and makes it to his back to remove the neural interface. But David finally get him and pins him to the building. He uses another arms to claw at Midoriya. He hold onto two of the claws on the arm. "DAVID! Stop-" One of the claws pierces Midoriya's shoulder. "RRGHHAA!" He yells in pain.

"MIDORIYA/DEKU!" The class and teachers, minus Bakugou, yelled concerned for their friend.

"Oh, Midoriya." David says rising up to him. "If you want to change the world, you have to be the kind of man that can make the hardest decisions." He says presenting the antiserum.

"The hardest choices require the strongest wills." The voice says in a deep voice.

"What was that?" Midoriya asks.

"Quote from a movie that doesn't exist in your world." The voice says answering the One For All user's question.

"I couldn't...agree...MORE!" He lets go of the arm and lets it pierce him. He then grabs the neural interface from the back of David's head. "NO! NOOOOO!" David yells as the arms deactivate losing their connection to his brain. The claw from the arm is pulled out from Midoriya as David falls. Midoriya jumps down to catch up to David so he can get the antiserum. They land onto a platform that leads into a hole in the building. David lies on a piece of machinery defeated, as Midoriya takes off the mask showing his full face.

"It's over. Thank goodness." All Might says with relief.

"Not yet." The voice says.

Midoriya walks over to where the antiserum landed and picks it up. But David grabs his wrist weakly as it's brought closer to Midoriya. "Izuku. I saw you as a son. I should've known you'd turn on me, just like all the others." Midoriya was hurt by this. "Turn? Turn? I worshiped you! Your mind...your conscience...wanting to help others...the way you never gave up!"

"This is so sad!" Yaoyorozu says close to tears. Uraraka, Kaminari, Ashido, and some others aren't too far behind her.

David brings Midoriya closer to him. "That's because men like us have a duty. A responsibility. To use our talents in the service of others. Even if it's unappreciated...we have to do what's best for those beneath us. Whether they understand it or not-" Midoriya breaks from his grip. "No. You're wrong. You were everything I wanted to be! You just threw it away!"

"Tell him how it is, bro!" Kirishima yells with tears in his eyes.

Midoriya starts walking away, then David speaks up again. "Yes, of course. You're right, Izuku." Midoriya faces him again. "I see that now. The neural interface affected my mind. But I can fix it. WE can fix it...together. If you'll help me."

"I'll do everything I can. I'll make sure you get the best help-" He starts walking away again. "NO. If they put me away, they'll take my arms! I'll be trapped in this *useless* body!"

"What does he mean by 'useless'?" Asui asks.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot. David has a disease that's slowly affecting his body due to his years around chemicals. It'll keep him from using his muscles, but his brain will still function." The voice explains to the frog girl.

"Oh my..." She puts her hand over her mouth.

"Please, Izuku." David begs him. That...wasn't me. You said you'd never abandon me, you promised, remember? And, of course...you'll rest easy knowing your secret is safe with me." He says with a smile.

"He does have a bit of a point. He does know his secret." Uraraka speaks up.

"We'll leave that for the sequel. Whenever that comes out." The voice says mumbling at the end.

"You do what you think is best, Doc. It's all any of us can." Midoriya then turns around and walks away. "Izuku-?" "Even when it hurts like hell." "Izuku? Where are you going? Izuku! IZUKU!!!" The scene fades to black.

"Man, that was intense. I'm glad it's over." Ashido says.

"Oh my pink friend, it's not over yet. Get your tear buckets people. Especially you, Midoriya." The voice says.

"W-Why?" He asks concerned about him being singled out.

Fade back into a homeless shelter with lots of sick people, and a room with medical supplies. Recovery Girl looks into a microscope and sees the cure is working. Midoriya is back in his regular Spider-Man costume and s looking at his mom sick on a bed due to the virus.

"MOM?!" Midoriya yells with tears in his eyes.

"It's still viable, but we'll need the entire sample as a base to produce more doses." Recovery Girl explains to the red and blue clad hero. "How long will that take?"

"Few hours--maybe a day." She answers the young man's question. He looks over at Inko. "What if we use it to cure someone right now?" She shakes her head. "Then there won't be enough to cure the others." He then looks outside the room at the other sick people. Recover Girl then gets up. "I'll give you a few minutes." She says taking her leave. Uraraka is worried for him, but knows that he needs to be alone.

"I wonder what's going to happen here." Sero says preparing for more feels.

Midoriya makes his way over to his mother and kneels down to look at her better. "You're going to be okay, ma'am. We've got the cure right here." Midoriya says with his voice slightly cracking.

"Take off your mask." She asks the hero. "I want to see my son."

"She knows?" The class asks with tears forming, close to falling down. Some of them were already crying.

Midoriya takes off his mask to show his bruised face. "You knew?" He says with a broken voice. "I've known for a while." She says to her son. "I never wanted you to worry." "I did. And I'm so proud. And Hisashi would be too. And all the people you've saved."

"I don't know what to do." He says on the verge of braking down. "Yes you do." She then starts coughing. Midoriya stands up and is about to put the antiserum in her IV, but knows he can't knowing that if he does, everyone else will die.

"Heroes always have to make the hardest decisions. Even if they don't like the outcome, they have to do what's best for a majority, rather than a few." All Might says with full understanding of how the other Midoriya feels.

Midoriya then sets the cure of the table next to Inko. He kneels down next to her and cries into her.



The entire class, minus Bakugou and Todoroki, with the latter just tearing up, was now crying, Midoriya was crying the hardest seeing his mom dead. Uraraka was crying almost as much as him seeing someone she cares for so much being hurt like this.

Midoriya felt a hand on his shoulder. He turns to see it's All Might with a calming smile. "It's okay, Young Midoriya. That was your mom form another universe. Your mother is still here and alive. You don't have to worry." He says in a calming voice.

Midoriya wiped his tears. "Thank you, All Might. I know that my mom is still alive, but seeing any version of her dying is something I never want to see."

"Alright, now that that's done, we'll have a 10 minute intermission to recuperate from the emotional destruction you've just watched." The voice says.

"You're evil!" Uraraka yells wiping way her tears.

"Trust me. Compared to my friends Lily and Cramp, I'm tame." The voice says with a slight shiver remembering how they messed with him.

"Okay. Let's go eat everyone. Food should make us feel better!" Iida says instructing the class.

End of chapter. Thanks for reading. I hope I gave you the feels. And Lily, Cramp, if you're reading this chapter, you know what you did, so don't deny it.

Thanks for reading. Remember to comment, vote, and remember to go beyond. PLUS ULTRA!!!

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