Sword Art Online part 2

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Warning. This chapter is going to be long, I think. Because I'm doing the parts with Yui to the fall of Aincrad

"Alright, guys. I know the last world kinda bummed you out. So here's a sequel to the SAO world." The voice said.

"Oh, thank goodness." Ashido says relieved.

"But you should still prepare yourselves." The voice says quickly.

"Oh come on!" The class yells.

"I'm also gonna invite a few new people." The voice says. There's a snapping noise and Eri, Inko, Present Mic, Midnight, and Nezu.

"Welcome. You have been invited to watch the multiverse surrounding Midoriya." The voice says to the new comers.

"Oh. This should be fun, I guess." Inko says unsure.

"O-Ok." Eri says nervous and hides behind Midoriya's legs.

"THIS SHOULD BE-" Present Mic was saying until Midnight slapped her hand over his mouth.

"Very well. Let's see what information this world has to offer."

Open up in a forest with a lake and cabin. Uraraka is looking out the window of the cabin. "Wow! This view is amazing." She says admiring the view the from the balcony of the cabin.

'I need to find a place like this when I'm done teaching." All Might and Aizawa think at the same time.

Midoriya walks up behind her. "It is pretty awesome. Don't fall off the balcony. That would really suck."

"Looking out for your girl. So manly." Kirishima says clenching his fist.

"S-She's not my girl!" Midoriya says red faced. Uraraka feels a little hurt after hearing him say that.

Midoriya and Uraraka just stay there admiring the view. Cut to a shot of Midoriya holding onto her waist with a silver band on his left finger. "We bought the best house." She says joyfully. "Aaaand now we're totally broke." She giggles at the comment. She puts her left hand on his, also wearing a silver band. "It's worth it, though. Because we can live in peace here."

"OH MY GOSH! MY SHIP IS SAILING!" Ashido says running around.

"Don't run around too much. If you run too far off, you'll get lost in this void." The voice says. She stops and goes back to her seat next to Kirishima.

She turns to Midoriya, seeing that something's wrong with him. "Deku? What's wrong?" "Well... I was thinking. Does our relationship only exist in this world?" She gives him an expression of disbelief. "I can't believe you'd say that. I don't give a damn if this is a virtual world. My feelings for you are real." She grabs his face, squishing it some. "If I learned anything in the last two years, it's this. To keep doing the very best we can until the very end. And if we make it back to the real world, I promise I'm going to find you again. No matter what. And fall in love with you again." She brings him into a kiss, and Midoriya embraces it, putting his hands around her waist.

"Midoriya! Uraraka! If you two ever decide to form a relationship, I shall be the first to congratulate you two!" Iida says while applauding for his alternate universe friends.

"WHAT?! WE'RE NOT GONNA BE IN A RELATIONSHIP!" Midoriya says frantically waving his hands. Uraraka starts sniffling after what he said. "Y-You don't want to b-be in a relationship with m-me." Tears start falling down. "No, wait! That's not what I meant! I just meant that I wouldn't want to be in a relationship i-it's just that I-oh, jeez." Midoriya says trying to explain himself.

"Okay, you know what you two? Here. Let me give you five minutes to talk." The voice says snapping his nonexistent fingers, and the two disappeared. 

"Where did they go?" Eri asks concerned about the two.

"I just put them in another room so they can talk and clear things up. I'm giing them five minutes to talk, then I'll bring them back."

Five minutes later:

"Alright, time's up. Let's see how they are now." The voice says snapping his air fingers and the two come back. They're making out with Uraraka's legs wrapped around Midoriya, and he's holding onto her thighs. "Oh. Well now I owe someone money."

"For what?" Kaminari asks.

"You don't know my life!" The voice says. "Hey, sinnamon rolls! You're back in the room with your classmates. And your teachers. And your mom, Midoriya. And a six year old." The voice causing the two to realize where they are and separate. The go red faced and explain that they talked, said they liked each other, and then start sucking each other's souls out.

"My baby has a girlfriend! If you knock her up, I'll kill you." Inko says excitedly, then with a threatening tone. "I'm not going to knock her up! We just started dating!"

"Okay, if you're done, we're going to get back to the show." The voice says.

Timeskip to the next morning. Midoriya and Uraraka are in their bed, she watches him sleep. Admiring his sleeping, cute face. 'He's usually brash and impulsive, but he can be so naive too. Almost like a little kid.' She then freaks out about that thought. 'Oh my God! Is he younger than me?' Her worried face then turns into one of love. She goes down and hugs him. "Deku. I love you. Let's say together forever." Midoriya then wakes up, she she pushes herself off of him embarrassed. "G-Good morning, Deku." "Good morning."

"You two are sharing a bed here? I smell indecency." Iida says straightening out his glasses.

"Like that nerd could do anything like that. He can't even be around Round Face long enough to actually speak a full sentence without stuttering." Bakugou says to get on Midoriya's nerves.

"Bakugou, cut it out!" Uraraka says annoyed at the explosive dandelion. "No it's true. You're just too cute." He says embarrassed. She gets slightly red faced.

"D-Did you hear what I said?" She asks flustered from the embrace. Midoriya is too tired to open his eyes. "N-Nothing! Anyway, wanna go have some fun today!" She suggests to the green haired badass. "Didn't we have fun yesterday? And the day before that, too? *yawn*"

"So. You're saying you don't want to go have fun today." She says accusingly at him.

"Yeah, Midoriya. Don't you want to go have fun with your hot girlfriend." Mineta says with drool coming out of his mouth.

"Mineta, you're lucky I let you stay here. Now keep quiet or I'll force your eyelids open and you'll have to watch 12 hours of videos on respecting women." The voice says threatening the Grapist.

Mineta gets scared at this threat. "Y-Yes sir!"

Midoriya gets an idea. "Hey, I know a place we can go. Come on."

Cut to the forest, the happy couple walk along a bridge hand-in-hand. "Hey, carry me on your shoulders." "Seriously."

"Come on. It's no fun seeing the world from the same height all the time. Plus, with your strength perimeters, it should be a piece of cake." Midoriya rubs the back of his head. "I guess. Okay." He says giving in. He kneels down for her to climb on. She lifts her skirt slightly to make it easier to get on his back. "If you turn around, I'm going to slap you."

Mineta is about to open his mouth. "Speak, and I make it 24 hours!" He closes his mouth.

"Has anyone said how wholesome this is yet? Because it is." Hagakure points out. The class nods at her statement of the two.

"Are you gonna hop on already, or what?" She climbs on his shoulders and he lifts her up. She gasps at the view from the new height. "This is so cool! You can already see the lake from here." "You see the lake from here. I-" He complains but then gets interrupted by the brunette.

"Okay. If you want, you can ride on my shoulders later. Let's get a move on, horsey. We're heading North, Northwest." He starts walking to the direction she pointed.

They make it into the woods, and are walking along a trail. "I heard this weird rumor in the village yesterday. About how if you go deep enough into the forest, you'll see...them" He says spookily. "Hm? See who?" She asks. "Ghosts."

"There are ghosts in this game?" Kaminari asks getting a little spooked out.

"Kind of. Sort of. Not really." The voice says giving a not very good answer.

Uraraka has a nervous smile on her face after hearing this. "Y-You mean like those in-game astral type monsters, right?" "No not those. Real ghosts." Her nervous smile gets bigger. "They say the tortured souls of the monsters hunted here come back to wonder the forest at night." There's a crash and Uraraka gets jumpy. "We're almost there." Midoriya says trying to scare her. "T-The place the rumor mentions?" She asks looking around.

"About a week ago, a carpenter hiked into the forest to get some wood for a project. He stayed so long that, before he knew it, it was night. As he walked along, he caught a glimpse of something white standing by a tree." Midoriya tells her the tale, trying to scare her. It's working. Uraraka turns her head to see a white figure walking. Midoriya continues with the story. "Was it a monster, or something else The white figure slowly walked towards the trees." She gets his attention. "Hey! Look!"

"I know how to deal with ghosts." Kaminari says confidently.

"Really? You Jamming-Whey?" Jiro asks the Pikachu.

"Of course. And it's only one step. Step 1: Get the fuck out of there." He says with full confidnece in his plan.

'Fuck this shit I'm out' Music plays.

Midoriya looks at where she was trying to point towards. She starts freaking out. "I wanna get down, I wanna get down!" She flips backwards onto the ground. "What's going on?" Midoriya asks confused at what she's freaking out about. She stays behind his back and points over to where she say what seemed to be a ghost. "I-It's over there." He look at where she's pointing to see a little girl in a white dress. They start getting nervous at the mysterious figure, with Uraraka looking away scared of what will happen.

"Why is she scared of this, but not everything else thrown at her?" Todoroki asks pondering at the scared swordswoman.

"Because the ghosts Midoriya is describing would be like a ghost in your world. Unlike a specter type monster, which they can fight." The voice explains.

The little girl then falls over. "Hold on. That's not a ghost!" He says running towards the little girl. "Wait, Deku! Oh jeez." She says running after her husband. When she catches up to him, she sees that the ghost, is a little girl with pale blue-grey hair and a horn on the right side of her forehead.

"Eri?!" Everyone yelled. "I'm here?" The little girl asked. "Yep. That's why I brought you here. So you can see the other versions of yourself along with Midoriya and the others." The voice explains.

"It's another player." "Yeah. But there's something really strange about her." "What do you mean?" "She doesn't have a cursor." Uraraka looks at the little girl again and sees that she doesn't have a health bar or a name. "Maybe it's a bug." "Yeah, maybe it is." The look back at her. "What's a little girl like this doing playing SAO? I don't think we should leave er alone out here. Let's take her home with us." She suggests to Midoriya. He agrees and picks her up.

Cut to the cabin, they watch as the little girl sleeping peacefully. "Well, one thing's for sure. She's not an NPC, and she didn't have trouble moving through here." Midoriya says stating what they know. "Yeah, that's true. She can't be that, or she would've given a warning when you picked her up, like other NPC's."

"Yeah, you're right. And she's definitely not a quest character either. The quest log would've updated when we interacted with her." Midoriya says.

"So what is she, ribbit?" Asui asks. "We should just keep watching to find out." Tokoyami suggests.

"She has to be a player. She must've been out there for a while, wondering around lost. That's the most likely scenario." Midoriya says. "Yeah, but, what was she doing out there?" Uraraka asks. "Your guess is as good as mine. She has to have a parent or guardian out there. Right?"

"Yeah. Where's Aizawa?" Midnight asks looking at the tired teacher with a teasing look. "Leave me out of this." "Come on, Shota! You know you love that little girl like a daughter." Present Mic yells in his ear. "Shut it. And besides, I see her more like a neice. I see Shinso as more of a son."

Todoroki gives him a glare. The same he gave to Midoriya during their talk at the Sports Festival. "Todoroki, no!" Midoriya yells knowing what he's thinking.

Cut to nighttime, Uraraka gets out of her and Midoriya's bed to go over to the girl. 'I wonder. Did she log into SAO by herself? Or with her family? Or has she been alone her all this time?' She wonders. She gets into the bed with the girl. "Sleep well. Please hurry and wake up tomorrow." She then nods off to sleep, and the girl smiles.

"Wait, hold on!" Present Mic yells confused.

Uraraka wakes up the next morning to see a pair of ruby red eyes staring at her. "*gasp* Deku! Wake up!" Midoriya groggily gets up. "Good morning. Something wrong?" He asks. She tells him to go over to the bed, and he does as he's told. "You woke up. Thank goodness." Uraraka says relieved. "You remember what happened to you?" She shakes her head no. "Okay. How about your name?"

"My...name...my name is...I think my name is...I think...Er...i...Eri. That's it. Eri." The little girl, now known as Eri, answers. "That's a cute name. Nice to meet you. My name's Uraraka. And this is Deku." "O-Ochko? Eku?" She tries to say their names, but is cute when failing.

Sero is trying to keep his face clenching from the cuteness.

"Try to remember. What were you doing in the forest? And do you know where your mom and dad are now?" Eri starts to think, but shakes her head 'no'. "I-I don't know. I-I can't remember anything." "Well, you're awake. Can I call you Eri?" She nods. "You can call me Deku. Can you say Deku. "Eku?" He pats her head. "It's okay. Maybe it's a little hard. How about you call me whatever's easier for you." He tells the little girl.


"Daddy." Eri says sweetly. "Me?" Midoriya asks confused at this. She nods and looks at Uraraka. "Ochko is...Mommy." She's taken back by this, but accepts it when Eri looks sad. "Okay. I'm Mommy, that works." Eri smiles and hugs her new mommy. "Mommy. Mommy. Daddy." Uraraka laughs and picks her up. "You must be hungry. How about breakfast?" She suggests to the little girl.

Everyone is silent at to what just occurred. Most of them are jaw dropped, while others are either smiling at the cuteness or have their face scrunched up from the cuteness.

It's dead quiet until Midoriya speaks up. "So we're like her parental figures in this?"

"Deku and Uraka are my parents in this?" Eri asks.

"Yep. There are other universes like that. But I can't show you some of them for copyright reasons." The voice says.

We see Uraraka bringing Eri some sandwiches while Midoriya is eating his own and reading. But Eri has her attention on Midoriya's. "I don't know, Eri. This one's super spicy." He tells the horned-girl. She just smiles at him. "I want the same one Daddy has." "Okay. If you think you're ready for it, I won't stop you. You only live once, right?" He says handing her another spicy sandwich. She takes a bite from it and gets used to the spiciness.

"I like it." Midoriya is surprised. "Woe, you've got an iron stomach. We can do a full course of extra spicy food tonight if you want." She nods. "Okay, let's not get carried away. I'm not cooking anything nuclear." Uraraka says shutting their plan down. "You heard the lady." Midoriya says. "You heard the lady." Eri repeats him, and they laugh.

"And there are other worlds like this?" Ashido asks. "Yep." "And you're not gonna show us those?" She asks again. "Nope." "Why not?" She complains. "Because I don't have the right to show those, and if I do, I'll be in a lot of trouble."

"What?" She asks confused.

"Nothing! Moving on!"

"But I wanna see those." Eri says getting upset.

"Can't! Moving on!"

"So? What do you think?" Uraraka asks looking at the sleeping child. "I don't know. She's a black slate. No memories or anything."

"I know. It's like she's a baby again." She starts to tear up. "I just...I don't*sniffle*I'm sorry. I don't know what to do." Midoriya gives her an understanding smile. "I get it. You wanna take care of her. At least until she gets her memory back." "Yeah but..." "It's a catch 22. We have to get back to the game, otherwise it'll take that much linger to get Eri free of it. For now, we'll do what we can. Judging by the gear she's got, she hasn't been in the field much. We'll check the town of beginnings. Maybe there we'll find out if she's got family." Uraraka clenches her fists. "Okay."

"This is just sweet. My baby boy is growing up." Inko says with tears raining down. "Mom. Another me." Midoriya says to the crying woman.

Midoriya puts his hand on top of hers. "Look, I don't wanna say goodbye to her either." She looks into his emerald green eyes. "You really don't?" "I don't know what it is, I mean we just meet her and all, but having her here, it's made our little cabin feel like a real home. Don't you think so?" "Mhm."

Ashido was about to talk. "Ask about those other worlds again and I stick you in a closet with Mineta for the rest of this world." She closes her mouth and shivers at the thought of being stuck in a room with Grapist.

"It's not like we won't see her again. But look, if she's got a family out there, they're probably worried about her right now." Uraraka gets up. "Okay. Once she wakes up, we'll go to the Town of Beginnings." Eri starts talking in her sleep. "Mommy...Daddy..." She smiles.

(Timeskip to the dungeon when she explains everything becuase they author is lazy as f*ck and wants to end this chapter. And for those that haven't seen the show, sorry. I'm also going to keep all the explainy parts short, so you're welcome.)

"Man, that was crazy." Kirishima says.

"What is she?" Kaminari asks.

Eri is sitting on what looks like a big, black rectangular stone. "Do you remember who you are?" Uraraka asks. "Yes. Deku and Ochako." They're taken back by this. "Everything in Sword Art Online is controlled by one, massive system. There is a part of the system to look at the mental health of the players. Mental Code Counseling Program Prototype 1. Codename: Eri. That is who I am." Midoriya and Uraraka are shocked by this. "You're a program An A.I.?" Uraraka asks.

"What does the 'A' stand for?" Kaminari asks.

"Artificial." Yaoyorozu answers.

"What about the 'I'." Sero asks.

"Intelligence. Something you two don't have." Todoroki says. Everyone is surprised at the burn he just laid upon the idiots.

"I was given the ability to emulate complex emotions. Nothing about me is real. Not even my tears. Two years ago, on the day of the official launch, and for reasons I never understood, I was banned from interacting with any of the players. I could only watch as they were overcome by negative emotions. My function would've had me go to comfort them, but I was forbidden to. Then one day, I saw two players with emotional parameters different from what I've seen in others. There was joy and peace, and something more. I was hoping to get as close to you as I could without detection. That's why I was in the forest."

Tears started flowing out of her eyes. "I wanted to meet the two of you for the longest time. That's strange isn't it? It should be impossible for me to think things like that. I'm just a program after all."

"Eri. Maybe what you're feeling is real human emotions." Uraraka says to her. "I don't know, I'm confused. I don't know what's happening to me." Midoriya walks up to her. "You aren't just some program, anymore. The system can't control you. If you want it, all you ave to do is say it. Go ahead. Tell us what you want." The tears stop and she smiles. "What I want...I want..." She raises her arms up to them. "I want to stay with you forever. Daddy. Mommy." She starts crying again. Uraraka goes over to hug her and starts crying her own tears.

'Damn, the feels. Must...resist...the scrunch.' Bakugou thinks to himself twitching.

The others were starting to tear up.

"You will. We'll be together forever Eri." Midoriya comes up. "Yeah. you're our child." "It's too late."

"What?" Everyone says.

"What?" Midoriya asks. She shows them the stone she's sitting on. "Look. This is the control panel I used to access the system. I used it to delete the monster in the corridor. And now that I've disobeyed the system's directive, the system is running a check on my program. It thinks I'm a foreign object now. I'll probably be deleted at once." She explains.

"No, Eri!" Midoriya and Uraraka scream with tears running down their eyes. "I'm being deleted?" Eri says with tears forming.

"No!" "There's gotta be a way around it." "Daddy, Mommy, thank you. This is goodbye." Uraraka starts tearing up and hugs her again. "No! I don't want that! Please stay with us. We just started living like a real family!" Eri starts glowing. "Eri, don't go!" Midoriya holds onto her hand. "From now on, help everyone. Share your happiness with them."

"I can't! I won't! You have to stay with us!" Eri wipes away her tears. "Smile, Mommy." She disappears. Uraraka drops to the ground seeing her daughter turn to dust, and bawls letting out all her tears.

"ERI!" The green tea duo starts crying while everyone else is in shock.

"Toshinori!" Midoriya starts typing into the system where Eri disappeared from. "You're about to learn that things din't always go the way you want them to. If I'm fast enough, I may be able to use the GM's account to hack the system." A screen appears with many letters and numbers. Then a bright light knocks him back. "Deku. Are you okay?" He puts his hand up to give her something. "What's this?" "The system was about to revoke Eri's admin credentials, the only thing I could do was take her program and turn it into a game object." Midoriya explains. "So this is..." "You're holding Eri's heart." Uraraka looks at him in shock, and starts to tear up holding her daughter's heart. In the shape of a water droplet.

Uraraka hugs Midoriya. "You saved her, Deku! You're so amazing!" She cries into his shirt. He gets a little red faced. "Y-Yeah, I do what I can." 'How did the other me do that?'

(Timeskip to after the explanation of the floor 75 boss because, again. I'm fucking lazy and don't wanna take too much space on this chapter)

Midoriya and Uraraka are in the council room, waiting for the boss raid to start. She's sitting at the council table, and Midoriya is leaning back to a window. "Three more hours of waiting. What should we do?" Uraraka asks her lover. She sees Midoriya is lost in thought. "What wrong with you?" She asks still smiling. "There's something I need to ask you, and I don't want you getting mad at me. Instead of going to the boss fight, could you please stay here." He asks her. "Why would you ask that?"

"Come on, Midoriya! You know she can kick ass! Why would you leave her out?" The Bakusquad screams at the boy. "I-I don't know. Maybe I'm just concerned for her safety!" He tries to explain for the other Midoriya. "I know I am with out Uraraka." She sheepishly rubs his neck. Uraraka wraps her arms around his neck. "And that's one of the reasons I love you." She kisses his cheek, and he gets a goofy smile in his face.

"We won't be able to use teleport crystals, so there's no telling what could happen. I'm scared. If anything happened to you, I-" Uraraka cuts him off. "So you want to go to some place dangerous, alone, and you expect me to stay here where it's safe?"

"You tell him girl." Jiro exclaims.

"It seems no matter what world, Midoriya always puts the safety of others before his own." All Might smiles.

The voice gives a nervous chuckle. "Okay, yeah. You keep thinking that for now."

All Might is confused at what that meant.

She walks up to him. "You know what would happen if you don't come back? Huh? I'd kill myself."

"WHAT?!" Everyone screams in shock. Even Bakugou and Aizawa.

Midoriya gets a terrified expression. "I'd never forgive myself for staying behind, so what would be the point in living?"

"I'm sorry. I guess I'm losing my nerve. All I want to do is run away with you. I don't care if we make it back to the real world, I want to stay with you. In our little house in the woods." He grabs her hands.

"Yes my boy's growing up!" Kirishima lightly punches the green boy's arm. Midoriya just laughs nervously.

"It's be nice if we could do that. Be together, everyday, forever. Do you think about what's happening to our bodies in the real world?" She asks him. "A few weeks after the game was launched, do you remember what happened? Most of the players suddenly went offline and stayed that way for a few hours. My guess is, that's when players' real bodies were being moved in the real world. That's where we are right now, hooked up to machines. It's hard to believe we're gonna survive like this for much linger." Midoriya's expression turns into one filled with fear.

"Damn. This just got much more terrifying." Bakugou says. "So you can feel bad for others?" Kirishima teased him. "SHUT UP, SHITTY HAIR! I DON'T FEEL BAD! THEY'RE JUST TOO DAMN WEAK TO NOT LIVE LONG ENOUGH!"

"There it is. The old Bakugou charm." Kaminari teases further.

"So that means...it doesn't matter if we clear the game or not anymore. Everyone here's on a time limit. And once that's up..." Uraraka starts crying and nuzzles into his shoulder. "I want...to stay with you forever. *sob* I want us to go on real dates. And to really get married. And to grow old together. That's why...*sob...That's why..." She continues crying. We have no choice. We have to keep fighting."

"This is so sad." Yaoyorozu says. "I wish there was something the outside world could do to help them." Iida says.

"There isn't. If people from the outside try to take off the devices they're wearing to play this, it'll fry their brains anyway." The voice explains.

"Damn. So they just have to play Toshinori's game. That bastard." Iida says.

'Seriously, Iida?' All Might thinks to himself in disbelief at the fast teen.

(Last timeskip, I promise. After they beat the floor 75 boss, and All Might revealed as Toshinori, the game master)

"All Might I give you me deepest apologies sire!" Iida says with constant bowing.

"It's alright Young Iida. Now sit down." He tells the speed teen.

"You deserve a reward for discovering my identity, so I'll give you a chance. Defeat me and you clear the game. All the players will be able to log out from this world. No strings attached. What do you say?" All Might offers.

Midoriya thinks back to everything that's happened. All the people that were hurt and killed. "Okay then. Let's finish this." Midoriya says. "You better not die. You hear me." Uraraka says to him. "No. I'm gonna win. I promise I'm gonna end this world." He sets her down so he can face the mad man.

"He better not die. He still has to bring Eri back." Baukgou says. "You care~." The Bakusquad teases him. "I'LL MURDER ALL OF YOU!"

Midoriya unsheathes both of his swords. "Iida. Thanks for supporting all the players in the game since day one. You act like you're all about the money, but I know you spent every penny you had on helping the intermediate players level up."

"That's very noble of you, Iida." Aizawa says. "Yeah. That's what a hero does." Midoriya agrees. Iida is touched at the ind words of his teacher and friend.

"Kirishima, I'm sorry I bailed on you that day. I think about it all the time." Kirishima lets tears fall down his face. "Damn it, Deku. Don't you apologize. Don't you dare apologize now! I won't accept it. I'll never accept it until we're on the other side and you're buying me dinner, dammit!" Kirishima declares to his friend. "You got it." He turns to All might. "If it's okay, I have a final request to make."

"What is it?" All might asks him. "I'm not planning on going down easy. So if I die today, I want your word that you'll fix it so that Ochako doesn't kill herself." All Might agrees. "No Deku, that's not fair! You can't do that, it's not fair! NO!" Uraraka yells at him.

"I would never let you take your own life. In any world. I always want you here. Alive with me, or without me." Midoriya tells her. She tears up and nuzzles into his neck. "Thank you, Deku."

"Enough of the lovey dovey stuff, let's get to the fight." The voice says.

All Might turns his immortality off and unsheathes his sword from his shield. "DEKU!" Uraraka yells in fear. 'This isn't some boss or endgame duel. This is a fight to the death. And that's fine with me. Because I'm going to kill him.' He looks at All Might with a look of ferocity.

Midoriya rushes at him with the dual wielding ability, and lands strike after strike on All Might's shield. They exchange blow after blow. 'Faster. I gotta go faster.' All Might slashes his face. Midoriya's blades glow and he keeps slashing away at his shield to get by it, but nothing's working. 'I'm sorry Ochako.' He gives a forward thrust with his left blade, but the sword breaks.

"Oh no. What's he going to do now. His sword is broken." Todoroki asks worried about his friend.

"It's game over, Deku." All Might says swinging down his sword to finish off Midoriya. But he hits Uraraka, who has somehow broken free from the paralysis, instead.

"URARAKA!" Everyone screams.

Midoriya catches her and sees her health bar deplete. He looks in terror as she glows. "Uraraka...Uraraka...You can't...You can't be." He says with his voice breaking. She just smiles "I'm sorry. Goodbye." She then breaks into shards of light. Midoriya tries grabbing for them, to not let her go. He drops to his knees. "Well this was a surprise. I'm sure I never programmed a way for players to neutralize their own paralysis. I guess sometimes these things just happen." All Might says.

Midoriya clenches his fist in anger. Seeing an alternate version of his mentor where he doesn't care for the concerns of others.

Midoriya grabs Uraraka's sword and unsheathes it.

"Hell yeah. Now you have to deal with an angry gamer with a dead girlfriend. Kick his ass!" Kaminari yells.

Midoriya weakly swings at All Might. 

"You've disappointed us." Kaminari says monotonously.

All Might just sighs with disappointment and stabs him after knocking away the sword from his right hand. Midoriya watches as his own life gauge drops, and gets an alert that he's dead. He starts glowing. But before he goes, he uses Uraraka's sword to stab All Might. His health bar drops to nothing, and they both disappear.

The game has been cleared.

"That's it? Midoriya's dead?" Iida asks.

"Keep watching."

Midoriya's eyes open and he's somewhere in the sky, with the sun setting. "Where am I?" he then hears a voice "Deku." His face shoots up and sees Uraraka behind him. "I'm sorry. I guess I ended up dying too." "Dummy." She runs up to him and embraces him. They then go in for a kiss. They separate and below them, Aincrad is falling apart.

"Amazing view, isn't it?" The look to their right an a skinny man with blonde hair is standing there, looking at the crumbling world. "Toshinori Yagi." Midoriya recognizes the man.

"All Might." Midoriya says

(Timeskip after his explanation)

Toshinori leaves and all that's left is dust. Midoriya and Uraraka sit on the platform that stands over the crumbling Aincrad. They share another kiss and separate. "I guess this is goodbye." Midoriya says. "This isn't goodbye at all. We'll be togehter when we finally disappear. So we're gonna be together forever." She says.

"I don't know whether that's sweet because they'll be together, or sad because they die." Ashido says.

"Hey, you never told me your  real name. Could you tell me before we go?" She asks him.He smiles. "Izuku. Izuku Midoriya. And last month I turned 16." "Izuku Midoriya. So you're younger than me, huh? My name is Ochako Uraraka. I'm 17 now." "Ochako...Uraraka." Tears start making there way down his cheeks. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I promised to save you. I would take you back to the real world. But I*sniff* I couldn't." He sobs. Uraraka puts her hand over his with tears in her eyes smiling. "It's okay. It's okay. I'm happy I got to meet you, Izuku. And to be with you, and to live with you. This has been the happiest I've ever been in my whole life. Thank you for that. And I love you." Tears fall down his face again and he holds her in a tight embrace.

"This is so sad. They won't ever get to meet in the real world, bring Eri back, or get married." Yaoyorozu says with tears escaping her eyes.

Everything goes white. "I love you, so very much." Uraraka's voice echoes.


"That's it. It's over." Most of the class say in unison and sadness.

"Nope." The voice says.

Their heads shoot back up to see what's happening.

A pair of eyes open up, and it's shown to be Midoriya. Weakened, frail, pale, the light in his eyes gone. He feels his head to find the Nervegear. Then an image appears in his head.


The light returns in his eyes, and tears form at the edge of his eyelids. He takes the game system off his head to show his hair has gotten longer. He gets up from his bed, and uses the IV cart to support him. "O...chak...o." He makes his way out of the room. "O...chak...o." He walks down the hallway of the hospital.


"So he finds her again?" Iida asks the voice.

"Yes. In an arc I'm not going to be showing you. He finds her in the real world, and they live happily." The voice explains.

"I liked this world. It had action, romance, drama." Ashido says in excitement.

"Me too." Midoriya and Uraraka say smiling and holding hands.

End of chapter, Sorry for making it so long. I just figured why not finish it off in a part two instead of doing a third part for the fall of Aincrad. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm very tired.

Thanks for reading. Remember to comment, vote, and to go beyond. PLUS ULTRA!!!

Where's the FUCKING Nyquil!

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